RMC Newsletter

Rocky Mountain Conference
of The United Methodist Church

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Important Datestop

  • April 25-27, 2014: Youth Quest
  • June 19-22, 2014: Annual Conference

For more events, please see the calendar on our website.

Quick Links
Here are some links to pages you might want to visit frequently:

List of Newsletter Items
  • David Barton and Family
  • Previously Posted Prayer Requests
  • One Great Hour of Sharing
  • Same-sex union complaints filed against bishop
  • Peacemaker Award Nominees Sought
  • CORR Action Fund Grant
  • Knudsen and Templin Award Nominees Sought
  • Ordination Anniversaries
  • Missionary in RMC May 5-25, 2014
  • Spiritual Directors & Direction
  • Elizabeth Chartering is March 30th
  • An Evening with Donald Miller
  • Your Next Move: A Workshop on Clergy Transitions
  • United Methodist Women Spiritual Life Retreat
  • Youth Quest 2014: Registration Open!
  • Annual Conference 2014
  • Spiritual Day Apart 2014 - Metropolitan District United Methodist Women
  • Lay Servant Ministries Spring Classes - Metropolitan District & Mile High Sub-District
  • AMPLIFY: A Wyoming Sub-District Youth Event!
  • Wyoming Spring Sub-District Conference
  • Rev. Frank Schaefer to Speak at First UMC, Boulder, CO and Aspen Community UMC, Aspen, CO
  • Free Choir & Organ Concert, Trinity UMC, Denver, CO
  • Volunteer-in-Mission Leader Training - Heritage UMC, Littleton, CO
  • 2014 UMC Continuing Education Resources
  • Director of Music - Phillips UMC, Lakewood, CO
  • Previously posted jobs
  • FREE: Choral Music Collection
  • Wanted: Church Partners for Transportation of UMCOR Kits

prayersprayer requests
David Barton and Family

Prayers are requested for David Barton, pastor of the Haxtun UMC in Haxton, CO, and his family. His mother, Glenda West Barton, passed away March 13, 2014 during the early morning hours. Services will be held for her on Monday, March 17, 2014, in Punta Gorda, FL. David and Jeanne are traveling to be with family and friends to celebrate her life. Expressions of care may be sent to David Barton, PO Box 145, Haxtun, CO 80731-0145.


Previously Posted Prayer Requests

Please click here for a link to all previously posted prayer requests.


newsrocky mountain conference news

One Great Hour of Sharing

Before and on March 30, you can help get your congregation involved in helping UMCOR respond to disasters. UMC Giving has created a One Great Hour of Sharing Pastor's Kit for everything you could need for this special Sunday. It contains bulletin inserts, graphic images, children's sermons and more! You can also download an e-book devotional. Using these tools, it's easier to explain, promote and inspire your congregation to donate to UMCOR.


Same-sex union complaints filed against bishop

(UMNS) - Formal complaints have been filed against retired Bishop Melvin G. Talbert alleging "he has violated the sacred trust of his office," said a March 13 statement from the Western Jurisdiction College of Bishops.

Peacemaker Award Nominees Sought

The RMCUMC Church and Society Team is seeking nominations for the Peacemaker of the Year and the Lifetime Peacemaker Award. Nominate a peacemaker today at http://www.rmcumc.org/new/mission-and-ministry/advocacy/48-church-and-society.html.  Nominations are due by May 1st and recipients will be recognized at the Peace with Justice Breakfast at Annual Conference 2014.


CORR Action Fund Grant

The United Methodist's Church's General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR) is seeking to fund innovative, bold, high-impact initiatives that will increase intercultural competency or support vital conversations about race, cultural diversity, and systemic equity. Share your idea for transforming the Church and the world. Apply today for a $20,000 to $80,000 CORR Action Fund grant. Annual Conferences, Churches, Seminaries, Jurisdictions, and Caucuses--all are invited and eligible to apply. Learn More


Knudsen and Templin Award Nominees Sought

Nominees are being sought for the annual Harold C. Knudsen Historic Preservation Award and the J. Alton Templin Development Award. The deadline for application is April 28th. For more information, please click here.


