Monday is the last day for House Bills to be referred from a House Committee with enough time to make it through the Calendars Committee, onto the House floor and then over to the Senate. The heat is on as many bills die on the vine unless its sponsor can find a bill that is moving on which to "hitch a ride." Despite all the Sunset Commission hoopla last summer and through the fall regarding the reorganization of the Health and Human Services Commission and the Department of State Health Services as well as the demise of the State Board for Educator Certification, most of those bills have either not been heard at all or are in trouble. 25 days left, but who's counting?


TCA has one more Advocacy Day scheduled on Tuesday, May 12, 2015. If you haven't had a chance to join your colleagues at the Capitol - and even if you have and you want to do it one last time -- please sign up today. It's a powerful experience.


We've added a Medicaid Rate Hearing to the Call to Action. Although it isn't a legislative action, it will have a significant impact on the fees paid for mental health services (some go up and some go down) as well as access to care for those who use Medicaid for their health insurance.


Everyone should call their Representative or Senator for bills that are set on the House or Senate Calendar. For bills scheduled for committee hearings, please call the committee members ONLY if you are a constituent of a Committee member. Contact information for key House and Senate Committee members. Find out Who Represents You


House Floor Vote: Call anytime today - FRI, May 8

Oppose HB 1998 (Coleman). This bill would add Occupational Therapists to the list of non-physician mental health providers in the Health and Safety Code. "Please do not support this legislation on the House floor." TCA talking points on HB 1998. 


dollar sign HHSC Medicaid Rate Hearing: Comments due THURS, May 14

Submit public comment. The Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is conducting a public hearing to receive public comment on proposed Medicaid payment rates for the Medicaid Biennial Calendar Fee Review, including changes in the schedule for mental health (psychiatry) services - Excel. Go to the HHSC Meetings and Events webpage to access the May 14: Proposed Medicaid Payment Rates for the Medicaid Biennial Calendar Fee Review for more details. Written comments regarding the proposed payment rates may be submitted instead of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 5 pm the day of the hearing. Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or email


House Public Health Committee: Call before 8am TUE, May 12

Support SB 239 (Schwertner). This bill would provide loan forgiveness for certain mental health providers. "Please favorably report SB 239 bill from committee." TCA talking points on SB 239. 


Senate Transportation Committee: Call before 8am WED, May 13

Support HB 2216 (Coleman). This bill would remove information regarding mental health treatment from the application for or renewal of a Texas driver's license. "Please favorably report HB 2216 from committee."


House Public Education Committee: Call before 8am THURS, May 14

Support CSSB 164 (Lucio). This bill would require school districts to adopt on policy on how much time a school counselor should spend implementing the Comprehensive Developmental Guidance and Counseling Program. "Please set for a hearing and favorably report CSSB 164 from committee." TCA testimony on SB 164.   
What's Ahead for TCA: 5/11 - 5/15 (Keep checking...)
Committee hearings and legislative calendars can change with little notice. Go to for updates.

Monday, 5/11
  • House Calendar Includes:
    • HB 2205 (Crownover) to modify the structure and activities of the State Board of Educator Certification to add two non-voting members one of whom shall be familiar with alternative certification programs and not affiliated with an institution of higher education.
    • HB 2703 (Simmons) to establish a license requirement and regulatory board for behavior analysts and assistant behavior analysts.

Tuesday, 5/12:
  • TCA's Third and Final Advocacy Day, 8 am, Capitol Grill, E1.
  • House Calendar Includes:
    • HB 2012 (Sheets) to waive the occupational license and application fees for certain military service members, veterans and military spouses.
    • HB 2220 (Coleman) relating to mental health first aid training for school district employees and school resource officers.
  • House Public Health Committee, 8 am in E2.012 to consider 12 bills including:
    • SB 239 (Schwertner) - see alert above

Wednesday, 5/13:
  • Senate Transportation  Committee, 8 am in E1.016 to consider 9 bills including:
    • HB 2216 (Coleman) - see alert above
What Happened This Week: 4/27 - 5/1
TCA's Bill Tracking Reports offer a more comprehensive review of legislative activity each week. Use our Action Alert emails to take part in conversations about the future of professional counseling in Texas.

Monday, 5/4

  • HB 197 (Price) to require institutions of higher education to post information regarding mental health resources on their website - was referred to the Senate Education Committee.
  • SB 165 (Lucio) to require school districts to adopt on policy on how much time a school counselor should spend implementing the Comprehensive Developmental Guidance and Counseling Program - was referred to the House Public Education Committee.


Tuesday, 5/5

  • HB 233 (Farrar) amending the Education Code to add a definition of social work services - was voted favorably from the House Public Education Committee.
  • HB 3995 (Romero) was reported from the House Public Health Committee and sent to Calendars. HB 3995 would modify Chapter 502 of the Occupations Code (governing Marriage and Family Therapists) to allow LMFTs to utilize the DSM ad other diagnostic resources in connection with any claim for payment or reimbursement from a health insurance policy issuer or any other payor.
  • TCA met with Rep. Mary Gonzalez who agreed to pick up CCSB 164 (Lucio) in the House. See alert above for details on CCSB 164.
  • HB 3917 (Klick) relating to a prohibition on recoupment of certain provider claims under the Medicaid program - was sent to the House Calendars Committee.


Wednesday, 5/6

  • HCR 84 (Clardy) commending mental health professionals on the occasion of National Mental Health Month -was sent to the Governor.


Thursday, 5/7

  • HB 1430 (King) including mental health as an endorsement on a high school diploma - was voted favorably from the Senate Education Committee.
  • HB 505 (Rodriguez) prohibiting a limit on the number of dual credit courses in which a high school student may enroll - was recommended for the House Local/Uncontested Calendar.
  • HB 1083 (Marquez) requiring a mental health assessment of certain inmates - passed to third reading which will take place on Friday, 5/8.
  • HB 1541 (Burkett) adding peer specialists to the list of providers under the Medicaid program - passed the House.
  • HB 1559 (Parker) requiring schools to post on their website information on services and programs to assist homeless students - was recommended for the House Local/Uncontested Calendar.
  • HB 2186 (Cook) to require school district employees to complete suicide prevention training annually instead of once - passed the House.


Friday, 5/8

  • HB 18 (Aycock) to establish college and career readiness training academies for school counselors - set on the House Calendar.
  • HB 19 (King) relating to mental health and preventive service programs for veterans and military families - set on the House Calendar.
  • SB 1624 (Rodriquez) to require that entering undergraduate students attend an orientation about mental health and suicide prevention services - set on the Senate Intent Calendar.

TCA tracks key legislation. If there is a bill of particular interest to you please take a moment to read the legislation. Email to share your comments on what you like about the bill, your concerns on it, or your recommendations on changing it. Visit to find out who represents you.

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