Holy Cross Regional Catholic School E-Crossette
August 25, 2013



August 26

taco with taco toppings

taco salad

chips & salsa

fresh fruit

August 27


garden salad


fresh fruit

August 28

cheese pizza

garden salad

Carrots and Ranch

fresh fruit

August 29

assorted sandwiches

chef's specialty soup


garden salad

fresh fruit

August 30

chicken patty sandwich

garden salad

Tater Tots

fresh fruit  

September 2 -  Labor Day

September 3  

chicken patty sandwich

garden salad

tater tots

fresh fruit   

September 4

cheese quesadilla

Tex-Mex rice

Garden salad

Fresh fruit

September 5

ham and cheddar rolls

garden salad

Celery & peanut butter

fresh fruit

September 6

tortellini w/ marinara sauce or creamy Pesto

garden salad

parmesan bread sticks

fresh fruit  

September 9

taco with taco toppings

taco salad

chips & salsa

fresh fruit
September 10


garden salad


fresh fruit

September 11    

cheese pizza 

garden salad

Carrots and Ranch

fresh fruit    

September 12

assorted sandwiches

chef's specialty soup


garden salad

fresh fruit

September 13

chicken patty sandwich

garden salad

tater tots

fresh fruit



Concession Schedules

JV Soccer

Varsity Soccer

MS Volleyball

JV Volleyball

Varsity Volleyball 



Quick Links


Submit all articles to




by Friday at 6 pm  


Holy Cross Community,


With great joy, I share with you news about a school chaplain for Holy Cross School!  Bishop DiLorenzo has appointed Fr. James Gallagher, Jr., pastor at St. Victoria and Our Lady of Peace, as chaplain for our school.  This assignment will be in addition to Fr. Jim's duties at his parishes, but he is excited to renew his focus on Holy Cross School.  We are thrilled to know that Fr. Jim will be a more regular visitor at the school; you may have seen him welcoming students in the front lobby on the first day!  Fr. Jim will work with Mrs. Culbreth and Mrs. Bowden to develop this new role as structured by the Diocese.  Please be sure to share your Gael spirit with Fr. Jim!

Patti Culbreth




Give With Target

Help our school get free money from Target!  Target is giving away up to 5 million dollars to schools.  All you have to do is place a vote for our school every week from now until September 21.

You can go right to our HC page for voting if you go to http://givewith.target.com/school/33928

If you are on Facebook or Twitter, sign up for the Give with Target program and find our school by entering our zip code and vote.  You can vote once a week.

We get $1 per vote (in gift card form) after the first 25 votes.  We only have 92 votes to date and received 200 last year.  Let's support this easy way to get money for our school and see if we can double our money from last year!  Spread the word the grandparents, friends, etc.  








Get in the Gael Spirit - Fall Spirit Wear Pre-Order Sale!  Stop by the Gael Galleria on Back-to-School Night to browse our fall spirit wear collection.  The sale runs August 15th through September 6th.  Go Gaels!







The HC Boosters will begin offering hamburgers and hotdogs at our sports events beginning on MONDAY, AUG. 26.  Come out to support the Gaels and enjoy a delicious burger or hotdog with your family and friends.  Proceeds from concession sales go to support our athletic programs at HC. 




Prayer Service
Please join us for our first prayer/communion service this TUESDAY, AUG 27 at 7:40 in the school chapel.  All are welcome to begin your day in prayer; this service is open to all denominations.  Deacon Gordon Cartwright will lead our service and will continue to offer us this special  prayer opportunity each Tuesday in the school year.  It is a wonderful way to start the day -- join us!




1st Grade Parent Coffee is Wednesday, September 18th at 7:45 a.m.  Invitations coming soon!




 HC Annual Chili Cook-off on Saturday, November 2   



Lights, camera, action!   School pictures and fall sports pictures will be taken on Wednesday, September 25.  More information will follow as we near the date.  Mark your calendars!



From Mrs. Main in the library

Summer Reading/Around the world day

  • Elementary summer reading logs are due Wed., Aug. 28th. Please get them in Monday if possible, and don't forget to have a parent sign the form!
  • HELP is still needed for our "Around the world" celebration on Fri., Sept. 6th in the morning. A fun time is guaranteed! Contact Mrs. Main if you can help! main_h@hcrs-va.org
  • Food and drink items are still needed! Again, contact Mrs. Main if you can provide an item.


Fall Sports Concession/Gate Schedules are posted on the left side of this page under the menu in black font. Click on each schedule to view.  They have also been uploaded to Renweb and are found under Resource Documents. 



The Parent/Student Handbook for this school year has also been uploaded to Renweb and is found under Resource Documents. 





Sign Up For Renweb Parentsweb!

Our school uses Renweb, a web-based program that integrates student personal data; our school calendar; important documents and announcements; student and faculty directory information; student schedules, attendance, behavior, and more.  For students in grades 3-12, grades and homework and report cards are also online.  If you are a HC parent and you do not yet have a username/password, signing up is an easy process.  You simply need to go to renweb.com, click on Login on right side of the page, click on Parentsweb login and follow directions for setting up an account.  You can also click here to get directions with screen shots:  Directions for Parentsweb Login  or see Mrs. Jones in the computer lab for help. 

If you have difficulty signing up or would like a short tour of the site, please plan to stop by one day and Mrs. Jones in our computer lab will be glad to help you. You may want to email her at jones_c@hcrs-va.org and set up a time. 


Our Innisbrook School Number is 105349




Upcoming Events


7:40 Every Tuesday Morning Chapel Service with Deacon Gordon  


For Sports Schedule go to Renweb Calendar at:  tinyurl.com/hccalendar


August 15-September 6 - Gael Spirit Wear Sale! 

September 2 - Labor Day - School Closed
September 3 - PTO Meeting 5:30 pm in cafeteria
September 6 - Around the World elementary reading celebration
September 13 - Feast of the Holy Cross Liturgy 10:15 
September 15,16 - Senior Retreat
September 18 - 1st Grade Coffee 7:45 am in elementary library
                          College Night 7 PM E.C. Glass
September 21 - Homecoming Dance
September 23 - School opens 2 hours late - teacher meeting 
September 25 - Rally Around the Pole 7:50
                         School Pictures and Fall Sports Pictures
October 16 - Living Rosary
October 18 - School Closed - Teacher Workday
October 23 - School-wide Day of Service
                     1:35 dismissal
October 31 - Halloween - 1:35 dismissal






Holy Cross Regional Catholic School      
     2125 Langhorne Road      
Lynchburg, VA  24501