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March/ April 2014
District K Contact Information



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Houston, TX 77002



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Rebuild Houston Initiative 
In February, Council Member Green facilitated the annual District K Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) meeting which addressed the various facility and infrastructure improvements projects currently slated within the CIP's 5-year plan and proposed projects on the horizon. In regards to this year's


 CIP, the Westridge neighborhood has been added to the 5-year plan as a storm drainage project. This storm drainage project will accompany the Woodshire Storm Drainage project which was added to the CIP last year. The Linkwood neighborhood was added to the CIP last year as a street reconstruction project.


For information about the Rebuild Houston Program, click click here. To view the proposed CIP projects for 2015-2019, click click here

The Friends of Linkwood Park Plans a "Party in the Park" Community Event  

Over the past couple of months, the Friends of Linkwood Park, a grassroots advisory board of volunteers, has collaborated with the Houston Parks Board to develop a conceptual proposal for park improvements with in Linkwood Park. With the support of Council Member Green and the other At-Large council members, the Friends of Linkwood Park submitted their conceptual proposal to the City's Park and Recreation Department for review. As a result, the Friends of Linkwood Park renovation proposal has been approved by the Parks and Recreation Department.


Linkwood Park is nestled within the heart of the South Braeswood community. If you live within the vicinity of Linkwood Park or just a strong supporter of Houston parks, the Friends of Linkwood Park are asking for your participation and support as they plan a community Spring event to build support for their park improvements via the Houston Parks Board. The "Party in the Park" community event is planned for May 3 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Friends of Linkwood Park are calling all area civic associations to join in and be a part of this community collaborative event.


For information on how you can get involved with the Friends of Linkwood Park, please contact Jenna Arnold at 713-299-7182 or via e-mail at

Fort Bend 
Ridgemont Elementary School selected into SPARK School Park Program
The SPARK Park Board has announced the recommended selection of eight (8) schools to participate in the 2014-2015 SPARK School Park Program. Ridgemont Elementary School has made the cut as one of the eight selected schools and will be the first school within Fort Bend ISD to participate. During the upcoming school year, Dr. Robert Long, Principal of Ridgemont Elementary School, will coordinate a  SPARK Committee and begin strategizing their fundraising efforts for their campus SPARK Park.


 "I'm thrilled to have recommended that the SPARK Park Board has chosen Ridgemont Elementary School to participate in this grassroots program. Not only will this school be the first within Fort Bend ISD, but Ridgemont will set the stage for other Houston Fort Bend ISD schools to follow," states Council Member Green. 


The SPARK School Park Program is a non-profit organization operating out of the City of Houston Mayor's Office. Developed in 1983 by former City Council Member Eleanor Tinsley as a way to increase park space in Houston, the SPARK School Park Program develops public school grounds into neighborhood parks.  The SPARK Program consists of an inter-local agreement between the City of Houston, the Houston Parks Board, and the local school district. SPARK further combines the resources of the Department of Housing and Community Development, the County, the private sector, neighborhood groups, PTA/PTO groups, and concerned citizens. 


For detail about the SPARK School Park Program, contact Kathleen Ownby at 832-393-0911 or e-mail

The FM 2234 Reconstruction Project Update

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)reconstruction expansion of FM 2234 from Cartwright Rd. to the Fort Bend Tollway. This 11-month project is moving steady and on schedule. Is estimated to be complete by November 2014 (weather permitting).


The expansion of the FM 2234 reconstruction project will include a 4-lane highway (curb and gutter section with a raised median).  Frequently asked questions and schematics of the TxDOT project are posted on the District K webpage:  click here. Click the FM 2234 Reconstruction Project

Progression of Work on Amy Ridge and Hiram Clarke Lift Station Diversions

In July 2013, the City of Houston Public Works and Engineering Dept. (PWE) began a primarily micro-tunnel project within the Fort Bend Houston area of the Ridgemont and Green Valley Estates subdivisions along Castlecreek Ln., Court Rd., Hiram Clarke Rd., Rapidcreek Dr., Ridge Harbor Dr., and Amy Ridge Rd. The contractor did not start immediately upon receipt of the Notice to Proceed and to recover lost ground, the contractor added additional crews  to ensure an on-time finish of the work.


