District K
Contact Information
900 Bagby, First Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Main Office:
832-393-3016 Office
832-395-9410 Fax
Satellite Office:
832-393-4203 Office
832-395-9410 Fax
District Email:
Click here
Archived Newsletters:
Click here
Click here |
Historic Flood Hits District K
The flood that pounded the Houston area on May 25-26, directly impacted the residents of District K. As a result, Mayor Parker and Harris County Judge Ed Emmett solicited the assistance of FEMA declaring Harris County and its municipalities a flood disaster area.
Those residents that were affected by structural damages are advised to report all flood damage to 311 so the City of Houston can effectively analyze the flood patterns.
The City's Public Works & Engineering Dept. (PWE) has created a webpage for accessing frequently asked questions with information on how to determine whether your home is located in the floodplain (which impacts the requirements for repairs), how to obtain the appropriate permitting for repairs, how to obtain a Substantial Damage Determination letter from the City of Houston (which is needed in some cases to apply for certain types of federal assistance), and more. Please access http://www.publicworks.houstontx.gov/storm-damage-repair.html.
As a note, residents whose homes are located in the floodplain must contact the City of Houston Flood Management Office (FMO) prior to making repairs. The FMO can be reached at (832) 394-8854 or via email at fmo@houstontx.gov. You may also visit the FMO in person at the Houston Permitting Center (1002 Washington Ave.) from Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
For those that were directly affected by the May 25-26 flood, volunteer attorneys from the Houston Bar Association are answering questions over the phone and providing legal advice. Houstonians are encouraged to call 713-759-1133 to speak to an attorney knowledgeable in insurance matters, property, landlord/tenant law, contracts, disaster assistance and other consumer issues. In addition, the State Bar of Texas has set up a legal hotline at http://www.hba.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/State-Bar-Disaster-Hotline.pdf.
Thanks to the Meyerland Community Improvement Association, FEMA is allowed to locate their Disaster Recovery Center on their property (4999 West Bellfort -- adjacent to the Meyer Branch Library).This is a one-stop shop for affected residents to connect with FEMA staff, as well as City and non-governmental agencies. The Center is open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., 7 days per week until further notice.
As of date, storm debris pickup is underway and all Solid Waste Dept. services (including trash, recycling, yard waste, and junk waste unrelated to the storm events) have resumed their normal schedules. The District K office will continue to monitor the areas within District K that were impacted the most for additional heavy trash collection.
Council Member Larry Green Brings Civic Art to District K
As part of Council Member Green's Klean It Up/Green It Up Campaign, on June 6, CM Green, along with the City of Houston Mayor's Office of Cultural Affairs, the Public Works & Engineering Dept., and the Houston Arts Alliance, unveiled the first of 31 mini-mural civic art projects within District K at the corner of West Bellfort Ave. at Willowbend Blvd. This is a pilot project sponsored through CM Green's council service budget to transform 31 traffic signal electrical boxes into mini-murals throughout District K.

"I'm very excited that our council office is bringing civic art to District K. Moreover I'm thrilled to work with UP Art Studio, which is the conduit for this mini-mural project," states Council Member Larry Green. "Unfortunately, council districts outside Loop 610 don't have the same opportunity to acquire civic art as those areas inside the Loop. This civic arts project will expose these electrical boxes' mini-murals as a legacy initiative toward fostering civic art not only within District K neighborhoods but to the entire city."
This civic arts project converts blight into art by reimagining electrical control boxes (also known as signal cabinets or utility boxes) as blank canvasses brimming with creative opportunity. Once painted by a local artist, the boxes, which are located at very intersection with a traffic signal, are intended to help install civic pride while beautifying neighborhoods and streetscapes across Houston. The mini-mural pilot phase will kick-off with 15 urban artist commissioned by UP Art Studio to these electrical boxes within District K into colorful works of art.
Council Member Green is the first to make a substantial commitment to this civic arts project in which this pilot phase is being made possible by the support of Houston Council Member Larry Green's council service fund.
The first mini-mural was painted by the world-class muralist and street artist, Anat Ronen. Other participating artists for the remainder District K traffic control cabinets includes 2:12, Alex "Zu" Arzu, Ana Maria, Cutthroat, Dual, Gabriel Prusmack, GONZO247, Jessica Guerra, Lee Washington, Sebastien "Mr. D" Boileau, Pilot FX, Shelbi---Nicole, w3r3on3, and Wiley.
