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February 2013
Cross-disciplinary climate research in service of society
NCA Southeast Regional Town Hall Meeting in Tampa, FL
FCI is helping to plan and host a National Climate Assessment Southeast Regional Town Hall, being held on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 by one of the member universities of the FCI, the University of South Florida, at the Patel School of Global Sustainability (which was recently formally approved as a College expanding on nearly a decade of world-leading applied research).
Both the FCI and Southeast Climate Consortium (SECC) played major leadership and writing roles in this assessment for the southeastern states. At the meeting, a summary of the SE Assessment Report will be presented; Jim Jones and Keith Ingram are on the program. About 150 participants are expected to attend, including a mixture of academics, policy makers, and concerned citizens.
The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) has just released the National Climate Assessment (NCA) draft report to be reviewed by scientists and experts from inside and outside the federal government, the National Academy of Sciences, and the public. The report analyzes the effects of global changes on the natural environment, agriculture, energy production and use, land and water resources, transportation, human health and welfare, human social systems, and biological diversity; and analyzes current trends in global changes, both human-induced and natural, and projects major trends for the subsequent 25 to 100 years. The report includes a chapter on the southeastern USA and key messages for this region. More information about the National Climate Assessment can be found online at http://assessment.globalchange.gov.
The public comment period opened January 14, at 8 am and will run through April 12, 2013. The Draft Report and the comment tool are available at http://ncadac.globalchange.gov/. The Draft Report will be revised in response to comments received during the public comment period and from the National Research Council, which will also be reviewing the Draft Report during the same timeframe.
For more information about this meeting, please visit https://sites.google.com/a/usgcrp.gov/nca-southeast-regional-town-hall/.
FCI Data Digest
FCI is endeavoring to meet the climate data needs of our multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional membership through this data digest. This digest is a summary of our recent efforts in generating climate data through extensive state-of-the-art climate model integrations. Many of these datasets have already been published or are in review in peer reviewed journals. These articles are available on FCI's website. These datasets have been made available through the web portal of FCI along with a step-by-step "how to download" youtube video. We request that you acknowledge FCI-FSU in case you choose to use the datasets.
Download the brochure here!
Clyde W. Fraisse, Associate Professor in Agricultural and Biological Engineering a UF, was awarded the 2012 UF/IFAS International Achievement Award.
Scott C. Hagen, FCI-UCF Branch Director, in November 2012, was awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award for Advancement of the State-of-the-Art, by the Founders of the International Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering.
Project Update
Jim Jones, FCI Chair, is co-leading the AgMIP (Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project), an international research initiative aimed at assessing climate impacts on regional and global food security now and in the future. Within this program, a Modeling Group on Livestock and Grasslands was launched. The aim is to intercompare and further develop a range of models to be applied internationally, especially for climate change impact projections. Jim Jones's team is part of the Grassland & Rangeland modeling sub-group. Activities and meetings are starting now; results will be discussed in the Fall 2013.
Invited Talks
In December 2012, Leonard Berry, Florida Center for Environmental Studies Director and FCI-FAU Branch Director, was invited to speak at the Knight Science Journalism at MIT. The event was called "Energy and Climate Change Boot Camp". He spoke on sea level rise in Florida; the talk generated a lot of interest in Florida's issues.
Norman Breuer, RSMAS Associate Scientist, was invited by the United States Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service's EC-LEDS program to speak at a Workshop in Mexico. In the agriculture sector, EC-LEDS program builds capacities in partner countries to plan, assess, and implement agricultural policies and programs that will both promote sustainable agricultural development and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. The workshop was called Extension, Conservation Agriculture, and Climate Change in Mexico and was held in Texcoco at COLPOS on the 3rd and 4th of December, 2012. His talk was titled "Adaptation to climate variability and change: codevelopment of decision support tools".
Don Chambers, USF Associate Professor of Physical Oceanography, attended the Working Group 1 meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Hobart, Australia, from January 13 to 17, 2013. Dr. Chambers is a Lead Author of the chapter on ocean observations of climate change in the Physical Science Basis Assessment Report. This was the last meeting where all authors met to work on the final draft of the document, which will be published in September 2013.
Gary Mitchum, USF Associate Dean of College of Marine Science, Professor of Physical Oceanography and FCI-USF Branch-Co-Director, was an invited speaker at a workshop at Rutgers University aimed at pulling together mathematical statistics experts and climate data people to discuss advanced data analysis methods. The title of the workshop was "Geological data fusion: Tackling the statistical challenges of interpreting past environmental change", and his talk was titled "Can We Determine Sea Level Rise Acceleration from the Instrumental Record?" Chris Stallings, USF Assistant Professor of Biological Oceanography, attended a national Ocean Acidification Workshop at Mote Marine Lab, on January 23-24, as an invited panel member. The impetus was to brainstorm about the next generation of Ocean Acidification research.
Fishman, J., Iraci, L. T., Al-Saadi, J., Chance, K., Chavez, F., Chin, M., et al. (2012). The United States' Next Generation of Atmospheric Composition and Coastal Ecosystem Measurements: NASA's Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events (GEO-CAPE) Mission. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 93(10), 1547-1566.Hagen, S. C.(guest editor). (2013).
Focus Issue on Implications, Planning, and Design Considerations for Rising Sea Levels at the Coast (Vol. To appear March/April).
Hagen, S. C., & Irish, J. L. (2013). Introduction to Implications, Planning, and Design Considerations for Rising Sea Levels at the Coast. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering,
In press.
Ibáñez, I., Gornish, E. S., Buckley, L., Debinski, D. M., Hellmann, J., Helmuth, B., et al. (2012). Moving forward in global-change ecology: capitalizing on natural variability. Ecol Evol, 3(1), 170-181.
Kunkel, K. E., Karl, T. R., Brooks, H., Kossin, J., Lawrimore, J. H., Arndt, D., et al. (2012). Monitoring and Understanding Trends in Extreme Storms: State of Knowledge. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., ,120808060157009.
Remote Sensing of Environment, 130, 11-24.
Medjibe, V. P., Putz, F. E., & Romero C. (2012). Certified and uncertified logging concessions compared in Gabon: Changes in stand structure, tree species, and biomass. Environmental Management, (in press).
Olson, D., DellaSala, D. A., Noss, R. F., Strittholt, J. R., Kass, J., Koopman, M. E., et al. (2012). Climate change refugia for biodiversity in the Klamath-Siskiyou ecoregion. Natural Areas Journal, 32(1), 65-74.
Putz, F. E., & Romero, C. (2012). Helping curb tropical forest degradation by linking REDD+ with other conservation interventions: A view from the forest. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, (in press).
Reece, J. S., & Noss, R. F. (2013). Prioritizing species by conservation value and vulnerability: a new index applied to species threatened by sea-level rise and other risks in Florida. Natural Areas Journal, in press.
Solís, D., L. Perruso, J. del Corral B. Stoffle and D. Letson (2012). Mesuring the initial economic effects of hurricanes on commercial fish production: the US Gulf Of Mexico grouper (Serranidae) fishery. Natural hazards. doi:10.1007/s11069-012-0476-y
Wang, D., & Wu, L. (2013). Similarity of climate control on base flow and perennial stream density in the Budyko framework. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17(1), 315-324.
Wang, D., Hagen, S. C., & Alizad, K. (2013). Climate change impact and uncertainty analysis of extreme rainfall events in the Apalachicola River basin, Florida. Journal of Hydrology, 480, 125-135.
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