District K
Contact Information
900 Bagby, First Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Main Office:
832-393-3016 Office
832-395-9410 Fax
Satellite Office:
832-393-4203 Office
832-395-9410 Fax
District Email:
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Archived Newsletters:
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Hiram Clarke
District K Celebrates 2015 Arbor Day in the Hiram Clarke Community
The District K office, in partnership with Trees for Houston, Houston Parks Dept., Scotts Miracle-Gro, and Keep Houston Beautiful, hosted a citywide 2015 Arbor Day event within the Hiram Clarke area on January 24. The staging location was the parking lot of New Faith Church where the Madison High School marching band and choir entertained the 350+ volunteers with music during pre-registration.
The Arbor Day tree planting event culminated in the planting of over 400, 15-gallon trees along the esplanades throughout the Hiram Clarke community. As part of Council Member Green's Klean it Up/Green it Up program in District K, he, along with Mayor Annise Parker, joined representatives of Trees for Houston and the Houston Parks Dept. to dedicate the trees and talk about their value to the neighborhood and the community.
Our other community partners were the Houston Parks and Recreation Dept., Keep Houston Beautiful, and Scotts Miracle-Gro. "We chose this area of District K because of the barren esplanades that exist throughout this immediate community. Thanks in part to Trees for Houston and the in-kind donation of mulch from Scotts Miracle-Gro, this area now has esplanades that are as aesthetically attractive as other areas of the city. Trees for Houston has truly generously stepped up to the plate and agreed to water the 400+, 15-gallon trees for the next two years," states Council Member Green.

This citywide event was held in conjunction with the District K Klean It Up/Green It Up campaign. The Klean It Up/Green It Up campaign is an ongoing initiative focused on beautifying District K through tree plantings, the development of community gardens, an increased focus on recycling, and opening community farmer's markets, amongst other green initiatives. The campaign will continue to utilize special events, community partnerships, and a robust social media program to help educate residents on how to make District K a healthier, greener, and more environmentally friendly place to live and raise a family.
In the latter part of 2014, Council Member Green officially unveiled billboards as part of the District K Klean It Up/Green It Up campaign at a press conference at City Hall "Looking to create a cleaner, "greener" community for District K residents, the campaign asks residents to get involved in the beatification of District K. I'm thrilled to have gotten this campaign off the ground," said Council Member Green. "Our goal with Klean It Up/Green It Up is not just to create a better District K, it is to make this community one of cleanest, greenest districts in the city."
For more information on the campaign and Council Member Larry Green, please visit www.KleanItUpGreenItUp.org. The campaign can also be followed on Facebook and by utilizing the #KleanItUpGreenItUp hashtag on social media outlets and posts. Please email Ashley@elitechange.com for any further questions or if your organization would like to participate in the upcoming event.
South Houston Concerned Citizens Coalition Hosts 2nd Appreciation Awards
The South Houston Concerned Citizens Coalition held their 2nd annual awards banquet on January 24th at The Fountain Life Center. The theme for this event was Community of One which highlighted the contributions and supporters of the Coalition during the 2014 calendar year. State Senator Rodney Ellis was their keynote speaker for this year's event.
In addition, Council Member Green, U.S. Congressman Al Green, along with other notable community leaders were acknowledged with community service awards. "As a recipient of one of their distinguished awards, I applaud and acknowledge the good works and stewardship of the Coalition," states Council Member Green. Council Member Green was awarded the Public Servant Award.
South Post Oak Rd. Bridge Update
The Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) expects construction of the bridge that crosses Sims Bayou at South Post Oak Rd., between Heatherbrook Dr. and Trafalgar Dr., to be completed in April 2015. After construction is complete, all four lanes of the bridge will be open to traffic. The HCFCD appreciates the public's continued patience while they complete the project and apologize for the inconvenience caused during daily travels.
The South Post Oak bridge (northbound and southbound) is being reconstructed as part of the Sims Bayou Federal Flood Damage Reduction Project. The first phase of construction (from April 2012 through August 2013) replaced the two-lane northbound bridge.