Ordination Anniversaries

Annually, The Conference Historical Society/Commission on Archives and History honors those persons who are observing the fifty, forty, twenty-five and twenty year Anniversaries of their ordination as Elder/Deacon/Consecration and Admitted Into Full Conference Membership at the Clergy Session of the Annual Conference. To obtain as complete a listing as possible, if you are celebrating one of these anniversaries this year, please contact Jim Harris at rckymn2000@yahoo.com so your name can be added to the list and so that an invitation can be sent. View the list


Missionary in RMC May 5-25, 2014

Kennedy Cruz, United Methodist missionary serving in Cambodia, will be itinerating in Rocky Mountain Conference from May 5-25, 2014. Ken's mission involves ministering to needs of people in 85 mostly rural communities in Cambodia through the local Methodist churches. Churches wishing to schedule Ken should contact Joanie Calhoun at jimnjo30@aol.com or (303) 955-1185.


Spiritual Directors & Direction

Are you in need of Spiritual Direction? Are you a Spiritual Director and would like to be included in the listing for The Association of United Methodist Spiritual Directors within The Rocky Mountain Conference? Please contact John Blinn johnphil@companionspirit.com


Elizabeth Chartering is March 30th

The Elizabeth United Methodists (a campus of Parker UMC) will officially become Elizabeth United Methodist Church in a chartering worship and celebration on March 30th. It's been 11 years since the last church chartered in this Conference. All are invited to join us in celebrating. Find more information on the website. We would also appreciate your blessings.  Send written or video blessings from your church to:  teri@elizabethunitedmethodists.org


An Evening with Donald Miller

Young Peoples Ministries of the Rocky Mountain Conference is proud to be a co-sponsor with four other churches for an evening with Donald Miller. The event will be held at St. Andrew UMC on April 11th at 7:00pm. The cost is $15.  Check out this link to register for the event.


If you have any ideas for ministries, short-term or ongoing, geared towards young people and you're looking for some help turning the vision into a reality, please feel free to contact Young Peoples Ministries at 303.389.9478 or matthew@rmcumc.org. We'd love to support your ministries!


Your Next Move: A Workshop on Clergy Transitions

The DS has just called, or the announcement has just been made to the church - the pastor is moving and a new one is on the way. Whether you are the clergy making the move or the congregation receiving a new pastor, transition is a time full of both anticipation and anxiety. Your Next Move is a workshop designed to help clergy and congregations develop intentional transition plans for those critical first months together, which can often make or break the new leader's tenure. The workshop will be held on April 26 at Hope UMC in Greenwood Village, CO, from 9:00AM to 3:00PM (includes lunch). Cost of the workshop is $20 per person, which includes lunch and workshop materials. To register, download the PDF form.


United Methodist Women Spiritual Life Retreat

This spring, take time to nurture the sacred within you and the communities you are part of. The Rocky Mountain Conference United Methodist Women's Spiritual Life Retreat will be held at the YMCA Camp of the Rockies in Estes Park, CO from May 2-4, 2014. Rev. Margaret Gillikin and Rev. Stephanie Price will be leading the retreat with the topic of "Nurturing the Sacred Center." Click here to learn more and to register.


Youth Quest 2014: Registration Open!

Youth Quest registration is now open.  Click here to get to both online and paper registration!  The early deadline ends March 31, 2014 so register now!


Annual Conference 2014

Annual Conference 2014 will be held at the Pueblo Convention Center in Pueblo, CO from June 19-22, 2014. Please visit our website (www.rmcumc.org/ac14) for all of the information.


Spiritual Day Apart 2014 - Metropolitan District United Methodist Women
  • Saturday, March 29 from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM
  • Mother Cabrini Shrine
  • Registration: $5 (hot lunch: extra $10)
  • Please contact Opal Longino at longino@peoplepc.com to register by March 21
  • Retreat leader is Rev. Teresa Benedett-Faarmer, spiritual director and retired United Methodist Pastor
Lay Servant Ministries Spring Classes - Metropolitan District & Mile High Sub-District
  • Friday, April 25 (6:30-9:00 PM) and Saturday, April 26 (8:30 AM to 4:00 PM)
  • Heritage UMC, Littleton, CO
  • Basic Lay Servant Course (English and Spanish) and Advanced courses ("Go Preach" in English and "Devotional Life in the Wesleyan Tradition" in Spanish)
  • Click here to download registration form
  • Click here to download information about classes
  • For questions, contact Melba Taylor: melbataylor@comcast.net or (303) 246-6190 or Bill Cosbey: bcos7@outlook.com or (303) 840-8535
AMPLIFY: A Wyoming Sub-District Youth Event!
  • Looking for a great youth event to attend in the spring?  Check out Amplify, a youth event held in Casper, Wyoming on March 29-30, 2014.  For more information and to register, check out this page.
Wyoming Spring Sub-District Conference
  • April 5th, 2014 from 8:45 AM to 2:45 PM
  • First UMC, Laramie, WY
  • "What Works: Authentic & Fruitful Ministry Practices for Today's Church"

