April 2013
Cross-disciplinary climate research in service of society
Sustaining Economies and Natural Resources in a Changing World: Key Role of Land Grant Universities
April 2-3, 2013 | Reitz Union, UF - Gainesville, FL: The Florida Climate Institute is proud to co-host a symposium to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Morrill Act of 1862, which provided states with the land that made it possible to establish Land Grant universities. This legislation was the first Federal aid to higher education and it gave people in America the opportunity to attend college and learn about agriculture and mechanical arts (now known as engineering).
We are proud to present speakers from both public and private entities bringing together researchers, industry leaders, and agencies to create dialogue which will help address key challenges and suggest visionary research and extension programs that should be targeted to achieve sustainable solutions.
For full agenda and event details see http://conference.ifas.ufl.edu/landgrant/
Recent Conference and Presentations
Feb 19, 2013: The Florida Climate Institute, along with the Patel College of Global Sustainability, hosted the National Climate Assessment Southeast Town Hall Meeting in Tampa.
The event featured speakers from academic institutions, federal agencies, water utility and management, as well as authors of various chapters. These talks were streamed and can be viewed at (need link from UCAR)
The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) released the National Climate Assessment (NCA) draft report last month to be reviewed by scientists and experts from inside and outside the federal government, the National Academy of Sciences, and the public. The report analyzes the effects of global changes on the natural environment, agriculture, energy production and use, land and water resources, transportation, human health and welfare, human social systems, and biological diversity; and analyzes current trends in global changes, both human-induced and natural, and projects major trends for the subsequent 25 to 100 years. The report includes a chapter on the southeastern USA and key messages for this region. More information about the National Climate Assessment can be found online at http://assessment.globalchange.gov.
Both the FCI and Southeast Climate Consortium (SECC) played major leadership and writing roles in this assessment for the southeastern states. Keith Ingram of UF (Director of the SECC) was the lead author on the SE technical report and Jim Jones (UF Director of the Florida Climate Institute) was co-lead author on the SE Assessment chapter in this report. At the meeting, a summary of the SE Assessment Report was presented.
March 21, 2013: Dr. Stefan Gerber - Modeling the Biogeochemical Cycles of Carbon and Nitrogen on Land & Dr. Baron H. Henderson - The Role of Models in Fundamental Atmospheric Science
. Gainesville, FL.
Watch Seminar with slides (Runtime 87 minutes)
Online course at UF: Lecturer on Global Sustainability and Energy has 18,000 listening
Wendell Porter has developed a course through Coursera, a website that partners with universities to host free courses online.
The University of Florida is the only school in Florida to be part of the invitation-only Coursera group. For more information, please check the website.
Nature Spotlights USF's Patel College for Innovative Curriculum Design
Nature International Weekly Journal of Science singled out the USF Patel College of Global Sustainability for their efforts in developing a sustainability curriculum based on employer demand. Read More.
Employment Opportunities
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences - Perdue University, IN
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Institute of Atmospheric Physics - University of Arizona, AZ
More employment opportunities...
Devitt, T. J., Devitt, S. E. C., Hollingsworth, B. D., McGuire, J. A., & Moritz, C. (2013). Montane refugia predict population genetic structure in the Large-blotched Ensatina salamander. Mol Ecol, 22 (6), 1650-1665.
Elsner, J. B., Strazzo, S. E., Jagger, T. H., LaRow, T., & Zhao, M. (2013). Sensitivity of limiting hurricane intensity to SST in the Atlantic from observations and GCMs. J. Climate, .
Hong, S. - Y., Park, H., Cheong, H. - B., Kim, J. - E. E., Koo, M. - S., Jang, J., et al. (2013). The Global/Regional Integrated Model system (GRIMs).
Li, H., Kanamitsu, M., Hong, S. - Y., Yoshimura, K., Cayan, D. R., & Misra, V. (2013).
Clim. Dyn., . Misra, V., DiNapoli, S., & Powell, M. (2013). The Track Integrated Kinetic Energy of the Atlantic Tropical Cyclones. Mon. Wea. Rev., , 130219122937009.
Misra, V., & Michael, J. - P. (2013). Varied diagnosis of the observed surface temperature trends in the southeast US. J. Climate, 26(4), 1467-1472. Misra, V., DiNapoli, S. (2013). Understanding the wet season variations over Florida. Climate Dynamics, 40(5-6), 1361-1372.
Stefanova, L., Sura, P., & Griffin, M. (2013). J. Climate, 26(3), 838-850. More Publications... |