District K Contact Information
900 Bagby, First Floor
Houston, TX 77002
832-393-3016 office
832-393-4203 Satellite
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Archived Newsletters:
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Fort Bend Houston:
Another Dilapidated Structure Demolished in District K
Council Member Green was pleased to demolish what had become an unsound, dilapidated structure within the Fort Bend Houston community of Mayfair Park during the City's 2014 Demo Day. The property at 5121 Mackinaw Dr. was demolished among a cheering crowd of Mayfair Park neighbors.
Promoting public safety and enhancing the quality of life for residents are still top priorities for Council Member Green. One way to accomplish this is by eliminating blighted, hazardous buildings within District K neighborhoods.
Council Member Green states, "I'm thrilled the City was able to move forward with this dangerous building. I cannot thank the Mayfair Park neighbors enough for persistently advocating for the demolition of 5121 Mackinaw onto Neighborhood Protection's demolition list," states Council Member Green. "The Mayfair Park community's persistence has paid off."
Fort Bend CORPS' Energy Efficiency Program
For those homeowners residing within Fort Bend County, the Fort Bend Corps is a great partner to the City of Houston. The Fort Bend Community Revitalization Projects (Fort Bend CORPS) has been providing free home repair assistance since 1999. The CORPS manages six programs to deliver home repairs. The CORPS primary focus is to provide home repair assistance to restore safe and decent housing for low-income, elderly and disabled homeowners in the Fort Bend County area who are physically and financially unable to make needed repairs to their homes. All repairs are done free of charge to the homeowner. The CORPS repairs are limited to projects that are necessary and address life, health and safety issues with the goal of restoring safe and decent housing.
Fort Bend CORPS announces the continuation of the Energy Efficiency Program for Fort Bend County residents. Since November 2007, the CORPS has served over 1250 households with this program. The repairs are provided to qualified homeowners to maximize electricity savings. Weather forecasts expect the summer to reach unbearable temperatures and the CORPS aims to cool off area residents with this program. Please contact Fort Bend CORPS to inquire about more information regarding this program and how it could help you or someone you know.
Home repairs that maximize electricity savings may include:
- attic insulation
- solar screens (east and west sides only)
- compact fluorescent lamps
- ENERGY STAR room air conditioners
- ENERGY STAR refrigerators
- Duct sealing
- Air infiltration measures
- HVAC replacements
- Water heater blankets & pipe insulation (electric units)
To determine your eligibility or for more information on the program, please contact the Fort Bend CORPS at 281-617-7416 or via e-mail at info@fbcorps.org.
Friends of Linkwood Park Kick Off
On May 3rd, the Friends of Linkwood, along with the Families of South Braeswood the Houston Parks Board, and the District K office hosted a community kick-off event to raise funds for renovation efforts at Linkwood Park. The wonderful weather on May 3rd brought a large crowd to the Party in the Park event; attendees were treated to music by Pershing Middle School and Longfellow Elementary School orchestras, St. Thomas' Episcopal bagpipers, and a fun, get-up and dance performance by Tom's Fun Band. Tasty burgers and sweet treats from an ice cream truck were enjoyed by all. In addition, vendors from the City of Houston such as the Houston Public Library mobile unit, Houston Police Dept. SWAT Team mobile unit and mounted patrol, City's Parks Dept. and Health & Human Services Dept. - Oral Hygiene Section, as well as many local businesses kept guests entertained with informative booths and games. Exciting raffle drawings were also held throughout the event.
As an added bonus, Council Member Green made a special presentation to the Families of South Braeswood and the Friends of Linkwood Park to recognize the organizations for their efforts.