With the pilot phase, UP Art Studio and its partners aim to raise awareness of the project in order to expand to other areas across Houston, especially areas that are art deficient. The electrical box mini-mural civic arts project is a fiscally sponsored project of Fresh Arts, a nonprofit arts service organization. For information about the project, visit www.minimurals.org.
Hiram Clarke
Council Member Green Commemorates the Groundbreaking of the Buffalo Speedway Project
Last month, Council Member Green organized a groundbreaking ceremony relative to the construction start of the Buffalo Speedway roadway project that will extend from the dead-end terminus to Holmes Rd. and eventually to I-610.
In its current configuration, this Buffalo Speedway segment stopped short of reaching Holmes Rd. When the City contracted to construct this segment of Buffalo Speedway over 12-13 years ago, this Buffalo Speedway terminus was intended to tie into West Airport Blvd. - the east-west thoroughfare that would have extended from Hiram Clarke Rd. to Almeda Rd. West Airport Blvd., which was being funded by TxDOT dollars at that time, pulled their funding, causing the roadway project to not be built. However, the City already had the funding on the books to construct this portion of Buffalo Speedway - so the project went forward.
"Fast forward 12-13 years later, we are finally connecting the dots with multiple roadway projects that are programmed to occur over the next 3-4 years," states Council Member Green. With the construction of this Buffalo Speedway segment, Council Member Green was able to coordinate with TxDOT to reinvest funding for the extension of West Airport Blvd. - Hiram Clarke Rd. to Almeda Rd. This project is planned for 2018.
"This Buffalo Speedway project is one of multiple roadway projects that will foster economic development projects and enhance the mobility access for this immediate community to connect with the rest of Houston. Moreover, Buffalo Speedway roadway project will eventually extend to I-610 once the grade separation over Holmes Rd. is complete. Thus, this roadway extension will provide the catalyst for economic development in this virgin territory."
The groundbreaking celebration was concluded with a "shoveling of the dirt" photo-op which signifies the start of this roadway project. The project's timeframe is 442 days with an estimated completion date of August 2016. "As we close and take our photo-op to commemorate this, I would like to thank the Public Works & Engineering Dept. for proactively making this 15+ year CIP project a reality."
James Madison High School Sets Course for a New Design of a New School
The Project Advisory Team (PAT) for James Madison High School participated in a 2-day charrette workshop this month to put together initial design concepts for the school's new 21st century campus. The design workshop marks the threshold from the planning phase to the design phase of the building project.
HISD is using the group design charrette format to get informative feedback from the PAT members and critical input to the architects as they work through issues that might otherwise take months to hash out. The Madison PAT are continually looking for ways to make this school better with collaborative and transparent student-centered designs that will provide a safe and engaging learning environment.
As part of the HISD's current bond program, Madison High School is stated to be reconstructed with new buildings. Plans for the school include erecting the new building adjacent to the existing school so that students can remain on campus during construction.
The Madison PAT considered several options for the placement of the building on the site including a long rectangle shaped facility running perpendicular to West Orem, an "L" shaped building on the corner of the property, or a hybrid of the two, centered on the property facing West Orem. The team plans to incorporate CTE (Career and Technical Education) neighborhoods with academic classroom space, and open up the areas with glass walls or large windows so that students can view the activities in other CTE areas.
"I look at these plans and think of the people that will be drawn in to our school," said Brenda Braziel, PAT member and teacher at Madison. "I love the transparency. I really think that our community is going to support this and that it will drive increased parental involvement."
Council Member Green Co-Hosted Black Male Summit at The Fountain Life Center
Earlier this month, Council Member Green partnered with The Fountain of Praise Church, State Representative Ron Reynolds, and Project Forward to host an interactive Black Male Summit atThe Fountain Life Center, located along South Main St. at Hillcroft. The event was also a HUGE success with over 400 attendees.
The th eme of the summit is Smart'n Up which addresses the "unique needs" of Black males."It is far too often that the perception of crime, violence, and murder are targeted at black males. This summit provided an interactive dialogue to discuss where black males are in today's society and what they need to do and know to lead prosperous and meaningful lives here in America, states Council Member Green.
Through interactive, high-energy workshops, the summit addressed mainstream topics like education, entrepreneurship, mass incarceration, racism, "fatherlessness", self-respect relative to encounters with law enforcement, health issues, and other specific concerns that address black males.
