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Paris Climate Talks (COP21)
This week, O.S. Mbuya (FAMU) is representing the FCI at the climate talks in Paris. In the photo above, Dr. Mbuya is shown discussing the FCI with U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell.

Live webcasts are available here. Coverage of the events from The Guardian is available here. President Obama's opening address is available here.
With Climate Change, Malaria Risk in Africa Shifts, Grows
A larger portion of Africa is currently at high risk for malaria transmission than previously predicted, according to a new mapping study led by Sadie Ryan (UF). Under future climate regimes, the area where the disease can be transmitted most easily will shrink, but the total transmission zone will expand and move into new territory. More >
Coping with Rising Seas in Ancient Florida
A recent Tampa Bay Times article highlights research conducted by archaeologist Ken Sassaman (UF) on how Florida's early inhabitants adapted to sea level changes. While digging at an ancient Indian burial ground near Cedar Key, Sassaman found that the burial ground was actually a re-burial, and early inhabitants had relocated the graves in response to rising seas.

Climate Can Grind Mountains Faster Than They Can Be Rebuilt
John Jaeger (UF) and other researchers for the first time have attempted to measure all the material leaving and entering a mountain range over more than a million years and discovered that erosion caused by glaciation during ice ages can, in the right circumstances, wear down mountains faster than plate tectonics can build them. More >
Sea Level Research by Andrea Dutton (UF) Featured in Science Article
Sea level research conducted by Andrea Dutton (UF) is featured in a recent news article in the journal Science. Dr. Dutton's studies of fossil coral reefs exposed at an amusement park in Mexico suggest a rapid rise in sea level some 120,000 years ago, during a warm spell in Earth's history. Science Article >
FCI Signs American Campuses Act on Climate Pledge
The FCI joined more than 200 university and college campuses, including FAMU and FIU, in signing the White House's American Campuses Act on Climate pledge and demonstrating support for strong climate action by world leaders in Paris this month. More >
Citizens Engage in Sea Level Solutions with Eyes on the Rise
On November 24, Tiffany Troxler, Director of FIU's Sea Level Solutions Center, gathered faculty and students at Little River Pocket Park in Miami for a hands-on event during King Tide flooding. The event focused on a low-lying community where significant tidal flooding has been observed, but received little attention, in order to conduct a citizen science activity and emphasize that sea level rise is not just a Miami Beach issue.  More >
South Florida Water, Sustainability and Climate Project Update
The South Florida Water, Sustainability and Climate Project, funded by NSF and USDA and led by FIU with collaborators at UM, UF, USF, UCF, FSU, and other institutions, has made steady progress over the past twelve months toward project objectives. The team has released downscaled climate data for South Florida, further refined of penalty functions, and discussed the selection of scenarios to examine with the hydro-economic model. More >
Other Notes
David Markell, Steven M. Goldstein Professor, FSU College of Law, presented a draft paper entitled Sea Level Rise and Changing Times for Florida Local Governments in a workshop at the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, Columbia Law School (Oct. 2015).

Andrea Dutton (UF Geology) was selected for the first cohort of Global Fellows by the UF International Center. During the course of this fellowship Dr. Dutton will develop a research project and proposal related to quantifying past sea level change through international collaboration.
Florida Events

Other Events

Funding Opportunities

FCI affiliates and/or authors from FCI member universities are in bold.
Almeida Prado Jr., F., Athayde, S., Mossa, J., Bohlman, S., Leite, F., & Oliver-Smith, A. (2016). How much is enough? An integrated examination of energy security, economic growth and climate change related to hydropower expansion in Brazil. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 53, 1132-1136.

Anderson, B. T., & Perez, R. C. (2015). ENSO and non-ENSO induced charging and discharging of the equatorial Pacific. Clim Dyn, 45(9-10), 2309-2327.

Arienzo, M. M., Swart, P. K., Pourmand, A., Broad, K., Clement, A. C., Murphy, L. N., et al. (2015). Bahamian speleothem reveals temperature decrease associated with Heinrich stadials. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 430, 377-386.

Balderacchi, M., Perego, A., Lazzari, G., Mu�oz-Carpena, R., Acutis, M., Laini, A., et al. (2016). Avoiding social traps in the ecosystem stewardship: The Italian Fontanile lowland spring. Science of The Total Environment, 539, 526-535.

Bellomo, K., & Clement, A. C. (2015). Evidence for weakening of the Walker circulation from cloud observations: Weakening of Walker Circulation. Geophys. Res. Lett., 42(18), 7758-7766.

Camp, E. V., Pine III, W. E., Havens, K., Kane, A. S., Walters, C. J., Irani, T., Lindsey, A. B., & Morris, J. G. Jr. (2015). Collapse of a historic oyster fishery: diagnosing causes and identifying paths toward increased resilience. E&S, 20(3).

Chagaris, D. D., Mahmoudi, B., Walters, C. J., & Allen, M. S. (2015). Simulating the Trophic Impacts of Fishery Policy Options on the West Florida Shelf Using Ecopath with Ecosim. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 7(1), 44-58.

Dishon, G., Fisch, J., Horn, I., Kaczmarek, K., Bijma, J., Gruber, D. F., et al. (2015). A novel paleo-bleaching proxy using boron isotopes and high-resolution laser ablation to reconstruct coral bleaching events. Biogeosciences, 12(19), 5677-5687.

Dong, S., Goni, G., & Bringas, F. (2015). Temporal variability of the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation between 20 Degrees S and 35 Degrees S. Geophys. Res. Lett., 42(18), 7655-7662.