Fundraising efforts will continue with a goal toward construction of a fenced toddler playground area set for a Phase I at an estimated cost of $50,000. The need for this addition was certainly evident at the Party in the Park event. If you would like to support the Linkwood Park renovation plans, you can donate online click here . Naming recognition opportunities are still available. Checks can also be made payable to Houston Parks Board, 300 North Post Oak Lane, Houston, TX 77024 (note "Linkwood Park" on memo line of your check). All donations to the Houston Parks Board, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
The Linkwood News Monthly Newsletter Honored with a National Award |
The Linkwood Civic Club's monthly newsletter, Linkwood News, won a Gold Award for their printed publication at the 39th Annual Neighborhoods USA (NUSA) conference held in Eugene, Oregon last month. The winners of the newsletter competition were presented in two divisions of newsletters - electronic and printed versions. In both of those categories, GOLD and SILVER levels were recognized. The 2014 newsletter winners for printed publications were:
Level | Publication | Neighborhood | City, State |
| The Heights | California Heights Neighborhood | Long Beach, CA |
| Gifford Park's Pride | Gifford Park Neighborhood | Omaha, NE |
| The Village News | City of Wood Village | Wood Village, OR |
| Society Hill Reporter | Society Hill Civic Association | Philadelphia, PA |
| Fairmount
| Fairmount Neighborhood | Fort Worth, TX |
| Linkwood News | Linkwood Civic Club | Houston, TX |
Neighborhoods USA (NUSA) has selected Houston as the Host City for the 2015 Neighborhood U.S.A. (NUSA) national conference. This will bring the nation's largest neighborhood organization and an estimated 1,000 grass-roots community leaders from across the country to Houston. The conference will be the 40th anniversary of the organization.
Neighborhoods, USA is a national non-profit organization committed to building and strengthening neighborhood organizations. Created in 1975 to share information and experiences toward building stronger communities, NUSA continues to encourage networking and information sharing to facilitate the development of partnerships between neighborhood organizations, government and the private sector.
Houston's commitment to neighborhoods and the City's status as a great convention location were the primary reasons Houston was selected for this conference. "I was pleased to have contributed a support letter to help capture the 2015 NUSA to Houston," states Council Member Green. "This is an opportunity for Houston neighborhoods to tell their story about the great activities that occur in their neighborhood."
The Planning and Development Department and the Department of Neighborhoods will coordinate with local neighborhood advocates and NUSA on the 2015 Conference. For more information or to find out how you can get involved, contact Margaret Wallace at 713-837-7701.
Hiram Clarke:
Council Member Larry Green Kicked- off the 5th Annual Demo Day in District K
Council Member Green kicked-off the City of Houston's 5th Annual Demo Day on May 17th with the leveling of a dilapidated structure within the Brentwood subdivision - 13018 Southfield Dr.
The event launched the City's 2014 demolition initiative -- to promote public safety and enhance the quality of life for residents throughout the city of Houston. This kick-off event included razing approximately 139 abandoned and dangerous buildings at various locations across the city. Members of the Houston Area Contractors Association are donating their services to bulldoze a portion of these buildings. The debris will be cleared in the weeks that follow and the demolition initiative will continue until the project is completed.
"I'm thrilled to have participated in this annual event, "states Council Member Green. "Over the years, the 13018 Southfield property has detrimentally plagued the Brentwood neighborhood. Through this sponsored initiative of our office and the Department of Neighborhoods, the Brentwood community's persistence has been heard. I am pleased to have torn down the worst house in Brentwood."
Waterline Replacement Project Planned for Hiram Clarke Area Community |
The City of Houston Public Works and Engineering Dept. (PWE) will undergo a waterline replacement project that began July 9th. This infrastructure project will include the neighborhoods of Pamela Heights, Townwood, and portions of Brentwood West. The District K office facilitated an informational community meeting among the residents being impacted by the waterline replacement project and the PWE engineers and prime contractor prior to commencing the work.
For more information about this waterline replacement project, access the District K webpage (www.districtK@houstontx.gov) and click the Hiram Clarke Area Waterline Replacement Project link. This link will have a PDF of the frequently asked questions (FAQs), special needs form, outline map of the project, and an engineering report of the project.
Dowling Middle School sets Course for a New Design of New School |
Council Member Green attended the Houston Independent School District two-day design charrette last month with the Dowling Middle School architects selected to discuss pros and cons of the existing school and to share design ideas for the proposed school. The Dowling Middle School Project Advisory Team (PAT) are continually looking for ways to make this school better with collaborative and transparent student-centered designs that will provide a safe and engaging learning environment.
Dowling Middle School is part of a group of 40 schools HISD will rebuild or renovate under the school district's 2012 $1.89 billion program. The school will be open during construction and is tentatively scheduled to begin during the late 2015 calendar year. According to Harrison Kornberg Architects, the firm designing the new school, Dowling Middle School will receive collaborative learning areas with more natural light in its new facility. Preliminary designs show the new campus built on the athletic fields behind the school and the main entrance still located off of Stancliff St.
