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September 2013
   Cross-disciplinary climate research in service of society
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SLR Summit 2013: October 16-17 at FAU  


Florida Atlantic University's Center for Environmental Studies will be hosting Sea Level Rise Summit 2013: Resilience in the Face of Change. As a follow up to the successful 2012 Sea Level Rise Summit, this year's summit is in partnership with the 2013 Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture's (ACSA) 4th Biennial Subtropical Cities Conference: Braving a New World: Design Interventions for Changing Climates.

The Sea Level Rise Summit 2013 will be held October 16th & 17th in the City of Fort Lauderdale. On the evening of the 17th, a joint keynote speaker will officially open the Subtropical Cities and ACSA Conference which will continue through to October 19th.

Focusing on the economy and built environment, the Summit will address the issues professionals face in adapting to sea level rise (SLR) and other climate change related impacts
NOAA Science Days 



Scott C. Hagen (UCF FCI Branch Director and Professor in the UCF Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering department) is one of eight engineers/scientists selected to speak at the upcoming NOAA Science Days on "Advancing Climate Science for a Climate-Smart Nation" scheduled for October 1-3, 2013, in Washington, DC, and Silver Spring, MD.  There will be three components of NOAA Science Days: a one-hour briefing to senior NOAA leadership at NOAA Headquarters in Washington, DC; a half-day session in Silver Spring, MD that will also be webcast for interested NOAA staff, and several briefings with Congress. All speakers will participate in the Silver Spring session and webinar giving a 15-minute talk with 10 minutes for Q&A.  
Regional Climate Trends and Scenarios: The Southeast U.S. 


This document provides a brief overview of the observed changes in the climate of the Southeast United States as well as possible future climate conditions as simulated by climate models, based on two scenarios of future greenhouse gas emissions. It summarizes the detailed findings presented in one of nine regional and national climate descriptions created by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in support of the National Climate Assessment (NCA). It is also hoped that these findings are of direct benefit to decision makers and communities seeking to develop adaptation plans. The full Regional Climate Trends and Scenarios report is available at http://scenarios.globalchange.gov/regions/southeast-and-caribbean.
FCI Faculty Fellows at UF


The first FCI Faculty Fellows were announced at the University of Florida:
Dr. Ellen Martin
(bottom picture)
, Professor in the Department of Geological Sciences, and
Dr. Tim Martin
(top picture), Professor in the School of Forest Resources and Conservation have each been awarded a 3 year fellowship for their substantial contributions to research, leadership, and collaborative efforts in climate science.
Upcoming Events


Sep 6, 2013 |
Nov 1-3, 2013 | 7th Graduate Climate Conference | Fort Lauderdale, FL


More upcoming events... 
Call for Abstracts



Green Infrastructure and Water Management in Growing Metropolitan Areas | Jan 14 - 16, 2014 | Patel College of Global Sustainability at the University of South Florida

Abstracts due: October 1, 2013

Event information: http://psgs.usf.edu/patel-center/2014-green-infrastructure-conference/

4th UF Water Institute Symposium | Feb 11-12, 2014 | Gainesville, FL  
Abstracts due: October 11, 2013

Employment Opportunities



Communication and Network Director - ClimatePlan - Oakland, CA


Postdoctoral Positions in Geophysics, Geology or atmospheric physics - Glenn Research Center - Cleveland, OH


Tenure Track Position in Stable Isotope Geochemistry - Department of Earth and Environmental Science - College of Science and Technology, Temple University (USA)




More employment opportunities... 

FCI Websites at UF and FSU


The Florida Climate Institute at UF and FSU have launched their own FCI websites. They feature UF/FSU projects, events, and information.
See the FCI website at UF: http://www.floridaclimateinstitute-uf.org/

See the FCI website at FSU:  




Aumen, N., Berry, L., Best, R., Edwards, A., Havens, K., Obeysekera, J., Rudnick, D. & Scerbo, M. (2013). Predicting Ecological Changes in the Florida Everglades under a Future Climate Scenario. 


Kanamitsu, M., Yulaeva, E., Li, H., & Hong, S. - Y. (2013). Catalina Eddy as revealed by the historical downscaling of reanalysis. Asia-Pacific J Atmos Sci, .

Misra, V., & DiNapoli, S. (2013). The variability of the Southeast Asian Summer Monsoon. Int. J. Climatol., .
Asseng, S., Ewert, F., Rosenzweig, C., Jones, J. W., Hatfield, J. L., Ruane, A. C., et al. (2013). Uncertainty in simulating wheat yields under climate change. Nature Climate change, .  



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