In preparation for this infrastructure project (before the construction started), the Fort Bend Houston SNC, in partnership with Council Member Green, hosted an informational meeting at the Ridgemont Community Center where representatives from the affected communities were invited to engage the PWE project manager and the project contractor to ask questions about this infrastructure project.


"The District K office will continue to monitor the progress of this project and continue to communicate with the community leaders of Ridgemont and Green Valley Estates," states Council Member Green.  According to the Public Works and Engineering Department, this project is expected to be complete by June 2014. 

The Pinnacle Senior Center of Fort Bend County

The Pinnacle Senior Center is now opened.
The facility was built as a City of Houston /Fort Bend County community partnership using CDBG funds. The City of Houston contributed $500,000  to the construction of this facility; whereby Fort Bend County Health and Human Services Dept. will administer the operations of this facility. "The City of Houston and Fort Bend County officials are ecstatic about this new facility," states Council Member Green. "With the Boys and Girls Club located next door, The Pinnacle Senior Center will be a place for seniors to congregate, mingle, and engage in all the programmed health and wellness activities the facility has to offer."


The facility includes a fully equipped exercise room,  Wi-Fi internet caf� and library, large multi-purpose room, kitchen as well as dental and wellness rooms.


The Pinnacle Senior Center is a public facility that is FREE to the public and not exclusive to Fort Bend County residents. If you are interested in volunteering, offering a class/presentation/workshop, or have a suggestion for a program you would like to see offered at the center, please contact Sonya Santee @ 832-816-9540 or

Westbury :

Westbury Square Update

Westbury experienced a bittersweet moment in February. After years of legal battles with the City of Houston and the property owner, two of the buildings at Westbury Square were finally demolished. Furthermore, the two other remaining buildings are also in poor condition and the City is working with the property owner to demolish them. The Company on Stage is still operating from one of the more stable buildings.


"In past years, Westbury Square was the commercial anchor of the Westbury community. Now that demolition has occurred, we hope to regain this once vibrant commercial node and transform it into an exciting commercial center of commerce filled with quality retail development," states Council Member Larry Green. 


"We thank Council Member Larry Green, Mayor Parker, the City's Legal Department, and the many people in the City who have steadfastly pursued this problem for years. Westbury Square faces a major thoroughfare in a stable neighborhood. Our residents are eager to have more options," states Becky Edmondson, President of the Westbury Civic Club.

 Willow Waterhole MusicFest- Free Event for ALL!!!

The Willow Waterhole Greenspace Conservancy and Brays Oaks Management District had teamed up again to host the 2014 Willow Waterhole MusicFest. This FREE event consisted of 10 hours of live music on April 12 and took place at the Reserve's south gazebo, 5300 Dryad Drive, behind Westbury High School.


"This year's event was built upon the jazz festival held last year," said Howard Sacks, past president of the Conservancy. "The music festival was even bigger and better." Performers at the festival included Gisele & Friends, performing Latin music; Kelly Dean Band, smooth jazz; Kyle Turner, a five-piece ensemble with tenor sax; Texas Brass Band, New Orleans jazz; Warren Sneed Band, traditional jazz; Luther & the Healers, Texas blues; and Mark Dini, fusion with pop rock and jazz mix. Additional performers were bands from The High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, Westbury High School, Johnston Middle School and Parker Elementary School.


"As one of the event sponsors, I strongly support this annual community event because the Willow Waterhole Greenspace Conservancy provides visitors an opportunity to explore this hidden jewel nestled behind Westbury High School," states Council Member Green.


The Conservancy was formed 12 years ago and is still working to transform the 239-acre Willow Waterhole Conservation Reserve into a pristine park environment. Through a collaboration of the Harris County Flood Control District, which owns the land, and the Houston Parks and Recreation Department, the Reserve will consists of six stormwater detention lakes and public recreation space at its completion. To know more about Willow Waterhole Greenspace Conservancy, visit or click here for facebook page.

