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Ahead of the Tide Video Series
The FCI is proud to be a partner in the new Ahead of the Tide 10-part video series highlighting the effects of sea level rise and climate change through the stories and voices of local Floridians. Each short video (5 to 7 minutes) showcases various aspects concerning sea level rise and includes interviews with scientists (including FCI affiliates), engineers, politicians, conservation directors, educators, authors, activists.
New Florida Adaptation Action Area in Yankeetown
As a result of a Florida Sea Grant annual meeting in Gainesville, partners in science, policy, and municipalities worked together to achieve policy success, developing a science plan, business plan, and comprehensive plan amendment to help the city of Yankeetown, Florida, adapt to coastal flooding and sea level rise. More >
Report on Sea Level Rise in the Matanzas Basin
The final project report for "Planning for Sea Level Rise in the Matanzas Basin: Opportunities for Adaptation" is now available online. The project, led by Kathryn Frank (UF), investigated the Matanzas area's vulnerability to sea level rise and identified potential adaptation strategies. More >
Study: North Atlantic CO2 Storage Doubled over Last Decade
A study led by scientists at the University of Miami shows that the North Atlantic absorbed 50 percent more human-made carbon dioxide over the last decade, compared to the previous decade. The findings show the impact that the burning of fossil fuels have had on the world's oceans in just 10 years. More >
Where/When Will Zika-Carrying Mosquitoes Strike?
Sadie Ryan (UF) is participating in an NSF-funded project on the effects of climate, land use, and socioeconomic conditions on vector-borne disease transmission, such as the Zika virus. Studying interacting factors allows researchers to understand the "risk landscape" for mosquito-transmitted diseases. More >
Florida, the Arctic, and Our Rising Seas
In preparation for their upcoming 3rd Annual Sea-Level Rise Summit (May 3-5 in Ft. Lauderdale; registration now open) a team from FAU has published a blog post titled "Where Goes the Arctic, There Goes Miami: Florida, the Arctic, and Our Rising Seas" on the Medium website. The article covers recent research from several FCI universities.
EPA Awards P3 Grant to UCF Student Team
EPA's P3 - People, Prosperity and the Planet-Program is a unique college competition for designing solutions for a sustainable future. UCF's winning team, led by Woo Hyoung Lee, is receiving $15,000 to work on developing a more sustainable means of growing and collecting algae as a bioenergy source. The team will bring their design in April to the National Sustainable Design Expo to compete for the P3 Award and a grant of $75,000 to take their design to real world application. Project Abstract >

Mar 29: Lecture w/ Marcia McNutt
On March 29 at 4pm ET at UF, Dr. Marcia McNutt will give a lecture titled "Climate Intervention: A Last Resort?" Dr. McNutt is the first female Director of the USGS, the first female editor in chief of Science, and the first female to be nominated for president of the National Academy of Science. The lecture will be streamed live and archived online here. More >
Mar 30: Lecture w/ Bob Inglis
On March 30 at 4pm ET at UF, former U.S. Congressman Bob Inglis will give a lecture titled "Free Enterprise Solutions for Climate Change." Inglis is a 2015 JFK Profiles in Courage Award winner, and founder of RepulicEn, an energy optimist and solutions organization. The lecture will be streamed live and archived online hereMore >
Florida Events

Other Events

Funding Opportunities
FCI affiliates and/or authors from FCI member universities are in bold.
Abdul-Aziz, O. I., & Al-Amin, S. (2016). Climate, land use and hydrologic sensitivities of stormwater quantity and quality in a complex coastal-urban watershed. Urban Water Journal, 13(3), 302-320.

Anderson, D. C., Nicely, J. M., Salawitch, R. J., ... Atlas, E., ... Riemer, D. D., et al.(2016). A pervasive role for biomass burning in tropical high ozone/low water structures. Nat Comms, 7, 10267.

Brassington, G. B., Martin, M. J., Tolman, H. L., Akella, S., Balmeseda, M., Chambers, C. R. S., Chassignet, E., et al. (2015). Progress and challenges in short- to medium-range coupled prediction. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 8(sup2), s239-s258.

