District K Contact Information
900 Bagby, First Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Satellite office:
Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center
3810 W. Fuqua
Houston, TX 77045
832-393-3016 office
832-393-4203 Satellite office
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311 Link:
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Archived Newsletters:
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Council Member Green Host Annual District K Capital Improvement Plan Meeting |
Last month, Council Member Green facilitated the council district's annual Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) meeting on March 21st at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center.
The Public Works and Engineering Department presented a PowerPoint presentation about the Rebuild Houston initiative and gave an update of its 10-year plan. Other City of Houston departmental representatives such as General Services, Parks, and the Health & Human Services Department were on-hand to give an update on existing and proposed CIP projects within District K.
"Since coming into office last year, I strongly encouraged all District K constituents to come out and be informed of the proposed CIP projects planned within the council district. I was pleased we had a diverse cross section of District K constituents attend this year's CIP meeting, and ask questions regarding current and proposed projects planned for their neighborhood. It is my hope that all constituents left the meeting feeling like their viewpoints were heard and answered by City representatives," said Council Member Green.
District K council office is proud to highlight five (5) new exciting CIP projects that are programmed within the FY 2014-2018 CIP: new infrastructure projects within the Linkwood and Woodshire neighborhoods, renovation of Wild Heather Park, replacement of a new Meyer Branch Library, and replacement of a new Southwest HPD Substation. For more information and specific details about CIP projects in your area and to see a draft of the Rebuild Houston ten-year plan click here.
Westbury "Eyesore" Demolition
On April 8th, Council Member Green along with several residents from the Westbury Civic Club eagerly watched a highly anticipated demolition of the property located at 5822 Cartagena Dr. This dilapidated and unsound structure has plagued Westbury for several years.
Council Member Green stated, "I'm thrilled the District K council office was able to move forward with the demolition of this dangerous building site in the Westbury neighborhood. Over the years, the 5822 Cartagena site has detrimentally plagued this neighborhood. Through continually working with the District K council office, Westbury community's persistence has been heard."
Becky Edmondson, President of the Westbury Civic Club stated, "I cannot thank all of you enough who worked on this project. This is truly the worst house in Westbury ever."
Westbury White Elephant Community Garage Sale
The Westbury White Elephant Community Garage Sale will be on April 20 from 8 AM to Noon at Westbury United Methodist parking lot 5200 Willowbend. Customer parking is located at St. John's Presbyterian, 5020 W. Bellfort. There will be over 50 individual garage sales in one location!!! For more information, call 713-723-5437. Rain Date: April 27.
Willow Waterhole Jazz Festival 2013
When :Sunday, April 28th, Noon - 8 PM
Where: Willow Waterhole @approx.5300 Dryad (street South of WHS)
What: Free admission to 8 hours of live Jazz music in a beautiful setting.
Schedule: Noon- 4 PM: School Jazz Group; 4 PM- 8PM: Professional Jazz Musicians.
Food / Drinks: Festival food and beverages will be available for purchase. NO COOLERS ALLOWED.
MORE INFORMATION: www.wwgc.org
Hiram Clarke:
The Hiram Clarke Community Festival

The District K council office, in conjunction with the South Houston Concerned Citizens Coalition, sponsored a Spring community festival within the Hiram Clarke community on March 16th at Townwood Park. Proceeds from the community festival benefited both James Madison High School and Dowling Middle School, two community schools in the Hiram Clarke area.
Other festival partners included the West Orem YMCA, Houston Independent School District, Community Health Choice, ABC Dental, and the City of Houston. In addition, the festival featured a college recruitment awareness fair with over 20 in-state and out-of-state colleges and universities as well as a job fair and talent contest.
Meredith Manor Townwood Park Expansion Celebration
Council Member Green, the City's Parks and Recreation Dept. and the Houston Parks Board, will finally demolish the dilapidated structure in Meredith Manor at 14203 Buffalo Speedway. The demolition event is scheduled for April 27th at 10:30 a.m.
This single family structure has been an eyesore to the Hiram Clarke community because it is situated at the gateway entrance into Townwood Park (Simsbrook at Buffalo Speedway). The Parks and Recreation Department will demolish the dilapidated structure and convert this parcel of land into Townwood Park's new entryway at Buffalo Speedway. As soon as the structure and foundation is razed, the Parks and Recreation Department will beautify this entryway with planted trees, shrubbery, and a new park sign.
