November 19, 2013
Healing Powers News
11-19-13 edition 
In This Issue
Archangel Barachiel
Open House and Angel Book Signing
Readings at First Friday Wish List Vintage
Angel Class for All Levels
Angel Book Now Available
Sacred Signs Podcast
Ask Laura Column
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Past Life Readings

A past life reading can help you identify old patterns that are ready for releasing. Message

Ask the angels for help with releasing the old!  They will help you let go so you can welcome the new.

Connect with your loved ones on the other side.

 Email laura@healingpowers,net to schedule. 
We are in the season of giving abundance and thanks!  The more we feel grateful, the more wonderful will be sent out way!  Make a list of all the things you are grateful for and more of those things will return to you!  If you ask for help then that is magnified!  I feel grateful that my first book is out an selling well, I also feel grateful for all the angelic assistance I receive and all of the wonderful people in my life!
Make your gratitude list today - not only will you feel good but you will bring more positivity into your life!  

Angel Barachiel - Angel of Good Fortune 

Barachiel is listed as an Archangel by the Eastern Orthodox church and a Seraphim in the Judaic tradition.  Either way, he is a very helpful and beneficial angel! He makes his appearance known by showing or sharing roses or rose petals as blessings from heaven.  He is known for bringing blessings and is also head of the guardian angels.  Calling on Jeremiel also allows us to open our hearts to abundance and to let go of our perceived 

limitations.  Call on him today for good fortune and blessings!  You can also ask him to send you a sign through roses.  I did so and received a rose a few days later!   


You can read brief descriptions archangels on the angels page of my website. 
Open House and Angel Book Signing
Thursday, Nov. 21 in Denver at 6:30 pm
Join me for book signings and the opportunity to purchase a copy of my new book!  I will read excerpts from the book and there will be an opportunity for Q and A as well.  This event are free and copies of both books will be available for purchase. 
Open house goes until 8 pm so come and say hello, see my new space if you haven't been and meet the other fabulous practitioners at Sesen Skin Body Wellness.  
Go to the events page for additional info.  Hope to see you there!
Readings at First Friday, Wish List Vintage, Denver, December 7 pm
I will be doing readings at this fabulous vintage store located at 240 S. Broadway in Denver.  Go to the events page for more info and email or call 303-800-4478 to reserve your place :)  Readings will be offered in 15, 20 or 30 minute increments.  It will be a great opportunity to participate in First Friday, buy fabulous vintage-wear, and get a reading! 
Angels Class for All Levels, Thursday December 5, 6:30 pm Denver
In this course you will learn what angels are, how they communicate with us, and how to ask for help.  Join the class for just $45, bring a friend for $80, or bring two friends for $120!  You can find out more info and register for the course on the events page.  Hope you can make it!
Angels Book now available on Amazon!  Kindle version coming soon!

So pleased to have this book out in the world!  You can now purchase a print copy though Amazon.  Electronic copy on the kindle and hard copy at the Tattered Cover coming soon! If you read it and want to leave feedback on Amazon, I do appreciate reviews!  Click here to purchase the book on Amazon
Sacred Signs Podcast with Adrian Calabrese
Laura interviews Author and Spiritual Life Counselor Adrian Calabrese about asking for signs to guide you through life on the highest possible course.  Asking for and receiving signs has been extremely instrumental for me in terms of affirming actions that I felt intuitively were the right way to go. Go to the podcast page or listen directly in itunes.
Ask Laura Column

Here is this edition's question:  
Q:  Is there a test, or words you can say to make sure the message you are receiving is from the light?
A: You can always ask Archangel Michael and the angels to protect you and the information you are getting and see if you keep getting the same sign or message.  Also often times if you ask the angels toremove interference and simply ask yourself if the answer is from the light or the dark, you will know.  


You can submit your questions to me via email at and you decide whether you want your name mentioned or whether you'd like it to be anonymous.  

I love this quote about  smiling:


Life is like a mirror.  Smile at it ad it smiles back at you. 


~Peace Pilgrim

Sending you love and light,


Laura Powers

Founder and President

Healing Powers