During the current and final phase of construction, the two-lane southbound bridge has been closed for approximately 15 months, and traffic detoured to the newly-constructed northbound bridge where it runs one lane in each direction. This second phase was estimated to be completed in early to mid-2014, but the project has been delayed by challenges experienced with the installation of a waterline and some inclement weather.
For more information on the Sims Bayou bridge projects, and the opportunity to sign up to receive regular e-mail updates, please visit the Sims Bayou Roadway Bridge Construction webpage at www.hcfcd.org/simsbridges or call the Sims Bayou Bridge Construction Information Line at 713-684-4107.
Hiram Clarke Community Embraces for Upcoming TCEQ Hearing
Tannahill Transfer, Inc., has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to construct and operate a Type V municipal solid waste transfer station. The proposed facility will be located at 1800 Holmes Rd., on the south side approximately 500 feet east of the intersection of Kirby Drive and Holmes Rd. Tannahill Transfer, Inc. is requesting authorization to process, transfer, and recycle municipal solid wastes from residential and commercial construction and demolition sites which includes treated lumber, untreated sheetrock, cardboard, clean wood and brush debris, inert fill materials, durable plastics and metals, and miscellaneous debris which may include paper, glass, plastic sheeting, felt, shingles, paint cans, tubes, and electronic waste, ballast, fluorescent light fixtures, and other spent construction-related products or containers.

With the assistance of State Representative Borris Miles, a public community hearing was held on February 12 at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center. The public was able to ask questions of the TCEQ staff and the Applicant and provide comments on the application.
Citizens are still encouraged to submit written comments or by mail to the Office of the Chief Clerk, TCEQ, Mail Code MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 or electronically at www.tceq.texas.gov/about/comments.html. If you need more information about the registration application or the registration process, please call the TCEQ Public Education Program, toll free, at 1-800-687-4040.
Brentwood Community Foundation Receives Grant Funding in Afterschool Grants through CASE for Kids City Connections Program
The Brentwood Community Foundation (Brentwood Life Long Learning Center) was one of the six (6) Houston organizations that received $9,251 in afterschool funding from the local City Connections grant. This is a grant appropriated by Houston City Council members to serve afterschool students. The Jan. 30, 2015 grant announcement enables the organizations to use the funds immediately through June 30th.
The collaboration between the Center for Afterschool, Summer and Extended Learning, or CASE for Kids, a division of Harris County Department of Education, and the City of Houston provides funding for afterschool programs to nonprofit organizations and schools throughout the 11 Houston City Council districts.
The other five (5) organizations awarded the grants are Brenda & John Duncan YMCA, $5,719, District A (77041); Partnership for the Advancement & Immersion of Refugees (Paul Revere Middle School), $3,750, District G (77042); Multicultural Education and Counseling Through the Arts, or MECA, $15,000, District H (77007); Partnership for the Advancement & Immersion of Refugees, or PAIR, (Lee High School), $3,750, District J (77057); and Houston Youth Symphony (Sherman and Looscan Elementary Schools), $7,000, District H (77009).
"I'm pleased that the Brentwood Community Foundation was one of the recipients chosen from District K for these afterschool opportunities for funding ranging from $5,000 to $15,000," states Council Member Green.
City Connections is an innovative initiative spearheaded by Houston City Council last summer and CASE for Kids. The out-of-school time funding is intended to help fight juvenile crime and to promote child safety during the hours of 3-6 p.m. during the school year when parents are working. The funding is especially needed due to decreased state and federal funding streams which previously supported afterschool locally.
CASE for Kids promotes and administers the City Connections program. The City of Houston Parks and Recreation Program assists in the application process.
Deadline for grant applications is the first Monday of each month. Recipients are announced each month until all funds are appropriated, but the final date for applications is April 6, 2015. To apply for funding, go to www.afterschoolzone.org and access CASE for Kids City Connections. Call 713-696-1331 for information.