Brays Oaks:
HPD Recognizes Reserve at Brays Forest Apartments for the Blue Star Certification
The Reserve at Braes Forest Apartments was recognized and commended by the Houston Police Department for earning their Blue Star Certification. Getting a Blue Star means a safer living environment for residents of the Reserve at Braes Forest Apartments. The apartment complex has attained this certification by the Police Department's Apartment Enforcement Unit. The Blue Star is a partnership between law enforcement, apartment owners/managers, and residents to reduce crime and improve quality of life in multi-family communities.
This recognition marked the 4th apartment complex within the Brays Oaks Management District to receive this momentous certification.
Council Member Green visits with Seniors at Riceville Mt. Olive Baptist Church |
On April 4th, Council Member spoke with seniors at Riceville Mt. Olive Baptist Church. This event was a stellar forum for Council Member Green to reveal public safety initiatives and upcoming District K projects for 2013. Also, providing an update to the seniors were Sergeant Sims and Officer Demaree from the Brayburn Storefront.
We would also like to give a special thanks to Associate Minister Charles Wiggins for allowing the District K office to participate in this community forum. |
Fort Bend Houston: Fort Bend Houston Super Neighborhood Council Moving Forward
When Council Member Green came into office in January 2012, he facilitated strategy meetings throughout District K among community leaders in each area of the District. These meetings were designed to introduce District K staff to the community and address community challenges that were specific to that particular area of the District. Re-energizing the Fort Bend Houston Super Neighborhood Council (SNC) was a way to collectively address Fort Bend Houston's holistic challenges and move forward.
As part of the re-energizing process, the SNC has revised its SN bylaws, expanded its stakeholder base, and elected a new board of officers to lead the Council forward. The District K council office is eager to work with the newly appointed delegates of the Fort Bend Houston SNC as they are re-energized to take their SN to the next level.
YES Prep Students Volunteer Clean Blue Ridge Park and Court Road |
Students from the YES Prep-Southwest campus joined the District K council office, in
conjunction with the City of Houston Department of Neighborhoods, to observe "Community Service Day" on March 7th. The YES Prep kids de-littered the park grounds, the playground area, and the parking lot within Blue Ridge Park and de-littered the right-of-easements and esplanades along Court Rd. between South Post Oak Rd. to Chimney Rock Rd. "This Community Service Day initiative is one of the ways our council office connects students with a public service project," stated Council Member Larry Green. "Initiatives such as these make Fort Bend Houston a cleaner and more beautiful community." |
South Braeswood:
Rebuild Houston Initiatives Are Projected to Make an Impact in the South Braeswood Area
There are a number of Rebuild Houston projects projected for the communities of South Braeswood. Currently, the Woodside, Knollwood Village, and Braeswood Place communities are getting their local streets reconstructed as part of the City of Houston's Neighborhood Street Reconstruction (NSR) program. Even though this infrastructure program has been replaced by Rebuild Houston, these neighborhoods were grandfathered as adopted capital improvement projects. 
Linkwood and Woodshire neighborhoods are proposed on the FY 2014-2018 CIP for street reconstruction and storm drainage improvement, respectively. The Westridge neighborhood is being proposed for a storm drainage improvement pre-engineering study. If the study is successful, then the Westridge neighborhood would be recommended as a proposed CIP project for the following fiscal year (FY 2015-2019).
The Braeswood Super Neighborhood Council (SNC) is scheduled to meet on Thursday, April 18th. The featured presenter will be Dale Rudick, Coordinator of the Rebuild Houston program. The SNC is open to the public and will take place at Linkwood Park Community Center, 3699 Norris St. at 6:00 p.m.
For information about the Rebuild Houston Program, click here. To view the District K current and proposed projects, click here and select the District K 2013 CIP link.
Out and About in District K:
Chapter 42 Update
Over the past year, Council Member Green has periodically forward an e-blast asking District K civic associations to review their existing deed restrictions to safeguard against the proposed amendment changes to the City's land development ordinance, Chapter 42. The proposed changes to Chapter 42 will involve a variety of different issues that may impact more traditional and established neighborhoods.
Here is a link to access PDFs of the proposed Chapter 42 amendments:click here for proposed changes to Chapter 42 which includes the proposed ordinance amendments, frequently asked questions, and PowerPoint presentation.
City Council is expected to vote on the proposed amendment this month or the next. As a follow-up, the Planning and Development Department is expected to conduct community informational forums in each council district to fully explain the ordinance and answer questions.
District K Neighborhood 101 Symposium
The District K council office is facilitating a series of Neighborhood 101 symposiums to better connect District K community leaders to resources affecting the viability of their neighborhood.
