District K Contact Information |
900 Bagby, First Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Satellite office:
Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center
3810 W. Fuqua
Houston, TX 77045
832-393-3016 office
832-393-4203 Satellite office
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311 Link:
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Archived Newsletters:
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Fort Bend Houston Broke Ground on Its Long-Awaited Senior Community Center |
A celebratory groundbreaking of the long awaited Fort Bend Senior Community Center took place on November 20th. The event was co-hosted by Council Member Green and Fort Bend County Commissioner Grady Prestage, representing County Precinct 2, along with key personnel from the City of Houston Housing and Community Development Department, Health and Human Services Department, and the Fort Bend County Health and Human Services Department. This new facility will be located adjacent to the Fort Bend Boys and Girl Club, located at 5525 Hobby St.
The Fort Bend Senior Community Center, which will be Fort Bend County's first LEED certified building, is a joint venture between the City of Houston and Fort Bend County. The Center is scheduled to open its doors in the summer of 2013, and will be operated by the Fort Bend County Health and Human Services Department.
"This senior community center in Fort Bend Houston will facilitate the needs of the senior community here in southwest Houston" states Council Member Green. "I'm extremely excited that after years of planning this project, it is taking shape and will serve as a springboard for senior programming and recreational activities." The Fort Bend Senior Community Center will be a 10,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility which will boast a recreational fitness center with ADA adaptive equipment, a Wi-Fi Internet Cafe, a mini- library, and a multi-purpose room.
Through a partnership with the City of Houston Department of Health & Human Services and the Bureau of Oral Health and its partner, The University of Texas School of Dentistry. The Center will operate a preventive medical clinic and dental clinic. |
Levitt Pavilion Coming to the Willow Waterhole |
After a stellar sales pitch on behalf of the Willow Waterhole Greenspace Conservancy, Council Member Green, the Brays Oaks Management District, and the City of Houston Parks Dept., the Mortimer and Mimi Levitt Foundation and the Levitt Pavilions announced a commitment to develop a Levitt Pavilion within the Willow Waterhole Detention Basins.
The Levitt Program brings communities together through the experience of music. The pavilion is a catalyst for professional concerts, which are free to the public, to revitalize underused parks and public spaces and provide a place for neighborhoods to connect. Thus, the Mortimer and Mimi Levitt Foundation and the Levitt Pavilions chose the Willow Waterhole as an ideal site for a Levitt Pavilion where families, neighbors, and all age groups and backgrounds will gather to enjoy "music under the stars."
To know more about the Levitt Pavilion and the Willow Waterhole Greenspace Conservancy, please visit their website at http://www.wwgc.org .
Hiram Clarke Public Safety Town Hall Community Forum |
On November 1st, Council Member Green, in partnership with the Central Southwest/Fondren Gardens Oaks SNC, facilitated a Hiram Clarke Public Safety Town Hall Community Forum at the Townwood Park Community Center.
Public safety is a key initiative of Council Member Green. The community forum provided Houston area law enforcement agencies the opportunity to introduce themselves to the Hiram Clarke constituents by listening to their concerns, allowing them the opportunity to ask questions and allowing the invited law enforcement agencies to discuss coordinated initiatives between other partnered law enforcement agencies in the area. Invited guests included HPD executive staff for the Southwest Patrol Division, HPD Auto Dealers, HPD Gang Task Force, METRO Police, Houston ISD Police, and Harris County Constable May Walker (Precinct7). |
Council Member Green Selected Grand Marshal of James Madison High School Homecoming Parade |

Council Member Larry Green was selected as the Grand Marshal for this year's James Madison High School Homecoming Parade. Council Member Green is a proud Madison High School alum. "This is a great honor to represent my high school alma mater in this fashion," states Council Member Green.
Following the parade, students, parents, and faculty provided food, drinks, entertainment, and games to keep the event going. "We have worked extremely hard to make our Homecoming a success and a great memory for everyone," states Sonja Williams, Madison High School Principal.
On October 19th, Madison High School celebrated its Homecoming football game against rival Westbury High School at Butler Stadium. |
Westbury Honored as a "Community Star" |
The Westbury Community Garden was selected by the Mayor's Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security as a recipient of one of the 2012 Community Stars awards and was honored at a special ceremony on November 8th at the Houston Office of the DEA. The DEA Office applauded efforts of the Westbury community toward maintaining a high quality of life for their neighborhood as they strive to make Westbury a safe, healthy and drug free community.