Buffalo Speedway Concrete Panel Replacement is Underway
The Buffalo Speedway concrete panel replacement project between West Orem Dr. to Simsbrook Dr. within the Meredith Manor subdivision began in April with completion anticipated in July 2015. This $260,000 roadway project will improve this portion of Buffalo Speedway that has deteriorated beyond normal maintenance and repair.

Concrete panel replacement is used to rehabilitate severely cracked and broken sections of concrete streets. The Buffalo Speedway concrete panel replacement project involves the design and construction of reinforced concrete pavement, base repair, as well as repairs and improvements to curbs and accessible ramps.
The Buffalo Speedway panel replacement project is an active example of a ReBuild Houston project. The ReBuild Houston Initiative is the City of Houston's voter approved pay-as-you-go plan to rebuild drainage and street infrastructure. Its goal is to improve quality of life and mobility for residents through the reconstruction and proper maintenance of drainage and street improvements. For questions about this project, e-mail pwecip@houstontx.gov or call 832-395-2090.
Brays Oaks
Council Member Green Hosted Houston Community College-Brays Oaks Campus Informational Meeting |
Last month, Council Member Green facilitated an informative meeting at the South Gessner HPD Substation, in conjunction with Houston Community College, to highlight its upcoming Brays Oaks campus relative to design renderings of the campus andanswer questions from the HCC staff. The campus will be located along West Bellfort Ave. near Riceville School Rd.
This construction project includes the creation of a state-of-the-art 27,164 square foot, 2-story workforce training facility. The HCC-Brays Oaks campus is expected to occupy 12.8 acres and include 61 parking spaces. In addition, t he facility will include seven (7) academic classrooms, one lab and two (2) break rooms - separating the Adult Education on the first floor from the Health and Information Technology program on the second floor. The programs prescribed for this building will provide opportunities for students to advance their pote4ntial in high-skill and high-growth occupations as well as English as a second language and GED courses. The facility will be constructed as an energy efficient building with sustainable building methods designed to meet LEED Silver certification requirements.
HCC officials expect the construction of this facility to be completed in May 2016. To learn more about this HCC bond project, visit http://www.hccs.edu/braysoaks.
The official groundbreaking is expected to occur on June 20th at 9:30 a.m. at the India House (8888 West Bellfort Ave. - across the street from the HCC-Brays Oaks campus property).
Glenshire Community Association and Braeburn Valley Poised for Special Minimum Lot Size Area Approval |
Over the course of 2 years, Council Member Green facilitated District-wide community meetings where personnel from the Planning and Development Department could inform District K civic leaders about recent amendments to Chapter 42 of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances and new tools which may be available to help protect and preserve your neighborhoods.
Most District K neighborhoods have the appropriate language within their current deed restrictions that protect them from these new changes; whereas others didn't have the minimum lot size protection noted. Glenshire and Braeburn Valley are two District K neighborhoods that have taken the proactive step to protect their neighborhood character by applying for the special minimum lot size area designation.
 Revisions to Chapter 42, extending the minimum lot size and minimum building line requirements to neighborhoods within the corporate boundaries of the City of Houston that do not have a minimum lot size or minimum building lines established in their deed restrictions, have become in effect last month.
For those neighborhoods thought to already have language in their restrictions addressing the minimum lot size and/or minimum building line requirements, the District K office continually encourages you to consult with a private attorney to ensure your restrictions are valid in all respects and provide the protections set forth therein. The applications and information about this development tool can be found online at http://www.houstontx.gov/planning/Neighborhood/prevailLotBldg.html.Contact Kevin Calfee at 832-393-6529 or Kevin.Calfee@HoustonTX.gov to schedule a meeting prior to submitting an application.
South Gessner HPD Substation Unveils Civic Art Project
Council Member Green, along with Chief Charles McClelland and Jonathon Glus, CEO of the Houston Arts Alliance, participated in the unveiling of a civic art project at the South Gessner HPD Substation last month. The
 Houston Arts Alliance commissioned Tara Conley, a tal ent artist, to present her impressive permanent 35 piece installation which occupies both the interior and exterior of the South Gessner HPD Substation.
The work ranges from a monumental outdoor stainless steel sculpture, a welcoming stained glass sculpture in the lobby, to thirty three cast bronze sayings woven throughout the building. Conley's installation is a thoughtful reflection on the challenging and rewarding experiences Houston police officers face.
