RMC Newsletter

Rocky Mountain Conference
of The United Methodist Church

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Important Datestop

  • January 24-26, 2014: Youth Leadership Conference
  • February 15, 2014: Statistics due in EZRA
  • June 19-22, 2014: Annual Conference

For more events, please see the calendar on our website.

List of Newsletter Items
  • Retirement Announcements
  • Church Appointment Openings
  • Cabinet Announcements: Marv Vose and Deb Olenyik
  • Family of Brian Johnson
  • Previously Posted Prayer Requests
  • Mike Robbins
  • Spiritual Directors
  • Housing Accommodations for General Conference
  • Youth Worker Resource Give-Away
  • Youth Resource Collective
  • Angola Missionary Ininerating in RMC
  • Youth Leadership Conference:  January 24-26
  • Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - Resources
  • Stop Babies from Being Born with HIV - 4th Annual Valentine's AIDS Offering
  • Second "Annual" Rocky Mountain Conference VIM Trip to Costa Rica
  • Winter Camp for Friends and Families
  • Westside Weekend - Youth Event
  • Mile High Pikes Peak District Conference
  • AMPLIFY: Wyoming Youth Conference - Save the Date
  • Wyoming Spring Sub-District Conference - Save the Date
  • Northeast Colorado Lay Servant Ministry Classes
  • Early Response Training - Cheyenne, Wyoming
  • Organ Showcase - Christ Church United Methodist, Denver, CO
  • Christian Hope & Ecological Healing - St. Andrew UMC, Highlands Ranch, CO
  • Brian McLaren - First Congregational United Church of Christ, Boulder, CO
  • Church Communications Strategies - Faith Community Lutheran Church, Longmont, CO
  • RMC clergy publishes book about colonization and proselytization
  • Children's Prayer Seminar - Heritage UMC, Littleton, CO
  • 2014 UMC Continuing Education Resources

Job Postings

  • Preschool Assistant - First UMC, Canon City, CO
  • Previously posted jobs
  • Green River UMC Closing - Items Available for Purchase
  • Folding Chair Give-Away at Parker UMC
  • FREE - Lowery Holiday Organ



Retirement Announcements

The following clergy have announced their intention to retire June 30, 2014. The RMC is appreciative of their years of service. There will be an opportunity to greet them and wish them farewell at the 2014 Annual Conference session.


Marvin R. Vose

Ross B. Kershaw

T. Steve Burnett

E. Marie Gasau

Richard G. Calhoun, Jr.

Paul Holland, Jr.

H. Eugene Sharp


Church Appointment Openings

The following churches have been identified as clear openings by the RMC Cabinet. If any clergy would like to be considered for appointment to one of these churches, they should speak to their district superintendent.


FUMC of Golden, Colorado

FUMC of Casper, Wyoming

FUMC of Pueblo, Colorado

FUMC of Newcastle, Wyoming 

Erie UMC

Basalt Community UMC (part-time)

Palisade UMC (part-time)


Cabinet Announcements: Marv Vose and Deb Olenyik

Superintendent Marvin R. Vose has announced his intention to retire June 30, 2014. Marv Vose has served numerous churches in the Rocky Mountain as well as serving two times as district superintendent. The Rocky Mountain Conference will miss his leadership, but wish him and his wife Caroline well as they enter this new chapter of their lives.


Bishop Elaine Stanovsky intends to appoint District Superintendent Debra Olenyik to the state of Wyoming for another year. Under Deb Olenyik's leadership the Yellowstone Annual Conference and the Rocky Mountain Conference have experimented for two and a half years with sharing one district superintendent for all of the Wyoming United Methodist churches. 


prayersprayer requests

Family of Brian Johnson

Prayers are requested for the family and friends of Brian Johnson, son of Rev. Nikki Johnson. He passed away recently after a battle with cancer. Condolences may be sent to nikkotime@embarqmail.com.


Previously Posted Prayer Requests

Please click here for a link to all previously posted prayer requests.


newsrocky mountain conference news
Mike Robbins

The Littleton Police Department's investigation of third-party allegations against, Mike Robbins, former Director of Youth Ministries of Littleton United Methodist Church, has been closed with no charges forthcoming.  Please continue to keep Mike and the church in your prayers in the days ahead.


