Constituent Calls are the most effective way to influence the legislative process. When TCA issues an Action Alert for a bill in committee, we ask ONLY constituents of those committee members to make calls. We APPRECIATE your support as things continue move quickly! Sometimes though, when legislators are inundated with calls from non-constituents it can hurt more than help. Keep up the calls, just make them to those who represent YOU! 

REMEMBER: It only takes 5 constituent calls to get a legislator's attention. If you are a constituent, please encourage 4 of your local colleagues to join you in making calls. To find out who represents you, visit:
Constituents ONLY, Please MAKE CALLS!
HB 1998 (Coleman)
House Human Services Committee
Monday, 3/30 at 2 pm
or upon adjournment of House


HB 1998 as filed would add all Occupational Therapists to the Health and Safety Code as "non-physician mental health professionals" for the purpose of the Texas Mental Health Code. The list currently includes psychologists, psychiatric nurses (with masters or doctorate degree), LCSW, LPC and LMFT. The curriculum at several Texas institutions of higher education for the Occupational Therapist program does not align with the curriculum for the other mental health professionals currently included in the Health and Safety Code. Efforts are underway to amend the bill to require that any Occupational Therapist added to this list must have a Mental Health Certification.

What can you do?  Constituents, make calls before 2pm on Monday.
Contact the House Human Services Committee and Rep. Garnet Coleman expressing concern about adding Occupational Therapists who have not completed rigorous graduate programs in mental health fields to the list of "non-physician mental health professionals" in the Health and Safety Code. Share details about the rigor of your counselor education programs.  


House Human Services Committee members: 

Chair, Rep. Richard P. Raymond     (512) 463-0558

Vice Chair, Rep. Toni Rose               (512) 463-0664

Rep. Mark Keough               (512) 463-0797   

Rep. Susan King                    (512) 463-0718

Rep. Stephanie Klick            (512) 463-0599

Rep. Elliott Naishtat             (512) 463-0668

Rep. Gilbert Pe�a                 (512) 463-0460

Rep. Four Price                     (512) 463-0470

Rep. Stuart Spitzer               (512) 463-0458


Bill Sponsor: Rep. Garnet Coleman, (512) 463-0524  

Who Represents You?
This week at the Capitol: 3/23 through 3/27
In a nutshell, voucher bills are beginning to move through the Senate. Appropriations bills are moving out of committee and onto the floor in the House and Senate, with huge differences on funding of Public Education between both bodies. The House is pushing for more money and a restructuring of the public school finance system.

TCA Actions
MONDAY, 3/23 
A contingent of counselor educators and directors of guidance including Thelma Duffey, Brenda Jones, Heather Tripal, Eli Zambrano, Kimberly Ridgley and Ernest Cox met with staff in Speaker Joe Stauss' office to discuss school counseling legislation and priorities.

TUESDAY, 3/24 
TCA registered in support of HB 2216 (Coleman) to limit the information that can be collected regarding the mental health or condition of applicants for a driver's license in Texas.

WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, 3/25 - 3/26 
TCA Executive Director and Legislative Counsel held meetings with key bill sponsors to support and promote committee hearings of bills.
Next week at the Capitol: 3/30 through 4/3 (as of noon 3/27)
Note: Committee hearings are often posted with little notice. For committee updates, visit the Texas Legislature Online.

MONDAY, 3/30

  House Human Services Committee

  2 pm or upon adjournment - will hear 15 bills including:
  • HB 1998   (Coleman) - see Action Alert above.
  • HB 1852 (Naishtat) - would amend the Family Code to require that no less than 45 days after children enters the conservatorship of the DFPS, they must receive a developmentally appropriate, comprehensive psychosocial, assessment, including a trauma screening.


  House Pensions Committee 

  2pm or upon adjournment - will hear six bills including:

  • HB 2168 (Munoz, Sergio) - would change the payment date for annuities in the TRS to the first day of the month or the last day of the previous month if the first day falls on a Sunday or holiday.
  • HB 2743 (Capriglione) - would modify the ability of certain retires to enroll in the Texas Public School Employees Group Insurance Program.



  House Floor

  • HB 1 (Otto) - is the House version of the Appropriations Bill. It is expected that efforts will be made to add $800 million to the $2.1 billion included in the Committee Substitute to fund public education.



  House Higher Education, Subcommittee on Post-secondary & Workforce Readiness

  8 am - will hear five bills including:

  • HB 2628 (Clardy) - would direct the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to work with advisory committees develop and align career readiness curriculum.

TCA tracks key legislation and our Bill Tracking Reports are updated each week. If there is a bill of particular interest to you please take a moment to read the legislation. Email to share your comments on what you like about the bill, your concerns on it, or your recommendations on changing it. Visit to find out who represents you.

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1204 San Antonio Suite 201

Austin, Texas 78701

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