Brays Oaks
Glenshire Says YES to Neighborhood Preservation
The Glenshire Community Association is the first District K neighborhood to apply for the City's Minimum Lot Size Area (MLSA) application process. At their annual meeting on February 10th, representatives from the Planning Dept. facilitated a community forum where residents were informed of the Minimum Lot Size Area process. From this presentation, Glenshire residents will collectively decide if they want to say "YES to Neighborhood Preservation", thus, preserving their neighborhood character by preventing any residential lots from being subdivided no less than the average smallest lot (estimated 8,000 square feet).
"Glenshire took the proactive approach to apply for this MLSA last year because their current deed restrictions didn't address lot coverage. Therefore, they were vulnerable to an unscrupulous developer coming into their neighborhood to subdivide an existing residential lot into smaller mini-lots. This process will prevent that from happening," states Council Member Green.
The District K office facilitated two (2) District-wide community meetings so personnel from the Planning and Development Department could inform civic leaders about recent amendments to Chapter 42 of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances and new tools which might be available to help protect and preserve neighborhoods. This ordinance went into full-effect in May, 2014.
Changes to the City's development code will allow developers to build homes outside the loop 610 area on smaller lots than before. This will benefit Houstonians by creating a more dense single-family residential community and increase the amount and type of housing available. It could also forever change the look and feel of some neighborhoods. If your neighborhood is residential and would like to prevent these changes, the City has adopted tools to help.
A Special Minimum Lot Sizedesignation prevents lots from being divided below a certain size, which in most cases, prevents redevelopment into townhomes. For example, if 5,000 square feet was established as the Special Minimum Lot Size, no lots within that area could be subdivided into lots smaller than 5,000 square feet.
Exact eligibility requirements vary for the different programs. In general, if your neighborhood currently had Deed Restrictions that dictate the minimum size of lots or the minimum distance a building can be placed against the property line, you are already protected and are not eligible. All other neighborhoods may be eligible, depending on the size of the area that applies for designation.
The designations require an application, demonstrated property owner support and approval by the Houston City Council. In some instances the property owner support can be obtained before the application is filed, but if the designation will be for a large area (the maximum number of homes that may be included in one application is 500), then the support requires a mailed-in ballot. Once the required property owner support is proven, the designation will go to City Council for their approval.
If you know your current deed restrictions don't address lot size coverage, start the process immediately by calling the Houston Planning & Development Department at 713-837-7701 or by emailing Kevin.Calfee@HoustonTX.gov. Please go to www.HoustonPlanning.com for additional information.
Fort Bend Houston:
Fort Bend Houston CIP Projects Update
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is near completion on the reconstruction and expansion of FM 2234 from Cartwright Rd. to the Fort Bend Tollway. The expansion of the FM 2234 reconstruction project will include a 4-lane highway (curb and gutter section with a raised median). This year-long project is estimated to be complete by mid-March (weather permitting).

The City of Houston is expected to begin reconstruction and expansion of South Post Oak Rd. from Beltway 8. to FM 2234. The expansion of the South Post Oak Rd. reconstruction project will include a 6-lanes from Beltway 8 to West Ridgecreek and reconstruction of the existing 4-lanes from West Ridgecreek to FM 2234. Like most CIP projects, the District K office will host an informational meeting before the start of construction. This project is anticipated to start in April 2015. Stay tuned.
Work on Amy Ridge and Hiram Clarke Lift Station Diversions Projects Are Finally Completed
In July 2013, the City of Houston Public Works and Engineering Dept. (PWE) began a micro-tunnel project within the Fort Bend Houston area of the Ridgemont and Green Valley Estates subdivisions along Castlecreek Ln., Court Rd., Hiram Clarke Rd., Rapidcreek Dr., Ridge Harbor Dr., and Amy Ridge Rd.
In preparation for this infrastructure project (before the construction started), the Fort Bend Houston SNC, in partnership with Council Member Green, hosted an informational meeting at the Ridgemont Community Center where representatives from the affected communities were invited to engage the PWE project manager and the project contractor to ask questions about this infrastructure project.
"During the process of this infrastructure project, the District K office has monitored the progress of this project and kept communication lines open with the local community leaders of Ridgemont and Green Valley Estates," states Council Member Green.