Waterline Replacement Project Planned   

The City of Houston Public Works and Engineering Dept. (PWE) will also undergo a waterline replacement project that will include a portion of Westbury, Sec. 5. The waterline project is entitled the Cambridge Park Waterline Replacement project and holistically encompasses the Ramblewood Park, Chadwick Manor, and Settemont neighborhoods within the Hiram Clarke area.


Last month, Council Member Green facilitated an informational community meeting at the Platou Community Center to moderate discussion among the residents being impacted by the waterline replacement project. 


For more information about the waterline replacement project, access the District K webpage (click here) for additional information on Cambridge Park Waterline Replacement Project. The link will have a PDF of the frequently asked questions (FAQs), special needs form, outline map of the project, and an engineering report.

Friends of Westbury High School Foundation Celebrates Annual Scholarship Gala

It's that time of year again! The Friends of Westbury High School Foundation is celebrating their 16th annual scholarship gala on April 26 at the Braeburn Country Club. An open reception is scheduled to begin at 6:30 pm., followed with dinner and the scholarship program. This year's gala will honor Sonya Galvan (Class of 1977) - CEO of Child Advocates, Inc., Jeff Chalkley (Class of 1995) - Westbury Animal Hospital, Dr. Lawrence Eckermann, DMV - Westbury Animal Hospital, and Vanessa Laware - Westbury High School teacher from 1993 to the present.


This year's theme is "Keep the Flame Burning" and will be dedicated in memory of long-time community activist and founder of the Friends of Westbury High School Foundation, Ms. Rita Woodward. Prior to her passing, Ms. Woodward was instrumental with raising over $230,000 to fund 190 scholarships for graduating Westbury High School students. This year's gala will recognize ten outstanding graduating seniors each receiving a $3000 individual scholarship.


For more information about the April 26 gala, please contact Kaye Griggs at 281-495-9854 or via e-mail 

Brays Oaks: 

Brays Oaks 42" Project Update

Last year, the City of Houston Public Works and Engineering Dept. (PWE) began a 42" waterline replacement project within the Brays Oaks area that will extend from West Bellfort Ave. at Braes Forest to Pembridge; southward to Ludington;  eastward to Sandpiper, and southward to terminate at West Airport Blvd. The affected neighborhoods are Northfield Sec. 5 and Sec. 6 and Southwood Place.


Prior to the start of this infrastructure project, Council Member Green hosted an informational meeting at the South Gessner HPD Substation. Representatives from the three residential communities impacted by this project were invited to engage the PWE project manager as well as the project contractor to ask questions about the project.


"The District K office will continue to monitor the progress of this project and continue to communicate with the community leaders impacted by this infrastructure project," states Council Member Green. "I'm glad to report that this infrastructure project is near completion as the construction crews wind their way along Sandpiper Dr. through the Southwood Place neighborhood."


For more information about this Brays Oaks 42" waterline replacement project, click below to access FAQs and project map: click here

Plans for HHC Campus in the Brays Oaks District

A new 15,500 square foot Houston Community College (HCC) is planned for construction within the Brays Oaks District this calendar year. The new campus will be located along West Bellfort Ave. and Riceville School Rd. Dr. Anthony Hancock will be the newly appointed Associated Dean of Workforce Development for the southwest Brays Oaks campus. This HCC campus was developed from the $78 million allocation of the HCC bond passed  by voters in 2012.


The new Brays Oaks HCC campus will boast workforce development with an emphasis on continuing education programs such as ESL, GED, information technology, assessment & tutoring, and health related programs for certified nurse's aides and medical technology. In addition, dual credit course for high school and junior college will be offered. The campus target date for completion is Fall 2015.   

Hiram Clarke:
Waterline Replacement Project Planned for Ramblewood Park, Chadwick Manor and Settemont
 The City of Houston Public Works and Engineering Dept. (PWE) will also undergo a waterline replacement project that will include the communities of Ramblewood Park, Chadwick Manor, and Settemont. A portion of Westbury, Sec. 5 is also under this infrastructure contract entitled Cambridge Park Waterline Replacement project.


Council Member Green facilitated an informational community meeting at the Platou Community Center to moderate discussion among the residents being impacted by the waterline replacement project and the PWE engineers and prime contractor commencing the work.


