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December in Florida. Credit: State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory.
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Think or Swim: Planning for Sea Level Rise in the Matanzas Basin
This project, led by Dr. Kathryn Frank, was featured in the November issue of Landscape Architecture Magazine. More >
Climate of the Southeast United States: Variability, Change, Impacts, and Vulnerability
Dr. Keith Ingram is the lead editor on this new book prepared for the 2013 National Climate Assessment. More >
Tropical Forests and Climate Change
In WAMC's Academic Minute public radio program, Dr. Stephanie Pau explains why tropical forests may already have all the heat the ecosystem can tolerate. More >
hurricane tracks
Weaker-than-Predicted Hurricane Season Ends
In a Palm Beach Daily News article, Dr. Mark Powell discusses some of the theories on why there were so few hurricanes. More >
Global Education Lab
A team at the University of Florida has developed resources related to globally integrated education programs in food, agriculture, natural resources, and related sciences. Check out the learning materials that you are free to use! More >
Call for Papers: Climate & Energy Decision Making under Uncertainty
This special issue of Springer's Environment, Systems, and Decisions journal is co-edited by Dr. Greg Kiker. More >.
SE FL Summit
Call for Delegates
The US-Netherlands Connection Project's (USNC) Professional Program will have a team in the Netherlands May 12-16. Administered by Florida Earth Foundation, USNC explores Dutch expertise in water management and infrastructure, including sea-level rise adaptation and resilience. More >
Register for the NIFA Climate Change Project Directors Meeting & Workshop
Jan. 6-10 in Gainesville. Several researchers from the Florida Climate Institute and the Southeast Climate Consortium will be presenting at the meeting. More >
5th Annual Southeast Florida Regional Climate Leadership Summit
The sold-out event was held Nov. 7-8 in Fort Lauderdale, and the Coastal Communities Town Hall drew over 500 people! See several of the recorded presentations from the event here.
FCI authors/co-authors are in bold.

Bianchi, T. S., Allison, M. A., & Cai, W. - J. (Eds.). (2013). Biogeochemical Dynamics at Major River-Coastal Interfaces: Linkages with Global Change. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Medeiros, S.
, Hagen, S., Chaouch, N., Feyen, J., Temimi, M., Weishampel, J., et al. (2013). Assessing the Performance of a Northern Gulf of Mexico Tidal Model Using Satellite ImageryRemote Sensing, 5(11), 5662-5679.

Meyers, S. D., Linville, A., & Luther, M. E. (2013). Alteration of Residual Circulation Due to Large-Scale Infrastructure in a Coastal Plain Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts, doi:10.1007/s12237-013-9691-3.

Ruppert, T., & Grimm, C. (2013). Drowning in Place: Local Government Costs and Liabilities for Flooding Due to Sea-level RiseThe Florida Bar Journal, 87(9), 29.

Wilson, M., Meyers, S. D., & Luther, M. E. (2013). Synoptic volumetric variations and flushing of the Tampa Bay estuaryClim. Dyn., doi:10.1007/s00382-013-1926-2.

Florida Events

Jan. 6-10, Gainesville - NIFA Climate Change Project Directors Meeting & Workshop

Jan. 14-15, Tampa
- Green Infrastructure & Water Management in Growing Metropolitan Area

Jan. 27-28, Tallahassee - Sustainable YOU Conference

Jan. 30, Gainesville - La Via Campesina Symposium

Feb. 11-12, Gainesville - 4th UF Water Institute Symposium

Apr. 3-4, Gainesville - Charles Godfray Visits and Gives FCI Distinguished Scholar Seminar (Dr. Godfray is the Hope Professor and Director of the Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Food)

Presentations Archived Online

Feeding Nine Billion in a Hotter World. Presented by Dr. David Lobell, Stanford University (Fall FCI Distinguished Scholar Seminar, Gainesville, FL, 11/25/13)

The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines. Presented by Dr. Michael Mann, Pennsylvania State University (E.T. York Lecture, Gainesville, FL, 11/19/13)

Long-Term Cooperative Research in Southern Pines: The Greatest Good ; Sometimes You Can See A Lot Just by Looking: How Sensors are Changing Our Understanding of Rivers. Presented by Drs. Timothy Martin and Matthew Cohen, University of Florida (Faculty Fellows Seminars, Gainesville, FL, 11/15/13)

Funding Opportunities

EPA Urban Waters Small Grants (due Dec 16)

Postdoctoral Researcher in Carbon Cycling (University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI)

Agricultural Modeling Postdoctoral Research Scientist (Columbia University - Rockland County, NY)

More >
About Us
The  Florida Climate Institute (FCI) is a multi-disciplinary network of national and international research and public organizations, scientists, and individuals concerned with achieving a better understanding of climate variability and change.

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