District K Contact Information
900 Bagby, First Floor
Houston, TX 77002
832-393-3016 office
832-393-4203 Satellite
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Archived Newsletters:
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Brays Oaks:
Economic Development is Booming in the Brays Oaks Management District

Economic Development is moving steadily. Please view the video which highlights economic opportunity within Brays Oaks area. Our office is pleased to be a proud partner with Brays Oaks Management District.
Urban Youth Explosion Back-to-School Event -- August 17
The India House is sponsoring a Urban Youth Explosion as part of its back-to-school celebration. The event will be FREE of charge and open to the community. The Urban Youth Explosion will include outdoor games, keynote speakers, community building and networking, moonwalks, food, breakout sessions, fun, and more. In addition, backpacks, including school supplies, will be given away to students during the event! 
The District K office will be donating 300 Backpacks. If anyone is interested in donating to the "Backpack Drive", please drop off school supplies to the India House (8888 West Bellfort, 77071) between 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information about this event, contact the India House, Inc. at 713-929-1905 or e-mail Yolanda Benoit at yolanda@indiahouseinc.org.
Hiram Clarke:
City Council Passes TIRZ #25

City Council passed an ordinance to create a tax increment reinvestment zone (TIRZ #25) within the Hiram Clarke and Fort Bend Houston community. The proposed zone consists of approximately 5,533 acres -- 1,422 acres within Fort Bend County and 4,194 acres within Harris County - all within the geographical area of the City of Houston.
Economic development has been one of the cornerstone initiatives of Council Member Larry Green since coming into office in 2012. "The increment from the proposed TIRZ will allow those tax dollars to further work on infrastructure projects to foster economic development for the area. With the creation of the TIRZ, much needed commercial and residential development will begin to take shape, stated Council Member Green. The District K council office was able to collaboratively work with the Administration to produce this economic development tool for the Hiram Clarke and Fort Bend Houston community. "The TIRZ will not only foster economic growth for the area, but will complement the project plan as being implemented by the Five Corners Management District. This is an opportunity for dollars to be reinvested into the Hiram Clarke and Fort Bend Houston area with some type of local control."
Council Member Green also worked with Fort Bend County Commissioner Grady Prestage to gain approval of the TIRZ within the Fort Bend Houston area. "The creation of this TIRZ within the Fort Bend Houston area will be a beneficial tool to galvanize economic development in the immediate area, attract new investments, attract new employment opportunities, and provide a better quality of life for the community involved. "Our Precinct office has a strong working relationship with Council Member Green and has always supported his advocacy efforts to assist the Fort Bend Houston community with economic development initiatives," states Commissioner Prestage.
"This is a HUGE victory for the constituents of Hiram Clarke and Fort Bend Houston that will lead to a big impact for years to come," states Council Member Green.
District K Host Back-to- School Backpack Event -- August 24 |

On Saturday, August 24, the District K council office will partner with the Professional, Athletics, Celebrities and Entertainers (PACE) as well as the South Houston Concerned Citizens Coalition, ABC Dental, the DLW Scholarship & Charitable Foundation, and the Houston Police Department to sponsor a Back-2-School Health and Education Community Celebration at William P. Hobby Elementary School (4021 Woodmont St.) from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Over a 1,000 backpacks will be given away.
This back-to-school event will include health information, free food and drinks, games, and celebrity appearances. This community event is open to the public and Council Member Green welcomes everyone to attend.
For more information about this back-to-school event, contact the District K office at 832-393-3016.
Southwest Crossing Neighborhood Waterline Replacement Project |
Council Member Green and Deputy Director of PWE Daniel Menendez discussing Waterline Replacement Project
Over the past year, the City of Houston Public Works and Engineering Dept. (PWE) has contracted with an independent Construction Company to replace the existing waterline within the Southwest Crossing neighborhood.
"I want to thank the Southwest Crossing residents for their continued patience during this infrastructure project. Finally, this project is coming to an end," states Council Member Green.
As this project nears completion, Council Member Green will continue to work with the PWE Dept. to ensure the contractor completes its construction contract to a quality standard before paid by the City of Houston.
