Best Wishes for Joyful Holidays and Happy New Year
As 2013 closes we want to thank all the members, stakeholders and other interested parties that contribute to our continued success. We made progress this year in streamlining our governance operations and continue to support many observing, modeling and data management activities that users throughout the SE region rely on. On behalf of the SECOORA staff, best wishes for a joyous holiday season. We look forward to continuing our great collaboration in 2014!
Glider Palooza 2013
Two SECOORA members participated in Gliderpalooza for the Fall 2013 season (September - October 2013), Ruoying He, North Carolina State University (NCSU) and Catherine Edwards, Skidaway Insitute of Oceanography (SkIO), University of Georgia. Thirteen to sixteen Slocum Gliders were deployed covering from South Nova Scotia, Canada to waters off of the Georgia coast. Read full story here.
Upgrade to Middle Tampa Bay, FL Station
A new station was added to the middle of Tampa Bay as part of an upgrade to the National Ocean Service Tampa Bay PORTS system on Oct 3. This station is collecting Meteorological Optical Range (visibility), primary wind speed, direction, and gust, redundant wind speed, direction, and gust, air temperature, relative humidity and barometric pressure. RDI bottom mounted currents will be added shortly. This station transmits in real time through GOES every six minutes. Data from this station is now available HERE. Parties involved during the development and deployment of the system were: Jeff Scudder, Mark Luther, Brad Wynn (NOS TB PORTS manager), and Chris McGrath (NOS Chesapeake Instrument Lab). Installation was completed from the Sea Sub 1 with logistical support provided by Sea Sub Systems, Inc.
New Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission Buoy in Tampa Bay
A new buoy deployed this month by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) in Old Tampa Bay collects continuous water quality information to help researchers learn more about conditions that trigger harmful algal blooms."This buoy fills an important gap in Tampa Bay monitoring efforts," said Alina Corcoran, who heads harmful algal bloom research at the FWC. "It collects data autonomously, allowing us to gather data without having to go out into the field, and we can communicate to the buoy remotely." Read full story here.
USF & FGCU - SECOORA Supports Member Collaboration
University of South Florida (USF) Dr. Bob Weisberg and Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) Dr. Felix were awarded a 2013 Shiptime Award through the Florida Institute of Oceanography's state funded shiptime program.The award made possible a 3-day research cruise on the West Florida shelf on board the R/V Weatehrbird. During this time a real-time monitoring buoy was deployed, two bottom mounted instrument packages were deployed and multiple CTD casts were carried out. The purpose of the cruise was to: 1) educate and train undergraduate marine sciences from USF and FGCU in both deployment of oceanographic instrumentation and the subsequent use of real-time and in-situ data for both classroom and research use and 2) provide scientific research divers in-situ training in dive planning, diving skills, and emergency procedures. The shiptime provides a platform for education and research collaboration; securing leverage for additional future funding. SECOORA staff was instrumental in initiating the collaboration and supported the project by providing students with funding for travel expenses for on-site training and hands-on experience assembling instrument packages at USF's Ocean Circulation Group facilities.
USF Ocean Circulation Group (OCG)
Next generation observing system deployed on landmark cruise. The USF OCG maintains the offshore portion of the Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System (COMPS) on the west Florida shelf. Their September 2013 cruise marked the 75th COMPS mooring cruise during which our next generation telemetry system was deployed at their C10 site. In a time of scarce funding the OCG has pushed forward with a more flexible logger and telemetry design, taking a systems engineering approach utilizing off-the-shelf electronics combined with in-house engineering and fabrication capabilities to produce what should be a more reliable and lower cost system for monitoring the ocean in real time. The system is built on the proven Campbell Scientific CR1000 logger and TX312 GOES transmitter which log and transmit CTD, ADCP and wind data in near real-time. The wind sensor was built in-house, with a Gill Windsonic and Honeywell compass combined in a custom housing, with all sampling controlled via the programmable CR1000 logger. Additional barometric pressure and relative humidity sensors have been tested and are to be deployed in the coming months, requiring only a software modification to the logger to add to the sensor suite. The system was designed to allow for even more sensors and the OCG invites collaboration with other interested parties in need of a platform for their particular research interests.
Nick Shay, University of Miami wins the SECOORA High Frequency Radar (HFR) Waves Project Award
SECOORA would like to announce a new Wave Project and congratulate Nick Shay from the University of Miami for winning the award. The object of this applied research project is to demonstrate the capability of HFR to produce realistic significant wave height (SWH) data. This data is in high demand from a variety of stakeholders including the National Weather Forecast Offices Nortek, a private sector SECOORA member. The researcher will deploy a Nortek AWAC, a subsurface wave measuring device, in the WERA radar footprint off of south Miami in the Florida straits. The AWAC wave measurements will be used to evaluate WERA HFR derived SWH measurements. SECOORA has WERAs deployed in three locations around the SE. If the project is successful SECOORA hopes to be able to provide not only surface current data, but also wave data from these radar systems. "This project is really exciting for all of us because of the potential cost savings. If wave data can be collected from the WERA HFR systems, then the need for buoys and other wave measuring devices will be eliminated in areas covered by those systems. Our limited funding for observation systems can then be directed to address other data gaps. It also demonstrates a great collaboration with the private sector and National Weather Service. It's a real win-win for everyone." said Debra Hernandez, SECOORA Executive Director.
Mark Your Calendars for SECOORA Annual Meeting
The SECOORA Annual Meeting will be held May 13th-15th, 2014 at the Hilton Savannah Desoto in Savannah, GA. The planning for the meeting is well underway. In addition to the staff, the Steering committee includes Alan Leonardi (NOAA AOML), George Sedberry (NOAA NMS), Steve Woll (Weatherflow) and Dave Ester (IOOS PO).
