Save the Date for the SECOORA 2016 Annual Meeting
SECOORA's 2016 Annual Meeting will be held in Raleigh, North Carolina on May 18, 19 and 20, 2016. We invite you to please join us for another great meeting! Read more >
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US IOOS Five-Year Funding
Proposal Submitted
SECOORA successfully submitted a proposal, titled "SECOORA: Supporting Resilient Ecosystems, Communities and Economies" in response to the US Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) FY 2016 Federal Funding opportunity, NOAA-NOS-IOOS-2016-2004378. Read more >Suggested Tweet
Climate Variability and Fisheries Workshop
October 26-28, SECOORA co-hosted the "Climate Variability and Fisheries Workshop: Setting Science Priorities for the Gulf of Mexico, South Atlantic, and Caribbean Regions" in St. Petersburg, Florida. The goal of the workshop was to advance our understanding of impacts of climate variability on fisheries resources and management in the large marine ecosystems and to promote multidisciplinary partnerships. A meeting report is coming soon. Click here to see the meeting page >
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SECOORA Responds to Cape Canaveral Buoy Removal
Due to funding constraints, a pair of buoys off Cape Canaveral are expected to be pulled from the water this spring. In August, Conrad Lautenbacher, Jr., SECOORA Board Chairman, sent a formal letter to Kathy Sullivan, the NOAA Administrator, on behalf of the SECOORA Board regarding the removal of the two buoys. Read More >
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Southeast Ocean and Coastal Acidification Network (SOCAN)
Since March 2015, SOCAN has been hosting a State of the Science Webinar Series to strengthen ocean acidification communication in the southeast region. The webinar series is intended to create a dialogue among key stakeholders to identify what is known, what isn't, and what research in other locales can be applied to better understand ocean acidification and its impacts in the Southeast US. The series is planned to extend to the end of fall 2015.
In the beginning of next year, the SOCAN Steering Committee will meet in person to use the information learned from the webinars to develop a state-of-the-science white paper on ocean acidification in the southeast. Click here to view the recorded webinars >
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Manual for Real-Time Quality Control of Dissolved Nutrients Observations
The eighth quality control manual in the QARTOD (Quality Assurance of Real Time Ocean Data) series is available on the US IOOS website. Focusing on real- time data, the manual provides a quality control process for dissolved nutrients measurements. Read more >
Congratulations PacIOOS!
U.S. IOOS certified the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) as a complete and full member of the national IOOS system. PacIOOS is the first U.S. IOOS partner to be certified as a Regional Information Coordination Entity (RICE) under the authority of the Integrated Coastal and Ocean Observation System Act of 2009 (ICOOS Act).
SECOORA Co-Hosted IOOS Association Annual Meeting
September 2015, IOOS Association (IA) held its Annual Meeting in St. Petersburg, FL at the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute. Directors from all eleven Regional Associations, staff from the US IOOS Program Office and IA Board Members discussed filling critical gaps in observations and IOOS activities in the Gulf of Mexico.
SECOORA and GCOOS co-hosted the meeting and teamed together to conduct a tour of the surrounding facilities, including a presentation from Katherine Hubbard (Research Scientist at FWRI) on Harmful Algal Bloom observations and forecasting, a tour of the University of South Florida College of Marine Science's Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction Systems buoy program and USF CMS glider lab. Click here to read the IOOS Association meeting story >
U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System Unveils New Logo
The U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS�) launched its new logo October 20 at the MTS/IEEE Oceans '15 meeting in Washington D.C. The new logo is a symbol of IOOS's dedication to integration, expressed by the interweaving of the I-O-O-S. In true IOOS fashion, the emblem was custom-built based on input from the IOOS program office, our peers, and regional associations. Read More >
Water Quality Monitoring Units Successfully Installed in FL
Over the summer, five Land/Ocean Biogeochemical Observatory (LOBO) units have been installed in the Indian River Lagoon and St. Lucie Estuary on the east coast of Florida. The deployments of the LOBOs is part of the Indian River Lagoon Observatory (IRLO) Program established by FAU's Harbor Branch, a SECOORA member. Read more >
Welcome back Mote Marine Laboratory!
SECOORA would like to welcome back Mote Marine Laboratory as a member. James Locascio is the Mote representative and the principal investigator on a SECOORA funded special project, "Incorporation of Passive Acoustics and Acoustic Telemetry on an Established Regional Coastal Ocean Observatory to Measure Fish Sound Production and Behavior as an Indicator of Ecosystem Function". Become a SECOORA member today.
FL Centers of Excellence Research Grant Program awards project funds
Florida Institute of Oceanography (FIO) leads the Florida RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Program (FLRACEP). Recently, 10 projects were awarded the FLRACEP Grant. Each project is focused on coastal and oceanic fish and wildlife research and monitoring. FIO is the designated Florida entity to receive the RESTORE Act funds. Read more >
SECOORA Gained Two New Members!
Please join us in welcoming Metanomy, Inc. as a Sustaining Member and Surfline as an Institutional Member of SECOORA!
Metanomy, Inc. is a non-profit that seeks to promote sustainable, resilient communities by providing research and educational resources related to the use of technology in support of social and environmental advancement.
Surfline specializes in providing live and predicted ocean weather information, editorial content, and consulting services to consumers, businesses, and government agencies worldwide.
Thank you Metanomy, Inc. and Surfline for supporting the Southeast coastal ocean observing system.
- Program Officer, Environmental Education, Pisces Foundation, Deadline November 10
- Program Manager, Ecosystem Stressors Research Branch, Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean, Deadline November 13
- Stock Assessment Scientist, North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries, Deadline November 17
- Assistant Fisheries/Aquaculture Manager, Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation, Deadline November 20
- Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Marine Science at Stockton University, New Jersey, Deadline December 1
The Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (SECOORA) collects and delivers critical data and information necessary to increase our understanding of our coasts and oceans along the shorelines of NC, SC, GA, and FL. Read More >
SECOORA is one of the eleven regional associations that partner with the Integrated Ocean Observing System, US IOOS�. IOOS is a federal, regional and private-sector partnership committed to tracking, predicting, managing, and adapting to changes in our ocean, coastal and Great Lakes environment. |
Email: communications@secoora.org
Website: www.secoora.org
Mailing Address: PO Box 13856 Charleston, SC 29422 |
All images are credited to SECOORA unless otherwise specified.
Header image is credited to Ben Meister, USF