Early Fall 2013  

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All OregonASK trainings are linked to the Oregon Registry!
Do You Work in a Licensed Child Care Facility?  
You may be eligible for a Betty Gray Early Childhood Development Endowment Fund to attend this year's Oregon Afterschool Conference!

Click here to find out more about the Oregon Statewide Scholarship Program and to see if you quality for this scholarship. 

Upcoming Trainings

We're filling out our training calendar again - check out what we've got planned!

Supervisor Academy
October 14, 2013 - November 29, 2013

Kick off webinar 10/14 @10am
 This 20 hour professional development session  focuses on preparing new supervisors for understanding the role of a supervisor and how to effectively supervisor other staff. Participants will explore the role of the supervisor, examine behavior and coaching techniques, practice setting clear performance expectations, effective communication skills along with motivation and teamwork.


Format: Online and Webinar   

Cost: $200 member

$250 non-member  


Register Now! 

Issues Briefs & Blogs

Topic: Afterschool Policy | by Erik Peterson | Date: Jul 12, 2013


Topic: Afterschool Policy | by Sarah Keller | Date: Jul 12, 2013


Winners of the Project:Connect Summer Youth Programming Competition announced!

  OAC Logo 2013
 2013: Health, Safety & Nutrition in Afterschool

November 8 & 9, 2013  


You're not going to want to miss this...

Health, Safety & Nutrition

Learning to Defend Myself is Learning to Take Care of Myself!  
Taking a self-defense class can be more than just kicking and punching! Research reveals that a holistic approach to staying safe can increase confidence, communication skills and be life transforming for participants.

Creating Safer Youth Programs Through "Culture of Responsible" (CoR) Principles 
In the wake of the Penn State sex abuse scandal, universities across the country are reexamining their youth program policies. Oregon State University has culled safety best-practices and focused on creating a "culture of responsibility" (CoR) rather than a proscriptive list of policies. 
Get Your Lips Smackin' Over These Snackins
Participants will learn how to create healthy, kid-friendly snacks in the Afterschool environment. 


Cultivate your interest and feed your passion for afterschool learning gardens. Take a field trip to Oregon's only K-12 school garden continuum project.

How to Implement a School Garden at Your Afterschool Program
Did you know that Oregon has over 400 school gardens?  What about community afterschool programs?  How can they  participate in gardens? 

Youth Development & Engagement 

An Intentional Approach to the Healthy Growth and Development of Youth
To promote positive and healthy youth development, intentional strategies in youth work programming are essential for youth to gain core competencies needed to be defined as "thriving."

Philosophy of Engagement
What does it take to create experiences that engage youth in meaningful ways?  What skills do older teens possess that we are not leveraging or challenging as program leaders?

Risk Deprivation: Are Children Allowed Enough Risk in Play to Support Healthy Development?
Are children kept too safe to support healthy development?  Participants will examine risky play and its developmental importance.

Program Management

Linking Philosophy and Activities Through Outcomes

Let's start at outcomes! What do you want the children and youth in your program to be able to know or do? How does your program philosophy and activities reinforce this?

Resources Round-up!
In this unique conference format we have invited systems experts from different agencies to share their expertise on topics from professional development and the Oregon Registry to summer learning.

Screening Applicants for Effectiveness (SAFE)
During this training we review critical content designed to assist youth serving programs in strengthening their volunteer screening practices to ensure a commitment to child safety.

Set Your Board on Fire
You need your board to be strategic governors, compelling ambassadors, and powerful fundraisers, but they're not all stepping up to those roles on your behalf.  Find out what's in their way, and how to remove the barriers that are keeping them from optimal leadership.

And more! Click here to preview sessions.

Click here to find out more about the 2013 Oregon Afterschool Conference.

Help us get the word out! Email the above link or forward this newsletter to others you know who'd like to join afterschool program staff and directors from around the state to share best practices and innovations in afterschool and summer programming.
Faces & Places: Self-Enhancement Inc.
Youth Potential Realized

By Mary Masla   


"Connection is why we are here. It's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives. It doesn't matter whether you talk to people who work in social justice and mental health and abuse and neglect, what we know is that connection, the ability to feel connected, is -- neurobiologically that's how we're wired -- it's why we're here." - Bren� Brown, Research Professor, University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work  


Bren Brown has spent the past ten years studying vulnerability, courage, authenticity, and shame. In a TED Talk delivered in June 2010 Brown explains that the root of connection, the thing that gives purpose and meaning to our lives, is vulnerability. That by being vulnerable and whole-hearted, by allowing ourselves to be truly seen, flaws and all, allows us to develop deep, meaningful and authentic connection. Vulnerability is not an easy thing to practice; often shame and fear stand in our way. The fear that you're not worthy of connection, of unconditional love and acceptance, and the shame you may feel due to your flaws and imperfections. This shame and fear often stems from our image of who we are "supposed to be", and our knowledge that we do not always meet that expectation, or fit into that perfect box. 


Unfortunately, for many minorities in our country, this image is not always a positive one, it is not an image of perfection, but rather a negative stereotype placed upon individuals because of their race or ethnicity. It is one of a gang member, an undocumented laborer or a criminal. These stereotypes create barriers to success unique to our nation's minority students.