Cape, M. R., Vernet, M., Skvarca, P., Marinsek, S., Scambos, T., & Domack, E. (2015). Foehn winds link climate-driven warming to ice shelf evolution in Antarctica. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120(21), 11,037-11,057.

Carlton, J. S., & Jacobson, S. K. (2016). Using Expert and Non-expert Models of Climate Change to Enhance Communication. Environmental Communication, 10(1), 1-24.

Chang, N. B., & Imen, S. (2015). Multi-Sensor Acquisition, Data Fusion, Criteria Mining and Alarm Triggering for Decision Support in Urban Water Infrastructure Systems. In Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2015 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 539-544).

Cheng, C. - H., Nnadi, F., & Liou, Y. - A. (2015). A Regional Land Use Drought Index for Florida. Remote Sensing, 7(12), 17149-17167.

Coutts, C. (2016). Green Infrastructure and Public Health. New York, NY: Routledge.

Danabasoglu, G., Yeager, S. G., Kim, W. M., ... Chassignet, E., ... Lu, J., et al. (2016). North Atlantic simulations in Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments phase II (CORE-II). Part II: Inter-annual to decadal variability. Ocean Modelling, 97, 65-90.

Engstr�m, J., & Uvo, C. B. (2016). Effect of Northern Hemisphere Teleconnections on the Hydropower Production in Southern Sweden. J. Water Resour. Plann. Manage., 142(2).

Esteban, N., Lalo�, J. - O., Mortimer, J. A., Guzman, A. N., & Hays, G. C. (2016). Male hatchling production in sea turtles from one of the world's largest marine protected areas, the Chagos Archipelago. Sci. Rep., 6, 20339.

Frank, K., Volk, M., & Jourdan, D. (2015). Planning for Sea Level Rise in the Matanzas Basin: Opportunities for Adaptation. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.

Gonzalez, G. A. (2016). Book Review: Transforming Energy: Solving Climate Change with Technology Policy. Review of Policy Research, 33(1), 111-113.

Gonzalez-Benecke, C. A., Teskey, R. O., Martin, T. A., Jokela, E. J., Fox, T. R., Kane, M. B., et al. (2016). Regional validation and improved parameterization of the 3-PG model for Pinus taeda stands. Forest Ecology and Management, 361, 237-256.

Griscom, B. W., Ellis, P. W., Baccini, A., Marthinus, D., Evans, J. S., & Ruslandi. (2016). Synthesizing Global and Local Datasets to Estimate Jurisdictional Forest Carbon Fluxes in Berau, Indonesia. PLoS ONE, 11(1), e0146357.

Hall, S. J., Learned, J., Ruddell, B., ... Polsky, C., et al. (2016). Convergence of microclimate in residential landscapes across diverse cities in the United States. Landscape Ecol, 31(1), 101-117.

Hamed, A., Madani, K., Von Holle, B., Wright, J., Milon, J. W., & Bossick, M. (2016). How Much Are Floridians Willing to Pay for Protecting Sea Turtles from Sea Level Rise? Environmental Management, 57(1), 176-188.

Kang, N. - Y., & Elsner, J. B. (2016). Climate Mechanism for Stronger Typhoons in a Warmer World. J. Climate, 29(3), 1051-1057.

Le Qu�r�, C., Moriarty, R., Andrew, R. M., ... Barbero, L., ... Millero, F., et al. (2015). Global Carbon Budget 2015. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 7(2), 349-396.

Logvinova, C. L., Frey, K. E., Mann, P. J., Stubbins, A., & Spencer, R. G. M. (2015). Assessing the potential impacts of declining Arctic sea ice cover on the photochemical degradation of dissolved organic matter in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 120(11), 2326-2344.

Martinez, E., Hendricks, E., Menze, M. A., & Torres, J. J. (2016). Physiological performance of warm-adapted marine ectotherms: Thermal limits of mitochondrial energy transduction efficiency. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 191, 216-225.