The design includes an atrium near the entrance and a large courtyard in the school's center to serve as a safe and central area on campus for students before, during and after school. Overlooking the courtyard is the fine arts building and a three-story academic building with a cylindrical tower that will house collaborative learning spaces and commons where students can work in small or large groups.
The architect's goal in designing these collaborative spaces is to create spaces that complement different student learning styles. The design features a long walkway that will stretch from the athletic fields to the courtyard as well as more transparent spaces, including the school's main entrance, fine arts and dining areas, so students, staff and visitors can see student interaction and activities in action from outside the school.
"We need a new look to our school and better teaching and social spaces to help students interact with their peers," said Dowling seventh-grader Dinochi Sandifer. "This will help improve not only the education provided, but it will restore student and community pride in the school."
Madison High School Teacher named KBR Science Teacher of the Year
Vladimir Gonzalez Lopez, a physics teacher at Madison High School, was named the 2014 KBR Science Teacher of the Year. "Science is a process," Lopez said, "And you can't expect anybody to give you the answers. Students have to do the experiments and try new things, because that's what they're going to need when they're doing real science."
The contest was created in 2009 to recognize new and effective models of instruction that emphasize the scientific method and critical thinking skills. Participants are challenged to create engaging lessons about earth and space science, force and motion, physics, and chemistry that are aligned to the state curriculum, using a framework based on the "seven Es": elicit, engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate, and extend. These seven steps are an integral part of the KBR Science Awards program, which was developed as a partnership between the district's Secondary Science Curriculum Department and KBR, an international engineering firm headquartered in Houston.
As KBR's Science Teacher of the Year, Lopez won a cash prize of $6,000. Another District K participating winner, Elizabeth Espino from Welch Middle School, received $2,000 as the third-place winner.
Council Member Green Recognizes Principal Sonja C. Williams as 2013 Prinicipal of the Year |
Last year, Principal Sonja Williams of James Madison High School received top honors for the 2013 academic season as Principal of the Year among HISD secondary schools. This past month, Council Member Green recognized Principal Williams before City Council for making her mark on educational excellence. "Mrs. Williams has really made positive strides among the faculty and students of James Madison High School," states Council Member Green. "I cannot say it enough, don't underestimate quality urban schools. With the right administrator leading the charge with our kids, all things are exponentially possible."
Brays Oaks:
Glenshire Community Association Applies for Special Minimum Lot Size Application
Last year, Council Member Green facilitated two (2) District-wide community meetings so personnel from the Planning and Development Department could inform civic leaders about recent amendments to Chapter 42 of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances and new tools which might be available to help protect and preserve your neighborhoods. Most District K neighborhoods have the appropriate language within their current deed restrictions protecting them from these new changes; whereas others didn't have the minimum lot size protection noted. The Glenshire Community Association is one of those District K neighborhoods that have taken the proactive step to protect their neighborhood character. 
Revisions to Chapter 42 extending the minimum lot size and minimum building line requirements to neighborhoods within the corporate boundaries of the City of Houston that do not have a minimum lot size or minimum building lines established in their deed restrictions will become effective May 2015.
Time is the essence. For those neighborhoods thought to already have language in their restrictions addressing the minimum lot size and/or minimum building line requirements, we strongly encourage you to consult with a private attorney to ensure your restrictions are valid in all respects and provide the protections set forth therein. The applications and information about this development tool can be found online click here .Contact Kevin Calfee at 713-837-7768 or Kevin.Calfee@HoustonTX.gov to schedule a meeting prior to submitting an application.
Westbury :
Westbury Community Gets a Glimpse for New Parker Elementary
Students of Parker Elementary looking at the new plans.
During a community meeting last month, Parker Elementary shared plans about how its 55-year-old school will be replaced with a new two-story facility, complete with green spaces on two sides and musical performance hall.
"We want you to see the direction the new building is going in," Principal Lori Frodine told the group of more than 50 parents, staff and community members.
Parker, a music magnet school, received $29.4 million to build a 21st century school that will be funded under the district's 2012 bond program. The 132,000-square-foot building also will feature collaborative and flexible classrooms, outdoor learning areas, and a community plaza.
Brave Architecture has been selected as the school's designer and will be constructed by Brae Burn Construction. The existing school will be open during construction, which is scheduled to begin in mid-to late 2015 and last about 14 months. Fencing will be added to the site to separate and secure the construction site from the existing building.