The first Neighborhood 101 symposium occurred in March and addressed deed restriction enforcement. Representatives from the City of Houston Legal Department and the Harris County Attorney's Office explained their authority with deed restriction enforcement. The next symposium will address the Special Minimum Lot Size application ordinance.
As part of the Planning and Development Department's outreach efforts to inform constituents of the Chapter 42 ordinance changes, the District K council office will facilitated this informational meeting as part of the Neighborhood 101 symposium. The Planning and Development Department will be presenting information on the Special Minimum Lot Size Application process. Residents will be informed about new opportunities for using the Special Minimum Lot Size Application process as a means of preserving the character of their neighborhoods. The Planning and Development Department has developed an extensive training module to help neighborhoods take advantage of these changes.
Should Chapter 42 be approved by Council as it is currently drafted, the program will:
- apply to any neighborhood within the city boundaries, as long as the deed restrictions do not call for a minimum lot size or building line;
- be possible to have the Special Minimum Lot size designation for a larger neighborhood, as opposed to the previous limit of two blocks.
This workshop is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, May 21, 2013 at the Welch Middle School auditorium, 11544 South Gessner Rd., 77071, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Other topics of interest for future symposiums will address neighborhood protection violations, HPD's Differential Response Team (DRT) enforcement, Solid Waste Department heavy trash enforcement, etc. The District K council office will e-blast of the future symposiums in future e-newsletters.
Council Member Green Sightings (March- April)
Council Member Green is making his rounds to discuss District K's upcoming plans for 2013. Listed below are community meetings Council Member Green attended during March and April.
- March 20th- Cattails HOA, Copper Tree HOA, Tempos III HOA
- March 26th - Willowbend Civic Club Meeting
- March 27th -Lakes of Fondren Southwest HOA
- April 2nd- Southmeadow HOA
- April 4th - Riceville Mt. Olive Baptist Church senior group
- April 9th - Windsor Village Civic Club
Keep District K Beautiful Day 2013
Council Member Green with Westbury students at the Willow Waterhole tree planting campaign
Council Member Green facilitated seven (7) community tree planting and de-littering clean-up events throughout the council district on April 6, 2013 as part of the council office's Keep District K Beautiful Day initiative. Each of the seven (7) community events was sponsored by a civic organization within the District.
- Almeda Plaza Dr. Tree Planting
- Hiram Clarke Area De-Litter Campaign
- The Willow Waterhole Detention Basin Tree Planting
- Westbury Community Garden Mulching
- Westwood Esplanade Beautification Initiative
- Maplewood West HOA Esplanade Beautification Initiative
- Fort Bend Houston De-Litter Campaign
This District-wide event was in conjunction with Keep Houston Beautiful and their citywide clean-up initiatives, which is generally held annually on the first Saturday in April. This year, Keep Houston Beautiful partnered with the District K council office and the Texas Department of Transportation's "Don't Mess with Texas Trash-Off" campaign.
In addition, Keep Houston Beautiful facilitated a press conference with Council Member Green, Mayor Annise Parker, and Keep Houston Beautiful Chairman Jim Tates at the Almeda Plaza Dr. tree planting event held at Beulah Maxie Park. "I am pleased the Almeda Plaza residents have partnered with the District K council office to beautify the entryway along Almeda Plaza Dr. This initiative will go a long way to not only beautify the Almeda Plaza neighborhood but also foster positive community engagement," said Council Member Green.
On the left, Council Member Green with Students in Fort Bend Houston. Right Picture Council Member Green, Mayor Annise Parker, and Ms. Beulah Maxie at Buelah Maxie Park.
Annual Civic Association Meetings
Springtime is the time of season a significant number of civic associations host their annual civic association meetings. Since coming into office last year, Council Member Green has made a commitment to visit every civic association within the District. The task is almost complete; however, if you are receiving this e-newsletter and Council Member Green has yet to attend your civic association meeting, please contact the District K office at 832-393-3016 or districtK@houstontx.gov to schedule.
Also, keep us posted if your civic association has changed its contact info (primary contact person, mailing address, e-mail address, contact number) and meeting location and date.
District K Restaurant Tour |
On March 22nd, Council Member Green along with the Brays Oaks Management District, the Five Corners Management District, South Main Alliance, and the Westbury Area Improvement Corporation participated in a District K Tour with interested restaurant representatives to showcase vacant land and buildings within the District that could be used for restaurant locations. Each group was given the opportunity to highlight the positive attributes of the vacant areas to the representatives. The objective of the tour was to showcase potential restaurant locations within District K .