Waterline Replacement Project Planned for Windsor Village Community |
The City of Houston Public Works and Engineering Dept. (PWE) is undergoing a waterline replacement project that began July 22 within the Windsor Village neighborhood. Council Member Green facilitated a community meeting with the Windsor Village Civic Club to moderate a discussion among the residents being impacted by the waterline replacement project and the PWE engineers and prime contractor commencing the work.
For more information about this waterline replacement project, access the District K webpage (click here).
Park Completion for Townwood Park at the end of August |
Townwood Park will finally be complete with its remaining park improvements by the end of August. This Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) project has been ongoing for over 2-3 years. The remaining park improvements consist of the re-surfaced parking lot near the basketball and tennis courts and the upgraded ballfield lights adjacent to the re-surfaced parking lot.
Knollwood Village / Braeswood Place and Woodside Neighborhood Reconstruction Projects
Over the past year, the City of Houston Public Works and Engineering Dept. (PWE) has project managed two (2) simultaneous neighborhood street reconstruction projects within the South Braeswood area -- NSR 451, collectively encompasses the neighborhoods of Knollwood Village and the southern portion of Braeswood Place (south of Brays Bayou); and NSR 446A, which encompasses the northern portion of the Woodside neighborhood.
"I want to thank all three neighborhoods for their patience during these two construction projects. Finally, both projects are coming to an end," states Council Member Green.
After the substantial completion of both projects have been signed-off by the assigned contractor and the PWE project manager, Centerpoint will be authorized to install the decorative street lighting. All three neighborhoods initiated a fundraiser to pay for the added cost of the decorative street lighting.
For more information about both NSR projects, access the District K webpage (www.districtK@houstontx.gov) and click the respective NSR project. Each NSR project will have a PDF of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) and outline map of the project.
Get Involved with the "Friends of Linkwood Park" |
If you live within the vicinity of Linkwood Park or are just a strong supporter of Houston parks, the "Friends of Linkwood Park" are asking for your participation and is seeking volunteers. Linkwood Park is nestled within the heart of the South Braeswood community. The Friends of Linkwood Park, formerly the Linkwood PAC, are asking for representatives from the various surrounding civic associations to be a part of their community collaborative.
The Friends of Linkwood Park has scheduled a meeting for Tuesday, August 20 at 6:30 p.m. at Linkwood Park Community Center. Come hear the attendees and voice your ideas about into how to make Linkwood Park a more vibrant neighborhood park for the South Braeswood community.
Fort Bend Houston:
Pinnacle Senior Center of Fort Bend County Update
The construction of the much awaited Senior Community Center in Fort Bend County is near completion! After a slight construction delay, the scheduled completion date will occur during the month of October 2013.
If you are interested in volunteering, offering a class/presentation/workshop, or have a suggestion for a program you would like to see offered at the center, please contact Sonya Santee @ 832-816-9540 or sonya.santee@fortbendcountytx.gov.
Fort Bend HPD Satellite Office -- Now Open |
The Houston Police Department has partnered with the Fort Bend County Constable's Office, Precinct 2, to open a Fort Bend Houston HPD Satellite Office at 7133 West Fuqua St., located within the Willowridge retail shopping center along West Fuqua St. at Blue Ridge Rd.
The HPD satellite office is OPEN on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. An assigned HPD officer is on-site and available to assist with any police-related issues/concerns during those office hours. All other days, the Hiram Clarke HPD Storefront, located at 4363 West Fuqua St., is still available for Fort Bend Houston residents.
Please continue to spread the word and take advantage of this community resource!!
Waterline Replacement Project Planned for Green Valley Estates Community
The City of Houston Public Works and Engineering Dept. (PWE) will undergo a lift station diversion project that began July 8 within the Green Valley Estates neighborhood. This year-long is project expected to be complete by May 2014. For more information about this capital improvement plan (CIP) project, contact Claude Foster at the office 832-393-3019 or email at claude.foster@houstontx.gov.