-District Superintendent Melanie Rosa

-Rev. Trudy Robinson, Sr. Pastor, Littleton UMC


Spiritual Directors

Are you in need of Spiritual Direction? Are you a Spiritual Director and would like to be included in the listing for The Association of United Methodist Spiritual Directors within The Rocky Mountain Conference? Please contact John Blinn by emailing: johnphil@companionspirit.com


Housing Accommodations for General Conference

The Commission on General Conference has selected Connections Housing as the official accommodations partner for the 2016 General Conference in Portland, Ore. and the 2020 General Conference in Minneapolis, Minn. General Conference 2016 will take place May 10-20 at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland. Scheduled for May 5-15 in 2020, General Conference will be held at the Minneapolis Convention Center. For more information, please click here.


Youth Worker Resource Give-Away

Looking for some new resources to test out?  Sign up for our monthly Youth Worker Resource Give-Away!  It's simple.  Send your name, contact information, and church name to Matthew Graham at matthew@rmcumc.com to be entered.  From that pool, we'll have a drawing on the last day of the month and post the video on both our Conference Facebook page as well as our Youth Worker Facebook page.  All we ask is that after you receive these resources and have used them that you write a 2-3 paragraph (or more) review of the resource to be shared with conference youth workers.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Matthew using the email above.


Youth Resource Collective

Do you have youth curriculum or resources that you don't think you'll be using any time soon?  Or, are you looking for some new resources but don't think your local church can afford the purchase?  Let's start sharing!


E-mail matthew@rmcumc.com with either the resources you'd like to share or the resources you'd want to use.  We will publish both categories in our Conference Newsletter and on our RMC Youth Worker page.  If you'd like to be part of that group, let Matthew know! He will work to match up both "gives" and "receives" so that our resources can get from one place to the other.  Also, send your receipts for postage to Matthew for reimbursement!  This is connectionalism, right?!?  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Matthew at the email above.


Angola Missionary Ininerating in RMC

Missionary serving in Angola to visit in RMC. Ken Koome Nkanda will be itinerating in churches in our conference from April 21 -May 4. He is seeking places to share about the work of the United Methodist Church in Angola. Church groups, UMWs, UMMs are asked to contact Joanie Calhoun at (303) 955-1185 or jimnjo30@aol.com to schedule a time. 


Youth Leadership Conference:  January 24-26
Youth Leadership Conference is coming up this weekend. Check out our updated schedule!


Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - Resources

United Methodists around the world are encouraged to participate in the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which is Jan. 18-25 this year. The Office of Christian Unity and Interreligious Relationships, United Methodist Council of Bishops, has online resources.


Stop Babies from Being Born with HIV - 4th Annual Valentine's AIDS Offering


As Rocky Mountain Conference Churches plan for the 4th Annual AIDS Valentine's offering February 9 or 16, the chair of the Rocky Mountain Global AIDS Fund, Don Messer, noted that, "Every child has a right to be born without HIV or AIDS.  It almost never happens anymore in the USA, but globally almost 1,000 children are born daily with HIV, because they lack medicine and medical care." 


75% of the funds given will be used to stop mother-to-child transmission at a Methodist hospital in Liberia.  The other 25% will be divided to benefit AIDS orphans in Kenya and a free HIV clinic for women and children in India.


This year's theme is "Have a Heart - Reach Out."  New this year is a poster and logo contest to spark interest and creativity among our young people.  Details will be forthcoming by email.  For more details, contact Don Messer at globalaids@gmail.com


Second "Annual" Rocky Mountain Conference VIM Trip to Costa Rica

Dates have just been confirmed for the 2014 Costa Rica service trip for April 19 - 26. The team will continue work on houses for the Methodist Children's Home of Costa Rica. Trip leaders are Rev. Gil and Beth Miller. 


For additional information, please email gilson.miller@gmail.com.