"With players like Chris Pappas and others from the Greater Houston Restaurant Association, I felt we marketed the District K areas that seriously lack quality restaurants," states Council Member Green.
Council Member Green Chair of Alpha Golf Classic
On April 13th, Council Member Green chaired the Alpha Golf Classic at the Country Place Golf Club hosted by the Alpha Merit Group Education Foundation. The Alpha Merit Group Educational Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit organization that is directed mainly towards minority youth through preparation, progression, and scholarship. For the past 30 plus years this organization has increasingly developed within different communities and focuses priority on inclusive outreach and individual scholarships. This organization is truly making a difference not only in the community, but in the lives of our youth today.
Harris County Attorney's Office Launches Speakers Series
The Harris County Attorney's Office offers speakers who are experts on a wide range of topics that you and your organization might find interesting and educational. The "Community Speakers Series" is designed to benefit the people of the greater Houston and Harris County area by providing information about the attorney's office and the areas of law in which the office practices. These programs are intended to help individuals and suggest ways the Attorney's Office can work together to improve neighborhoods and quality of life in Harris County.
Please contact Debbie Dillard, Community Outreach Director, with scheduling or answering any questions. Ms. Dillard may be reached by phone at 713.274.5109 or via email at debbie.dillard@cao.hctx.net.
Houston Police Department Positive Interaction Program (PIP) Meetings
| District K has three (3) active PIP meetings administered by the Houston Police Department. All PIP meetings are open to the public; regardless of where you live.
Westbury PIP Meeting (every 4th Tuesday of the month)
Aramco Building
9009 West Loop South Freeway
Houston, TX 77096
For more information, please contact the HPD Westbury Storefront at 713-726-7126. The Westbury HPD Storefront hours are 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Hiram Clarke PIP Meeting (every 2nd Monday of the month)
Hiram Clarke HPD Storefront
4363 West Fuqua St.
Houston, TX 77053
For more information, please contact the HPD Hiram Clarke Storefront at 713-433-2720. The Hiram Clarke HPD Storefront hours are 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Braeburn PIP Meeting (every 3rd Tuesday of the month)
Braeburn HPD Storefront
7576 West Bellfort Ave.
Houston, TX 77071
For more information, please contact the HPD Braeburn Storefront at 713-773-7550. The Braeburn HPD Storefront hours are 8:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m.
Free Childhood Vaccinations Scheduled for February through May 2013
Throughout the year, The BlueCross BlueShield Care Van is giving free childhood vaccinations to children, birth to 18 years at select Houston Fire Stations. Since 2005, thousands of children have been vaccinated through this program in participation with HFD. The parent or guardian must accompany their children and provide all prior immunization shots records.
The final free childhood vaccination event will occur on Thursday, May 16th, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Fire Station# 59, 13925 South Post Oak Rd. For information, please contact the HFD Public Affairs Office at 832-394-6636.
City's Pro-Bono Deed Restriction Program
The Department of Neighborhoods will assist civic associations or civic clubs in low-to-moderate income neighborhoods with creating new, or modifying existing, deed restrictions via a resurrected Deed Restrictions Pro Bono Program. The Department of Neighborhoods will work with City Council offices in identifying civic associations that may be qualified to participate in the Program.
Eligible organizations will be referred to pro bono legal counsel via the Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program (HVLP). The Department of Neighborhoods will not directly assist with the drafting or modification of deed restrictions but rather act as a facilitator for pairing civic associations or civic clubs with attorneys for those purposes. The Department of Neighborhoods will also provide limited assistance to associations/clubs as they work to notify neighbors of proposed deed restrictions and undertake the required steps for enactment.
For more info about the program, please contact Todd Curry at 832-394-0670 or todd.curry@houstontx.gov.
Houston Public Library to Restore Library Hours
The Houston Public Library announced that it will extend its service hours by restoring Saturday service to 14 neighborhood libraries throughout the city beginning in April 2013. The restoration of service hours will take place in phases with restored schedules offered as new staff is hired and trained. More information will be forthcoming in the spring. This process started on April 1.
In addition, hours are being restored to the Central Library, returning it to a seven day a week schedule sometime in the spring or summer. The restored service hours are made possible by $3.1 million added to the City of Houston HPL budget. A portion of the additional funding is expected in the current budget year from a General Appropriation request in April 2013, and full funding will be included in the HPL FY14 budget, beginning in July 2013.
District K neighborhood libraries that will have phased-in restored Saturday hours are:
New District... New Council Member... New Beginnings! |