February 2016
Registration Open for 2016 Annual Meeting

Register for SECOORA 2016 Annual Meeting, May 18, 19 and 20, 2016 at the North Carolina State University- Jane S. McKimmon Conference and Training Center (1101 Gorman Street, Raleigh, NC 27606). Click here to register >

SPONSOR OPPORTUNITY: Consider increasing your organization's exposure at the SECOORA 2016 Annual Meeting. Become a sponsor and showcase your organization's services and products, and strengthen ties with existing clients. Contact Abbey, abbey@secoora.org, if you are interested in sponsoring.
UPDATE: Cape Canaveral Buoys
National Weather Service (NWS) Office of Observations has directed National Buoy Data Center (NBDC) to maintain the Cape Canaveral Buoys 41009 and 41010 through the end of 2016. Ship time permitting, NBDC is planning to service the buoys this spring. Watch for updates >

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NWS Office of Observations directed NBDC to maintain 2 Cape Canaveral #Buoys through 2016 http://secoora.org/CapeCanaveralBuoys @secoora
Southeast States Win Coastal Resilience Grant

NOAA Regional Coastal Resilience Grant program awarded $803,713 to the Southeast states to strengthen disaster recovery of coastal communities. The proposal will improve planning for long-term recovery from storms, hurricanes and other natural disasters for Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. SECOORA is the lead, coordinating regional collaboration and project management during the two-year project. 
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NOAA awarded $803,713 to SE states to strengthen disaster recovery. @secoora is a project PI http://secoora.org/node/552

SOCAN Hosts First Meeting To Discuss Coastal and Ocean Acidification In The Southeast

Throughout 2015, SOCAN (the Southeast Ocean and Coastal Acidification Network) hosted 20 OA-focused webinars to document what is known, what isn't, and what research in other locales can be applied to better understand OA effects here. January 12 and 13, SOCAN Steering Committee held a meeting at the College of Charleston to discuss what OA means for the Southeast.  Read more >

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#SOCANmtg in Charleston to map past and future Ocean Acidification science in SE Atlantic
http://secoora.org/node/538  @secoora

Executive Summary Available for Fisheries and Climate Workshop

October 26-28, 2015, partners convened a workshop in St. Petersburg, Florida to advance our understanding of the impacts of climate variability on fisheries resources and management in the large marine ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico, South Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. 

Through a series of facilitated plenary and breakout discussions, participants considered regional and cross-regional impacts of environmental change on fisheries. This month the Executive Summary was released.  The workshop report contains the description of the workshop and a prioritized list of the top overall research and monitoring/ observing needs. Read more >

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Executive summary from the Fisheries and Climate Workshop hosted in October is available! http://secoora.org/fisheriesclimateworkshopsummary   @secoora


East Coast NERRS/IOOS Collaboration Workshop

IOOS and National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) held a workshop January 21-22 to strengthen and solidify the NERRS -IOOS partnership. The meeting was held at the Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve in St. Augustine, FL. It is the first of two workshops supported by funding from NOAA's National Ocean Service. The workshop are intended to create a seamless coastal observing network that functions at the landscape level, and spans offshore to inshore regions. Debra Hernandez, SECOORA's Executive Director, was in attendance.

Monitoring Project Set for Currituck Sound

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility, or FRF, in Duck, North Carolina is kicking off a $1.3 million research project in the Currituck Sound. The FRF is installing five large monitoring platforms in the estuary, one of the largest, single-effort, estuarine monitoring efforts in the United States. The platforms will be installed to form both cross-shore and alongshore arrays in Currituck Sound. Measurements at the five stations will include winds, waves, currents, temperature, salinity, and video. 
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ICOOS Act Reauthorization Update

Reauthorization of the Integrated Coastal and Ocean Observation System (ICOOS) Act of 2009 is moving forward in both the House and the Senate. In early December, the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee sent S.1886, the Senate ICOOS Reauthorization Act bill, to the Senate floor for consideration. The House ICOOS Reauthorization bill has 26 co-sponsors, 23% of the co-sponsors are from the SECOORA region. The House bill is still in committee. Read more >

2016 GoMRI Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference

The 2016 Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference had 1000 participants from 35 states and 15 countries. US IOOS, including SECOORA, attended the four day meeting, February 1-4 in Tampa, FL. This year's theme, "One Gulf: healthy ecosystems, healthy communities," focused on opportunities to promote and sustain a healthy Gulf environment, communities, and economy, including new discoveries, innovations, technologies, and policies. Pictured above is Vembu Subramanian, SECOORA RCOOS Manager, with SECOORA PI, Nick Shay.  
Gulf Science and Restoration Programs Release Three Year Funding Calendar

Science and restoration programs working in the Gulf of Mexico released a three year calendar of planned funding opportunities. The calendar includes a subset of programs in the Gulf region that have received funding as a consequence of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Read more > 


UNCW CORMP Job Posting

Knowledgeable of coastal ocean observing technology? The University of North Carolina Wilmington's Coastal Ocean Research and Monitoring Program (CORMP) is hiring a Research Specialist. The deadline to apply is February 17. Read more >

Welcome Back Dialytics! 

SECOORA would like to welcome back Dialytics� as a member! Dr. Clifford Merz is the representative. Dialytics mission is to actively pursue and apply innovative and sustainable approaches to Water Food Energy Nexus opportunities.

18th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration

Mark your calendars for the 18th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration taking place in Charleston, SC November 16-19, 2016. The conference, hosted by South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium, provides a forum to further the science and practice of shellfish restoration efforts around the world. Read more >

The Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (SECOORA) collects and delivers critical data and information necessary to increase our understanding of our coasts and oceans along the shorelines of NC, SC, GA, and FL. Read More >

SECOORA is one of the eleven regional associations that partner with the Integrated Ocean Observing System, US IOOS�. IOOS is a federal, regional and private-sector partnership committed to tracking, predicting, managing, and adapting to changes in our ocean, coastal and Great Lakes environment. 



Mailing Address:
PO Box 13856
Charleston, SC 29422

All images are credited to SECOORA unless otherwise specified. 
Header image is credited to Ben Meister, USF