Matthews-Bird, F., Gosling, W. D., Coe, A. L., Bush, M., Mayle, F. E., Axford, Y., et al. (2016). Environmental controls on the distribution and diversity of lentic Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) across an altitudinal gradient in tropical South America. Ecol Evol, 6(1), 91-112.

McKune, S. L., Borresen, E. C., Young, A. G., Auria Ryley, T. D., Russo, S. L., Diao Camara, A., & Ryan, E. P. (2015). Climate change through a gendered lens: Examining livestock holder food security. Global Food Security, 6, 1-8.

Moritz, H., White, K., Gouldby, B., Wahl, T., et al. (2015). USACE adaptation approach for future coastal climate conditions. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Maritime Engineering, 168(3), 111-117.

Nagamani, P. V., Ali, M. M., Goni, G. J., Udaya Bhaskar, T. V. S., McCreary, J. P., Weller, R. A., et al. (2016). Heat content of the Arabian Sea Mini Warm Pool is increasing: Heat content of the Arabian Sea Mini Warm Pool. Atmos. Sci. Lett., 17(1), 39-42.

Narouei-Khandan, H. A., Halbert, S. E., Worner, S. P., & van Bruggen, A. H. C. (2016). Global climate suitability of citrus huanglongbing and its vector, the Asian citrus psyllid, using two correlative species distribution modeling approaches, with emphasis on the USA. Eur J Plant Pathol, 144(3), 655-670.

Obeysekera, J., & Salas, J. D. (2016). Frequency of Recurrent Extremes under Nonstationarity. J. Hydrol. Eng., 04016005.

Oswald, J. A., Burleigh, J. G., Steadman, D. W., Robinson, S. K., & Kratter, A. W. (2016). Historical climatic variability and geographical barriers as drivers of community composition in a biodiversity hotspot. J. Biogeogr., 43(1), 123-133.

R�del, G., Mauritsen, T., Stevens, B., Dommenget, D., Matei, D., Bellomo, K., & Clement, A. (2016). Amplification of El Nino by cloud longwave coupling to atmospheric circulation. Nature Geosci, 9(2), 106-110.

Severson, A. W., & Coleman, E. A. (2015). Moral Frames and Climate Change Policy Attitudes: Moral Frames and Climate Change Policy Attitudes. Social Science Quarterly, 96(5), 1277-1290.

Talley, L. D., Feely, R. A., Sloyan, B. M., ... Fine, R. A., ... Hansell, D. A., ... Langdon, C., ... Millero, F. J., et al. (2016). Changes in Ocean Heat, Carbon Content, and Ventilation: A Review of the First Decade of GO-SHIP Global Repeat Hydrography. Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci., 8(1), 185-215.

Verheyen, K., Vanhellemont, M., Auge, H., Baeten, L., Baraloto, C., Barsoum, N., et al. (2016). Contributions of a global network of tree diversity experiments to sustainable forest plantations. Ambio, 45(1), 29-41.

Volkov, D. L., Johns, W. E., & Belonenko, T. V. (2016). Dynamic response of the Black Sea elevation to intraseasonal fluctuations of the Mediterranean sea level. Geophys. Res. Lett., 43(1), 283-290.

Wahl, T., & Chambers, D. P. (2015). Evidence for multidecadal variability in US extreme sea level records. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 120(3), 1527-1544.

Wahl, T., & Chambers, D. P. (2016). Climate controls multidecadal variability in U.S. extreme sea level records. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, .

Wahl, T., & Plant, N. G. (2015). Changes in erosion and flooding risk due to long-term and cyclic oceanographic trends. Geophys. Res. Lett., 42(8), 2943-2950.

Yang, Q., Dixon, T. H., Myers, P. G., Bonin, J., Chambers, D., & van den Broeke, M. R. (2016). Recent increases in Arctic freshwater flux affects Labrador Sea convection and Atlantic overturning circulation. Nat Comms, 7, 10525.

About Us
The  Florida Climate Institute (FCI) is a multi-disciplinary network of national and international research and public organizations, scientists, and individuals concerned with achieving a better understanding of climate variability and change.

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