The proposed area of new construction for Parker faces a community park in the Westbury neighborhood and requires moving the existing school's temporary buildings to place the new building on the site. The school's main entrance will move to Stillbrooke Dr., where an outdoor community plaza will sit just outside the school's performance hall to allow for outdoor concerts and performances. Near the entrance will also be a parent drop off area and a staff and visitor parking lot. Behind the school, athletic fields will be placed where the existing school is currently located after it is demolished. A breezeway will be added to allow students to easily walk from the fields and the bus drop off area to the school. The new building will open up to green spaces on both sides, allowing students to look out at trees and the outdoors.
Westbury Highs School Bids Farewell to Principal Wainwright |
Westbury High School and the Westbury community wish Principal Andrew Wainwright the best of luck. Mr. Wainwright has been the principal at Westbury High School since 2010. Over the course of four years, he has increasedthe graduation rate at Westbury High School by 15%; decreased the dropout rate by 4%; held the attendance rate steady at 90%; and decreased the Student In-School-Suspensions, Out-Of-School-Suspensions and DAEP referrals. Mr. Wainwright has led Westbury High School with a 377 ranking in The Washington Post's list of Most Challenging Schools in the Southern United States and increased the number of AP exams to over 1500 exams as well as witnessed increases in the number of students who qualify, apply, and are admitted to the National Honor Society each year.
A new principal has not yet been named. The District K office wishes Mr. Wainwright the best of luck.
General District K News
Council Member Planned District K Multifamily/ Townhome Economic Development Tour
Council Member Green facilitated a Multi-Family/Townhome Economic Development Tour on June 13th. District K is the one geographical area of the city that has an abundance of undeveloped land ripe for quality multi-family development opportunities. Equally important, District K prides itself as a being strategically located as a bedroom community to a number of nearby employment centers and commercial activity centers such as the Texas Medical Center, Uptown (Galleria area), Pearland, Sugar Land, etc.
The objective of this multi-family and townhome development tour was to market District K to Houston area developers to consider investing within the District. The tour was partnered with the Five Corners Management District and TIRZ #25. The attendees were provided a brief overview of the District relative to the various areas suitable for multi-family and townhome development.
District K Neighborhood 101 Symposium: Legal Strategies for Running an Effective Civic Board
In late April, Council Member Green moderated a Neighborhood 101 workshop that addressed Legal Strategies for Running an Effective Successful Civic Board. This informative workshop was held at Westbury High School and facilitated by the Community Association Institute. This workshop was a piggyback from the other workshops the District K office facilitated last year: How to Run an Effective Civic Board.
The purpose of these Neighborhood 101 symposiums are to educate and inform District K community leaders about how to strengthen their skill set as community leaders, to develop best practices to take back to your respective community, and have an opportunity to network with other District K community leaders.
Any Annual Civic Association Meetings Planned on the Horizon?

Fall season is the time of year a significant number of civic associations host their annual civic association meetings. Since coming into office last year, Council Member Green has made a commitment to visit every civic association within the District. The task is almost complete; however, if you are receiving this e-newsletter and Council Member Green has yet to attend your civic association meeting, please contact the District K office at 832-393-3016 or districtK@houstontx.gov to schedule an appointment.
Council Member Green would like to attend your annual meeting, regardless if it's the first time or the second time. This is the once-a-year meeting that most community members attend. Council Member Green would like to introduce the District K council staff and briefly address any community concerns among the attendees. Also, keep us posted if your civic association has changed its contact info (primary contact person, mailing address, e-mail address, contact number) and meeting location and date.
District K Super Neighborhood Councils (SNC) Summer Meeting Schedule |
The Central Southwest/Fondren Gardens SNC will meet next month on July 10th at 6:45 p.m. at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center, 3810 West Fuqua St., 77045. The SNC meets bi-monthly on the 1st Thursday of the month (same time and location).
The Fort Bend Houston SNC will not meet during the months of June and July for the summer season. However, the Council will reconvene in August (14th). The SNC meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Ridgemont Community Center, 5599 Ridgecreek Circle, 77053.
The Braeswood SNC will not meet during the months of June and July for the summer season. However, the Council will reconvene in August (21st). The SNC meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at Linkwood Park Community Center, 3699 Norris St.