Council Member Green Visits Westbury
Council Member Green with Westbury Civic Club President Becky Edmondson
Last month, Council Member Green and the District K staff (Donald Perkins and Barbara Hite) met with Westbury Civic Club President Becky Edmondson and Director of Community Relations Cindy Chapman to address various Westbury concerns ranging from parks, transportation, deed restrictions, and flood protection. For more details about the meeting discussion, visit the Westbury Crier (page 7).
Council Member Green wants to thank both Becky and Cindy for agreeing to meet with him and staff to address their immediate community concerns.
The Westbury Crier Monthly Newsletter honored with National Award
 | Council Member Green with Westbury's Newsletter Publication committee chair Cindy Chapman |
The Westbury Civic Club's monthly newsletter, Westbury Crier, won a Silver Award for their printed publication at the 38th Annual Neighborhoods USA (NUSA) conference held in Minneapolis, Minnesota this past May 2013. The winners of the newsletter competition were presented in two divisions of newsletters - electronic and printed versions. In both of those categories, GOLD and SILVER levels were recognized. The 2013 newsletter winners for printed publications were:
City, State
| Gold | The Heights | California Heights Neighborhood | Long Beach, CA | Gold | SENA News | Stadish Ericsson Neighborhood | Minneapolis, MN | Gold | Fairmount | Fairmount Neighborhood | Fort Worth, TX | Gold | The Neighborhood News | Community Enterprise | Commerce City, CO | Gold | Lyndale Neighborhood News | Lyndale Neighborhood | Minneapolis, MN | Gold | Richmond Beach Community News | Richmond Beach Community | Shoreline, WA |
Westbury Crier
Westbury Civic Club
Houston, TX
| Silver | Willmore City Enterprise | Willmore City Heritage Association | Long Beach, CA |
"This is great news to hear that our Westbury Civic Club has won a national award for our monthly newsletter. It takes a lot of effort every month to pull it together, but it is nice when we hear positive feedback from our residents that they find the info helpful. Although it is written specifically for our own residents, people who live in nearby neighborhoods and in our Westbury Super Neighborhood also like reading the features in our newsletter and can obtain it at local businesses, the Platou Community Center, area schools, the Westbury Community Garden, or read it on-line. I want to thank Council Member Larry Green for encouraging us to submit our newsletter for consideration by NUSA," states Cindy Chapman, member of the Westbury Civic Club newsletter publication committee.
Out and About District K:
Special Minimum Lot Size and Minimum Building Line Application Process
During the months of May and June, Council Member Green facilitated two (2) District-wide  community meetings so personnel from the Planning and Development Department ("Planning") could inform civic leaders about recent amendments to Chapter 42 of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances and new tools which might be available to help protect and preserve their neighborhoods.
Revisions to Chapter 42 extend the minimum lot size and minimum building line requirements to neighborhoods within the corporate boundaries of the City of Houston that do not have a minimum lot size or minimum building lines established in their deed restrictions.
As requested, many District K communities submitted copies of their deed restrictions to the District K office. After a brief cursory review of the restrictions submitted, we believe many District K neighborhoods might benefit from the added protections set forth in Chapter 42.
Glancing at most of the submitted deed restrictions, we noticed that no specific language addressing the minimum lot size or re-subdivision of lots was written within your submitted deed restrictions OR the language addressing lot size or re-subdivision of lots was very vague. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to apply for this Special Minimum Lot Size application. If you have any doubt, again, we encourage you to consult with a private attorney to further discuss your restrictions.
For those neighborhoods thought to already have language in their restrictions addressing the minimum lot size and/or minimum building line requirements, we strongly encourage you to consult with a private attorney to ensure your restrictions are valid in all respects and provide the protections set forth therein. It's important to understand the District K office simply reviewed your restrictions for the pertinent language and is making no assurances or representations regarding the actual validity of your deed restrictions.
The applications and information about this development tool can be found online click here.