Winter Camp for Friends and Families

February 14-17, 2014

Come enjoy the beauty of winter and time away with friends and family-in whatever configuration works for you! This special retreat combines winter recreation and the Mission u spiritual life study, "Living Sacramentally, Walking Justly"*. It's a weekend set aside for singles, friends, and families of all sizes and ages to be together in Christian fellowship in a relaxed setting. Located at John Wesley Ranch Retreat Center (21285 St. Highway 67, Divide, CO 80814). For more information see the flyer and registration form. This information is also available on the RMC website.


Westside Weekend - Youth Event
Mile High Pikes Peak District Conference
  • Saturday, March 1, 2014 from 9 AM to 12:30 PM
  • Tri-Lakes UMC, Monument, CO
  • "Cultivating the Tree of Life Together"
  • Bishop Elaine Stanovsky will be the keynote speaker, and workshops will be offered on Healing Relationships, Empowering Healthy Leaders,  Anxiety In the Church, Missional Mindset, Communication Technology, Images of Transformational Churches.  Everyone is welcome, and you will be inspired!  The registration deadline is February 15, and childcare is provided.   Visit mhpp.rmcumc.org to register. 

AMPLIFY: Wyoming Youth Conference - Save the Date
  • March 29 & 30, 2014
  • Registrar: Kathie Walker, kathiew@bresnan.net or (307) 234-9385
Wyoming Spring Sub-District Conference - Save the Date
  • March 22, 2014
  • First UMC, Laramie, WY
Northeast Colorado Lay Servant Ministry Classes
  • Lay Servant Ministry Classes will be held at Christ United Methodist Church, 104 S. 4th, Sterling, CO on Friday, February 21st from 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM (bring your own sack supper) and Saturday, February 22nd  from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM (continental breakfast & lunch provided).
  • Dancing with Words will be the text used for the Advanced Class.  There will also be a Basic Class.  All participants are asked to order their own books. 
  • Please call Ken at 970-571-5040 for more information.

Early Response Training - Cheyenne, Wyoming
  • Saturday, March 8, 2014, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
  • Frontier UMC, Cheyennne, WY (1888 East Four Mile Road, Cheyenne, WY 82001)
  • Please register with Bruce Wells, RMC ERT Coordinator, by calling (303) 773-9129 or email brucewells@msn.com
  • Trainers for the event are Betsy Keyack and Don Falvey
  • Help with refreshments, snacks and lunch is needed. If you can help with these please contact Kyle Cameron at (307) 778-3098 or email frontierumc@gmail.com
  • It is important for the team building to begin immediately. If you have UMVIM Team Leader training or if you have participated in a VIM mission trip, please let Kyle know at frontierumc@gmail.com
  • For more information on UMCOR or on the ERT training, please visit http://www.umcor.org 

Organ Showcase - Christ Church United Methodist, Denver, CO

Christ Church United Methodist and the Denver Chapter of the American Guild of Organists is presenting an Organ Showcase at 2:00pm on Sunday, February 16th at Christ Church - 690 Colorado Blvd, in Denver. Come hear about the history of our 1964/2012 Reuter pipe organ. You can bring music to play or come enjoy the performance. Open to everyone, no tickets required, reception following. For more information call 303-322-0784 or view our flyer.


Christian Hope & Ecological Healing - St. Andrew UMC, Highlands Ranch, CO

-Tuesdays, February 4-25, 2014; 7:00-9:00 PM

-Fee: $15 due at registration

The promise of Christianity is that our faith is good news - not in some abstract way, but with the ability to bring real hope and healing to individuals and the world. In this time of great environmental threats, we ask ourselves, "What is the Christian good news for such a world?" Peter Sawtell will invite you into new ways of worshipping and serving God. Each session will connect biblical and theological insights with practical, earth-honoring, spiritual disciplines. For more information, contact Jennifer Titus (jtitus@st-andrew-umc.com).


Brian McLaren - First Congregational United Church of Christ, Boulder, CO

Brian McLaren (RMC Annual Conference 2013 Keynote Speaker), along with several other authors, will be speaking on a panel about the evolutionary future of Jesus' teaching. This public event will be held on Tuesday evening, January 28th, from 7 PM to 9 PM at the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Boulder, CO (1128 Pine Street). Please click here for more information and author profiles.