Fort Bend Houston Bridging the Community Divide Meeting Moves to 3rd Fridays
Last month, Council Member Green facilitated the monthly Bridging the Community Divide meeting among Fort Bend Houston community stakeholders. Since moving the meetings to the 3rd Friday of the month, we had a better participation among Fort Bend ISD administrators and other area stakeholders.
The purpose of this collaborative community meeting is to reach out to various untapped community stakeholders within the Fort Bend Houston community, such as area school administrators, church leaders or their designated representatives, and area businesses, to bridge the community divide and informally discuss how each entity can bring something to the area and become better community partners within the Fort Bend Houston area and District K.
The monthly meetings are held at 9:30 a.m. at the Briargate CIA community clubhouse, 7002 Laughlin Dr., 77489. The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 20th.
If any school, church, or business within the Fort Bend Houston community is interested in attending this monthly forum, please contact Claude Foster at 832-393-3016 or claude.foster@houstontx.gov.
Tax-Credit Development Proposed for South Braeswood Area
The Braeswood SNC, in concert with the District K office, hosted a community meeting last month to discuss a processed senior housing development that is being sponsored by Bethany United Methodist Church. Currently, the Church is in the planning stages to develop this living facility which will be located on their existing parking lot. The planned development would have 90-95 units ranging from 1 and 2 bedrooms. Preliminary drawings have been prepared and the Church is researching the use of tax credits as a funding source. If funding is arranged and all required permits are obtained, they would hope to begin construction within the next 4-5 months.
The Braeswood SNC has been asked to take a position on this development. As of this date, the Council is canvassing the area civic associations to get their viewpoint opinions before making a collective decision. A Special-Called SNC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 24th at the Linkwood Park Community Center to further discuss the development.
The Braeswood SNC will continue to monitor this development and inform the District K office of their decision. Stay tuned.
Westbury Square and Westbury Centerette Update
According to the City of Houston Legal Department, the pending demolition of several buildings at Westbury Square is still on target to be completed by the end of February as required in the litigation agreement. Permits to conduct a secondary environmental testing has been completed and the results should be forthcoming. Demolition contractors have been issued bids and have started to remove exterior brick from the building targeted for demolition. The District K office will continue to update the Westbury community on the Westbury Square "saga".
As for the Westbury Centerette property, the developer is still in neogiations with LA Fitness Center to bring that development to this site location. Currently, the developer is in preliminary stages of the demolition process of the Westbury Centerette property. The District K office will continue to monitor this development and keep the Westbury community apprised.
General District K news
District K Announces the 2015 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Meeting
Council Member Green is scheduled to host the annual District K CIP meeting on Thursday, March 5, 2015. This year's CIP meeting will occur at Fondren Middle School, 6333 South Braeswood Blvd. (near Fondren Rd.), 77096 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
The CIP meetings are held every year to inform citizens of upcoming projects scheduled in their respective communities. The meetings afford citizens an opportunity to voice their concerns and address City of Houston officials regarding proposed City projects. An update on the city's implementation of ReBuild Houston will be provided as well.
An Interactive Map and documents for ReBuild Houston's Draft "5+5" ten-year plan (FY 2016 - 2025) can be viewed at www.rebuildhouston.org. To view the current FY 2015-2017 Adopted Capital Improvement Plan (or any of the CIPs from the last 5 years), visit www.houstontx.gov/cip.
District K FREE Healthy Pets Healthy Streets Event
The Healthy Pets Healthy Streets event is being sponsored by BARC in conjunction with the District K office. The event will occur during the week of February 14th to February 20th. Check-in will start at 6:30 a.m. and will continue until 7:30 a.m. The FREE spay/neuter service will be provided to pets of families living within District K. The service will be provided in a first come, first served basis.
"I'm thrilled to coordinate this event with BARC. Since we e-blast this event among our District K e-distribution list, we have received a large number of positive responses thanking the council office for initiating this FREE service," states Council Member Green.
To make it more convenient for District K residents, BARC has selected various locations across District K so residents can easily drop off their pets. If BARC cannot take your pet on a certain day, they will schedule another time for your pet to get spayed or neutered for FREE during the following week.