The 18-foot stainless steel outdoor sculpture entitled "We Are in the Business of Changing the World" is an abstract, honeycomb design that illustrates the relationship between police officers and the Houston community. Inside the South Gessner HPD Substation, the lobby holds the second major work, also of a honeycomb design, but composed of steel and colored glass, referencing the diverse communities within the South Gessner HPD patrol division which includes the Brays Oaks and the Gulfton communities.
Bee Busy Wellness Center Opens in Brays Oaks Community |
This month, the Bee Busy Wellness Center officially opens their doors at 8785 West Bellfort Ave. (located in the old Randall's shopping center). The Bee Busy Wellness Center is a full-service, federally qualified health center established to increase access to quality comprehensive primary, dental, and preventive health care and also provide education and resources to improve the health care of undeserved and vulnerable populations of southwest Houston.
"I'm extremely excited that this federally qualified health center is established within the Brays Oaks community. The Brays Oaks area is one of the most soci-economically diverse areas within District K; thus, this facility is an asset to this thriving community," states Council Member Green. "With a HPD substation nearby, including 2 elementary schools down the street and the adjacent middle school next door, the individuals being served at this facility should have a smooth transition."
The Bee Busy Wellness Center encompasses 8,700 square feet of space containing five adult exam rooms, two exam rooms for critically ill or injured patients who need specialized care, and two pediatric exam rooms. |
Fort Bend Houston:
Fort Bend CORPS' Energy Efficiency Program |
For the homeowners residing within Fort Bend County, the Fort Bend Corps is a great partner to the City of Houston. The Fort Bend Community Revitalization Projects (Fort Bend CORPS) has been providing free home repair assistance since 1999. The CORPS manages six programs to deliver home repairs. The CORPS primary focus is to provide home repair assistance to restore safe and decent housing for low-income, elderly, and disabled homeowners in the Fort Bend County area who are physically and financially unable to make needed repairs to their homes. All repairs are done free of charge to the homeowner. The CORPS repairs are limited to projects that address life, health, and safety issues with the goal of restoring safe and decent housing.
Fort Bend CORPS announces the continuation of the Energy Efficiency Program for Fort Bend County residents. Since November 2007, the CORPS has served over 1250 households with this program. The repairs are provided to qualified homeowners to maximize electricity savings. Weather forecasts expect the summer to reach unbearable temperatures and the CORPS aims to cool off area residents with this program. Please contact Fort Bend CORPS to inquire more information on this program and how it can help you or someone you know.
Home repairs that maximize electricity savings may include:
- attic insulation
- solar screens (east and west sides only)
- compact fluorescent lamps
- ENERGY STAR room air conditioners
- ENERGY STAR refrigerators
- duct sealing
- air infiltration measures
- HVAC replacements
- water heater blankets & pipe insulation (electric units)
To determine your eligibility or for more information on the program, please contact the Fort Bend CORPS at 281-617-7416 or via e-mail at info@fbcorps.org.
Westbury selected as a FIRST PLACE winner for the 2015 Neighborhoods, USA Neighborhood of the Year Award |
Last month, Houston played host to the national organization, Neighborhoods USA (NUSA) where 1,000 community leaders from across the country and within the Houston region converged into the Hyatt Regency-Downtown to learn techniques to better equip their respective communities as part of NUSA's 40th annual conference.
As part of the NUSA conference, the Westbury Civic Club submitted an entry for the Neighborhood of the Year Award. The Neighborhood of the Year Award recognizes exceptional accomplishments by neighborhood organizations. Awards are given in three categories and the Westbury Civic Club won First Place in the category of "Physical Revitalization/Beautification in a Single Neighborhood". The project that won the award for the Westbury Civic Club was "Saving the Westbury Community Garden and Creating Seven Acres of Park Space".
Members of the Westbury Civic Club attended the conference and shared in the celebration of this deserving award and recognition. "We share this First Place award with so many of our Westbury residents! Every person who supported the garden by signing our petition, writing letters, donating money, leading tours, providing education outreach and continuing to garden through the uncertainty shares in this award. I could literally thank probably 2,000 people who have contributed in some way to the garden. Thank you, each and every one of you, for your part in making the Westbury Community Garden what it is today," states Becky Edmondson, Westbury Civic Club President.