Church Communications Strategies - Faith Community Lutheran Church, Longmont, CO

A church communications strategies workshop will be held on Thursday, February 13 from 9 AM to noon at Faith Community Lutheran Church in Longmont, CO. This is for everyone from Sunday ushers and greeters to Facebook and websites. Scott Caughan is spot on with good advice, entertaining, and speaks from experience as an ordained pastors and church leader. The workshop costs $35 and includes food. Click here to register.


RMC clergy publishes book about colonization and proselytization

In January, Tezenlo Thong, pastor of Simpson United Methodist Church, published a book, entitled Progress and Its Impact on the Nagas: A Clash of Worldviews, through Ashgate Publishing, based in the United Kingdom. The book details the effects of colonization and proselytization on the Nagas and their culture. The Nagas were colonized by the British and proselytized by the Americans. The author, who received a Ph.D. in Religion and Social Change in 2009 from the University of Denver and the Iliff School, is a Naga who consciously brings this ethnic identity and cultural experience to bear on his theoretical analyses. This book will be of interest to those who want to learn more about the cumulative effect of colonialism, commerce and Christianity (3Cs) or military, money and mission (3Ms) on cultures at the periphery.


Children's Prayer Seminar - Heritage UMC, Littleton, CO

Rev. Leeanne Hadley will present a morning seminar designed for all adults, parents, Sunday School teachers, etc. who would like to learn more about teaching our children how to pray.  Seminar is Sat., Feb. 22 at 9 am til noon (registration at 8:30 am) followed by lunch.  $25 Adult Early Bird Registration before Feb. 14; $35 registration after Feb. 14 (registration fee includes lunch).  Limited childcare is available if reserved well in advance ($10/ child; includes lunch). More info: 303-979-8374 or info@umheritage.com. Heritage UMC is at 7077 South Simms Street, Littleton, CO  80127 (next door to Chatfield Sr. High).  www.umheritage.com


Would you like to see your church's events here? You can! Please click here for submission guidelines.

2014 UMC Continuing Education Resources


Preschool Assistant - First UMC, Canon City, CO

We are looking for individuals with a high-energy level and who are passionate about working, teaching and learning from children every day. Must be Group Leader qualified and pursuing classes in ECE. Must be able to connect between our families and the children. Please only apply if you are able to commit for an extended time period. Preferred skills: Must be able to obtain CPR certification within first 30 days and pass background check. References are required. Position is full time year around. There are no benefits. Email resume, college transcripts and verifiable experience to employer at cindyadams@canonumc.org.


Previously Posted Jobs

If you would like to see jobs that were in a previous newsletter, please click here. The page contains all currently posted jobs as well as instructions for how to include your church's job opening in our next newsletter.

classifieds classifieds
Green River UMC Closing - Items Available for Purchase

The Green River United Methodist Church, Wyoming will have their final Worship Service on February 2, 2014 and the building must be vacated by February 15, 2014.  The following items are available. Any and all offers will be considered.  Contact Green River representative, Merrilyn Shanebrook for more information at shanebrookjg@gmail.com, 307-871-1361 cell, or 307-875-5541 home. Please click here to download the list of items.


Folding Chair Give-Away at Parker UMC

Parker United Methodist Church has way too many folding chairs. We would like them to go to a new home that will put them to use.  All you need to do is schedule a time to come and pick them up.  We have about 200 to give away! You can contact Linda DePoy by email at lhdepoy@gmail.com.


FREE - Lowery Holiday Organ

A Lowery Holiday Organ is available for FREE to whoever wants to move it. Double keyboards, 2 1/2 octave foot pedals. Suitable for home, small church, nursing home meeting room, etc. Excellent condition with all instruction books. Call for Lynda or Orin at (303) 420-6486 or Lynda's cell at (303) 478-3005.


RMC Communications Reminders


You are receiving this email because you are subscribed to the RMC Communications newsletter list. This list typically includes the following newsletters:

  • [RMC Newsletter] - Sent out on Mondays and includes appointments, events, news, prayer requests, job postings, classifieds, and more.
  • [M&M Monthly] - Sent out at the end of every month and briefly describes the missions and ministries of the Rocky Mountain Conference
  • Letters from Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky
  • Urgent news as necessary
Clergy are expected to receive these newsletters.
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