The service contains a complete package which includes a free spay/neuter surgery, one year city license, rabies vaccine, flea prevention medication, and a lifetime microchip. If your dog or cat is already spayed or neutered you are welcome to bring your pet for a rabies vaccine at NO cost.
Please bring a current ID with a current City of Houston address and a water bill. Pets must be at least 4 months old and must be on a leash or a carrier the day of the event. You can bring up to 3 dogs per household. For more information, contact BARC at 832-395-9003.
Report Unnecessary City Signs to 3-1-1

Do you see city signs on the road and elsewhere that no longer apply or are not necessary anymore? Call 3-1-1 or go to www.houston311.org to report these signs so we can take a look and determine if it's time for them to be removed or replaced with something more up-to-date and less confusing. Examples include street name signs or "No Parking without Permit" signs in places where permits are no longer needed.
In addition, the current campaign season is underway and illegal campaign signs need to be reported. Report violators by calling 3-1-1 or go to www.houston311.org. For questions on the proper placement of signs, call the Sign Administration Division at 832.394.8890.
SAVE THE DATE! - District K Annual Keep District K Beautiful Day is Scheduled for Saturday, April 11
It's that time of year. Council Member Green is calling all District K civic associations to participate with the annual Keep District K Beautiful Day event scheduled for Saturday, April 11. Generally, the event is planned for the first Saturday in April. Because the Easter holiday falls on that weekend, the event is moved back to the following weekend.
Last year, eight (8) District K communities participated with beautification and de-litter clean-up initiatives. "We are encouraging the same enthusiasm as last year. I'm asking all District K communities to step-up and partner with the council office to aesthetically enhance our communities. This initiative will go a long way to not only beautify our neighborhood but also foster positive community engagement," said Council Member Green
This District-wide event is in conjunction with Keep Houston Beautiful Day. This year, Keep Houston Beautiful is working with the Texas Department of Transportation's "Don't Mess with Texas Trash-Off" campaign along with the District K council office. Keep Houston Beautiful Day kicks off the Keep America Beautiful's Great American Cleanup, which continues until May 30th.
If your community is planning a clean-up or beautification event as part of the Keep District K Beautiful Day initiative, contact Keep Houston Beautiful to secure your supplies. Keep Houston Beautiful contact is 713-839-8855 or www.houstonbeautiful.org.
Also, contact the District K office so Council Member Green can make his rounds during this day-long event.
Council Member Green Neighborhood Sightings (January - mid February)
Council Member Green made his rounds to discuss District K initiatives. Listed below are community meetings Council Member Green and the District K staff have attended during January through mid-February.
- Jan. 6 - Central Southwest SNC Meeting
- Jan. 8 - Fort Bend Houston SNC Meeting
- Jan. 12 - Hiram Clarke HPD PIP Meeting
- Jan. 13 - Southwest Houston 2000 Bi-Monthly Breakfast
- Jan. 14 - Five Corners District Business Mixer
- Jan. 15 - TTI Committee Meeting
- Jan. 15 - Braeswood SNC Meeting
- Jan. 15 - South Houston Concerned Citizens Coalition Meeting
- Jan. 22 - Hiram Clarke Bridging the Community Divide Meeting
- Jan. 16 - Fort Bend Houston Bridging the Community Divide Meeting
- Jan. 16 - Five Corners District Board Meeting
- Jan. 20 - Brays Oaks District Board Meeting
- Jan. 24 - District K 2015 Arbor Day Tree Planting
- Jan. 24 - South Houston Concerned Citizens Coalition Appreciation Awards Banquet
- Jan. 26 - Northfield I & II HOA Annual Meeting
- Jan. 27 - Ridgemont CIA Annual Meeting
- Jan. 29 - Girls/Boys Prep Community Meeting
- Feb. 3 - Brays Oaks SNC Meeting
- Feb. 5 - TIRZ #25 Board meeting
- Feb. 5 - Townwood Civic Club Meeting
- Feb. 7 - Glen Iris Community Clean-Up
- Feb. 7 - Southwest Crossing HOA Annual Meeting
- Feb. 7 - Windsor Village PACT Black History Forum
- Feb. 8 - Glenshire Patio Homes Public Safety Forum
- Feb. 10 - Glenshire Community Association Annual Meeting
- Feb. 10 - Southwood Place Patio Homes HOA Annual Meeting
- Feb. 10 - TTI Council Committee meeting
- Feb. 11 - Westbury Sewer Line Replacement Informational Meeting
- Feb. 12 - Joint TTI and Quality of Life Committee Meeting
- Feb. 12 - Fort Bend Houston SNC Meeting
- Feb. 12 - Tannahill Transfer Station TCEQ Hearing
- Feb. 14 - BARC Spay & Neuter Pet Wellness Services Event

Houston Police Department Positive Interaction Program (PIP) meetings
District K has three (3) active PIP meetings administered by the Houston Police Department. All PIP meetings are open to the public; regardless of where you live.