SECOORA Welcomes Abbey Wakely!
SECOORA welcomes Abbey Wakely, a USF student, as our part time Communication Specialist. Abbey will be spearheading SECOORA's social media efforts, as well as the newsletter, updates to the website, and board emails, among other things.
EarthCube Workshop:
Vembu represented SECOORA / IOOS along with AOOS at the EarthCube End-User Workshop for Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics held from Oct. 7-8, 2013 at Woods Hole, MA. He served on the panel: Examples of Current Data Related Infrastructure and Challenges. Click here for more information.
Our Global Estuary Workshop:
Vembu served on the Steering Team for the FAU organized initiative. The workshop was held at FAU HBOI from Oct. 21-23. Debra participated as well, and moderated a session. Gerhard Kuska (MARACOOS), Jan Newton (NANOOS), other SECOORA members and IOOS partners attended. Click here for more information.
Additional Outreach Activities
Debra presented a talk titled "SECOORA's Regional Coastal Observing System: Providing Critical Marine Weather Data and Information Products for Weather Forecasters and the Marine Community" at the National Weather Association annual meeting from Oct. 12-17. Then another poster titled "Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association Data Management System: Fostering Data Access and Visualization of Coastal Observations in the Southeast US" was displayed at the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) 2013 Conference held in San Diego, CA, November 3-7.
The IOOS Fall Meeting: The IOOS Association held its fall meeting in California November 7-8. Debra and George Maul represented SECOORA at the meeting. The meeting agenda included discussion of IOOS Association business including approval of an increase of $5M as part as our FY15 Congressional ask, and election of new officers. Additionally the ongoing Joint Planning Initiatives were discussed with the IOOS Program Offices; and more.
Board Member Update: SECOORA Board Member, Jyotika Virmani, has accepted an excellent position as the Director of Technical Operations at XPRIZE in California. In her new job, Jyotika will ensure the successful operation of all technical aspects and will manage technical parts of the prize. Her strong communication skills, technical expertise, ability to manage, and her deep understanding of ocean science will allow her to be successful in this new role. Jyotika has been a valuable contributor to SECOORA and a great Board member. Best wishes Jyotika: you will be missed!
SECOORA Welcomes New Member: SECOORA would like to welcome Jennifer Bennett as our newest member. She works with NOAA Ocean Acidification Program where she leads their Regional Coordination, Education, & Outreach. We are grateful to have her on board.
SECOORA Board Meeting Summary: SECOORA Board Members met Dec. 4-5 in Charleston, South Carolina. The agenda and the meeting material are available on the website here. Highlights from the meeting include:
- Updates to the May 2014 Annual Meeting agenda were discussed.
- The Finance and Audit Committee will be making a short prioritized list of what SECOORA should spend members' dues on. Approximately three options will be presented to the Board and other Members by the May 2014 meeting.
- Board members discussed SECOORA's next steps to generate ideas that will help define the next five-year IOOS proposal.
- For liability reasons, language will be drafted to add a disclaimer to SECOORA materials as well as a user agreement for the website.
- A NOAA Coastal Services Center communication specialist discussed ways to use social media outlets to outreach to new members and market SECOORA.
- Next year's meetings' days and times were not decided for the 2014 Board meeting or the 2015 Annual meeting.
- NOAA's Ocean Acidification Program, represented by Jennifer Bennett, joined SECOORA as an affiliate member.
Job / Internship Opportunities
Director for Office of Ocean Exploration and Research: NOAA is looking for a new Director for Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER). OER provides programmatic direction for NOAA in the field of exploration, research, advanced technology development and also provides advice to the NOAA Assistant Administrator for Research and to the Under Secreatrary. Two positions available. Click here for more information.
Undergraduate Internship: National Ecological Observatory Network, NEON, undergrad internship program is now accepting applications for summer 2014 internships. Interns will work closely with NEON mentors on real-world engineering and computing projects. Click here for more information.
Meeting Announcements 2014 National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology: Feb. 12-14 in Stuart, Florida. The objectives of this conference is 1) present the latest in beach preservation technology and real-world practice and 2) provide a technological transfer form the scientific and engineering community to government officials who make decisions on coastal projects and policies. Click here for more information.
2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting: Feb. 23-28 in Hawii, ASLO, TOS, & AGU will convene the biennial Ocean Sciences Meeting. Scientists from around the world will exchange knowledge and discuss issues related to marine sciences disciplines, including physical, biological, chemical, and geological oceanography, technology, and multidisciplinary topics. Click here for more information.
10th ONR/MTS Buoy Workshop: March 3-6 in California, join Marine Technology Society, ONR, and others as they address all pertinent aspects of oceanographic and other buoy systems for deployment in unprotected deep and coastal ocean waters. Click here for more information.
Oceanology International: March 11-13 in London, Excel. Oceanology International is a global forum where industry, academia and government share knowledge and connect with the marine technology and ocean science community, improving their strategies for measuring, exploiting, protecting and operating in the world's oceans. Click here more information
Carolinas Climate Resilience Conference: April 28-29 in North Carolina, join the Climate Integrated Science Assessment and others as they share information about climate related tools, resources, and activities in Carolinas. Click here for more information.
Join SECOORA today!
Commitment to ocean observing technologies in our region is critical. Your input, guidance, support, and membership will insure SECOORA, IOOS Southeast, continues to develop the produces services that you need. Join today to be a part of Southeast's Future. Contact Debra Hernandez, [email protected], or visit our website for more information and how you can get involved.