Almost Spring  2014   

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Issues Briefs & Blogs
Check out the top "Trends in Afterschool" a publication of the National Afterschool Assocation.
Afterschool and Summer Day at the Capitol

Thank you to each of you that made an appointment with your legislator, wrote a letter, or made a call for the 2014 Afterschool and Summer Day at the Capitol! This was just the beginning of a campaign designed to increase awareness in our state about the value of summer programming to Oregon's children. A special thank you to our noon speaker, Matthew Boulay, founder and Board Chair of National Summer Learning Association. Click here, to read our newly minted Policy Platform with a focus on Summer Learning.

There are ongoing ways that you can be involved. Take this opportunity to do one of these things:


1) Make a Phone Call  
A phone call is an effective way to voice your concerns to your legislator and impart a personal touch to your request. When you call your legislator, it is important to be clear, concise and direct. Use the Oregon Legislature website to help you find your legislators contact information.
Click here for helpful Talking Points that will help you communicate with your legislator.  


2) Send a Letter

Hearing from a constituent informs your legislators decision making. Help educate them by downloading and personalizing  this letter. It will only take a minute of your time and will draw their attention to the Day at the Capitol, and the need for them to support afterschool in Oregon.

Faces and Places: The Wave of the Future, Circa 1983

What does a diploma say these days? Does it tell potential employers or colleges about an individual's skills, experiences, interests and competencies? Or does it more often tell them about an individual's ability to master a test, to jump through hoops, and memorize and regurgitate information they likely forgot the moment they left the class?


As an employer, or a college/university, how do I really know whom I'm getting when I offer someone a job, or send an acceptance letter? Does a diploma or a resume really tell the whole story? Is there a better way to represent someone's skill set and experience? These are all tough questions our society is grappling with, as we address the need to reconstruct our education system into one that better serves the reality our students, employers and communities live in. This past month, Beth and I were privileged to travel to the heart of Silicon Valley to attend the Summit to Reconnect Learning where they were discussing a possible answer to these questions.


To read about our experience and the opportunities for afterschool and summer programs in digital badges click here... 
A New Collaboration with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation
OregonASK is excited to announce a new collaboration with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation to encourage before, after and summer programs across the state to utilize the Alliance's Healthy Out-of-School Time Framework. Any out-of-school time provider can utilize the Alliance's Healthy Out-of-School Time (HOST) Framework, a science-based framework that helps programs create environments where youth are encouraged to eat healthier and move more. The HOST Framework is built upon the National Afterschool Association Standards for Healthy Eating and Physical Activity.

"Statewide out-of-school time networks and NAA Affiliates have the tremendous opportunity to encourage young people to eat better and move more. The Alliance for a  Healthier Generation is excited to collaborate with OregonASK to ensure site staff have the tools and resources they need." Daniel W. Hatcher, Alliance for a Healthier Generation National Healthy Out-of-School Time Advisor.  

Learn more about how you can serve healthier foods, increase physical activity and engage young people in your health and wellness work. Click here.  


Resources & Opportunities
National Recreation and Park Association is pleased to announce the availability of grant funds to support children's health through park and recreation out-of-school time programs. 2014 grants will focus on three main goals:
  • Increase the number of healthy meals children in low-income communities receive through the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) during out-of-school times.
  • Provide evidence-based, age-appropriate nutrition literacy to children that create behavior change by teaching the importance of healthy eating.
  • Implement nutrition and physical activity standards that increase access to healthier foods and increase opportunities for physical activity.
Applications are due at midnight ET on Thursday March 6, 2014. It is anticipated that NRPA will notify applicants by April 1, 2014. For information on eligibility, etc, click here.

NRPA Out-of-School Time Program Grant Application

Child Hunger Prevention Roadshow
Please join us for PHFO's annual Child Hunger Prevention Roadshow on April 11th in McMinnville, Oregon.

The Roadshow is a fantastic opportunity to network with partners around the state who are feeding Oregon's children all year long. Enjoy interactive workshops, get practical resources and toolkits, and learn about innovative new approaches to serving meals through federal child nutrition programs.

And don't miss this year's keynote address from U.S. Representative Suzanne Bonamici. Serving Oregon's 1st District, Representative Bonamici is a great champion of our work and a tireless advocate for protecting Oregon's children.


Click on this link to register now!

Also: Grants Available to Help Feed Kids in Afterschool!

We all know that kids are able to concentrate and do better in school when their stomachs are full. Do you work for an afterschool program that struggles to feed kids? Oregon has one-time grant funds available to help afterschool sponsors cover the start-up costs for the At-Risk Afterschool Meal and Snack Program (AMSP). Funds are also available for sponsors who are currently running AMSP, but need help to increase participation.


Requests for funds can be up to $20,000, include enrichment activities as an eligible expense, and allow grant funding to be awarded for the Summer Meals Program. Applications are being received beginning now, through February, 2015, or until all grant funds have been expended (submit your proposal soon!).


Click here for more information and to apply.


Oregon Department of Education & Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon are equal opportunity providers.

2014 Summer Food Service Program Webinar Series
It's time to start thinking about Summer! Join any or all of these  interactive webinars about the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) to learn how you can get involved with this wonderful program that feeds hungry children during the summer.  Or simply join the webinars to share your experiences and connect with other interesting people.  SFSP is a very creative program and it allows everyone to have a role whether you are a parent, business owner, non-profit, school employee, elected official, or concerned individual. For more information about SFSP please visit:
Oregon School Employee Wellness Conference
Sunday, March 23rd through Tuesday, March 25th, at The Riverhouse, in scenic and sunny central Oregon. Conference registration is FREE, and overnight accommodations are available and affordable. CPDUs are available.

Efforts to improve school wellness -- from Farm to School and School Garden programs, to school wellness policies, to physical activity initiatives -- benefit everyone on campus, from the students through the administrators.  So even if employee wellness isn't your primary focus, there will be plenty for F2S&SG enthusiasts to learn and use, as well as the opportunity to connect with peers, partners, and education leaders. 

See the general website,the agenda, and the registration form for more info. 
SAFE: Screening Applicants for Effectiveness
How does your organization screen and select safe volunteers to work with kids?

The SAFE workshop is being offered in several communities throughout the upcoming school year. Join youth development leaders in your community to learn what you can do to stop child sexual abuse.

The remaining upcoming dates are: 

Thursday, April 10th - The Dalles 

Friday, April 11th - La Grande   


RSVP at: For questions or comments, please contact Meghan Perry at [email protected] or 503-517-8990 x 201.