Old City Cemetery Confederate Graves
Holy Cross Regional Catholic School E-Crossette
September 7, 2014



Monday, Sept 8
Garden Salad
Taco with Toppings
Taco Salad
Chips & Salsa
Fresh Fruit

Garden Salad 
Grilled Beef Burgers
Lays Chips
Fresh Fruit

Garden Salad
Chicken Patty Sandwich
Tater Tots
Fresh Fruit

Garden Salad
Assorted Sandwiches
Chef's Specialty Soup
Fresh Fruit

Garden Salad
Flatbread Pepperoni Pizza
Carrots and Ranch
Fresh Fruit


Submit all articles to 

 by Friday at 6 pm 



FIFTIES FUN DAY was fabulous

Elementary students were treated to a "Fifties Fun Day" party on Friday as a reward for meeting the summer reading goal. Among the activities were hula hooping, Twister, ice cream sodas, carhop relay and more! We are proud to say that 100% of our students completed the reading requirements: Students in Pre-K through 2nd grade read over 900 books. Students in grades 3-5 read 38,741 pages!!            

Stay tuned next week for some pictures of our Fifties Fun day. Mrs. Main would like to thank the many volunteers who helped run the activities, those who prepared things in advance, and those who donated food, drink or prizes! We had moms, dads and grandparents and alumni all helping us! Holy Cross families are the best!!




Don't forget the Holy Cross PTO meeting on Tuesday, September 9th at 7pm in the cafeteria! We need your participation to make this a successful school year! Remember, just by coming to our meetings, you will be entered each time in our raffle to win a $100 tuition rebate at the end of the school year! We will also have babysitters available to provide daycare during the meeting! We will be discussing our "Breakfast with Santa" fundraiser as well as the others we have planned for this year. Bring your ideas to the meeting for making the PTO successful! Check your calendar to see if there is a better day of the week and/or time that you would like to hold meetings on to fit your busy schedule. Meetings can be FUN! We could have dances, dinners, whatever works! Did you forget the date?? Tuesday, September 9th at 7pm in the Holy Cross cafeteria! Join your friends at the Holy Cross PTO meeting!!

Tom Adams
PTO President


Key Club News: 

--We will be making sandwiches after school on Tuesday, September 9th. Please plan to join us and/or send in supplies. [Loaves of 100% wheat bread are needed at this time!]  We also collect bags/boxes of healthy cereal-such as, Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, Raisin Bran, etc. -to be individually bagged for breakfast and/or snacks for the children who visit the Lynchburg Daily Bread. Other items that have been requested are individual apple sauces, fruit cans, fruit snacks, granola bars, and other snack items for the children.

--We will need a few parent volunteers to help oversee the sandwich making events when I can't be there. Please let me know if you would like to be added to a list of "Managers".

--"Pink Out Day" t-shirt orders are due by Monday, September 8th. Please consider buying shirts for all family members, since for every shirt we sell--$1 goes toward Cancer Research!!

---Please consider doing what you can.  Thanks!!!      

Pam St. Angelo                                    pstangelo@hcfaculty.com



Bring In Your Old Iphones!
The new Iphone 6 comes out this week!
If you are planning to upgrade to a new Iphone soon or if your old one is still lying around somewhere, we would greatly appreciate it if you donated it to our school.  These old Iphones can be used with our school wifi in classrooms for various activities such as listening to stories, doing math apps, interactive classroom websites, taking photos, etc.  We would also appreciate donations of Ipods if you are planning to upgrade soon. (Please include charger in your donation, too!)   See Carolyn Jones for details or if you have questions.


MS/HS Snack Time Starts Monday

     The Juniors will start selling snacks on Mon, Sept 8.   We have a variety of chips, baked goods, and candy. The prices range from $0.75 to $1.50. 

     We cannot handle bills larger than $5.00. If a student has a bill larger then $5, they will need to borrow the $ from a friend and pay the friend back at lunch when they change their large bill.



SCRIP IS GROWING!  Thanks to all of you who have registered and order each week.  If you are interested in signing up but need some help, contact us (jwingfield@hcfaculty.com) Scrip orders placed each Monday before 4:00 P.M. will be available for pick-up on Friday afternoon.  If you have not registered, visit shopwithscrip.com today! There are apps for iPhones and Androids.  Use PrestoPay and print your e-card right at home. You earn 50% of your proceeds and the school receives the other 50%.

Yearbooks are still available!  If you missed the deadline or changed your mind, you can still purchase a 2013-2014 yearbook. Books are $45 each and located in the school office (checks made payable to the school).  Get yours today!

Innisbrook Sale - Only 10 days left!
Your student has received a booklet showing all the great wrapping papers, unique gifts, and delicious food items for sale.  The website is updated and user-friendly.  Our school code is 105349 so give that number out to all of your friends and family- folks can order from anywhere and have items shipped to their homes!  Visit  innisbrook.com, enter our school code, register your student's name with his/her, and start shopping. Print out a payment voucher and return that with a check made payable to the school.  Or shop by credit card and have it delivered right to you!  Products will be delivered 10/14.


Host Families Still Needed!
Holy Cross has the opportunity to welcome several new German students if we can find housing opportunities.  If you or someone you know may be interested, please contact Cat Mosley at cmosley@hcfaculty.com or 847-5436. This can be a wonderful cultural experience for families.

FIRST LEGO Team Forming
Holy Cross will again have a FIRST LEGO Team at our school, graciously coached by Karl Rony and Dave Dumonsau.  The team is for 10-14 year olds, and last year's team went to the state tournament!  Please contact Cat Mosley cmosley@hcfaculty.com or 847-5436 if your child is interested.

College visits are being scheduled to avoid AP, DE classes and lunch as much as possible.  Every effort is being made to spread out times so that the same classes are not being missed.  Students are responsible for making up any missed work due to attending sessions with college reps:


Garner-Webb, Yulia Rigg, Wednesday, September 17, 1:00 pm


Roanoke College, Pat LeDonne, Tuesday, October 7, 9 am


Randolph-Macon Ashland, Susie Sprinson, Tuesday, October 7, 12:50 pm


Sweet Briar College, Autumn Fish, Wednesday, October 9, 1:45 pm


Virginia Wesleyan, Peter Colbert, Friday, October 10, 12 noon


Lynchburg College, Dara Logan, Monday, October 20, 12:30 pm


Bridgewater College, Lane Routzahn, Thursday, October 30, 12:45


Washington & Lee, Nathanial Hayes, Monday, November 3, 12:15 pm*  (conference day - school closed) 


Hollins University, Chloe Landon, Wednesday, November 5, 11:34 pm








Upcoming Events


Sept 8 - 1:35 dismissal
September 9 - PTO Meeting 7 pm
September 11 -  9/11 Memorial Service 8:15 am
September 12 - Liturgy 10:15 am
September 15 - Innisbrook Sale ends
September 18 - Liturgy 8:15 am
September 19 - 2nd grade trip to Lynchburg Grows
September 23 - 2nd grade trip to Layman Family Farm
September 24 - Rally at the Pole 7:50 am
                          Individual School Pictures & Sports Pictures
September 25 - Liturgy 8:15 am
September 29 - Yoder's Farm field trip PreK/K
October 7 - Smoky the Bear visit Prek-2nd grades
Octaober 8 - Fire Dept Field Trip PreK/K





Holy Cross Regional Catholic School      
     2125 Langhorne Road      
Lynchburg, VA  24501