TCA Guidelines


Le'Ann Solmonson

Executive Editor:
Amanda La Guardia

Associate Editor:
Jeff Sullivan
Associate Editor:
Scott W. Peters
Executive Director:
Jan Friese

Robin Rumancik
Fall 2014
Guidelines is the quarterly newsletter for the Texas Counseling Association. If you are interested in submitting an advertisement or article for inclusion, please click here.
These Shoes Could Take Me Anywhere
Le'Ann Solmonson, TCA President
I love this time of year! For the last 49 years, with the exception of two years in the late 90's, I have had a first day of school. And that first day has always included a new outfit and, of course, a new pair of fabulous shoes. The shoes reflect my stage of life and the responsibilities of the time. I can remember a great pair of white PF Flyers that promised I would run fast and jump higher. Whether you are involved in education or not, this is a great time to make some professional resolutions. This year, my resolutions are mainly focused on my leadership with TCA. What shoes will you be wearing as you work to achieve your goals?

In Memory Of Bonnie Pierson - LPC #1
Jan Friese, TCA Executive Director
Professional counselors in Texas lost a hero on June 2nd when Bonnie Pierson, school counselor extraordinaire and LPC #1 passed away. Together with her equally passionate colleague Patsy Alexius, Bonnie Pierson was the force behind the passage of The Licensed Professional Counselor Act in 1981. Today, Licensed Professional Counselors are the largest group of clinical mental health providers in Texas.

Many Voices, One Song!
Jennifer Taylor, TCA Event & Meeting Planner
The 58th Annual Professional Growth Conference is just 10 short weeks away, and TCA has recently confirmed NEW additions to the program schedule. From various professional development opportunities to lively fun and entertainment scheduled throughout the conference, place a checkmark on your bucket list by attending this year's Professional Growth Conference. Join us to celebrate the 'Many Voices, One Song' that we will create together in November. Registration closes October 20th.

Winds of Change
Jan Friese, TCA Executive Director
Tough questions are being asked across Texas and the nation. Should education dollars be allocated specifically to support school counselors? Is a separate agency for all behavioral health services a solution to the chaos at DSHS? Is it really essential for a school counselor to have two years of teaching experience? How will we address mental health professional shortfalls in Texas? Solutions to these questions will be determined by the individuals we elect. Your voice can herald the winds of change.

TCA Member Appointed to 4A+ Team, National Program, to Explore Cultural Impact of Bullying
Thao Phan, TAMFC Senator
Recent community health assessments in central Texas have identified both linguistic and cultural barriers faced by the Asian American community. Data from the White House finds that Asian Americans report the highest rate of bullying in classrooms and on school grounds - nearly 20% higher than any other racial or ethnic group. To address these issues, the Austin Area Asian American Health (4A+ Health) team was selected to participate in a program funded by the CDC to reduce bullying and improve education and access to mental/behavioral health resources.

My Move to Small City Texas
Beck Munsey, TALGBTIC Senator
It is easy to forget that we still have a lot of advocacy work to do in helping other counselors and our clients understand and protect themselves and others as gender and sexual minorities. Years ago, I was not yet out as a member of the sexual minority community. As I came to understand my sexual and gender identity better, I came out with relatively little discrimination. Now my experiences are much different. I'm sharing these hateful encounters in order to remind us all that the fight is not over in educating and advocating to fellow professionals, agencies, students, elected officials, supervisees, the general public, etc. for gender and sexual minorities.

Thwarted Need to Belong, Violence, and Adlerian Neuroplasticity
Gina Wilson, LPC-Intern
Brain imaging technology indicates that the same areas of the brain engaged in processing information salient to the 'need to belong,' also processes physical pain. This means individuals who experience a thwarted 'need to belong,' suffer painfully. Studies have also found that changing focus of attention can alter threat bias. School counseling programs can integrate mindfulness techniques to help students enhance social and coping skills, by changing their relationship to their perception of the issue rather than trying to change the issue.

An Altered Landscape in 2015: How Advocacy Will Differ in Texas
Robin Rumancik, TCA Public Relations Coordinator
In just two months, the number of freshman elected officials in Texas will be greater than in the past 25 years. The marked increase of freshman public policy officials means a modified approach to advocacy is necessary; direct and early education. TCA has scheduled three Advocacy Days in Austin during the coming 84th Legislative Session. Visiting your elected officials is NOT scary. TCA is here make sure that it is actually fun - and to support you along the way. Find your inner advocate and practice key talking points. Learn about specific bills and the legislative process in general. Mark your 2015 calendars today!

Counselors and Medical Malpractice:
A Case Study
HPSO, Healthcare Providers Service Organization
This case study involves an insured licensed professional counselor (defendant) who provided services to a married couple both together and individually for approximately one month. The husband sued the counselor for breach of his privacy, breach of the counselor's fiduciary duty, his emotional distress, the loss of his marriage and family and an incorrect diagnosis of his mental state by the counselor.

Guidelines is published quarterly by the Texas Counseling Association for the benefit of members across the counseling profession. Any reference to a product, service, activity or listing of a website in Guidelines does not imply endorsement by TCA. The views and opinions expressed in Guidelines are those of the author and may not be shared by TCA. If you choose to Unsubscribe from this email you are Unsubscribing from ALL of TCA's HTML email messages including our member-only Action Alerts, eMembership Updates, State Agency Announcements, Guidelines Newsletter, Conference News, and more.