On two separate occasions, both in North East Portland, I spent time at Self Enhancement Incorporated, an organization working to break down cultural barriers by utilizing many of the principles Brown explores in her TED Talk

Self-Enhancement Inc. started as a week long basketball camp in 1981, and has grown into a nonprofit organization that helps at-risk urban youth realize their potential by providing in school, out of school, summer, post-secondary and parent supports. SEI also operates a charter school serving grades 6-8 out of the Center for Self-Enhancement. The Center for Self Enhancement is located in a North East Portland neighborhood that has historically been predominantly African American, and fraught with gang violence, poverty and struggling schools. Jefferson High School - the only high school in the area - is the only high school in Oregon with a predominantly African American student population. SEI serves thousands of students each year, and their student demographics include:

  • 97% African-American
  • 85% qualify for free or reduced lunch
  • 73% from single parent households
  • 36% are gang affected
  • 30% have a parent or sibling incarcerated


I'm not sure where to start in my description of SEI, and my time spent there. One singular experience doesn't sum up what SEI does for kids. Perhaps because what they do is so multifaceted, so all encompassing that it can't be described in one snapshot. My experiences ranged from tough love lectures in which SEI staff stopped everything in order to give middle school students the opportunity to reflect on the valuable role SEI plays in their lives, and to remind them of the respect and attention its staff deserve; to the organized chaos of a gym full of elementary and middle school students awaiting swim lessons, and trips to the movie theater; to conversations with coordinators who provide mentorship, guidance, listening ears and love, sometimes tough love, to a case load of roughly 40 students 24 hours per day, seven days per week, 365 days per year. I drifted through halls, listening in on math, language arts, leadership and personal development classes. I found a small group of students painting a boat they had built themselves, but disappointed to have missed a team of young communication strategists because they were off-campus presenting their Nike ad campaign to Widen and Kennedy.


Read more about Mary's time at SEI click here... 

Resources & Opportunities
Lights On Afterschool - Oct.17th

Each October, 1 million Americans and thousands of communities nationwide celebrate Lights On Afterschool to shine a light on the afterschool programs that keep kids safe, inspire them to learn and help working families.


Oct. 17, 2013, is the 14th annual Lights On Afterschool! Register your support now and share how you're celebrating Lights On Afterschool!


Check out the new site to register and get started planning your own awesome event!


Lights On Afterschool celebrations don't need to take a lot of time, money or resources to be great. What matters is taking a moment to recognize the important, positive benefits of afterschool programs and sharing that with your community. As always, the event planning kit is available for free online as well as sample materials, graphics, timelines, case studies and more. Get started planning now.


Together, we can make sure that every child has access to quality, affordable afterschool programs.

A Place at the Table - Special Screening
Get ready for Bon Appetit presents Feast Portland by attending one of the year's most moving films, A Place at the Table.

Date: Wed., Sept. 18th
Time: Doors open at 6pm
Location: McMenamins Mission Theater, 1624 NW Glisan, Portland, OR
Tickets: $7.00

This powerful documentary sheds light on the causes and consequences of hunger by showing intimate portraits of three families struggling with food insecurity.
Barbie shares the challenges she faces trying to feed her kids and the impact on her son's health.

"The film explains with devastating simplicity why so many go hungry in a country with more than enough food to go round."
~ London Evening Standard

Come early to grab classic McMenamins food and drink, and stay for a conversation following the film to learn more about what you can do to help end hunger. All ticket sales support the work of Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon.
Make Your Opinion Heard

An invitation from Gina Warner, NAA Ex.Director

Dear Members,
The National Afterschool Association believes that a diverse, professional, educated, and well-compensated workforce is the key to high quality afterschool programming. While a variety of factors attract employees, compensation is a leading tool that afterschool programs have in attracting, retaining, and sustaining staff.

To that end, it is essential for funders, state agency leaders, school district professionals, program directors, and other key stakeholders to understand the factors impacting salary and other professional benefits within our field. With the information gathered from this Benefits survey, we hope to collect data that will provide credible salary and benefit information about the afterschool profession as well as show the effects of training and experience on salary and benefits. Armed with this information from our members across the country, we will be better positioned to advocate for increases and improvements in the salary and benefits of those who work to provide quality services to our children and families.

Survey ends on September 1st so please complete it today. We are giving away two $50 gift cards to Oriental Trading for survey participants. Just in time for your back to school purchases! Thank you in advance for your participation in this survey!

Gina Warner
Executive Director, National Afterschool Association

MLK Day Grants and Partnership Opportunities are Available

The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) has provided grants to Campus Compact, Cesar Chavez Foundation, HOPE worldwide, Points of Light, Service for Peace, and Youth Service America to plan and carry out projects that bring Americans together to serve in their communities in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. These MLK Day grantees are making available sub-grant funds to organizations that plan service activities for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday.   


Youth Service America

Target audience/who can apply: 

  • Volunteer centers
  • Nonprofits and  community organizations
  • K-12 schools / school districts
  • Colleges and universities
  • Youth development  organizations
  • Organizations working with veterans and military families

Due: September 30, 2013