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News from Tenso 

News from Tenso Network Europe 

December 2012

In This Issue
Tenso Days coming up in 2013 !
Artistic council appointed
Tenso Professional Meeting 2013
Maurice Ohana Composition Competition
Tenso Young Composers Workshop : video on line, and participants next round announced
Dear all,Top

We are glad to bring you another issue of our newsletter with news of the Tenso network. 

New opportunities arise as we become a bigger community. The creation of an artistic council with prominent names from the choral music world is clear proof of that: meet them in this issue! We are also preparing some events for next year, we hope that you all grab your agendas and get ready for them.

Happy reading!
Juanjo Morales / Communication manager

Tenso Days coming up!


Tenso Days, one of our core activities to promote contemporary choral repertoire, will take place in 2013 in two different editions: Mechelen (Belgium) and Marseille (France).



Tenso Days Mechelen


Tenso Days Mechelen (17-18 May 2013), will feature workshops, round tables and concerts with several premieres brought by three Tenso members:

  • Eric Ericsons Kammarkör (SE)
  • Cappella Amsterdam (NL)
  • Cor de Cambra de Palau de la Música (ES)



Tenso Days Marseille


Tenso Days Marseille (16-18 September 2013), hosted by Tenso member Musicatreize, will be part of the festival Vingt lieux sur la mer in the framework of Marseille Cultural Capital of Europe. The festival focuses on mediterranean culture and will deal with subjects such as the oral tradition and improvisation as a support of the creative imagination.


Performing Tenso choirs (other choirs to be announced):

  • Musicatreize (FR)
  • Nederlands Kamerkoor (NL)
  • Ars Nova Copenhagen (DK)

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Artistic council appointed


Tenso is proud to announce its artistic council, a consulting body of prominent names from the choral music world that will provide us with a distinctive insight on our activities: from selecting composers for workshops and commissions to choosing content for seminars or Tenso Days. The artistic council will enrich Tenso's artistic goals and support the development of our network.


Tenso Professional Meeting: 4-6 april 2013 Barcelona 


The annual meeting for professional choirs' staff will focus on the interaction between professional and amateur choirs and the challenge that these two different worlds face when performing contemporary repertoire. 


The meeting will take place in the spectacular Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona, built a century ago to celebrate choral singing. The programme will be released in February. 


On Thursday 4 April participants will be able to attend a concert with the in-house choirs on stage: the Orfeó Catalŕ and the Cor de Cambra del Palau de la Música, a perfect example of interaction between an amateur and a professional choir, that will perform the suite "Ivan the Terrible" by S. Prokofiev.  


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Maurice Ohana Composition Competition

In 2013, the Maurice Ohana International Composition Competition
 will focus on choral music. Tenso participates in the jury process and the pieces of the three selected composers will be performed during the Tenso Days in Marseille, 16-18 September 2013 by amateur and professional choirs.


Composers are requested to write a choral piece in three versions of increasing difficulty aimed at a wide range of amateur and professional performers. Following the performance the jury will award a first and a second prize of €10.000 and €6.000 respectively. The competition is open to composers of all ages and nationalities and the deadline for sending in works is 30 April 2013.  Click here for more info 


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Three young composers to the second round


After the first round of the Tenso Young Composers Workshop in Stockholm (October 2012), the following composers were selected for the second round:

Eugene Birman (LV / US ) (studies in EE / UK) 
Jamie Man (UK - studies in NL)
Mátyás Wettl (HU - studies in NL)

The second round will be held during Tenso Days in Mechelen (BE), in May 17-18, 2013. The workshop will be led by composer/conductor 
James Wood (UK/DE), joined by Hans Koolmees as second coach, with the participation of the Eric Ericsons Kammarkör under Fredrik MalmbergA jury consisting of artistic directors and conductors of Tenso choirs will finally award a commission to one composer, who will be asked to write a new work to be performed in the 2013/2014 season by Tenso choirs.


The Tenso Young Composers Workshop is made possible by the friendly support of 

the Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung.  



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The activities of Tenso Network Europe are supported by the Culture Programme of the European Union. 


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