When you make your appointment with Planning, please bring a copy of your most recent deed restrictions. Below is the initial process for the Special Minimum Lot Size and Minimum Building Line Application:
Step 1: Meet with Staff of the Planning and Development Department
Contact Kevin Calfee at 713-837-7768 or
Step 2: Submit a Complete Application
Once the application is submitted, the Planning Department will confirm its receipt to the applicant in writing and the Planning Director will have thirty (30) days to determine whether the application is Initially Complete. If the application is deemed incomplete, it will be returned with an explanation of what is needed to make it complete.
If the application is complete, the Planning & Development Department will schedule a public meeting (based on the applicant's suggestions) to be held no later than sixty (60) days from that date and will notify property owners by mail no later than fifteen (15) days before the meeting.
Step 3: Post Notification Signs
The applicant must post the required signs within the area immediately upon being notified that the application is complete.
Step 4: Attend the public meeting
Following the public meeting, the Department will mail by First Class mail the Property Owner Response Forms to all property within the area. This starts the 30-day voting period.
Step 5: Return your Response Form
After the 30-day voting period:
- If 55% of the lots within the proposed area support the designation of the proposed area, then the Planning Director forwards the application to Planning Commission.
- If less than 55% of the lots within the proposed area support the designation of the proposed area, then the Planning Director may:
a. modify the boundary to attain the 55% support and forward the application to the Planning Commission, or
b. determine the application fails and take no further action.
The Department will notify all property owners by First Class mail no less than 15 days prior to the Planning Commission hearing date.
Step 6: Attend the Houston Planning Commission Public Hearing (optional)
Members of the public may present comments in person or in writing at the public hearing. After the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall consider whether to recommend that the City Council establish the designation. If the Commission decides to recommend that the City Council establish the designation, the Planning Director shall refer the application to the City Council. Should the Commission deny the application, the decision of the Commission shall be final.
Step 7: Attend the Council Meeting (optional)
The City Council's action to approve or deny the designation is final. Persons wanting to address City Council during the Public Speaking portion of the meeting should contact the City Secretary at (832) 393-1100 or citysecretary@houstontx.gov.
Please contact the District K office if you have any questions about your submitted deed restrictions.
Council Member Green Chairs 23rd Annual Houston International Jazz Festival
Council Member Green, along with Mayor Annise Parker, co-hosted the 23rd Annual Houston International Jazz Festival - Mayor's Scholarship Jazz Brunch on August 4, 2013 at the Wortham Center. The Mayor's Jazz Scholarship Brunch has been one of the programs that has helped to raise much need funds for the summer jazz education workshop.
The summer jazz education workshop was founded by the musically talented jazz artist, Bubbha Thomas in 1970. Since its founding, Mr. Thomas has incorporated the Mayor's Jazz Scholarship Brunch, starting with then-Mayor Bob Lanier in 1994 to our current-Mayor Annise Parker, to further raise awareness of this summer enrichment program and help raise scholarship funds for worthy students at attend college.
The highlight of the Mayor's Jazz Scholarship Brunch centered around the recognition of two (2) rewarding musicians that were awarded scholarships for their outstanding hard work and excellence to be used to further their educational pursuits. The two students honored were Adam Charles Dewalt and Matthew Maldonado. Adam will attend Loyola University in New Orleans where he will major in Fine Arts with a major in Music. Matthew will attend Texas Southern University where he will major in Music Education.
Congrats to both gentlemen for their remarkable achievements.
Two New HPD Captains to Lead the South Gessner and Southwest Patrol Division |
Every two years, the Houston Police Department reassigns Captains to new patrol divisions as a way to expose officers to different roles and responsibilities. Last month, the two Captains in charge of the South Gessner and Southwest Patrol Divisions were re-assigned to new Divisions. HPD announced Captain Bob Robertson will take over the South Gessner Division, which patrols the Brays Oaks area and Gulfton areas and Captain Tad Pando will be over the Southwest Division, which patrols the remainder of District K.
Captain Bob Robertson is a 30 year veteran of the Houston Police Department. He has served in various patrol divisions along with Internal Affairs, Night Command, Emergency Communications and Human Resources. His last assignment was with the Air Support Division.
