District K
Contact Information
900 Bagby, First Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Main Office:
832-393-3016 Office
832-395-9410 Fax
Satellite Office:
832-393-4203 Office
832-395-9410 Fax
District Email:
Click here
Archived Newsletters:
Click here
Click here |
Council Member Green Kicks-Off the Klean It Up/Green It Up Campaign |
On November 3rd, Council Member Green officially unveiled billboards as part of the District K Klean It Up/Green It Up campaign at a press conference that occurred at City Hall. "Looking to create a cleaner, "greener" community for District K residents, the campaign will ask for residents to get involved in the beautification of District K. "I'm thrilled to be getting this campaign off the ground," said Council Member Green. "Our goal with Klean It Up/Green It Up is not just to create a better District K, it is to make this community one of cleanest, greenest districts in the city."
The Klean It Up/Green It Up campaign is an initiative focused on beautifying District K through tree plantings, the development of community gardens, an increased focus on recycling, and opening community farmer's markets, amongst other green initiatives. The campaign will utilize special events, community partnerships, and a robust social media program to help educate residents on how to make District K a healthier, greener, and more environmentally friendly place to live and raise a family.
Additionally, Council Member Green hosted a Klean It Up/Green It Up community kick-off rally on November 8th at The Fountain Life Center. "The kick-off rally was a great way to celebrate this initiative and get the District K community involved in its implementation. The Klean It Up/Green It Up campaign is for the residents of District K, and will only succeed if we have buy-in from the entire community. The citizens of District K know this community best - we will need their help to make this initiative the success we know it can be!" expressed by Council Member Green.
For more information on the campaign and Council Member Larry Green, please visit www.KleanItUpGreenItUp.Org. The campaign can also be followed on Facebook and by utilizing the #KleanItUpGreenItUp hashtag on social media outlets and posts. |
Hiram Clarke:
West Airport Blvd. is Enhanced with Live Oak Trees |
The District K office, in partnership with Trees for Houston, planted 25, 15-gallon trees along the barren esplanades of West Airport Blvd. between Hiram  Clarke Rd. to the dead-end. The tree planting event occurred on November 23rd.
"I want to thank Trees for Houston for being a strong community partner and for facilitating this tree planting event," states Council Member Green.
Barry Ward, Executive Director of Trees for Houston, demonstrated the proper way to plant and mulch a tree among the 25 volunteers that participated in the tree planting event. "Barry and his team have been a true asset to this Klean It Up/Green It Up campaign initiative throughout the District," states Council Member Green.
District K Sponsored Tree Pruning Event along the West Orem Corridor |
On December 13th, the District K office, in conjunction with the Corinthian Pointe Homeowners Association, the West Orem Family YMCA, and the Kingdom Builders' Center, pruned the 50+ crape myrtle trees along with the West Orem Dr. corridor between South Post Oak Rd. to the Fort Bend Tollway. Volunteers consisted of seniors, youth, and everyone in-between rolled-up their sleeves to pitch-in with this community initiative.
This segment of the West Orem Dr. corridor is maintained by the City of Houston Parks and Recreation Dept. However, the entities that abut the corridor felt the City's upkeep was not up to par with what the community wanted. Therefore, the Corinthian Pointe HOA reached out to Council Member Green for a solution. He offered to facilitate a collaborative tree pruning event to aesthetically enhance the appearance of the West Orem Dr. corridor. With the assistance of the District K office, the West Orem Family YMCA and the KBC also joined the effort to participate in this collaborative event.
"The collaborative efforts of the Corinthian Pointe HOA, the West Orem Family YMCA and the KBC is what made this community event a huge success," states Council Member Green. "Additionally, I want to thank the volunteers from ABC Dental and community stakeholders that volunteered with this initiative. This event was a perfect example of the District K Klean It Up/Green It Up campaign."
South Houston Concerned Citizens Coalition Planned a Successful Fall Community Clean-Up |
Once again, the South Houston Concerned Citizens Coalition hosted their annual community Fall Clean-Up on November 1st. The community clean-up involved de-littering of trash along the major thoroughfares throughout the Hiram Clarke community. Overall, the event generated over 35 large bags of trash. "I would like to commend the students of Madison High School and YES Prep-Southwest Campus for reaching out to the Coalition to assist with this community endeavor," states Council Member Green. "Ms. Linda Scurlock and her team of civic leaders did another outstanding job with organizing this community event."