For more information about this waterline replacement project, access the District K webpage (click here) for more information on Cambridge Park Waterline Replacement Project . This link will have a PDF of the frequently asked questions (FAQs), special needs form, outline map of the project, and an engineering report.

South Houston Concerned Citizens Coalition Plans Spring Clean Event 

2013 Spring Clean up
2013 Spring Clean up

The South Houston Concerned Citizens Coalition is planning their annual Spring Clean-up de-litter event throughout the Hiram Clarke community on Saturday, May 3. The staging location will be at Townwood Park, 3403 Simsbrook Dr. and is set to start at 8:30 a.m.


Anyone interested in volunteering with the Coalition to help de-litter the Hiram Clarke area, please contact Linda Scurlock at 832-393-4205 or e-mail the Coalition at

General District K News

District K Announces Newly Assigned Attorney Liaison

The District K office has a new deed restriction liaison from the Legal Department. Yolanda Woods has been reassigned to all District K deed restrictions enforcement inquiries within the City's jurisdiction.


Ms. Woods is a native Texan who graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a B.A. from the Plan II Honors Program in Liberal Arts in 1987 and from Harvard Law School with a J.D. in 1990.  Ms. Woods also spent the summer of 1986 studying at Oxford University (Brasenose College) in England.  Prior to joining the City 's Legal Department, she worked for the Office of Public Utility Counsel as an Assistant Public Counsel from November 1992 until October 1996.  She also worked for the Office of the Attorney General as an Assistant Attorney General in the Consumer Protection Division from April 1991 until October 1992. 


Ms. Woods joined the City of Houston Legal Department in 1996 and is currently a Senior Assistant City Attorney in the Neighborhood Services Division.  She divides her time between dangerous building matters, Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission protests and hearings, and deed restriction enforcement in Council Districts D, E, and now in District K. 

Council Member Green Hosts Annual District K Capital Improvement Plan meeting

2014 CIP- Vincent  Sanders Northfield I & II President

In February, Council Member Green facilitated the District K's annual Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) meeting at The Fountain Life Center, 12406 South Main St. (@ Hillcroft Ave.).


The Public Works and Engineering Department presented a PowerPoint presentation about the Rebuild Houston initiative and gave an update of its 10-year plan. Other City of Houston departmental representatives such as the General Services and the Parks Department were on-hand to give an update on existing and proposed CIP projects within District K.


"As I move forward with my 2nd term, I continue to encourage all District K constituents to come out and be informed of the proposed CIP projects planned within the council district. I was pleased we had a diverse cross-section of District K constituents attend this year's CIP meeting. Questions were asked about current and proposed projects planned for their neighborhood, and hopefully everyone left the meeting feeling like their viewpoints were heard and answered by the City representatives," said Council Member Green.  


District K council office is proud to highlight three (3) new exciting CIP projects that are programmed within the upcoming FY 2015-2019 CIP: Westridge storm drainage project, reconstruction of West Fuqua St. (Fort Bend Houston), and extension of Fondren Rd. reconstruction project from Creekbend to West Airport Blvd (Brays Oaks).


For more information and specific details about CIP projects in your area and to see a draft of the Rebuild Houston ten-year plan click here.The City of Houston CIP is a 5-year plan that list projects the City intends to construct.

Council Member Green Facilitates Single Family Residential Economic Development Tour

Council Member Larry Green, along the Brays Oaks Management District and the Five Corners Management District, partnered to coordinated a Single Family Residential Economic Development Tour of District K on March 7.


The objective the tour was to market District K to quality Houston area home builders to consider investing within the District. "Through the partnership of the Greater Houston Builders Association, the Houston Black Real Estate Association, and Pyramid Community Development Corporation, I was pleased with the cross-section of Houston area home builders that participated on the tour. Overall, we had 30 home builders that toured potential residential sites within District K," states Council Member Green.


Council Member Green led the tour showcasing the best locations District K has to offer for possible development. Developer companies represented on the tour included Gromax, Arete Real Estate and Development, Chester Engineers, Beazer Homes, Grand View Builders,DHK Development, George E. Johnson Development, and Coleman Realty as well as Liberty Homes, Leland Woods, Vanity Homes, Guess Group, Cernus Development, Womack Development, Cerritos Custom Homes, Contemporary Garden Homes and Innerloop Homes, Mayberry Homes, the Greater Houston Builders Association, and Liberty Bank and Trust Mortgage Division.