During the annual Houston Crackdown event, the anti-drug division of the Mayor's Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security and other event partners including the Houston DEA Office and Clear Channel Communications, highlighted local agencies, organizations, and individuals for their outstanding efforts to prevent substance abuse among youth and adults throughout the greater Houston-Harris County region. Council Member Green nominated the Westbury Civic Club and Westbury Area Improvement Corporation based on their ongoing effort with the Westbury Community Garden.
The community garden serves as a neutral ground for area youth, community seniors, volunteers at nearby Foerster Elementary, and everyone in-between. "We owe a big thank you to everyone who works with our youth, organizes work days with our youth, and really to everyone that gardens or supports the garden," states Becky Edmondson, Westbury Civic Club president.
Council Member Green applauds the Houston Crackdown for organizing this annual event and working in the anti-drug effort to make Houston a safe, healthy and drug free community. "I'm honored to recognize the Westbury Community Garden as a recipient of this award. Working together really makes a difference."
New Health Clinic Opens in Fort Bend Houston |
On December 6th, Council Member Green, along with Mayor Parker, presented a mayoral proclamation for the grand opening of the Ibn Sina Health Clinic located at 16345 South Post Oak Rd.
This health clinic will facilitate the needs of the population in need of affordable health care," states Council Member Green. "I'm extremely excited that this project has come to fruition."
The Ibn Sina clinic opened December 10th. For the duration of December, the health clinic will offer all its medical and dental services FREE to the public. These medical services include free diagnostics, flu shots, immunizations, and gynecological services.
Through funding from the City of Houston Housing and Community Development Department, this facility will keep to its mission by providing integrated preventive and primary care in a clinical setting through the dissemination and application of health related knowledge, thereby enhancing the quality of life for those who need affordable health care but cannot afford it in a typical medical office setting. |
Proposed Management District on Hold from the District K Council Office |
On November 15th, the Braeswood SNC held their monthly meeting to field questions about the proposed management district sought for the surrounding area. As a result of the feedback Council Member Green, will not take the lead initiative during this legislative season for the formation of a management district. However, Council Member Green still supports the creation of a management district and believes it is in the best interest economically for District K.
Westbury Tree Planting a HUGE success! |
On November 10th, the Westbury Civic Club and the Westbury GreenTeam collaboratively planted trees in two (2) locations within the Westbury area - Westbury Park and along the West Bellfort Ave. esplanades. This successful tree planting initiative was a partnership with the City of Houston Parks Dept. -- Forestry section (prepared the locations for digging, mulching, and staking) and Trees for Houston (donor of the 15-gallon containers). The Westbury group had a good showing of volunteers. A special thanks goes out to Ms. Hazel Potvin for organizing the event on behalf of the Westbury Civic Club. |
Council Member Green Salutes AARP for Their Faith Based Initiative |

Council Member Green recognizes and applauds the dedication of AARP outreach efforts for their pilot program. Through this faith-based initiative, AARP has proactively increased senior enrollment, awareness and inclusion into the AARP organization by funding a program for three (3) churches in the Houston area - Fountain of Praise, Brentwood Baptist Church, and The Church Without Walls. AARP provided an estimated total of $35,000 in financial support to these churches toward this initiative. This AARP initiative was a pilot program, whereas the three selected Houston churches combined out performed the rest of the nation. As a result, AARP sponsored a noteworthy appreciation luncheon on December 8th for the church's leadership at the newly opened Buffalo Soldier National Museum. |
Council Member Green Honored by Fountain of Praise Church |
Council Member Green was selected as a recipient of the Stella Trimble Community Servant Award at the Fountain of Praise Church and acknowledged by Senior Pastor Remus Wright. Congratulations Council Member Green! |
Deck the Halls Parade |
On December 15th Council Member Green participated in the Deck the Halls parade. This grassroots event was started by Ember Mandell in 1998 as a multicultural neighborhood holiday parade through the Westbury Community.
Council Member Green had the honor to ride in the "Americar" with Westbury Civic Club President, Becky Edmondson.
"I would like to thank Becky Edmondson and the Mandell family for allowing me to participate in this Westbury tradition," said Council Member Green.
Deck the Halls has grown significantly from a block party to a 15 block parade with bands, art cars, floats, costumed characters, community groups, and much more. |
ABC Dental Bike Giveaway |
Council Member Green with Houston Fire Fighters Local 341. |
Council Member Green, in conjunction with ABC Dental hosted, " Smiles on Wheels" bike giveaway event to needy children on Saturday, December 15th. ABC Dental donated a significant number of bikes and Council Member Green managed to get volunteers throughout the District to assemble the bikes.