Brays Oaks:
District K Office Partnered with TXU Energy to Plant Trees within the Brays Oaks District |
Council Member Larry Green hosted a tree planting and mulching event within the Brays Oaks District on November 1st as a prelude to the District K Klean It Up/Green It Up campaign. This tree planting event was in conjunction the TXU Energy Committed to Community Growth Program. As part of this program, TXU Energy donated 45, 15-gallon trees to be planted along the esplanades of West Bellfort Ave.

Other participating community partners included the Brays Oaks Management District, the Houston Parks and Recreation Dept., and Keep Houston Beautiful. "We chose this area of West Bellfort Ave. because of the barren esplanades. Thanks in part to the Brays Oaks Management District, this area has a track record for sustaining and maintaining their adopted esplanades. The District stepped up to the plate and agreed to water the 45, 15-gallon trees for two years," states Council Member Green.
Fort Bend Houston:
Tree Planting Event Enhances Court Rd. in Fort Bend Houston |
The District K office has partnered with Trees for Houston to plant 15-gallon trees along the esplanades of Court Rd. between Chimney Rock Rd. to South Post Oak Rd. The tree planting event occurred on December 13th and consisted of community volunteers as well as volunteers from Baker Hughes, the State Bar Environmental and Natural Resources Law Section, and the Fort Bend Houston Super Neighborhood Council.
Trees for Houston took the lead with the tree planting initiative and properly educated volunteers on how to plant, stake, and mulch the 15-gallon trees. Trees for Houston graciously donated the 68 live oaks, pre-dug the holes along the esplanades, and has agreed to sustain (water) the trees for 2 years.
This tree planting initiative is part of the greater District K Klean It Up/Green It Up campaign.
Council Member Green Demolishes a Dilapidated Structure within Fort Bend Houston |
Council Member Green coordinated with the Dept. of Neighborhoods to demolish a dilapidated structure on December 11th. The demolished property was 4722 Crocker Ridge Dr., located within the Ridgemont subdivision of Fort Bend Houston.
Promoting public safety and enhancing the quality of life for residents are top priorities for Council Member Green. One way to accomplish this is by eliminating blighted, hazardous buildings within District K neighborhoods. In addition, this demolition coincides with the District K Klean It Up/Green It Up initiative.
Council Member Green expressed, "I'm thrilled the District K council office was able to move forward with eliminating this dangerous building site within the Ridgemont subdivision. Over the years, the 4722 Crocker Ridge Dr. site has detrimentally plagued this area. Through continually working with the District K council office, this community's persistence has been heard."
"I was glad to see fellow Ridgemont residents attend this event. I thanked the Dept. of Neighborhoods for moving fast on this initiative before the Holidays," stated Council Member Green.
Westbury Centerette Variance Update |
Over the course of a couple of months, the current owner of the Westbury Centerette property has been engaging a developer into transforming the derelict shopping center at the corner of West Bellfort and Chimney Rock into a fitness center. Overall, the developer hopes to build a LA Fitness Center on the site with both ground and garage parking. Because of the tight land use surrounding the existing Pizza Hut and Auto Zone, the property owner has applied to the City for a variance to accommodate a large fitness center and a multi-level garage.
The variance requested asked the original 10-foot setback on Chimney Rock Rd., since the standard setback on a city thoroughfare is now 25 feet. The developer proposes to use the standard 25-foot setback for West Bellfort and standard 10-foot setback for Moonlight. After getting approved resolutions to not oppose the variance request from the Westbury Civic Club and the Westbury Area Improvement Corporation, Council Member Green facilitated a meeting with the developer and the property owner on the following conditions: new sidewalks on Moonlight, West Bellfort, and Chimney Rock; bike racks; security lighting; conduct traffic studies; and provide screening trees along Moonlight and Chimney Rock Rd. Both the developer and property owner agreed to the terms. Additionally, Council Member Green forward the conditions to the Planning Dept. as staff recommendation to the Houston Planning Commission. Thus, the variance request was approved.
"I, along with the Westbury community, strongly support this positive development at this location. I believe a new LA Fitness Center will foster additional economic development for West Bellfort and Chimney Rock intersection commercial node," states Council Member Green.
Next steps are for the property owner to apply for demolition permits and tear down the Westbury Centerette. Currently, we do not have an update status of this demolition process, but the District K office will continue to monitor this process and keep both the Westbury Civic Club and the Westbury Area Improvement Corporation informed.
For more information about this variance request, visit the December edition of the Westbury Crier (http://www.westburycrier.com/documents/crier).
The Friends of Linkwood Park and Knollwood Village Civic Club Awarded a Neighborhood Matching Grant from the City of Houston |
The Friends of Linkwood Park and the Knollwood Village Civic Club are proud to announce an award of $2,845.13, respectively, by the City of Houston's Neighborhood Matching Grant Program.