Southwest PIP Meeting (every 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.)
Aramco Building 9009 West Loop South Freeway Houston, TX 77096
For more information, please contact the HPD Westbury Storefront at 713-726-7126. The Westbury HPD Storefront hours are 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Hiram Clarke PIP Meeting (every 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.)
Hiram Clarke HPD Storefront 4363 West Fuqua St. Houston, TX 77053
For more information, please contact the HPD Hiram Clarke Storefront at 713-433-2720. The Hiram Clarke HPD Storefront hours are 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Braeburn PIP Meeting (every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.)
Braeburn HPD Storefront 7576 West Bellfort Ave. Houston, TX 77071
For more information, please contact the HPD Braeburn Storefront at 713-773-7550. The Braeburn HPD Storefront hours are 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Any Annual Civic Association Meetings Planned on the Horizon?
The Spring and Fall season is the time of year a significant number of civic associations host their annual civic association meetings. Since coming into office last year, Council Member Green has made a commitment to visit every civic association within the District. If you are receiving this e-newsletter and Council Member Green has yet to attend your civic association meeting, please contact the District K office at 832-393-3016 or districtK@hosutontx.gov to schedule an appointment.
Council Member Green would like to attend your annual meeting, regardless if it's the first time or the second time. This is the once-a-year meeting that most community members attend. Council Member Green would like to introduce the District K council staff and briefly address any community concerns among the attendees. Also, keep us posted if your civic association has changed its contact info (primary contact person, mailing address, e-mail address, contact number) and meeting location and date.
General City of Houston News
FREE Home Repair for Veterans!
Rebuilding Together believes that everyone deserves to live in a safe and healthy home. This organization has a grant through the U.S. Housing and Urban Development that is specific for veterans. To be eligible for this program, the Texas veteran must be considered low-income, very low-income, or disabled. In addition, the veteran must own and live in the home, be current on their taxes, and reside in Harris County.
The Rebuilding Together Houston mission is to restore hope and revitalize neighborhoods by repairing homes at no cost for low-income elderly homeowners. Through the work of volunteers and with the support of public- and private-sector initiatives, we enhance the quality of life for deserving seniors, strengthen the communities in which they live, and build a brighter future for Houston.
For more information about this Texas Veteran Program, contact Rebuilding Together Houston at 713-659-2511 or access their webpage at http://www.rebuildingtogetherhouston.org/index.html.
Receive Plat and Permit Reports by E-Mail
The City of Houston economy is picking up steam. With this increase is a number of development activities within the District. Keep up with development and construction projects in your neighborhood. Sign up for the City's E-Plat summary report and the E-Permit report to find out about plat and permit applications.
The Plat Summary E-Report contains information about the plats, replats, variances, and special exceptions to plats that will be considered at the upcoming Planning Commission meeting. The report provides locational, plat, and applicant information for each application in an Excel format that can be easily scrolled through, or sorted, based on particular data, such as council district.
The Houston Planning Commission meets every other Thursday at 2:30 p.m. in City Hall Annex Chambers, 900 Bagby St. unless otherwise posted.
The Plat Summary E-Report is usually sent out approximately a week before Planning Commission meets, while the Planning Commission Agenda is posted three days in advance of Planning Commission meetings on the Planning & Development Department website ( www.houstonplanning.com ).