The Smiles on Wheels campaign was established in 2007 by ABC Dental. Since its inception, ABC Dental has donated over a 1000 bicycles to deserving students from various schools in the Pasadena , Houston, and Fort Bend area. The selection is based on academic achievement, perfect attendance and economically challenged students.
"The Smiles on Wheels campaign, shows the true spirit of giving this holiday season. I am very pleased to be a co-sponsor of this community sharing event, " said Council Member Green. |
Five Corner Management District Hosts Environmental Design Strategy Meeting |
On November 29th, the Five Corners Management District hosted an environmental design strategy meeting at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center, 3810 West Fuqua St. The strategy meeting consisted of area business and community leaders to address current and future infrastructure, branding, beautification, open space, and cultural enhancement needs within the Hiram Clarke area. Through this initiative, the Five Corners Management District has hired Asakura Robinson as the consultant firm to help facilitate this open process.
The Five Corners Management District, located within the Hiram Clarke area, was created to enhance the physical, social, and economic well-being of the community. The District has a Service Improvement Plan used to administer the following:
1. Crime Reduction, Control, and Prevention
2. Business Development
3. Transportation Planning
4. Beautification, Visual Improvement and Cultural Promotion
The strategy meeting addressed the Beautification, Visual Improvement and Cultural Promotion of the District's Service Improvement Plan. |
Council Member Green Acknowledges Hazel Potvin for Receiving Mayor's Proud Partners Award |
Westbury resident, Hazel Potvin, was recognized and awarded as one of the recipients at the 28th Annual Mayor's Proud Partners Luncheon by Keep Houston Beautiful on October 29th.
Hazel Potvin is a long-time resident of the Westbury Civic Club and has volunteered in the Westbury community for over 10 years. While serving as the Maintenance and Beautification Director of Westbury Civic Club, Hazel Potvin planned, implemented, and maintained a wildflower garden on an esplanade (later moved to the Westbury Community Garden); organized tree planting events for plantings at Westbury High School, Parker Elementary School, Chimney Rock Park, and Westbury esplanades; and chaired the annual neighborhood Keep Houston Beautiful cleanup events within the Westbury community.
In addition, Hazel Potvin has taught students from Foerster Elementary School to garden at the Westbury Community Garden as well as taught Kolter Elementary School students to tend their respective school garden. She is also the founder and president of the Friends of Chimney Rock Park, a pocket-size park which houses the Platou Community Center. At the Platou Community Center, Hazel Potvin works with a group of adults to share their sewing and craft skills with each other. Moreover, Hazel Potvin coordinated a summer enrichment program at the Platou Community Center where community kids learned to draw, crochet, and create clay pottery. The program was so popular that it will continue as an after-school event with transportation provided for students from school and later to their homes and apartment complexes. |
Are Your Deed Restrictions Updated? |
Earlier this year, Council Member Green sent a District-wide e-blast asking District K civic associations (geographically within Loop 610 and Beltway 8) to review their existing deed restrictions. Reason? The City of Houston Planning Commission is recommending amendment changes to the City's land development ordinance, Chapter 42. The proposed amendments will address:
- Make the City more competitive with development in the ETJ (extra-territorial jurisdiction)
- Improve development standards that lead to better quality-built product
- Provide additional resources for neighborhoods to manage
- Eliminate confusion/discrepancies contained within the existing code of ordinance more restrictive than those proposed by the City?The proposed changes to Chapter 42 involve a variety of different issues, particularly the expanded "Urban Area" designation beyond its current boundaries of Loop 610 out to Beltway 8. Given the expansion of the "Urban Area", as defined in the proposed ordinance, changes to Chapter 42 will promote more densely populated development patterns by allowing for the subdivision of existing lots and tracts of properties into smaller development units. Thus, these changes would have an impact on the more traditional and established neighborhoods.
Here is a link to access PDFs of the proposed Chapter 42 amendments, a transmittal memo to the Planning Commission that describes the changes from the prior draft, a summary of the overall changes, a summary of General Development regulations that will be refined and expanded upon in the coming weeks, cover memo to Mayor and City Council and the Department's response to the Super Neighborhood Alliance's comments: Click here for proposed changes to Chapter 42. Neighborhoods with enforced deed restrictions that prevent lots from being subdivided; have established minimum lot size and building set-back lines; and restrict properties to single family residential use will most likely NOT be impacted by this provision. However, other traditional and established neighborhoods that don't have these defined restrictions embedded in their existing deed restrictions may be impacted.