Relative to the Friends of Linkwood Park, their grant funds will be used for the relocation and refurbishment of the park's basketball courts. As for Knollwood Village Civic Club, their funds will be used to replace their subdivision marker and enhance the landscaping around the entryway signs.

"I'm proud that both the Friends of Linkwood Park and the Knollwood Village Civic Club applied for this grant program as representatives of the South Braeswood community," states Council Member Green. The Westbury Civic Club is the third District K organization that received a $2,845.13 grant from this program.
The Neighborhood Matching Grant Program was appropriated $50,000 as a budget amendment during this past budget cycle (ending June 30, 2014), to re-establish the program. The Neighborhood Matching Grant Program helps neighborhoods fund various beautification and improvement projects by providing a dollar-for-dollar matching grant reimbursement ranging from $500 to $5,000. The program is designed to cultivate the spirit of volunteerism to help neighborhood-based organizations learn the art of planning and community building through neighborhood projects.
General District K News
Council Member Green Neighborhood Sightings (November - December) |
Council Member Green made his rounds to discuss District K initiatives. Listed below are community meetings Council Member Green and the District K staff have attended during November through mid-December.

- November 1 - West Bellfort Tree Planting event
- November 3 - Klean It Up/Green It Up Press Conference
- November 5 - Brays Oaks SNC Meeting
- November 6 - Central Southwest SNC Meeting
- November 8 - Hiram Clarke Community Annual Fall Clean-Up Event
- November 8 - Klean It Up/Green It Up Kick-Off Informational Campaign Event
- November 13 - Fort Bend Houston SNC Meeting
- November 15 - Westbury Community Garden Fall Festival
- November 18 - Brays Oaks District Board Meeting
- November 18 - Mayfair Park Civic Club Meeting
- November 20 - Braeswood SNC Meeting
- December 1 - West Bellfort POA Annual Meeting
- December 2 - Brays Oaks SNC Holiday Social
- December 9 - Buffalo Speedway Extension Community Public Meeting
- December 11 - Southwest Houston 2000 and Brays Oak Management District Appreciation Breakfast
- December 11 - Fort Bend Houston Demolition Event (4722 Crocker Ridge Dr.)
- December 11 - Fort Bend Houston SNC Holiday Social
- December 13 - West Orem Corridor Tree Pruning Event
- December 13 - Court Rd. Tree Planting Event
- December 15 - TCEQ Contested Hearing (Southern Crushed Concrete)
- December 16 - Hiram Clarke Civic Club Holiday Social
- December 17 - TIRZ #9 Board Meeting
- December 17 - Westbury Civic Club Holiday Social
- December 18 - Madison High School Community Meeting
- December 19 - Christmas at the Y Toy Drive Event (West Orem Family YMCA)
Any Annual Civic Association Meetings Planned on the Horizon? |
The Spring and Fall season is the time of year a significant 
number of civic associations host their annual civic association meetings. Since coming into office last year, Council Member Green has made a commitment to visit every civic association within the District. The task is almost complete; howeve r, if you are receiving this e-newsletter and Council Member Green has yet to attend your civic association meeting, please contact the District K office at 832-393-3016 or districtK@houstontx.gov to schedule an appointment.
Has Your Civic Association Been Updated with the District K Council Office? |
Update your civic association contacts with the District K council office. If your civic association has recently elected new officers, changed the primary contact person, new e-mail address, new contact number and/or new or changed meeting location, time, and date, please take a moment to update your contact info with the District K council office.
Periodically, the District K office sends pertinent information about District K news and City of Houston topics of information relating to your neighborhood and neighborhood association. To ensure you and your civic association receive this information, we need you to update your contact info. Thank you for your help and your interest in District K.
General City of Houston News
The holiday are upon us and we all need to be aware our surroundings http://www.houstontx.gov/police/keep_houston_safe/home
during this season. Here is a link courtesy of the Houston Police Dept. that provide  some safety tips during this holiday season:
As you venture throughout a shopping center, try and park near a lighted area if you will are returning to your car after dark; have your keys ready to get into your vehicle so you are not looking for your keys; and do not leave shopping bags and packages in plain sight inside your vehicle.
Additionally, after opening gifts and un-boxing them, break the boxes down and put them in the trash or take them to a recycle bin. The Houston Police Dept. urges everyone not to put the box out for trash pickup. "You are advertising to a burglar that you got a new 60" smart TV if you put the box on the street curb as is," states Council Member Green. |
Receive Plat and Permit Reports by E-Mail |
Keep up with development and construction projects in your neighborhood. Sign up for the City's E-Plat summary report and the E-Permit report to find out about plat and permit applications.