Following the residential tour, lunch was provided at The Power Center where developers were shown video presentations and additional demographic information about the Brays Oaks and Five Corners Management Districts. A big thank you goes out to Westbury Christian School for providing the transportation.

District K Hosted Neighborhood 101 Symposium - BARC
The District K office facilitated a Neighborhood 101 symposium on March 22 at The Pinnacle Senior Center to address the District's animal control problem.


This symposium provided attendees with information about the responsibilities of BARC and the City's Ch. 6 ordinance revisions City Council approved last month. 


The Neighborhood 101 symposiums are designed to better connect District K community leaders to  the resources that will help the neighborhoods. The next Neighborhood 101 symposium will address Legal Aspects of Running an Effective Civic Board. The workshop is planned for April 26 at Westbury High School Lecture Room (11911 Chimney Rd.). Seating is limited so RSVP to
Council Member Green's Annual Keep District K Beautiful Day
Council Member Larry Green coordinated eight community beautification and de-litter clean-up events throughout the council district on April 5th as part of the annual Keep District K Beautiful Day initiative. 


Each of the eight community events was sponsored by a civic organization within the District which included the following:

  • Braeburn Valley HOA Street Cleaning and Curb Painting
  • Glenshire Community De-Litter Campaign
  • Hager Park Tree Planting & De-Litter Campaign
  • Southwest Manor De-Litter Campaign 
  • Maplewood West HOA Esplanade Beautification Initiative
  • West Place HOA De-Litter Campaign 
  • Fort Bend Houston Super Neighborhood De-Litter Campaign 
  • Southmeadow HOA Esplanade Beautification Initiative

"I am pleased these District K communities partnered with the council office to improve the appearance of their communities. This initiative will go a long way to beautify their neighborhood and foster positive community engagement," said Council Member Green.  


This District-wide event was held in conjunction with Keep Houston Beautiful Day, and is held annually on the first Saturday of April. Keep Houston Beautiful Day kicked off the Keep America Beautiful's Great American Cleanup, which continues until May 30th.  

"Let's Play Ball..." Council Member Green Throws the First Pitch
Council Member Green had the honor of throwing the first pitch Saturday, April 5th at the South Post Oak Youth Association.  

South Post Oak Youth Association has been a very vital part of the Harris/ Fort Bend county community.  Over the years the association has impacted the lives of both boys and girls through youth sports.  Leadership, sportsmanship and team building are some of the skills that the South Post Oak Youth Association have developed with our Districts youth.

Council Member Green would like to especially thank board members Billy Hill, Stephanie Boykins, Kerry Boykins, Sean McGowan and Abagail Miles for including him on this steller kick-off the to South Post Oak League.  The District K office wishes you a great season!

Special Minimum Lot Size and Minimum Building line Application Process

Last year, Council Member Green facilitated two (2) District-wide community meetings that informed civic leaders about recent amendments to Chapter 42 of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances and new tools which might be available to help protect and preserve neighborhoods. This ordinance goes into full-effect in May, 2014.


Revisions to Chapter 42 extend the minimum lot size and minimum building line requirements to neighborhoods within the corporate boundaries of the City of Houston that do not have a minimum lot size or minimum building lines established in their deed restrictions.


For those neighborhoods thought to already have language in their deed restrictions addressing the minimum lot size and/or minimum building line requirements, we strongly encourage you to consult with a private attorney to ensure your restrictions are valid in all respects and provide the protections set forth therein.  It's important to understand the District K office simply reviewed your restrictions for the pertinent language and is making no assurances or representations regarding the actual validity of your deed restrictions. 


The applications and information about this development tool can be found online click here.


