News updates from the
Kansas City Board of Election Commissioners   


                                              Volume II-Issue 1/Spring 2013

Union Station



Welcome to the Kansas City Board of Election Commissioners' electronic newsletter!


Our Mission Statement 

The Kansas City Board of Election Commissioners is committed to maintaining current and accurate voter files, maximizing voter registration and voter turnout efforts, educating the voting public, providing the best possible services and conducting efficient, fair, honest and impartial elections at a minimum cost to the electorate.


If you have questions about upcoming elections, poll worker information, or checking your voter status, please visit our website at www.kceb.org, contact us at kceb@kceb.org, or call 816-842-4820.

New Electronic Voter Check-in System

     The Kansas City Election Board will introduce electronic poll rosters to area voters at the April 2 election. The new voter check-in system utilizes tablet-style computers that upload a voter's name and registration information within a matter of seconds.

      More than 30 Missouri state election authorities are now using electronic poll rosters and nationwide, thousands of election agencies have switched from paper-based voter lists in the past five years. Electronic poll rosters have proven to reduce: lines and wait times, the amount of time to verify a voter, errors; and provide a more efficient and accelerated voting process.

      "We are constantly researching ways to serve voters better and to improve their voting experience," stated Shelley McThomas, KCEB Democratic Director. "With the introduction of electronic poll rosters, Kansas City should see shorter wait times and faster voter verification. Over time they will prove to be a cost savings as well."

      KCEB purchased its first order, 150 e-poll books, from St. Louis-based Election Administrators, 

Epoll book

LCC (EA) a mobile election technology company. The tablet runs on an Android operating system utilizing the ASUS TF700 model. A quick scan of a voter's identification card or driver's license immediately pulls up the voter record.

      "The security and safety features built into the system will correctly identify voters and ensure that they vote in their proper jurisdiction," stated Shawn Kieffer, KCEB Republican Director.

      The electronic poll rosters provide polling locations with an electronic list of registered voters, replacing the large poll register books containing lists of voters' names. With this new electronic device, identification can be used to find the voter in a matter of seconds. KCEB trial tested electronic poll rosters at select polling locations in its August and November 2011 elections.

      "The entire staff is excited about bringing this new technology to voters in Kansas City," stated Ernie McClellan, KCEB Training Manager. "The EA Tablet will help our election workers provide more efficient service on Election Day. We will spend 2013 ensuring poll workers are well trained and comfortable with the technology."

      Poll worker training sessions on the new equipment run through March 30. Demonstrations are available to the press and public upon request.

Spring Training Classes

      Training classes kicked off to a great start during the first week of March in preparation for the April election. The new electronic voter check-in system was introduced during the training classes. After trying out this new device, the election judges had many good things to say about the electronic pollbooks. They enjoyed learning the new equipment and look forward to using the electronic pollbooks on Election Day.


Employee Spotlight


     Many of you know Carl Armato as the Network Administrator at the Kansas City Election Board. Carl was born and raised right here in Kansas City, Missouri. He grew up as the youngest child with his two brothers. As a youngster, Carl enjoyed the great outdoors. He spent most of his time hunting, camping, fishing, and riding ATV's. Later down the road, Carl graduated 

Carl Armato

from Saint Pius High School. He enjoyed his high school days growing up with his grade school friends and playing football and soccer.

     Carl's first full-time job started right here at the Election Board. He started working in the Absentee Department, and then moved to Data Entry. Next he became the NVRA Coordinator, and now his position today is Network Administrator. He enjoys this position most of all because he wanted to learn more about technology associated with elections. Carl likes to keep up with new technology and bring new technology to the organization. He always looks to his idol, Steve Jobs, to come up with creative and new ideas for the organization. When he is not working at the Election Board, you can find him competing in barbeque competitions all around Kansas City.

     On Election Day, he is the go-to-person when something needs fixing. You may see him out repairing equipment at the polls or simply fixing a phone or computer here in the office. "My favorite part on Election Day is seeing judges excited to see me to fix their problems," said Carl. Even after several elections, Carl still looks forward to election night. "I enjoy the way the candidates get excited watching their votes populate on election night," said Carl.

     Carl has served at the Election Board for 19 years. You can always find him fixing any problem that deals with old or new technology. Carl always says "You must work hard for what you get, in life, nothing comes easy." In his life, he is most grateful for his wife, Lisa, and his 8-month-old son, Anthony. The Election Board is thankful to have a hard worker like Carl as one of its team members!

Thank you for investing your time in learning more about the Kansas City Board of Elections. We hope you enjoyed this edition of the KCEB CONNECTION.
For more information, please visit us at www.kceb.org or call (816) 842-4820.   


Shelley McThomas and Shawn Kieffer


Kansas City Board of Election Commissioners


Editor: Sarah Dunkle

     Communications & Voter Outreach Specialist 
In This Issue
New Electronic Voter Check-in System
Spring Training Classes
Employee Spotlight
April 2 
School and Special Election

On the Ballot:
School Directors and Issues

Poll Hours:
6 a.m. - 7 p.m.

In-Person Absentee Voting Begins:
February 19

In-Person Absentee Voting Ends:
April 1 at 5 p.m.

Registration Deadline:
March 6

Don't forget to Check Your Voter Status and Find Your Polling Location for the April 2 election.

       VOTE KC!

Be a Poll Worker
If not YOU, then WHO?

We need your help to staff our polling places. In order to be an Election Day worker, you must be a registered voter in the state of Missouri and you must declare your political affiliation. Each position requires attendance at a paid training class. For more information on how to sign up for an Election Day position, please contact us at (816) 842-4820 or electionworkers



Become a Deputy Registrar in 2013!

1) A Deputy Registrar must be a resident of Kansas City, Missouri (within Jackson County) and a registered voter.

2) Training is regularly scheduled for 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Regular training is stopped two weeks prior to any election and two weeks after any election. Please call in advance for an appointment. Arrangements will be made for training outside the Election Board office when there are at least ten (10) trainees.

3) If you are interested in becoming a Deputy Registrar, please contact Ted Growney at ted@kceb.org or call (816) 842-4820. 
Board Meetings

Regular scheduled Board meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month, at 12:00 p.m. at the Kansas City Election Board Office:
30 W. Pershing Rd.,
Suite 2800
Kansas City, MO 64108

Board of Commissioners

Megan Thornberry
Melodie Powell 
Quentin Jennings
M. Blake Heath

Shelley McThomas
Shawn Kieffer
Charles Renner

David Raymond

Helpful Links:


Missouri Secretary of State Elections Division 


The Election Center


Election Assistance Commission     



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