The Westbury SNC will meet on June 18 at 8:30 a.m. at the Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, 4930 West Bellfort Ave., 77035. However, the SNC will not meet during the month of July for the summer season but will reconvene in August (20th). The SNC generally meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month (same time and location).
The Brays Oaks SNC will not meet during the month of July for the summer season. However, the Council will reconvene in August (5th). The SNC meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at Braeswood Assembly of God Church, 10611 Fondren Rd., 77096.
Houston Police Department Positive Interaction Program (PIP) meetings
District K has three active PIP meetings administered by the Houston Police Department. All PIP meetings are open to the public; regardless of where you live.
Southwest PIP Meeting (every 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.)
Aramco Building
9009 West Loop South Freeway Houston, TX 77096
For more information, please contact the HPD Westbury Storefront at 713-726-7126. The Westbury HPD Storefront hours are 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Hiram Clarke PIP Meeting (every 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.)
Hiram Clarke HPD Storefront
4363 West Fuqua St. Houston, TX 77053
For more information, please contact the HPD Hiram Clarke Storefront at 713-433-2720. The Hiram Clarke HPD Storefront hours are 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Braeburn PIP Meeting (every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.)
Braeburn HPD Storefront 7576 West Bellfort Ave. Houston, TX 77071
For more information, please contact the HPD Braeburn Storefront at 713-773-7550. The Braeburn HPD Storefront hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
General City of Houston News
METRO RE-Imagining Its Network

METRO is proposing a new and improved local bus network as part of its transit system re-imagining project. They are taking this draft proposal to the community for public input. In addition to making trips easier, faster, and more reliable for current riders, METRO projects the reimagined local network will encourage a substantial increase in ridership.
A few highlights of the plan:
- More frequent routes - almost double what exists today (frequent routes defined as running every 15 minutes or less);
- Greatly expanded weekend service;
- Simpler, straighter routes that are easier to understand;
- Updated route numbering to help customers better navigate the system; and
- Improvement in connectivity between bus and rail
The public outreach effort will include community meetings and transit center outreach, and detailed information, in multiple languages, including interactive resources which will be available on the project web site - click here.
METRO has planned 16 public workshops for community input. The METRO workshop within District K is scheduled for Thursday, July 10 at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. These public workshops will be facilitated by METRO personnel and METRO Board members.
For a complete list of dates and locations, access the project website click here or visit METRO's website www.ridemetro.org.
Council Member Recognizes Top Students from District K Area High School
Council Member Green recognized and acknowledged the following District K graduating seniors named Valedictorian and Salutatorian from their respective high school. The top recipients recognized were:
- Westbury High School
- Luis Espinoza - Valedictorian
- Norma - Salutatorian
- Madison High School
 - Timothy Viesca - Valedictorian
- Sharon Nguyen - Salutatorian
- Willowridge High School
- Juan Buena - Valedictorian
- Tony Romero - Salutatorian
- YES Prep Academy
- Ngozi Nwajiaku - Valedictorian
- Hannah Oyedeji - Salutatorian
- Girls and Boys Preparatory Academy
- Justine Brown - Valedictorian
- Modesto Ramirez - Salutatorian
City of Houston 2014 Summer Enrichment Program
The City of Houston Parks and Recreation Department announces its 2014Summer Enrichment Program. The program is a summer day-camp-style enrichment camp that offers a wide range of recreational activities including arts and crafts, sports games, field trips, entertainment, special events, and water fun. The 10-week program is offered from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday from June 2nd through August 8th. The cost for the program is $30 a week per child or $300 for the entire summer session. The age to participate in the program is 6 - 13.
The Summer Enrichment Program is offered at community center across the city. The facilities within District K participating in the program are:
Linkwood Park Community Center - 3699 Norris St., 77025
- Windsor Village Community Center - 1441 Croquet St., 77045
- Townwood Park Community Center - 3403 Simsbrook Dr., 77045
- Marian Park Community Center - 11000 South Gessner Rd., 77071
- Platou Community Center - 11655 Chimney Rock Rd., 77035
For more information call 832.395.7270.For fee schedules, go to www.houstoncityfees.org.
Texas Black Expo is Getting Bigger and Better |
The Texas Black Expo is an event is an annual celebration of African-American businesses showcasing business development seminars, entertainment, shopping and fun for the entire family. Further, the event attracts more than 20,000 attendees from throughout the United States, showcases more than 250 businesses to the Greater Houston Area, and contributes more than $1.5 million to the Houston economy.