"I'm pleased to boast that one of Houston's own received this recognition. It is great to know that the Neighborhood of the Year Award went to a District K neighborhood," states Council Member Green. "I also want to personally acknowledge the Westbury Civic Club for winning Second Place for Newsletter of the Year, and for hosting a successful Neighborhood Pride Tour as a participant of the NUSA conference."
Willowbend/Willow Meadows
Council Member Green Advocates for Continuation of METRO West Loop Park & Ride Service
In April, the District K office attended a METRO Customer Information Meeting at the METRO Administration Building to advocate for the continuation of the West Loop Park & Ride non-stop commuter service.Initially, METRO had plans to discontinue the commuter service because of low-ridership relative to their Reimagining Initiative, according to their METRO statisticians.Due to the overwhelming response of District K residents calling and e-mailing the council office to express their displeasure with the discontinuation of this non-stop commuter service, Council Member Green stepped in to take a position on the sustainability of this commuter service. "The West Loop Park & Ride commuter bus is the most reliable transit service that moves patrons within the greater Westbury/Meyerland/Bellaire vicinities non-stop into downtown," states Council Member Green.
Following the Customer Information Meeting, METRO facilitated two public hearings earlier this month to address METRO concerns in preparation for their June 25th METRO board meeting. Like the April meeting, supporters for the continuation of the West Loop Park & Ride commuter service packed the board room to show their solidarity; and again Council Member forwarded a support letter to inform the METRO Board of Directors to retain the West Loop Park & Ride non-stop commuter service. Based on the various testimonies given at the April 29th Customer Information Meeting, METRO has evaluated and considered the continuation of the non-stop commuter service with slight revisions to its frequency times and type of commuter bus relative to METRO's FY2016 operating budget.
"As the District K council member representing the commuters that reside within the vicinity of the West Loop Park & Ride Transit Center, which includes the communities of Westbury, Willow Meadows, Willowbend, Westwood, the Brays Oaks area, and the South Braeswood neighborhoods of Linkwood, Woodshire, Woodside, Westridge, Knollwood Village, and Townhouse Manor, I support METRO's staff recommendation to continue the West Loop Park & Ride non-stop commuter service," states Council Member Green. The METRO Board of Directors will formally address the adoption of this recommendation at their June 25th Board of Directors meeting.
Shearn Elementary Awarded $11,204 in Afterschool Funding from City Connections Grant |
The District K office attended the CASE City Connections award announcement for the April 2015 applicants to congratulate Shearn Elementary as the District K recipient. Shearn Elementary was awarded $11,204.
The collaboration between CASE for Kids, a division of the Harris County Department of Education, and the City of Houston, provides funding for afterschool programs to nonprofit organizations and schools throughout the 11 Houston City Council districts. "I'm looking forward to reigniting this program again in the Fall season, states Council Member Green.
CA SE for Kids promotes the City Connections program and supplies communication about the progress in administering it. The City of Houston Parks and Recreation Program collaborated with CASE for Kids in administering the program. The CASE for Kids, formerly the Cooperative for After-School Enrichment, was launched by Harris County Department of Education in 1999. CASE for Kids is an after-school intermediary which leverages community resources and strengthens the capacity of the out-of-school time field. Services benefit approximately 11,000 kids in greater Harris County. CASE for Kids programs happen before and after school, on weekends, and during the summer. Go to www.afterschoolzone.org for more information.
South Braeswood Community Applauds Demolition of Derelict Sites around Starbuck's |
Last month, Council Member Green helped initiate the demolition of the dilapidatedBuffalo Speedway commercial center located at 9714 Buffalo Speedway -- adjacent to the Starbuck's along South Main at Buffalo Speedway - and the adjacent former motel (9604 South Main St.).
Promoting public safety and enhancing the quality of life for residents are top priorities for Council Member Green. One way to accomplish this is by eliminating blighted, hazardous buildings within District K neighborhoods. In addition, this demolition is part of the District K Klean It Up/Green It Up initiative.
The Klean It Up/Green It Up initiative is a campaign focused on beautifying District K through tree plantings, community clean-ups, an increased focus on recycling, and elimination of blighted structures among other green initiatives. The campaign will utilize special events, community partnerships, and a robust social media program to help educate residents on how to make District K a healthier, greener, and more environmentally friendly place to live and raise a family.
Council Member Green states, "Working with the current owner of the site, I'm thrilled the District K council office was able assist with the demolition of this abandoned commercial strip center and former motel. Over the years, these derelict sites have detrimentally plagued the adjacent Westridge community with unwanted litter, unsightly graffiti, and loitering of vagrants. Through continually working with the District K council office, this community's persistence has been heard."