Captain Octavio Pando has been with the Houston Police Department for 23 years. He has worked at several divisions throughout the department as an officer and as a sergeant. As a lieutenant, he was assigned to the Westside Division, the Central Division, and the Training Academy. As a captain, prior to arriving at his current assignment of Southwest Division, he was assigned to the Clear Lake Patrol Division and the Jail Division.
Council Member Green is pleased to welcome the Captains Robertson and Pando to District K, and wishes Captain Steven Spears and Captain Milton Martin good luck as they embark on their new assignments.
"I appreciate all that Captain Spears and Captain Martin have done to better the District K community," states Council Member Green. "I'm looking forward to a proactive relationship with both Captains in their new positions with special attention given to the community's needs and concerns."
Houston Police Department Positive Interaction Program (PIP) Meetings
District K has three (3) active PIP meetings administered by the Houston Police Department. All PIP meetings are open to the public; regardless of where you live.
Westbury PIP Meeting (every 4th Tuesday of the month) at 7:00 P.M.
Aramco Building
9009 West Loop South Freeway Houston, TX 77096
For more information, please contact the HPD Westbury Storefront at 713-726-7126. The Westbury HPD Storefront hours are 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Hiram Clarke PIP Meeting (every 2nd Monday of the month) at 7:00 P.M.
Hiram Clarke HPD Storefront
4363 West Fuqua St. Houston, TX 77053
For more information, please contact the HPD Hiram Clarke Storefront at 713-433-2720. The Hiram Clarke HPD Storefront hours are 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Braeburn PIP Meeting (every 3rd Tuesday of the month) at 7:00 P.M.
Braeburn HPD Storefront
7576 West Bellfort Ave. Houston, TX 77071
For more information, please contact the HPD Braeburn Storefront at 713-773-7550. The Braeburn HPD Storefront hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Any Annual Civic Association Meetings Planned in the Future?
The Spring and Fall season is the time of year a significant number of civic associations host their annual civic association meetings. Since coming into office last year, Council Member Green has made a commitment to visit every civic association within the District. The task is almost complete; however, if you are receiving this e-newsletter and Council Member Green has yet to attend your civic association meeting, please contact the District K office at 832-393-3016 or districtK@hosutontx.gov to schedule an appointment.
Council Member Sighting (July- August)
Council Member Green made it his mission since the beginning of the year to discuss District K's upcoming plans for 2014 and visit as many Civic Clubs,HOA's and POA's in District K. Listed below are community meetings Council Member Green attended during July and August.
- July 17th- Brentwood Village Annual meeting
- July 18th - Windsor Village Waterline Replacement Project Informational meeting
- July18th- South Houston Concerned Citizen Coalition meeting
- July 19th- Westbury meeting
- July 22nd- Bellbrook Dr. meeting
- July 24th- Woodside Civic Club meeting
- July 30th- Briarwick HOA
- August 10th - Glenshire Community Association Family Night Event
- August 13th - Dumbarton Village Civic Club meeting
- August 15th- Braeswood SNC meeting
2013 National Night Out - Tuesday, October 1st --Save the Date!!
 | National Night Out 2012 |
National Night Out will be here soon so SAVE THE DATE - Tuesday, October 1, 2013.
Now is the time to start planning your block parties! National Night Out is the first Tuesday in October (for the state of Texas) and this is a great community event to celebrate the positive initiatives of your civic association, an opportunity to mingle with your neighbors, and a venue to provide important information about public safety and security concerns. The District K office encourages you to organize block parties or other events and get to know your neighbors.
If you want an HPD officer to attend your event, contact the HPD Public Affairs office at 713-308-3200. If your civic association is planning a National Night Out event, let the District K council office know so we can arrange Council Member Green or a District K council staffer to attend as we may our community rounds that evening. Contact the council office at 832-393-3016.
Announcement of Houston Citizen Police Academy
The Houston Police Department is now accepting applications for the Citizen Police Academy. The Houston Citizens' Police Academy (CPA) was organized in 1989 and offers citizens the opportunity to learn about the internal operations of the Houston Police Department. The Citizens' Police Academy speakers, (mostly Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice experts in their fields), provide lectures, demonstrations, tours, and hands-on activities for Academy participants. The overall objective of the Academy is to provide citizens with sound and accurate information about HPD and the criminal justice process so citizens are able to make informed decisions regarding issues / matters involving the police department and/or police activity. Participants will be able to share their experiences and learned information with family, friends, co-workers, and their community to further improve and strengthen community.