Ercolani, C., Muller, J., Collins, J., Savarese, M., & Squiccimara, L. (2015). Intense Southwest Florida hurricane landfalls over the past 1000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews, 126, 17-25.

Fellman, J. B., Hood, E., Raymond, P. A., Stubbins, A., & Spencer, R. G. M. (2015). Spatial Variation in the Origin of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Snow on the Juneau Icefield, Southeast Alaska. Environ. Sci. Technol., 49(19), 11492-11499.

Gulick, S. P. S., Jaeger, J. M., & et al. (2015). Mid-Pleistocene climate transition drives net mass loss from rapidly uplifting St. Elias Mountains, AlaskaPNAS, early online release.

Hinchliff, C. E., Smith, S. A., Allman, J. F., Burleigh, J. G., Chaudhary, R., Coghill, L. M., ... Owen, C. L.., ... Soltis, D. L., et al. (2015). Synthesis of phylogeny and taxonomy into a comprehensive tree of life. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 112(41), 12764-12769.

Kerns, B. W., & Chen, S. S. (2015). Subsidence Warming as an Underappreciated Ingredient in Tropical Cyclogenesis. Part I: Aircraft Observations. J. Atmos. Sci., 72(11), 4237-4260.

Li, Y., Henze, D. K., Jack, D., Henderson, B. H., & Kinney, P. L. (2016). Assessing public health burden associated with exposure to ambient black carbon in the United States. Science of The Total Environment, 539, 515-525.

Lindeman, K. C., Dame, L. E., Avenarius, C. B., Horton, B. P., Donnelly, J. P., Corbett, D. R., et al. (2015). Science Needs for Sea-Level Adaptation Planning: Comparisons among Three U.S. Atlantic Coastal Regions. Coastal Management, 43(5), 555-574.

Misra, B. B., & Chen, S. (2015). Advances in understanding CO2 responsive plant metabolomes in the era of climate change. Metabolomics, 11(6), 1478-1491.

Montella, R., Kelly, D., Xiong, W., Brizius, A., Elliott, J., Madduri, R., ... Porter, C., ... Zhang, M., et al. (2015). FACE-IT: A science gateway for food security research. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper., 27(16), 4423-4436.

Puga-Bernab�u, �., Webster, J. M., Braga, J. C., Clague, D. A., Dutton, A., Eggins, S., et al. (2016). Morphology and evolution of drowned carbonate terraces during the last two interglacial cycles, off Hilo, NE Hawaii. Marine Geology, 371, 57-81.

Rehm, E. M., Olivas, P., Stroud, J., & Feeley, K. J. (2015). Losing your edge: climate change and the conservation value of range-edge populations. Ecol Evol, 5(19), 4315-4326.

Ricard, M. F., Viglizzo, E. F., & Podest�, G. (2015). Comparison of adaptative strategies to climate variability in rural areas of Argentine Chaco and US Southern Plains during the last century. Journal of Arid Environments, 123, 68-80.

Ryan, S. J., McNally, A., Johnson, L. R., Mordecai, E. A., Ben-Horin, T., Paaijmans, K., et al. (2015). Mapping Physiological Suitability Limits for Malaria in Africa Under Climate Change. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 15(12).

Saupe, E. E., Qiao, H., Hendricks, J. R., Portell, R. W., Hunter, S. J., Sober�n, J., et al. (2015). Niche breadth and geographic range size as determinants of species survival on geological time scales: Determinants of species survival. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24(10), 1159-1169.

Szuwalski, C. S., Vert-Pre, K. A., Punt, A. E., Branch, T. A., & Hilborn, R. (2015). Examining common assumptions about recruitment: a meta-analysis of recruitment dynamics for worldwide marine fisheries. Fish Fish, 16(4), 633-648.

Turk, D., Yates, K., Vega-Rodriguez, M., Toro-Farmer, G., L'Esperance, C., Melo, N., ... Muller-Karger, F. E., et al. (2015). Community metabolism in shallow coral reef and seagrass ecosystems, lower Florida Keys. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 538, 35-52.

Veldman, J. W., Overbeck, G. E., Negreiros, D., Mahy, G., Le Stradic, S., Fernandes, G. W., ... Putz, F. E., et al. (2015). Where Tree Planting and Forest Expansion are Bad for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. BioScience, 65(10), 1011-1018.

Volkov, D. L., & Landerer, F. W. (2015). Internal and external forcing of sea level variability in the Black Sea. Clim Dyn, 45(9-10), 2633-2646.

Voss, B. M., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Eglinton, T. I., Spencer, R. G. M., Bulygina, E., Galy, V., et al. (2015). Seasonal hydrology drives rapid shifts in the flux and composition of dissolved and particulate organic carbon and major and trace ions in the Fraser River, Canada. Biogeosciences, 12(19), 5597-5618.

Zhang, T., Ju, L., Leng, W., Price, S., & Gunzburger, M. (2015). Thermomechanically coupled modelling for land-terminating glaciers: a comparison of two-dimensional, first-order and three-dimensional, full-Stokes approaches. Journal of Glaciology, 61(228), 702-712.

Zhu, M., Hoctor, T., Volk, M., Frank, K., & Linhoss, A. (2015). The conservation value of elevation data accuracy and model sophistication in reserve design under sea-level rise. Ecol Evol, 5(19), 4376-4388.

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The  Florida Climate Institute (FCI) is a multi-disciplinary network of national and international research and public organizations, scientists, and individuals concerned with achieving a better understanding of climate variability and change.

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