With the demolition of these sites, the current owner is proposing a mixed-use development. "With all the development occurring along the South Main corridor, this proposed mixed-use development will be a catalyst to foster additional complimentary retail," states Council Member Green.
The Linkwood News Monthly Newsletter Honored at the 40th Annual Neighborhoods, USA Conference |
The Linkwood Civic Club's monthly newsletter, Linkwood News, was recognized as a Finalist at the Neighborhoods, USA (NUSA) annual newsletter competition which was held in Houston during May 20-23. "I'm proud the Linkwood Civic Club took the initiative to submit their community newsletter as an entry to compete with other civic associations across the country," states Council Member Green.
The 2015 newsletter winners for printed publications (6 times or less/year) were:
Place |
Publication |
Neighborhood |
City, State |
1st |
Arlington Heights Neighborhood News and Views |
Arlington Heights Neighborhood
Association |
Fort Worth, TX |
2nd |
Fairmount |
Fairmount Neighborhood Association |
Fort Worth, TX |
3rd |
The Heights |
California Heights Neighborhood Association |
Long Beach, CA |
Finalist |
Linkwood News |
Linkwood Civic Club |
Houston, TX |
Finalist |
The Flea |
Cherrywood Neighborhood |
Austin, TX |
Finalist |
Society Hill Reporter |
Society Hill Civic Association |
Philadelphia, PA |
Finalist |
Close to Home |
Field Regina Northrop Neighborhood Group |
Minneapolis, MN |
Finalist |
Meredith Garden Gazette |
Meredith Gardens Homeowners Association |
Huntington Beach, CA |
This past NUSA conference brought an estimated 1,000 grass-roots community leaders from across the country to Houston. NUSA is a national non-profit organization committed to building and strengthening neighborhood organizations. Created in 1975 to share information and experiences toward building stronger communities, NUSA continues to encourage networking and information sharing to facilitate the development of partnerships between neighborhood organizations, government, and the private sector. Houston's commitment to neighborhoods and the City's status as a great convention location were the primary reasons Houston was selected for this conference. "I was pleased to have supported a few District K civic leaders to attend the 2015 NUSA conference," states Council Member Green. "This was an opportunity for these participating civic leaders to meet new people and learn best practices that can be used in their respective neighborhood." Next year's 2016 NUSA conference is planned for Memphis, Tennessee.
General District K news
District K Office Co-Sponsored a FAFSA/Financial Aid Informational Workshop |
Last month, Council Member Green co-sponsored a FAFSA & Financial Aid informational workshop at Willowridge High School in partnership with other local District K high schools -- Westbury, Willowridge, Madison, and YES Prep. The workshop focused on addressing the importance of submitting a successful college admissions application. In addition, the workshop included financial aid representatives and admissions counselors from the University of Houston, Houston Community College, Texas Southern University, and the University of Houston-Downtown. These college representatives provided exhibit space to showcase and highlight their institution's various programs and services as well participate as workshop presenters.
"I understand the importance of these types of informational workshops that generally don't reach all students that are interested in attending college," states Council Member Green. "There is FREE money out there. The question is, how to access it."
District K Neighborhood 101 Symposium: In's and Out's of Neighborhood Protection |
In late April, Council Member Green moderated a Neighborhood 101 workshop that addressed the In's and Out's of Neighborhood Protection. This informative workshop was held at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center and facilitated by the Dept. of Neighborhoods, Public Works & Engineering Dept. - Multi-Family Habitability Section, and the Legal Dept. This workshop was a piggyback from a previous Neighborhood 101 workshop the District K office facilitated last year: In's and Out's of Solid Waste Dept.
The purpose of these Neighborhood 101 symposiums is to educate and inform District K community leaders on how to strengthen their skill set as community leaders, develop practices to take back to their respective communities, and network with other District K community leaders.
Council Member Green Neighborhood Sightings (late April - early June)
Council Member Green made his rounds to discuss District K initiatives. Listed below are community meetings Council Member Green and the District K staff have attended during late April through early June.