Please share the attached information with members of your community. If you or any of your community members are interested in attending the next class, please contact Stephanie Watson-Owens, Senior Police Officer, HPD Public Affairs Office at 713-308-3200 or via e-mail at Stephanie.Watson-Owens@houstonpolice.org.
Reliant Announces Beat the Heat Program
Reliant Energy announces its Beat the Heat Centers across Texas for the cities of Houston, Dallas, and Corpus Christi. Out of the 11 FREE air-conditioned locations identified across the state, seven (7) are identified within Houston - one of the centers being the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center, 3810 West Fuqua St. 
The Reliant Beat the Heat Centers are available to all residents, and energy assistance is available to qualifying, low-income Reliant customers. The Beat the Heat Centers are open now until October 4th. In addition to air-conditioned spaces, the centers will offer adult and youth activities and snacks. This is the 8th consecutive year Reliant has supported centers in Houston.
The Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For more information on the Beat the Heat Centers, including free transportation, call the multi-service center at 713-433-2720.
In addition to the Beat the Heat Centers, other summer assistance programs are available to qualified low-income residential customers including nearly $800,000 to assist seniors and low-income residential customers pay their electricity bills through CARE (Community Assistance from Reliant Energy), deposit installment plans, payment extensions and deferred payment plans. For more information on any of these programs, Reliant customers can call 1-866-RELIANT. Connect with Reliant on Facebook click here and on Twitter @reliantenergy.
City's Pro-Bono Deed Restriction Program
The Department of Neighborhoods will assist civic associations or civic clubs in low-to-moderate income neighborhoods with creating new, or modifying existing, deed restrictions via a resurrected Deed Restrictions Pro Bono Program. The Department of Neighborhoods will work with City Council offices in identifying civic associations that may be qualified to participate in the Program.
Eligible organizations will be referred to pro bono legal counsel via the Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program (HVLP). The Department of Neighborhoods will not directly assist with the drafting or modification of deed restrictions but rather act as a facilitator for pairing civic associations or civic clubs with attorneys for those purposes. The Department of Neighborhoods will also provide limited assistance to associations/clubs as they work to notify neighbors of proposed deed restrictions and undertake the required steps for enactment.
For more info about the program, please contact Landon Taylor at 832-393-0857 or landon.taylor@houstontx.gov.
Be Prepared for Hurricane Season
Hurricane Season is here and runs from June 1 to November 30. The City of Houston Office of Emergency Management urges Houstonians to prepare for hurricanes, tropical storms and other emergencies by following a few key steps.
- Build a Kit - Have a disaster supply kit with enough supplies to last you and your family for 5-7 days; the kit should include food, medications, water and other basic necessities
- Make a Plan - Have an emergency plan for your family and check to make sure that your workplace, children's school and other places you frequent have emergency plans in place; be sure to practice your family's emergency plan before disasters happen
- Be Informed - Remember, during and after a hurricane, electricity and internet connections may be unavailable, so have a way to stay informed, including access to a NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Weather Alert radio or a hand-crank or battery-powered radio
- Know Your Neighbor - Neighbors can be a great source of help before and after a disaster, so get to know your neighbors, particularly those who are elderly or who may not be able to prepare for disasters by themselves; Houstonians know how to work together to be ready for disasters
If an evacuation is necessary, it is key to have a plan for how to get out of harm's way. If you are unable to evacuate by yourself or with the help of family and friends, register for the Transportation Assistance Registry by calling 2-1-1 from any phone in Texas or by clicking here.
Receive Plat and Permit Reports by E-mail
Keep up with development and construction projects in your neighborhood. Sign up for the City's E-Plat summary report and the E-Permit report to find out about plat and permit applications.