The Plat Summary E-Report contains information about the plats, replats, variances, and special exceptions to plats that will be considered at the upcoming Planning Commission meeting. The report provides locational, plat, and applicant information for each application in an Excel format that can be easily scrolled through, or sorted, based on particular data, such as council district.
The Houston Planning Commission meets every other Thursday at 2:30 p.m. in City Hall Annex Chambers, 900 Bagby St. unless otherwise posted.
The Plat Summary E-Report is usually sent out approximately a week before Planning Commission meets, while the Planning Commission Agenda is posted three days in advance of Planning Commission meetings on the Planning & Development Department website ( www.houstonplanning.com).
The Permit E-Report provides information regarding any new construction, remodeling, or change-of-use permits by zip-code in an effort to inform citizens of activity in their neighborhoods. This E-Report is e-mailed every Monday.
To sign up, click here.
Report Unnecessary City Signs to 3-1-1 |

Do you see city signs on the road and elsewhere that no longer apply or are not necessary anymore? Call 3-1-1 or go to www.houston311.org to report these signs so we can take a look and determine if it's time for them to be removed or replaced with something more up-to-date and less confusing. Examples include street name signs or "No Parking without Permit" signs in places where permits are no longer needed.
In addition, the current campaign season is underway and illegal campaign signs need to be reported. Report violators by calling 3-1-1 or go to www.houston311.org. For questions on the proper placement of signs, call the Sign Administration Division at 832.394.8890.
City's Solid Waste Department Tree Waste and Junk Waste Recycling Program |
The City will collect tree waste exclusively on odd months on the resident's current tree waste /junk waste collection day. "Tree waste" is defined as "clean woo d waste", which consists of tree limbs, branches or stumps. Lumber, furniture and treated wood will not be accepted. On even months residents may set out their junk waste at the curb for city collection. "Junk waste" is used to describe items such as furniture, appliances and other bulky materials. These items should be placed adjacent to the front curb in a location easily accessible to the collection vehicle between the hours of 6:00 p.m. the Friday before, and 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled collection day.
A maximum of four (4) tires per month, per household may be placed curbside for collectio n. Sheet rock must be bagged. Appliances containing refrigerant must have a tag attached to them certifying that a qualified technician has removed the refrigerant. Materials should not be stacked under low overhead cabling, signs, or mailboxes; next to fences or posts; or on top of water meters, gas meters, fire hydrants, or other exposed utility components. Also, materials should not be placed in the street, on the sidewalk, or other right-of-way, or in any manner that would interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic. Tree waste and junk waste collection is limited to residential units and vacant residential lots only if the waste generated is in connection with the maintenance of the property.
Below is the tree waste and junk waste collection schedule:
January -- Tree Waste
February -- Junk Waste
March -- Tree Waste
April -- Junk Waste
May -- Tree Waste
June -- Junk Waste
July -- Tree Waste
August -- Junk Waste
September -- Tree Waste
October -- Junk Waste
November -- Tree Waste
December -- Junk Waste
Below are PDFs of District K neighborhoods illustrating their respective heavy trash day(s):
For information about the City's Solid Waste Dept., visit their website at www.houstonsolidwaste.org or call 3-1-1.
Participate in the City's Prohibited Yard Parking Program |
The Prohibited Yard Parking Program is intended to protect neighborhood property values, prevent damage to the City of Houston's underground infrastructure, and to stop the degradation of the aesthetic appearance of single-family residential areas. Parking of vehicles on any unimproved surface in the front or side yard within single-family residential areas will be prohibited where a Prohibited Yard Parking Requirement Area has been established.

Active homeowner's associations or civic clubs may apply for a Prohibited Yard Parking Requirement Area or a homeowner may gather 60% support from single-family residential property owners within the proposed Prohibited Yard Parking Requirement Area and file a petition with the City of Houston's Planning and Development Department.
Once City Council approves the Prohibited Yard Parking Requirement Area, it is recorded and in effect for twenty (20) years. Any person who violates the Prohibited Yard Parking Requirement Area shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be fined up to $150.00 each day a violation occurs.
The Planning and Development Department accepts applications for the Prohibited Yard Parking Program on the first two business days of each month before 5:00 p.m. For more information, contact the Planning and Development Dept. at 713-837-7931.
New District... New Council Member... New Beginnings!
Council Member Green and the District K staff wish everyone a safe and blessed holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah
to All!! |