April 25 - Keep District K Beautiful Month Activities
April 25 - Linkwood Civic Club Annual Meeting
April 25 - Friends of Westbury High School Foundation Gala
April 27 - Briar Villa HOA Annual Meeting
April 29 - METRO Customer Information Meeting (West Loop Park & Ride Service)
May 2 - Neighborhood 101 Workshop
May 5 - Brays Oaks SNC Meeting
May 12 - HCC-Brays Oaks Campus Design Informational Community Meeting
May 14 - Transportation, Technology, & Infrastructure Committee Meeting
May 14 -- Trees for Houston Arbor Awards & Annual Meeting
May 15 - Fort Bend Houston Bridging Community Divide Meeting
May 16 - District K Sponsor -- FAFSA/Financial Aid Workshop
May 18 - Buffalo Speedway Groundbreaking
May 19 -- Hiram Clarke Civic Club Meeting
May 20 - Westbury SNC/WAIC Meeting
May 20 - Demolition Event (Braeswood Area)
May 21 - South Houston Concerned Citizens Coalition Meeting
May 21 - Contemporary Main Plaza HOA Annual Meeting
May 22 - NUSA Pride Tours (Westbury & Corinthian Pointe)
June 2 - Naomi Place HOA Annual Meeting
June 6 - District K Electrical Box Mini-Mural Civic Art Unveiling
June 6 - District K Sponsor - Black Male Summit
June 11 - Transportation, Technology, & Infrastructure Committee Meeting
June 11 - Bee Busy Wellness Center Grand Opening
June 15 - West Place Green HOA Annual Meeting
Has Your Civic Association Been Updated with the District K Council Office? |
Update your civic association contacts with the District K council office. If your civic association has recently elected new officers, changed the primary contact person, new e-mail a ddress, new contact number, and/or new or changed meeting location, time, or date, please take a moment to update your contact info with the District K council office.
Periodically, the District K office sends pertinent information about District K news and City of Houston topics of information relating to your neighborhood and neighborhood association. To ensure you and your civic association receives this information, we need you to update your contact info. Thank you for your help and your interest in District K. |
District K Super Neighborhood Councils (SNC) Summer Meeting Schedule
The Central Southwest/Fondren Gardens SNC will meet on July 2 at 6:45 p.m. at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center, 3810 West Fuqua St., 77045. The SNC meets quarterly on the 1st Thursday during January, April, July, and October (same time and location).
The Fort Bend Houston SNC will not meet during the months of June and July for the summer season. However, the Council will reconvene on August 13th. The SNC meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Ridgemont Community Center, 5599 Ridgecreek Circle, 77053.
The Braeswood SNC will meet on June 18th at 7:00 p.m. at the Linkwood Park Community Center. The SNC meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. (same location and time).
The Westbury SNC will meet on June 17th at 8:30 a.m. at the Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, 4930 West Bellfort Ave., 77035. The SNC generally meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month (same time and location).
The Brays Oaks SNC will not meet during the month of July for the summer season. However, the Council will reconvene on August 4th. The SNC meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at Braeswood Assembly of God Church, 10611 Fondren Rd., 77096.
Houston Police Department Positive Interaction Program (PIP) meetings |
District K has three (3) active PIP meetings administered by the Houston Police Department. All PIP meetings are open to the public; regardless of where you live.
Southwest PIP Meeting (every 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.)
Aramco Building 9009 West Loop South Freeway Houston, TX 77096
For more information, please contact the HPD Westbury Storefront at 713-726-7126. The Westbury HPD Storefront hours are 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Hiram Clarke PIP Meeting (every 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.)
Hiram Clarke HPD Storefront 4363 West Fuqua St. Houston, TX 77053
For more information, please contact the HPD Hiram Clarke Storefront at 713-433-2720. The Hiram Clarke HPD Storefront hours are 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Braeburn PIP Meeting (every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.)
Braeburn HPD Storefront 7576 West Bellfort Ave. Houston, TX 77071
For more information, please contact the HPD Braeburn Storefront at 713-773-7550. The Braeburn HPD Storefront hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
General City of Houston News
Council Member Recognizes Top Students from District K Area High Schools
Council Member Green recognized and acknowledged the following District K graduating seniors named Valedictorian and Salutatorian from their respective high schools. The top recipients recognized were:
City of Houston 2015 Summer Enrichment Program |
The City of Houston Parks and Recreation Department announces its 2015Summer Enrichment Program. The program is a summer day-camp-style enrichment camp that offers a wide range of recreational activities including arts and crafts, sports games, field trips, entertainment, special events, and water fun. The 10-week program is offered from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday from June 1 through August 7. The cost for the program is $30 a week per child or $300 for the entire summer session. The ages to participate in the program is 6 - 13.
