Lights on Afterschool
OMSI and YDC Team Up! 

Lights On Afterschool is a nationwide event that celebrates afterschool. This year's events took place all across the country on October 23. In Newport, Oregon, families from Lincoln County gathered at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds for an afternoon full of interactive activities, resources from community partners, and science shows from OMSI. More than 400 kids attended the event. Families were able to play and learn together as every community partner brought an activity to share.  All around the room kids were sewing, fishing, coloring, solving puzzles, exploring animal skins and skulls, playing ball, feeding worms in the worm bin, playing games, sitting in soap box derby racers, painting, and making prints of sea animals. It was a fabulous illustration of all the wonderful opportunities we can give children in after school programs.


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It's Not too Late to Register for  the Oregon Afterschool Conference!  

Learning in Afterschool & Summer: Activities, Curriculum, and Environment.

Deadline is NOVEMBER 5 AT NOON!

The one and only OAC is returning on November 8!

Keynote speaker will Dr. Johnny Lake, from Northwest Christian University.

Plus, check out our Conference Brochure, which has descriptions of 21 professional development sessions. Topics range from "Tapping into the Power of Play" to "Teaching Computer Science Without Fear," and all sessions are linked to the Oregon Registry and Oregon Standards for Afterschool and Summer Programs.

Don't miss out, and register now!

Cost: $89 (include lunch and swag bag!)
Location: Chemeketa Community College

Click here to download the flyer-- pass it around to anyone you think would be interested in the conference!
Open Badges Coming to Oregon!
What are Open Badges?
Digital badges are virtual representations of knowledge and skills. Think of a Girl or Boy Scout badge, but where the badges are certified through an open system of credible organizations. These badges can represent achievements in job training, professional development, skill building, and much more. An open badge system allows you to collect badges from multiple issuers. These verified badges allow you demonstrate your skills and learned knowledge to your professional networks, coworkers, future employers, and anyone else!

Check out this blog post, Introduction to Open Badges, by Nate Otto for a more comprehensive explanation of open badges.
OregonASK Teams Up to Bring Open Badges to Oregon

Earlier this year, OregonASK applied for and received a grant from the Noyce Foundation to bring digital badges to Oregon. With this grant, we assembled a workgroup comprised of afterschool program managers, museum employees, community members to discuss and plan innovative ways to bring badges to Oregon programs!

After extensive discussion of the barriers and benefits of implementing open badges, we asked our workgroup to develop pilot projects for badging system in their own programs. These pilot projects will test the waters for open badges in Oregon, and will issue real badges to real instructors and students in the spring of 2015. As of October 31, OregonASK has received 12 exciting pilot project proposals, spanning from work-readiness badges for youth aged 16-26, to computer science badges for elementary teachers, to badges certifying training hours for staff in afterschool programs. We are so excited to get these pilot projects underway!

OregonASK has an open badges pilot project of our own as well! We will be offering badges to the attendees at our annual Oregon Afterschool Conference on November 8. Attendees will earn CKC credit hours from the Oregon Registry for their participation in our conference sessions. For each session they attend, we  will award them a badge that certifies their Oregon Registry credit. We are thrilled to offer this cutting edge opportunity for participants to easily track their professional development hours.

Stay tuned for updates on our Open Badges projects, as we work with our partners to turn their proposals into reality early next year!  

Upcoming Events

November 7: OGCP Collaboration Forum
Join the Oregon Girls Collaborative Project as they host a Collaboration Forum on November 7th at Chemeketa Community College. The forum will examine exemplary practices in creating Better and Stronger Collaborative Relationships, especially looking at creating partnerships with school districts and out-of-school time programs or community based organizations. OGCP will invite STEM content providers, district programs, and afterschool or summer programs to share about their experiences building collaborative experiences for girls in STEM. They will also announce the timeline for their exciting mini-grant program!

Time: 1:00-5:00pm
Location: Chemeketa Community College
Cost: $10
Register HERE
68th Annual OSBA Convention: The Promise of Oregon
Nov. 13-16 at the Portland Marriott Downtown 

Come celebrate the great things happening in education in Oregon. The convention recognizes "The Promise of Oregon" - student achievement and accomplishments. There will be more than 60 workshops provide you with tools and ideas to aid your decision making and help students succeed.

For more information, click here
NCCE Conference: Aloha Instructors!
March 18-20 in Portland

NCCE is a professional learning organization for educators and hosts the largest education conference in the Northwest. Join them for their annual conference in March for keynote speakers, workshops, and an exhibition hall!

For more information, click here
Resources & Opportunities
DHS Subsidies to Child Care Programs
DHS helps eligible low-income working families pay for child care. To do this, they work with providers and other child care partners across the state to help families find and keep good child care, improve the availability of quality child care in Oregon, and to develop resources for parents and child care providers. For more information about how your program can become a DHS listed provide, download the flyer here
Funding Opportunities
The foundation provides grants of up to $5,000 to help school libraries expand, update, and diversify their book collections.
Due Dec. 15