Rev. Frank Schaefer to Speak at First UMC, Boulder, CO and Aspen Community UMC, Aspen, CO

Rev. Frank Schaefer, whose ordination was revoked by the Eastern Pennsylvania conference of the United Methodist Church, will be the guest preacher on March 21st at Aspen Community UMC and again on March 23rd at First United Methodist Church of Boulder.  At Aspen Community UMC, Rev. Schaefer will be interviewed by Roger Adams of Aspen Public Radio at 5:30 PM, followed by a reception. At FUMC Boulder, Rev. Schaefer will speak with the Adult Forum at 9:00 AM, preach during worship at 10:30 AM, and lead an open conversation with area clergy and lay leaders in the afternoon from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM.


Free Choir & Organ Concert, Trinity UMC, Denver, CO

The Denver chapter of the American Guild of Organists, along with Trinity UMC and First Plymouth UCC, will present a huge choir and organ concert on Sunday, March 30th at 2 PM at Trinity UMC in Denver, CO. The combined choirs will total more than 100 voices and will feature organ accompaniment and organ solos.


Volunteer-in-Mission Leader Training - Heritage UMC, Littleton, CO

A Volunteer-in-Mission Leader Training will be held on Saturday, March 29, 2014 at the Heritage UMC in Littleton, CO. It will begin at 10:00 and end at 12:30. VIM Leader Training is needed by persons interested in leading future VIM trips, but is also very helpful to any person interested in furthering their knowledge about the VIM program. We will be using A Mission Journey, a new handbook for volunteers from the GBGM (available from the Upper Room bookstore and Amazon).  Reservations are required so that additional information can be e-mailed to participants. Please contact Anita and Roger Williams at anitaandroger@msn.com or 970 613 1521 to reserve a spot at the training.


Would you like to see your church's events here? You can! Please click here for submission guidelines.

2014 UMC Continuing Education Resources

Director of Music - Phillips UMC, Lakewood, CO

Phillips UMC in Lakewood is currently seeking a Director of Music. The Director of Music will be responsible for all planning, coordination and implementation of music for the Chancel Choir at worship services, and possibly several small ensemble groups. Skill in directing a Philharmonic Bell Choir is desirable, but not required. The Director of Music must be skilled in the general art of choral music, including selection of music, rehearsals and performance preparation, and performance direction. It is intended to fill the position by early summer to allow for sufficient time before the normal church year program begins in early September. Interested candidates should submit a Cover Letter and Resume to the attention of Kevin Conroy, Chair SPR, at pumc1450@juno.com or via regular mail to PUMC, 1450 S. Pierce Street, Lakewood, Colorado 80232. Click for full job description.


Previously Posted Jobs

If you would like to see jobs that were in a previous newsletter, please click here. The page contains all currently posted jobs as well as instructions for how to include your church's job opening in our next newsletter.

classifieds classifieds
FREE: Choral Music Collection

Warren United Methodist Church offers its extensive choral music collection to any church that could use it. This collection is in 2 filing cabinets and several cardboard boxes. Please contact Lee at 720-237-6671 to arrange a time to access the collection and take it to your church. Warren UMC ceases to exist as a worshipping community at the end of the service on Pentecost 2014 (June 8). The Rocky Mountain Conference of the United Methodist Church will be forming a ministry center in the building during the following months. In preparation for this event, there will be other various items for sale or donation over the next couple of months. Watch for other announcements as we get closer to that date and have other items in which you may be interested.


Wanted: Church Partners for Transportation of UMCOR Kits

Howard UMC in Last Chance, CO is looking for churches to partner with in regularly getting UMCOR Kits to the UMCOR Depot in Salt Lake City. Please contact Rev. Linda Hoover at HowardUMC@outlook.com if you are interested.


RMC Communications Reminders


You are receiving this email because you are subscribed to the RMC Communications newsletter list. This list typically includes the following newsletters:

  • [RMC Newsletter] - Sent out on Mondays and includes appointments, events, news, prayer requests, job postings, classifieds, and more.
  • [M&M Monthly] - Sent out at the end of every month and briefly describes the missions and ministries of the Rocky Mountain Conference
  • Letters from Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky
  • Urgent news as necessary
Clergy are expected to receive these newsletters.
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