The Plat Summary E-Report contains information about the plats, replats, variances, and special exceptions to plats that will be considered at the upcoming Planning Commission meeting. The report provides locational, plat, and applicant information for each application in an Excel format that can be easily scrolled through, or sorted, based on particular data, such as council district.
The Houston Planning Commission meets every other Thursday at 2:30 p.m. in City Hall Annex Chambers, 900 Bagby St. unless otherwise posted.
The Plat Summary E-Report is usually sent out approximately a week before Planning Commission meets, while the Planning Commission Agenda is posted three days in advance of Planning Commission meetings on the Planning & Development Department website ( www.houstonplanning.com ).
The Permit E-Report provides information regarding any new construction, remodeling, or change-of-use permits by zip-code in an effort to inform citizens of activity in their neighborhoods. This E-Report is e-mailed every Monday.
To sign up, click click here
Houston Public Library Restored Library |
The Houston Public Library has extended its service hours by restoring Saturday service to 14 neighborhood libraries throughout the city. The District K neighborhood libraries that had phased-in restored Saturday hours are:
The restoration of service hours took place in phases. In addition, hours was restored to the Central Library, returning it to a seven day a week schedule sometime in the spring or summer. To learn more about the Houston Public Library, visit www.houstonlibrary.org.
Harris County Attorney's Office Launches New Speakers Series
The Harris County Attorney's Office offers speakers who are experts on a wide range of topics that you and your organization might find interesting and educational. The "Community Speakers Series" is designed to benefit the people of the greater Houston and Harris County area by providing information about our Office and the areas of law in which we practice. These programs are intended to help individuals and suggest ways the Attorney's Office can work together to improve neighborhoods and quality of life in Harris County.
Upon request, the Attorney's Office will provide staff attorneys who can speak on a wide range of topics such as "Using Civil Law to Combat Crime", "Environmental Enforcement", and "Wills and Probate". The Attorney's Office trust that your organization will take advantage of this public service initiative and look forward to your participation.
Please contact Debbie Dillard, Community Outreach Director, and she will be pleased to assist with scheduling or answering any questions you may have. Ms. Dillard may be reached by phone at 713.274.5109 or via email at debbie.dillard@cao.hctx.net.
Houston Bar Association LegalLine Program- Free Legal Hotline |

The Houston Bar Association offers a FREE legal hotline called LegalLine on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The LegalLine Program has been available to Houston area residents since 1985. This hotline services allows constituents to access an attorney free of charge. For more information about the LegalLine Program, contact Lucy Fraga Fisher Cain with the Houston Bar Association at 713-759-1133 or via e-mail at lucyf@hba.org.
Theatre District Open House -- August 25
If you are a lover of the fine arts, visit the Alley Theatre, Hobby Center for the Performing Arts, Jones Hall, and the Wortham Theater Center at this year's annual Theater District Open House! Grab an event program when you arrive and check out what's happening throughout the day. Performances will be offered on stage at several of the Theater District's venues, downtown restaurants will offer bites to eat and backstage tours, from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m., Sunday, August 25.
There will also be an opportunity to purchase season subscriptions to member performing arts organizations. To view the various theaters and performance schedules, click here.
Keep Houston Beautiful-- Mayor's Proud Partner Awards Nominations
Keep Houston Beautiful, the City of Houston's Clean City Commission, is now accepting applications for the 29th Annual Mayor's Proud Partner Awards. The deadline for the entries is Monday, August 19, 2013 is available at http://www.houstonbeautiful.org.
If you know of a friend, family member, group or organization that deserves recognition for a beautification or clean-up event, an environmental project or program or a community improvement initiative, nominate them today! Any program, project or individual effort, big or small, carried out and substantially completed during the last year to create a cleaner more beautiful environment is eligible for consideration. Click to see a list of last year's Proud Partners.
Awards will be presented by Mayor Parker and the Keep Houston Beautiful Executive Board at the luncheon being held on Monday, October 28th 2013 at the Hilton Americas- Houston. For more information about nominations or the luncheon, contact Keep Houston Beautiful at eventcoordinator@houstonbeautiful.org.
New District... New Council Member... New Beginnings! |