When you make your appointment with the Planning Department, please bring a copy of your most recent deed restrictions. Below is the initial process for the Special Minimum Lot Size and Minimum Building Line Application:


Step 1: Meet with Staff of the Planning and Development Department

Step 2: Submit a Complete Application

Step 3: Post Notification Signs

Step 4: Attend the public meeting

Step 5: Return your Response Form

Step 6: Attend the Houston Planning Commission Public Hearing (optional)

Step 7: Attend the Council Meeting (optional)


Remember, the amended Ch. 42 ordinance goes into full-effect May 2014, if in doubt, schedule an appointment with Kevin Calfee to start the process at 713-837-7768 or email

 Council Member Green Neighborhood Sightings (Late February - April)

Council Member Green made his rounds to discuss District K initiatives. Listed below are community meetings Council Member Green and the District K staff have attended during late February through early April.

  • Feb. 18 - City Plaza Condominium Public Safety meeting
  • Feb. 19 -- Westbury SNC/WAIC meeting 
  • Feb. 19 - West Airport HOA Annual meeting
  • Feb. 20 -- Fort Bend Houston Bridging the Community Divide meeting
  • Feb. 20 - Braeswood SNC meeting
  • Feb. 20 -- South Houston Concerned Citizens Coalition meeting
  • Feb. 22 - District K sponsored Black History Oratorical Event
  • Feb. 27 -- Hiram Clarke Bridging the Community Divide
  • Feb. 27 - District K CIP meeting
  • March 3 - Naomi Place HOA Annual meeting
  • March 4 - Brays Oaks SNC meeting
  • March 6 - Central Southwest SNC meeting
  • March 7 - District K Single Family Residential Economic Development Tour
  • March 9 - Riceville Mt. Olive Baptist Church 125th Church Anniversary
  • March 11 -- Southwest Houston Bi-Monthly Breakfast
  • March 13 - Fort Bend Houston SNC meeting
  • March 13 - Southwest HPD Substation Community Input meeting
  • March 18 - Cambridge Park Waterline Informational meeting
  • March 19 - Westbury SNC/WAIC meeting 
  • March 20 - Johnson & Johnson Adult Daycare Groundbreaking Ceremony
  • March 20 -- Fort Bend Houston Bridging the Community Divide meeting
  • March 20 - Braeswood SNC meeting
  • March 20 -- South Houston Concerned Citizens Coalition meeting
  • March 22 - Neighborhood 101 Workshop - BARC
  • March 26 - Lakes of Fondren HOA Annual meeting
  • March 27 - Woodshire Civic Club Annual meeting
  • April 1 -- Brays Oaks SNC meeting
  • April 5 - Keep District K Beautiful Day
  • April 9 - Braeswood Place HOA Annual meeting
  • April 10 - Braeburn Valley HOA Bi-Annual meeting
  • April 12 -- Willow Waterhole 2014 Music FEST
  • April 15 - Ridgemont CIA Quarterly meeting

Houston Police Department Positive Interaction Program (PIP) meetings 

District K has three active PIP meetings administered by the Houston Police Department. All PIP meetings are open to the public; regardless of where you live.


Southwest PIP Meeting (every 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.)
Aramco Building  

9009 West Loop South Freeway
Houston, TX 77096


For more information, please contact the HPD Westbury Storefront at 713-726-7126. The Westbury HPD Storefront hours are 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Hiram Clarke PIP Meeting (every 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.)

Hiram Clarke HPD Storefront  

4363 West Fuqua St.
Houston, TX 77053


For more information, please contact the HPD Hiram Clarke Storefront at 713-433-2720. The Hiram Clarke HPD Storefront hours are 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.


Braeburn PIP Meeting (every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.)

Braeburn HPD Storefront
7576 West Bellfort Ave.
Houston, TX 77071


For more information, please contact the HPD Braeburn Storefront at 713-773-7550. The Braeburn HPD Storefront hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Any Annual Civic Association Meetings Planned on the Horizon?

The Spring and Fall season is the time of year a significant number of civic associations host their annual civic association meetings. Since coming into office, Council Member Green has made a commitment to visit every civic association within the District at least once a year. The task is almost complete; however, if you are receiving this e-newsletter and Council Member Green has yet to attend your civic association meeting, please contact the District K office at 832-393-3016 or to schedule his attendance.


 Also, keep the District K office posted if your civic association has changed its contact info (primary contact person, mailing address, e-mail address, contact number) and meeting location and date.