Members of the Greater Houston community and from throughout the southeastern Texas region look forward to this exciting event each year, as it continues to present the best that the African American culture has to offer. The Texas Black Expo draws in major sponsors and vendors from around the country to experience the Juneteenth Summer Celebration and spotlight the richness of the African American culture.
The Juneteenth Summer Celebration has grown increasingly popular as a result of the thousands of individuals who converge on the city of Houston each year to celebrate the Texas Black Expo weekend! The event has become so popular, attracting revenue and recognition to the city of Houston, that it has become one of the landmark events that characterize the city of Houston as an international city that celebrates the uniqueness of each of its diverse communities!
The Texas Black Expo, being the largest urban festival in the state of Texas, will converge onto the Houston landscape on June 19-22, 2014 at the George R. Brown Convention Center, Hall A. In association of the event, the Texas Black Expo will host a number of complimentary events and activities including surprise celebrity guests; the Naturalista Symposium, where attendees can learn more about healthy hair regimens and styles; Diva Dialogue, a celebrity panel discussion featuring hot topics and issues important to women; as well as food demonstrations, health screenings, shopping and so much more. The trade show will take place Saturday, June 21st, from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., and Sunday, June 22nd, from 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.
For more information, including a full schedule of events, visit www.texasblackexpo.com, or @TexasBlackExpo on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
District K Welcomes Newly Assigned Deed Restriction Attorney
The City of Houston Legal Department has newly assigned a deed restriction attorney for the District K neighborhoods - Yolanda Woods. Ms. Woods is a native Texan who graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a B.A. from the Plan II Honors Program in Liberal Arts in 1987 and from Harvard Law School with a J.D. in 1990. Ms. Woods also spent the summer of 1986 studying at Oxford University (Brasenose College) in England. Prior to joining the City of Houston Legal Department, she worked for the Office of Public Utility Counsel as an Assistant Public Counsel from November 1992 until October 1996. She also worked for the Office of the Attorney General as an Assistant Attorney General in the Consumer Protection Division from April 1991 until October 1992.
Ms. Woods joined the City of Houston Legal Department in November 1996 and is currently a Senior Assistant City Attorney in the Neighborhood Services Division. She divides her time between dangerous building matters, Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission protests and hearings, and deed restriction enforcement in Council Districts D, E, and K.
Ms. Woods can be reached at 832-393-6275 or yolanda.woods@houstontx.gov.
Be Prepared for Hurricane Season
Hurricane Season is here and runs from June 1st to November 30th. The City of Houston Office of Emergency Management urges Houstonians to prepare for hurricanes, tropical storms and other emergencies by following a few key steps.
- Build a Kit - Have a disaster supply kit with enough supplies to last you and your family for 5-7 days; the kit should include food, medications, water and other basic necessities
- Make a Plan - Have an emergency plan for your family and check to make sure that your workplace, children's school and other places you frequent have emergency plans in place; be sure to practice your family's emergency plan before disasters happen
- Be Informed - Remember, during and after a hurricane, electricity and internet connections may be unavailable, so have a way to stay informed, including access to a NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Weather Alert radio or a hand-crank or battery-powered radio
- Know Your Neighbor - Neighbors can be a great source of help before and after a disaster, so get to know your neighbors, particularly those who are elderly or who may not be able to prepare for disasters by themselves; Houstonians know how to work together to be ready for disasters
If an evacuation is necessary, it is key to have a plan for how to get out of harm's way. If you are unable to evacuate by yourself or with the help of family and friends, register for the Transportation Assistance Registry by calling 2-1-1 from any phone in Texas.
Receive Plat and Permit Reports by E-Mail |
Keep up with development and construction projects in your neighborhood. Sign up for the City's E-Plat summary report and the E-Permit report to find out about plat and permit applications.
The Plat Summary E-Report contains information about the plats, replats, variances, and special exceptions to plats that will be considered at the upcoming Planning Commission meeting. The report provides location, plat, and applicant information for each application in an Excel format that can be easily scrolled through or sorted, based on particular data, such as council district.
The Houston Planning Commission meets every other Thursday at 2:30 p.m. in City Hall Annex Chambers, 900 Bagby St. unless otherwise posted.
