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June 2013
Cross-disciplinary climate research in service of society
Special Issue from FCI
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
I am very pleased to apprise you of a forthcoming publication, which will be a special issue in the journal of the Regional Environmental Change (a Springer publication) entitled "Multi-disciplinary assessment of the Southeastern US climate". This is a result of a vibrant inter-disciplinary environment in the Southeastern US for several years fostered by several groups like the Florida Climate Institute, the Southeast Climate Consortium, and the Florida Water and Climate Alliance. The title of the papers with the author list to appear in this special issue is provided here.The authors have come from a milieu of Universities, Government agencies and laboratories, and industry spread across the Southeastern US. We have also provided the editorial of the special issue for your perusal here. We anticipate its publication in August 2013.
There will be a limited number of print copies of this special issue available through the Florida Climate Institute at Florida State University and University of Florida. If you wish to secure a personal copy of this special issue then the cost for each copy is $7.00 and additional $4.00 for shipping and handling within the continental U.S.A. (the shipping and handling fee is waived for FSU and UF employees). If you would like a copy (or copies) shipped internationally, please contact me, as the shipping cost will vary depending on the country.
Checks must be made out to "FSU Foundation" and received by July 10, 2013 at:
Florida Climate Institute
2035 E. Paul Dirac Drive
210 R. M. Johnson Bldg.
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2840
Educational Opportunity
The Florida Natural Resources Leadership Institute (NRLI) is now accepting applications for Class XIII, which begins August 6, 2013 and continues through April , 2014. The 8 month fellowship will focus on "The Future of Water in Florida." For more information see http://nrli.ifas.ufl.edu/
FSU's 2013 North Atlantic Hurricane Forecast Predicts Above-Average Season
Scientists at the Florida State University Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS) who developed a unique computer model with a knack for predicting hurricanes with unprecedented accuracy are forecasting a season of above-average activity.
On May 30, Tim LaRow, associate research scientist at COAPS, and his colleagues released their fifth annual Atlantic hurricane season forecast. Hurricane season begins June 1 and runs through Nov. 30.
This year's forecast calls for a 70 percent probability of 12 to 17 named storms with five to 10 of the storms developing into hurricanes. The mean forecast is 15 named storms, eight of them hurricanes, and an average accumulated cyclone energy (a measure of the strength and duration of storms accumulated during the season) of 135. More information here.
On April 15, Leonard Berry was honored with the FAU Presidents Leadership Award for his work on climate change. This award is made once a year to FAU faculty in recognition of those who make the greatest contribution of their talents and abilities in the service of others.
SLR Summit 2013: October 16-17 at FAU
Florida Atlantic University's Center for Environmental Studies will be hosting Sea Level Rise Summit 2013: Resilience in the Face of Change. As a follow up to the successful 2012 Sea Level Rise Summit, held at the Boca Raton Marriott, this year's summit is in partnership with the 2013 Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture's (ACSA) 4th Biennial Subtropical Cities Conference: Braving a New World: Design Interventions for Changing Climates.
The Sea Level Rise Summit 2013 will be held October 16th & 17th in the City of Fort Lauderdale. On the evening of the 17th, a joint keynote speaker will officially open the Subtropical Cities and ACSA Conference which will continue through to October 19th.
Focusing on the economy and built environment, the Summit will address the issues professionals face in adapting to sea level rise (SLR) and other climate change related impacts.
USF Patel College Dean Kala Vairavamoorthy addressed the U.S. EPA in Washington, DC
Kala Vairavamoorthy addressed a large crowd from both the public and private sectors on
Innovation in Urban Water Infrastructure: An Imperative to Achieve Sustainability.
The event was cosponsored by the U.S. EPA, the Water Federation (WEF) and the Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF). He was invited to speak as part of an ongoing partnership with the U.S. EPA and WEF.
James O'Brien: A Legacy in the Numbers
![](http://coaps.fsu.edu/images/photos/people/obrien.jpg) COAPS founder, former FCI Steering Committee Member and Professor Emeritus James O'Brien marks a career in mathematical ocean modeling and prolific mentorship in a recent profile article in
Across the Spectrum, the magazine of the FSU College of Arts and Sciences.
Bastola, S. (2013). Hydrologic impacts of future climate change on Southeast US watersheds. Reg. Environ. Change, . Bilskie, M. V., & Hagen, S. C. (2013). Topographic accuracy assessment of bare earth lidar-derived unstructured meshes. Advances in Water Resources, 52, 165-177. DiNezio, P. N., Vecchi, G. A., & Clement, A. C. (2013). Detectability of Changes in the Walker Circulation in Response to Global Warming. J. Climate, , 130114154537002. Frumkin, A., & Misra, V. (2013). Predictability of dry season reforecasts over the tropical and the sub-tropical South American region. Int. J. Climatol., 33(5), 1237-1247.
Gornish, S. E., Hamilton, J. A., Barberan, A., Benito, B. M., Binzer, A., DeMeester, J. E., et al. (2013). Interdisciplinary climate change collaborations are essential for early-career scientists. EOS, 94(16), 151.
Kirtman, B. P., & et al. (2013). Prediction from weeks to decade. In E. G. R. Asrar and J. W. Hurrell (Ed.), Climate Science for Serving Society: Research, Modelling and Prediction Priorities. Springer.
Lee, S. - K., Park, W., van Sebille, E., Baringer, M. O., Wang, C., Enfield, D. B., et al. (2011). What caused the significant increase in Atlantic Ocean heat content since the mid-20th century?: 20TH CENTURY WARMING OF ATLANTIC OCEAN. Geophys. Res. Lett., 38(17).
Clim. Dyn., in press. Medeiros, S. C., & Hagen, S. C. (2013). Review of wetting and drying algorithms for numerical tidal flow models: REVIEW OF WETTING AND DRYING ALGORITHMS FOR NUMERICAL TIDAL FLOW MODELS. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 71(4), 473-487. Meehl, G. A., Goddard, L., Boer, G., Burgman, R., Branstator, G., Cassou, C., et al. (2013). Decadal Climate Prediction: An Update from the Trenches. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., , 130411074153008 Michael, J. - P., Misra, V., & Chassignet, E. P. (2013). The El Nino and Southern Oscillation in the historical centennial integrations of the new generation of climate model. Regional Environmental Change, . Misra, V., Li, H., Wu, Z., & Dinapoli, S. (2013). Global Seasonal Climate Predictability in a Two Tiered Forecast System. Part I: Boreal Summer and Fall Seasons. Clim. Dyn., .
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