 Notice of Public Meeting-- Texas Medical Center Mobility Study

288 HWY The City of Houston and the Texas Medical Center (TMC) are hosting a public meeting on April 24 at the DeBakey High School for Health Professions (3100 Shenandoah St.) from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  The purpose of this meeting is to share data and information compiled from an 18-month transportation study, as well as gather public input. The Texas Medical Center Mobility Transportation Study has identified a comprehensive set of multi-modal transportation improvements that seek to improve accessibility, mitigate traffic congestion, and better serve future development in the TMC area.


For more about the Texas Medical Center Mobility Study, click here or contact Khang Nguyen at For more information about City Mobility Planning, e-mail or call 713-837-7701.

General City of Houston News
City Council Passes Revision to Chapter 6

Last month, City Council approved revisions to Ch. 6 which regulates animal control such as BARC. These Ch. 6 revisions include the following:

  • BARC will not adopt or foster to any person convicted of animal cruelty. 
  • A hobby/non-commercial breeder permit has been added.
  • The chain of ownership to and from BARC is clarified.
  • Expanded eligibility for the in-home quarantine of dogs involved in bite cases. 
  • Term "dog kennel" has been replaced with the term "commercial pet services facility".
  • Clear guidelines for suspending/revoking a permit. 
  • Move towards nuisance-based enforcement whereas an aggressive dog will need to
    be kept in a six-foot fence, micro-chipped, spay-neutered, and tagged. The owner of a nuisance dog will have 30 days to fix the broken fence or face daily citations. The animal can be ordered removed from the City if continued violations exist.

Passage of the ordinance is now in effect. Continue to contact 311 and the District K office when reporting BARC related concerns.

Council Member Green Participates in the PWE Mentor/ Prot�g� Recognition Event
As Chairman of the City's Transportation, Infrastruction, Technology Committee, Councilman Green and the Public Works & Engineering Department (PWE) celebrated its first group of mentor and prot�g� firms who recently participated in the department's Mentor/Prot�g� Program on Marych 27th.. The PWE Small Business Development Group hosted a Mentor/Prot�g� Recognition Event, at the United Way Community Resource Center to recognize and honor the four (4) mentors for their dedication and commitment to supporting the development of minority and women-owned engineering firms. The recognized mentors were:
  • Chester Engineers;
  • Freese & Nichols;
  • Jacobs Engineering Group   
  • Neel-Schaffer

Also recognized were the 15 prot�g�'s  for their efforts and achievements since joining the program.  


Over 100 attendees were welcomed by the PWE Director, Daniel Krueger, and PWE Small Business Development Group Manager, Tony Henshaw. Each of the mentors for taking the initiative to help guide and strengthen small and emerging businesses, and also for going above and beyond expectations. Mr. Henshaw also challenged prime construction firms to step up to the plate and join the mentor program. In addition, representatives from both the mentor and prot�g� firms had the opportunity to share their experiences and success since joining the program.


The keynote speaker was Mayor Annise Parker who shared her experience as small business owner and her understanding of the challenges that the prot�g�'s face on a daily basis. Council Member Green gave greetings to the PWE Department for its strong efforts to assist small, minority and women-owned businesses. Other attendees at the event included Council Members Dwight Boykins, Jerry Davis, and Stephen Costello.  

Case After- School Initiative Funding

CASE After-School Initiative funding directly supports organizations that provide economically disadvantaged youth with real world learning opportunities outside the school day. Mini grants starting at $2,000 and comprehensive grant funding up to $45,000 per year. School districts and non-profits are eligible to apply.


Mandatory RFP Workshop - April 23

Application Deadline - May 9


Visit The Zone for more information: click here 

Receive Plat and Permit Reports by E-mail

The City of Houston economy is picking up steam. With this increase is a number of development activities within the District. Keep up with development and construction projects in your neighborhood. Sign up for the City's E-Plat summary report and the E-Permit report to find out about plat and permit applications.


The Plat Summary E-Report contains information about the plats, replats, variances, and special exceptions to plats that will be considered at Planning Commission meetings. The report provides locational, plat, and applicant information for each application that can be easily scrolled through, or sorted, based on particular data, such as council district.