The Plat Summary E-Report is usually sent out approximately a week before Planning Commission meets, while the Planning Commission Agenda is posted three days in advance of Planning Commission meetings on the Planning & Development Department website ( www.houstonplanning.com ).
The Permit E-Report provides information regarding any new construction, remodeling, or change-of-use permits by zip-code in an effort to inform citizens of activity in their neighborhoods. This E-Report is e-mailed every Monday.
Houston Bar Association LegalLine Program - Free Legal Hotline |
The Houston Bar Association offers a FREE legal hotline called LegalLine on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The LegalLine Program has been available to Houston area residents since 1985. This hotline services allows constituents to access an attorney free of charge. For more information about the LegalLine Program, contact Lucy Fraga Fisher Cain with the Houston Bar Association at 713-759-1133 or via e-mail at lucyf@hba.org.
Parks Master Plan Survey
The City of Houston Parks and Recreation Department is in the process of evaluating and adjusting the existing Parks Master Plan. The Parks Master Plan is evaluated and adjusted every 5 years to keep it a relevant guidance document that takes into account the physical, social, policy and technological changes that have taken place. This plan provides the Parks and Recreation Department with guidance for the growth of the parks system for the next twenty years.
When completed the Parks Master Plan will provide the Department with guidance for growth; development; land acquisition (where funding is available); and where future bond funds should be directed (where funding is not available).
Since the last update, the City of Houston has divided the park system into 21 Park Sectors; whereas, this review will assess park needs within these sectors. District K is located within Park Sector 8.
The survey is available in both English and Spanish and the results can help us shape the new Parks Master Plan Master Plan Survey English Version Master Plan Survey Spanish Version . To receive a copy of the Parks Master Plan Survey, e-mail us at masterplan@houstontx.gov. For a PowerPoint explaining the Online Parks Master Plan Survey click here and to receive a Master Plan Survey, e-mail the Parks and Recreation Department at masterplan@houstontx.gov.
Liftoff Houston Business Plan Competition!
The City of Houston's Office of Business Opportunity, the Houston Public Library System, Capital One Bank and SCORE, have partnered up for the 2nd year to bring aspiring entrepreneurs in the Houston area an opportunity to participate in the Lift Off Houston! 2014 Business Plan Competition.
The Liftoff Houston competition engages and empowers Houstonians seeking to start a new business in Houston by providing them with access to essential information, resources and support necessary to develop a sound business plan as a first step toward realizing this goal. The five month long competition is divided into four six stages (Orientation, Workshops, Mentoring and Business Pitching). Capital One Bank is the sponsor providing cash prizes totaling $30,000! The winners of this competition will take away $10,000 in seed money to start their businesses.
The 2014 business plan competition kicked off on June 11, but the required orientations begins Saturday July 12, and will continue throughout the month of July. To be eligible, applicants must be for profit businesses that are less than a year old, have earned less than $10K in revenue, are operated and have owners that live within the Houston City limits. Workshops will be offered at various Houston Public Library locations Libraries and local business centers citywide.
The prizes range from the following:
- $10,000 - Awarded for top "Product" Based Business Plan
- $10,000 - Awarded for top "Service" Based Business Plan
- $10,000 - Awarded for top "Innovation" Based Business Plan
Please visit www.Liftoffhouston.com to register and learn about the competition or call 832.393.0954.
City of Houston Health and Human Services Department |
The City of Houston Health and Human Services Department (Bureau of HIV/STD and Viral Hepatitis Prevention) in collaboration with 104.1 KRBE, the Houston Astros, and other community partners welcomes Health Intervention and Testing (HIT), the single largest testing event in the U.S.
This year, the public and private partnership seeks to provide FREE and confidential HIV and syphilis testing for 15,000 youth and young adults in Houston, raising awareness of these very serious infections is the main objective of the event for so many whom may never access HIV and STD services through traditional means. Over the years, this event has grown to include health screenings for HIV, Hepatitis C, and other STD's. In addition, educational classes will be provided.
The Health and Human Services Department is seeking volunteers to work any day or multiple days throughout the month event period - June 16th -July 21st . All volunteers must be at least 18 years of age. Training will be provided to all interested parties. For more information, please contact Brenda Booker at 832-393-4710 or visit www.houstonhealth.org.
New District... New Council Member... New Beginnings! |