Earlier this year, the District K office sponsored a deed restriction workshop. Below is a link to access the workshop presentations and distributed material: Click here for Deed Restriction Link.
For those that choose/decide to amend your existing deed restrictions, below are some questions to ask regarding the proposed Ch. 42 ordinance amendments:
- has the civic association's deed restrictions expired or are they current;
- do the deed restrictions prohibit subdivision of lots;
- do the deed restrictions require a minimum lot size greater than the City's proposed changes (minimum of 1400 square feet); and
- do the deed restrictions require building set back lines that are more restrictive than those proposed by the City?
City's Pro-Bono Deed Restriction Program |
The Department of Neighborhoods will assist civic associations or civic clubs in low-to-moderate income neighborhoods with creating new, or modifying existing, deed restrictions via a resurrected Deed Restrictions Pro Bono Program. The Department of Neighborhoods will work with City Council offices in identifying civic associations that may be qualified to participate in the Program.
Eligible organizations will be referred to pro bono legal counsel via the Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program (HVLP). The Department of Neighborhoods will not directly assist with the drafting or modification of deed restrictions but rather act as a facilitator for pairing civic associations or civic clubs with attorneys for those purposes. The Department of Neighborhoods will also provide limited assistance to associations/clubs as they work to notify neighbors of proposed deed restrictions and undertake the required steps for enactment.
For more info about the program, please contact Todd Curry at 832-394-0670 or todd.curry@houstontx.gov.
The Solid Waste Department Has Changed Its Heavy Trash Routing Schedule |
Continuing its efforts to maximize cost savings, provide efficient service delivery, and engage in proactive customer service, the Solid Waste Department is improving heavy trash and tree waste service for the entire City of Houston. Director Harry Hayes of the Solid Waste Department has canvassed the District K community to inform residents of the new proposed changes to the heavy trash routing schedule. Effective November 1st, constituents will have a new heavy trash/tree waste service date.
To find more information about this initiative and to view your respective heavy trash re-routing schedule for your community, click here to access the District K webpage.
In preparation for the holiday season, the Solid Waste Department has posted its holiday trash schedule online at www.houstonsolidwaste.org. The holiday schedule is provided for your information and convenience, so please keep it handy so you will be informed of changes in your solid waste and recycling pickup services.
Houston's Hobby Airport Launches Valet Parking |
Houston's Hobby Airport launches valet parking effective immediately. Passengers departing from William P. Hobby Airport (HOU) can leave the parking to others with a new Valet Parking program.
This is the second location of the Valet Parking program, as it began at George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) in June, 2012. The Houston Airport Dept. (HAS) is offering customers a $20 introductory price through January 7, 2013 at both IAH and HOU Valet Parking locations.
To make the process even more convenient, Houston airports offer online reservations to reserve Valet Parking spots. Customers can create an account and/or fill out information online, print out the form and hand it to the attendant for faster service.
Customers who seek the Valet Parking services will find the valet drop-off location and booth in the Hobby Airport parking garage by following Valet Parking signage.
For customers who wish to continue to self-park at Hobby Airport, Houston Aviation Dept. improved customer service with the addition of courtesy shuttles for Ecopark 2 that transport customers to/from the terminal on 11-passenger shuttles. The courtesy shuttles are available to help handle luggage, find their vehicles when returning, and assist with vehicle services, such as flat tires and dead batteries. Additional parking is also available in the parking garage and Ecopark 1. |
Free Visual Fire Alarms Available for Citizens Deaf or Hard of Hearing |
The Houston Fire Department (HFD) is offering free visual smoke detectors for citizens who are deaf or hard of hearing and reside in the Greater Houston Metropolitan area. The alarms can be installed at homes by HFD or they be picked up, by appointment, at the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD), Metropolitan Multi-Service Center, 1475 W. Gray, Suite 180, Houston, TX 77019.
To request an alarm, contact MOPD at 713-284-1990 or mopdmail@houstontx.gov, or call the Houston Fire Department at 281-936-0770. Distribution of the free alarms will continue while supplies last.
This initiative is sponsored by the Houston Fire Department, the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities, a division of the Department of Neighborhoods, FEMA and community partners.
For more information about programs and services offered by the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities, visit www.houstontx.gov/neighborhoods. |
New District... New Council Member... New Beginnings! |