The Houston Planning Commission meets every other Thursday at 2:30 p.m. in City Hall Annex Chambers, 900 Bagby St. unless otherwise posted.


The Plat Summary E-Report is usually sent out approximately a week before Planning Commission meets, while the Planning Commission Agenda is posted three days in advance of Planning Commission meetings on the Planning & Development Department website ( click here ).


The Permit E-Report provides information regarding any new construction, remodeling, or change-of-use permits by zip-code in an effort to inform citizens of activity in their neighborhoods. This E-Report is e-mailed every Monday.


To sign up, click here.
The Houston Parks and Recreation Department's After School Meal Program

The Houston Parks and Recreation Department (HPARD) After School Meal Program for youth, ages 1 to 18, has begun its second year.  The program offers free snacks and suppers to youth throughout the school year (September 3, 2013 through May 16, 2014). To receive a free meal and snack at an HPARD Community Center, children must be registered in the After School Enrichment Program.


 Participating District K sites include:


1. Almeda Park Community Center, 14201 Almeda School Rd., 77047 (Hiram Clarke)
2. Linkwood Park Community Center, 3699 Norris St., 77025
3. Marian Park Community Center, 11000 South Gessner Rd., 77071
(Brays Oaks)
4. Platou Community Center, 11655 Chimney Rock Rd., 77053
5. Townwood Park Community Center, 3403 Simsbrook Dr., 77045
(Hiram Clarke)
6. Windsor Village Park Community Center, 14441 Croquet St., 77085
(Hiram Clarke)

7. Weekly YMCA Afterschool, 7101 Stella Link, 77025 (Braeswood)

8. Fort Bend Boys and Girls Club, 5525 Hobby St., 77053 (Fort Bend Houston)


For information on HPARD's After School Meal Program, visit or email

The Houston Parks and Recreation Department's Wellness Program

The Houston Parks and Recreation Department (HPARD) offers a variety of fitness opportunities to help keep Houstonians fit for all ages and abilities. Whatever your interest from day camps and tennis lessons for children, classes and activities for active seniors, or adult sports leagues we have a program for you!  The Parks and Recreation Department offers more than 100 miles of walking/jogging trails in and around our parks.  In addition, there are exercise workstations located along some of our trails as well as indoor and outdoor basketball courts, outdoor tennis court, swimming pools, disc golf courses, golf courses and  community center fitness programs designed to meet the needs of all Houstonians. Check out HPARD's Summer Activities Guide and Class Catalog for a complete list of  activities you can participate click here


Harris County Attorney's Office Offers Speaker's Series

The Harris County Attorney's Office offers speakers who are experts on a wide range of topics that you and your organization might find interesting and educational.  The "Community Speakers Series" is designed to benefit the people of the greater Houston and Harris County area by providing information about our Office and the areas of law in which we practice.  These programs are intended to help individuals and suggest ways the Attorney's Office can work together to improve neighborhoods and quality of life in Harris County.


Upon request, the Attorney's Office will provide staff attorneys who can speak on a wide range of topics such as "Using Civil Law to Combat Crime", "Environmental Enforcement", and "Wills and Probate".  The Attorney's Office trust that your organization will take advantage of this public service initiative and look forward to your participation.


Please contact Debbie Dillard, Community Outreach Director, and she will be pleased to assist with scheduling or answering any questions you may have.  Ms. Dillard may be reached by phone at 713.274.5109 or via email at 

Support SPARK Through HEB, Earthshare of Texas

The SPARK Park program is pleased to announce that H-E-B, in recognition of Earth Day, has selected EarthShare of Texas to be the April beneficiary for its in-store coupon promotion. This means that customers can tear  off and add check-out coupons worth $1, $3, or $5 to their total bill to support environmental work throughout the State of Texas for the entire month of April. SPARK will benefit because the contributions made in the Houston area will be divided among  EarthShare of Texas organizations with program work in the Houston region.


For detail about the SPARK School Park Program and Earthshare of Texas initiative, contact Kathleen Ownby at 832-393-0911 or e-mail


New District... New Council Member... New Beginnings!