The Permit E-Report provides information regarding any new construction, remodeling, or change-of-use permits by zip-code in an effort to inform citizens of activity in their neighborhoods. This E-Report is e-mailed every Monday.
To sign up, click http://www.houstontx.gov/planning/Publications/listsrv/subscribe_enewsletters.htm.
Houston Parks and Recreation Department Launches New After-School Meal Program
The Houston Parks and Recreation Department (HPARD) announced a new After-School Meal Program for youth, ages 6 to 13. The program will offer free snacks and suppers to youth during the school year, which began January 22 and runs through May 15, 2015. This program is currently available at 49 HPARD Community Centers and four After-School Achievement Program sites. All children must be registered in HPARD's After School Achievement Program to be eligible for the After-School Meal Program at HPARD Community Centers.
Participating District K sites include:
1. Almeda Park Community Center, 14201 Almeda School Rd., 77047 (Hiram Clarke) 2. Linkwood Park Community Center, 3699 Norris St., 77025 (Braeswood) 3. Marian Park Community Center, 11000 South Gessner Rd., 77071 (Brays Oaks) 4. Platou Community Center, 11655 Chimney Rock Rd., 77053 (Westbury) 5. Townwood Park Community Center, 3403 Simsbrook Dr., 77045 (Hiram Clarke) 6. Windsor Village Park Community Center, 14441 Croquet St., 77085 (Hiram Clarke)
For more information on the After-School Meal Program, please visit
http://www.houstontx.gov/parks/after-schoolmealprogram.html. For information on the After-School Achievement Program, please visit http://www.houstontx.gov/parks/asap.html. For information on the Houston Parks and Recreation Department, please visit http://www.houstonparks.org/ or contact Askparks@houstontx.gov.
10th Annual Tour de Houston Rolls through the City
The annual Tour de Houston, presented by the Apache Corporation, will take place on Sunday, March 15, 2015. The annual fundraising bike ride will consist of a 20, 45, and 70 mile route.
Now in its 10th year, the annual bike ride offers Houstonians and visitors a unique way to view the city with routes winding through Houston's historic neighborhoods, scenic districts and parks while raising funds for the city's Reforest Houston program.
While Tour de Houston Presented by Apache Corporation is a fundraising ride, it also serves as a recommended ride for the BP MS 150. We encourage BP MS 150 participants to participate in the many recommended rides offered throughout the Houston area. Riders will start and end at City Hall located at 901 Bagby. The Mayor's Office of Special Events is planning for an estimated 5,000 riders.
The Office for Business Opportunity Sponsors Small Business Legal Academy
The Office for Business Opportunity (OBO) is sponsoring their 1st Annual, Small Business Legal Academy. This one-day symposium will take place on February 17, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. at the South Texas College of Law. Opening remarks will be given by Mayor Parker.
The target audience is small businesses who are in need of FREE consulting services from Houston Area Attorneys. He Small Business legal Academy is in partnership with the Association of Pro-Bono Counsel, Texas C-Bar, Vinson & Elkins, LLP and other corporate law firms and community organizations. OBO will also have on-hand other resource partners which include: SCORE, ACCION, METRO, Houston ISD, the Port of Houston Authority, and others.
Click the registration link to apply: http://www.probono.net/houston-sbla/. For more information, contact Tanya Makany-Rivera at 832-393-0623 orTanya.Makany-Rivera@houstontx.gov.
Houston Police Department Offers $5,000 Incentive to Join Ranks
The Houston Police Department is looking to hire dozens of men and women in our city and is offering a $5,000 hiring incentive to new police recruits in the February, May, and June 2015 academy classes. Each cadet will receive $2,500 within 30 days after starting the academy and $2,500 upon graduation from the academy.
Since the hiring process could take up to 90 days, the application process starts as soon as possible! If you or someone you know is interested in serving and protecting our great city, please go to www.hpdcareer.com or contact the HPD Recruiting Division at 713-308-1300 for more information.
New District... New Council Member... New Beginnings!