Food and Health Network of South Central NY
May, 2015 E-Newsletter
Food for Thought 
We hope you're enjoying the spring. Over the past month the Food and Health Network has been busy working with partners across the region to support the Summer Food Service Program. If you'd like to get involved, please join us for the monthly meeting on May 28th! We've also started an update to the Regional Food System Assessment for South Central NY and look forward to your input as we move forward. Be sure to check out the grants section below to learn about many exciting funding opportunities!
Member Spotlight: Seven Valleys Health Coalition, Inc.
Seven Valleys Health Coalition, Inc. (SVHC) is a rural health network located in Cortland, NY. SVHC's mission is to cultivate local solutions and collaborative actions that advance the health and well-being of the Cortland community. Five years ago, SVHC was awarded a Creating Healthy Places to Live, Work and Play grant from the New York State Department of Health and began work to implement sustainable policy, systems and environmental changes in an effort to prevent chronic disease.
HealthyNOW Cortland was formed and the main strategies included; access to fruits and vegetables, opportunities for physical activity and environmental changes that promoted healthy eating and active living as part of the built environment. As the 5-year funding comes to a close this fall, Seven Valleys Health Coalition has successfully improved the communities in Cortland County.Learn more about successes on the "Food for Thought" blog.
2015 Membership & Sponsorship: Join us today!
We are more than halfway to our 2015 membership and sponsorship goal of $10,000! Your pledge of support is critical towards reaching this goal and is an investment in a healthy, just, and vibrant regional food system.
Thank you to all of the organizations and individuals listed below who have submitted their 2015 membership and/or sponsorship contributions.
May Food and Health Network Meeting: Summer Meals Networking
Date: Thursday, May 28, 2015
Location: Cornell Cooperative Extension of Broome County, 840 Upper Front St, Binghamton, NY
In 2014, only 20% of eligible children in the region received free, healthy meals when school was out through the Summer Food Service Program. Join the Food and Health Network and partners organizations to learn more about summer meals, hear from organizations who host meal sites and connect with those who are interested in getting involved. We will also have a presentation on Child Nutrition Reauthorization from Randi Quackenbush, Advocacy and Education Manager, Food Bank of the Southern Tier.
Please RSVP to fahncoordinator@rhnscny.org or 607-692-7669 by Tuesday, May 26th.
Access to Capital: Food, Beverage, and Agricultural Enterprises
Free workshop and resource expo sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Empire State Development, New York State Agriculture & Markets, and Mohawk Valley Edge
May 19th, 10am - 2pm. Learn more here.
USDA Farm to School Webinar: Tying it all together and digging
Lucky Dog Local Food Hub: Focus Group on Food Hub Distribution
Tuesday, May 19th, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.,
Lucky Dog Cafe, Hamden, NY.
FRAC Webinar: Improving Nutrition Quality of Afterschool Sites
Free Screeening of "A Place at the Table"
June 2nd, 7:00PM
The Lost Dog Cafe, Violet Room, 222 Water St, Binghamton, NY. Learn more.
Community Foundation of South Central NY: Summer Grant-writing Workshops
Broome: June 8 & 11th, Tioga: June 9th, Otsego: June 10th
Congress is on Recess - Meet Your Reps on Your Home Turf!
The House and Senate will be back in their districts again later this month, and they should see and hear from you while they are home! You can take this opportunity to tell them about the projects in their districts, give them a tour, or attend a town hall or public event. The SENATE and the HOUSE will be on recess May 25-29. To find out who represents you, visit www.house.gov and www.senate.gov. Visit NESAWG for more information.
2015 Farm to School Census - Respond by May 29th!
The Farm to School Act of 2015 will continue and build on the success of the USDA Farm to School Grant program. Find out how you can support the act here.
New USDA Toolkit: A Toolkit to Help Your Community Understand the Economic Impacts of Your Local Food System Initiatives. View the toolkit at http://www.localfoodeconomics.com/
Grants, Opportunities, and Resources
Let us know if you are interested in applying for a food/health-related funding opportunity! The Food and Health Network is here to facilitate effective, regional collaboration. We'd love to assist in connecting you with other organizations in our region that can strengthen your application and build your project's capacity and resources.
Job Openings with the Food Bank of the Southern Tier: Events & Promotion Coordinator and Vice President of Development & Community Engagement. Learn more here.
New Food Access and Health AmeriCorps Positions!
Exciting full and part time AmeriCorps and VISTA positions focused on food access and health available with a range of organizations. View positions and apply - Rural Health Service Corps website.
NYS 2015 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, Due May 26, 2015. The priority area for this year is Specialty Crop Research and Grower Education. Learn more here.
Micro-Enterprise Grants for Farmers and Farm Businesses in Otsego County: Otsego Industrial Development Authority (IDA) is accepting applications for the Micro-Enterprise Grant. Grant Money will be awarded to many small farms and farm businesses who apply and qualify. Grants require a 10% match and the deadline for applications is May 27th. Learn more here. Fuel Up to Play 60! Grants for healthy eating and physical activity in schools. Applications due June 16, 2015.USDA Food and Nutrition Service - Farmers' Market SNAP Support Grants, Due June 18, 2015. View RFA here.
Everyone is a food system stakeholder, and we invite you to join FaHN as a 2015 member
or sponsor.
Thank you to everyone who has already joined for 2015. Your support is critical to our shared efforts to reduce hunger, improve health, and promote sustainable economic development. If you haven't joined yet, become a new or renewed member or sponsor TODAY!
2015 Members and Sponsors
Broome-Tioga BOCES Food Service
Center for Agricultural Development and Entrepreneurship (CADE)
Chenango County Health Department
Cornell Cooperative Extension Broome County
Cornell Cooperative Extension Tioga County Delaware Opportunities Inc. Family Enrichment Network
Food Bank of the Southern Tier
Hatherleigh Foundation
Healthy Lifestyles Coalition (United Way)
Rural Health Network of South Central New York
Seven Valley's Health Coalition
Tioga County Hunger Coalition
Tioga Opportunities
Tompkins County Food Distribution Network
VINES: Volunteers Improving Neighborhood Environments
Individual Members
Susan Adair
Diane Albrecht
Richard Andrus
Donna Bates
Mark Bordeau
Christina Boyd
Ray Denniston
Nancy Eckstrom
Matthew Griffin
Kathleen Horner
Sonia Janiszewski
Kevin Millar
Ann Moring
Peaceful By Nature Farm
Jeffrey Piestrak
Tony Preus
Amy Shapiro
Lauren Tonti
Rose Zonetti
Diane Albrecht
Greg Albrecht & Victoria Zeppelin
Connie Barnes
Susan Beaudoin
Elizabeth Bossong
Diane Crews
Ray Denniston
Nancy Eckstrom
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield
Jeffrey Piestrak
Charles and Mary Place
John and Linda Roush
Jack Salo
Linda Seeger
Doris Summerlee
Lauren Tonti
United HealthCare
United Health Services (UHS)