The Summer Enrichment Program is offered at community centers across the city. The facilities within District K participating in the program are:
Linkwood Park Community Center - 3699 Norris St., 77025 -
Windsor Village Community Center - 1441 Croquet St., 77085 -
Townwood Park Community Center - 3403 Simsbrook Dr., 77045 -
Marian Park Community Center - 11000 South Gessner Rd., 77071 -
Platou Community Center - 11655 Chimney Rock Rd., 77035
For more information call 832.395.7270. For fee schedules, go to www.houstoncityfees.org.
Be Prepared for Hurricane Season |
Hurricane Se ason is here and runs from June 1 to November 30. The City of Houston Office of Emergency Management urges Houstonians to prepare for hurricanes, tropical storms, and other emergencies by following a few key steps.
Build a Kit - Have a disaster supply kit with enough supplies to last you and your family for 5-7 days; the kit should include food, medications, water, and other basic necessities -
Make a Plan - Have an emergency plan for your family and check to make sure that your workplace, children's school and other places you frequent have emergency plans in place; be sure to practice your family's emergency plan before disasters happen -
Be Informed - Remember, during and after a hurricane, electricity and internet connections may be unavailable, so have a way to stay informed, including access to a NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Weather Alert radio or a hand-crank or battery-powered radio -
Know Your Neighbor - Neighbors can be a great source of help before and after a disaster, so get to know your neighbors, particularly those who are elderly or who may not be able to prepare for disasters by themselves; Houstonians know how to work together to be ready for disasters
For more information, visit www.houstonoem.net. To learn more visit www.hurricaneworkshop.com.
If an evacuation is necessary, it is key to have a plan for how to get out of harm's way. If you are unable to evacuate by yourself or with the help of family and friends, register for the Transportation Assistance Registry by calling 2-1-1 from any phone in Texas or by visiting www.houstonoem.net.
Receive Plat and Permit Reports by E-Mail |
The City of Houston economy is picking up steam. With this increase is a number of development activities within the District. Keep up with development and construction projects in your neighborhood. Sign up for the City's E-Plat summary report and the E-Permit report to find out about plat and permit applications.
The Plat Summary E-Report contains information about the plats, replats, variances, and special exceptions to plats that will be considered at the upcoming Planning Commission meeting. The report provides locational, plat, and applicant information for each application in an Excel format that can be easily scrolled through, or sorted, based on particular data, such as council district.
The Houston Planning Commission meets every other Thursday at 2:30 p.m. in City Hall Annex Chambers, 900 Bagby St. unless otherwise posted.
The Plat Summary E-Report is usually sent out approximately a week before Planning Commission meets, while the Planning Commission Agenda is posted three days in advance of Planning Commission meetings on the Planning & Development Department website ( www.houstonplanning.com ).
The Permit E-Report provides information regarding any new construction, remodeling, or change-of-use permits by zip-code in an effort to inform citizens of activity in their neighborhoods. This E-Report is e-mailed every Monday.
To sign up, click here.
Houston Bar Association LegalLine Program - FREE Legal Hotline
The Houston Bar Association offers a FREE legal hotline called LegalLine on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The LegalLine Program has been available to Houston area residents since 1985. This hotline services allows constituents to access an attorney free of charge. For more information about the LegalLine Program, contact Lucy Fraga Fisher Cain with the Houston Bar Association at 713-759-1133 or via e-mail at lucyf@hba.org.
ThePlant It Forward Farms program is beginning the registration for the next season to support the refugee farmers. Plant It Forward provides Houston with fresh, local produce by helping refugees grow their own urban farm businesses. Each farmer is trained to farm using organic methods and sell their produce through farmers markets, farm stands, restaurants, and farm shares.The program's two largest farms are located within District K - Westbury and Brays Oaks.
Plant It Forward Farms invites you to enjoy your own weekly box of our fresh, local produce through the Farm Share program which helps ensure efforts to give newly arrived refugees access to the American dream. You, the socially and environmentally conscious consumer, will be supporting local refugee farmers and their families to earn a living wage by farming sustainably on urban farms in Houston. Learn more about the Farm Share Membership at http://plant-it-forward.org/our-produce/farm-share/or call 713-599-8445.
New District... New Council Member... New Beginnings!