Battle of SPHERES Continues
Willamalane's Zero Robotics Challenge team, made up of four middle school-age students, has been developing code over the last month that has the potential to aid astronauts at the International Space Station. The team is competing in a simulated mission to send bowling ball-sized satellites close to three points of an asteroid. Points are awarded for taking multiple close-up images, conserving fuel, avoiding solar rays, and successfully uploading images.
Willamalane's team code has won first place in the regional competition against four other Oregon teams. The other four Oregon teams have access to Willamalane's code and are offering suggestions for improvement. On Aug. 14, their code will go head-to-head with top teams from other states.
The team can't rest just yet, with just over a week to make changes to their code before the national competition. The other four Oregon teams have access to Willamalane's code and are offering suggestions for improvement. By the time the code reaches the International Space Station, it'll be from all of Oregon. Go Team Oregon!
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What Do You Know About
Computer Science?
We need your help to better understand what the afterschool field thinks about computing and computer science education. Don't know what those terms mean? That's okay! We are looking for a range of practitioners to respond to this survey-from those with no familiarity, all the way to those who would consider themselves experts!
The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete and if completed before the deadline of August 14, you will be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card. One survey per program, please, and only completed surveys are eligible to win. Take the Survey Now!
If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Ballard, STEM Manager, at the Afterschool Alliance.
Registration Open Now!
The theme this year, Making it Real, will concentrate on how to take our ideas and make them a reality for our communities, professionals, and students throughout Oregon. The conference this year will offer break-out session tracks in: Program Management, Equity, Quality & Standards, Health & Wellness, and more!
Register Now! or Apply to be a presenter
Five Fortunate Schools!
Do you know how to
make a crystal? This summer, in partnership with GSK and OMSI,
five lucky SL3 sites were chosen to take part in a cost-free hands-on minds-on summer program - GSK Science in the Summer - in which they learn just that!
In this traveling program, Anthony Smith, one of OMSI's fantastic Outreach Instructors, spends several hours each day engaging 2nd-6th grade students with hands-on chemistry lessons. Smith says the favorite student activity so far has been making Gluep, a polymer made by mixing Chemical X (Elmer's glue and water) with sodium borate (borax and water). Smith notes, "It is essential to keep kids engaged in learning during the summer months so they keep their brains working and in learning-mode... it's important to give them breaks from the pressure many students feel in traditional classrooms. The GSK Science in the Summer program is intended to be a fun, low-pressure learning experience that gives them positive associations with science and learning while at the same time keeping their brains active and challenged."
Low or no cost summer learning sites and programs such as these provide the opportunity for students - particularly low-income students - to participate in hands-on summer learning activities to help them keep their thinking caps strapped on tight. Over the summertime, middle- and upper-income students' tend to continue to improving their skills, as the low-income students skills stay stagnant or digress, causing a " summer slide". Cost-free summer learning sites are an essential ingredient in shutting down the "summer slide" and keeping students engaged in all forms of learning.
Welcome Aboard Jay!
OregonASK is excited to welcome our new STEM AmeriCorps VISTA Jay Hoffarth from Portland, OR. Jay received a Bachelors in Organismal Biology from Portland State University after having his interest sparked in high school by a passionate and inspiring teacher. After a few summers of work in local labs, Jay was looking for a way to connect his interest in science with non-profits and the world of education. As our AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteer In Service To America), Jay will be working on several OregonASK projects, including our STEM mentoring toolkit, mapping of schools and programs around Oregon, digital badges and data collection for several programs and reports. Besides his work with OregonASK, Jay enjoys cycling, music and a good session of board games. We are thrilled to have him on board!
Expanded Learning Policy Fellowship
Congratulations to our own Bethany Thramer, OregonASK Policy & Outreach Coordinator, for being selected as a White-Riley-Peterson Fellow. Through discussion of actual case studies led by policy change-makers, the Fellowship equips professionals with a real world understanding of the art and science of sound policy-making for afterschool and expanded learning. Beginning in October, fellows will study afterschool/expanded learning policy and develop and implement state-level policy projects in partnership with their Statewide Afterschool Networks and the national Afterschool Alliance.
ESEA Federal Policy Update
With the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) continuing, Representative Kline was announced as chair of the Conference Committee in charge of merging House and Senate versions. We were excited to see the Senate bill passed, Every Child Achieves Act, with strong, bipartisan language in support of afterschool and summer programs, particularly including Community Based Organizations.
As Congress enters August recess, check out these 5 actions you can take now to help get continued funding for afterschool and summer. Please take this time to show your support! |
Northwest Council for Computer Education: Free Summer Workshop in Ashland
To register for the August training and for more information, please go to NCCE.
Full Day STEM Trainings in Wilsonville
Mark your calendars and come join us for one or all of these STEM Trainings in Wilsonville this fall! Check out Upcoming Trainings for more information about each.
- SciGirls on September 19th
- InventionX on October 3rd
- CrytoClub on October 9th