Formal Dress Days
Please note, now that the cold weather has returned, sweaters (and/or blazers for JH) will be required on formal dress days.
Red Ribbon Week October 21-25

Here are the themes for each day:
Monday- Wear RED!! (free dress)
Tuesday- "Let's Put A Cap on Drugs"
wear your favorite cap
(Wear uniform)
Wednesday-"Smarties Don't Do Drugs" WEAR FORMAL DRESS UNIFORM
Thursday-"Let's Team Up Against Drugs"
Wear your favorite team jersey (free dress)
Friday-"Drugs Make You Crazy"
CRAZY HAIR and CRAZY SOCKS (free dress)
School Picture Re-Take Day
Wednesday, October 23
If you would like your child's picture re-taken please send the original package back with your child to give the photographer. If your child missed the first picture day, he or she should take their picture on October 23.
FPA Cookie Dough Sales Begin! October 21-November 8

The Anaheim Hills campus invites you be part of our team supporting JDRF! We are looking for team members to walk with us on Sunday, November 3, 2014!
Who: Fairmont Faculty, staff, parents and students
What: 5K Walk
Where: UC Irvine Campus
When: November 3, 2013
Why: To support childhood diabetes research
This is a walk (not a run!)
EVERYONE needs to register online to participate or donate
Help the Anaheim Hills campus raise money by buying a "paper tennis shoe" for $1.00 before or after school October 18, 21, 22, 23 or stop by room 6.
If you have any questions contact Miss Johnson at or (714) 693-3812x1355
Technology Day - Mark Your Calendar!
On November 6 we will be hosting our Technology Day. Please join us to see how your child's teacher incorporates technology in their classroom. You are invited to observe the classroom during an educational morning lesson. (schedule to follow next week)

Halloween Parades and Costumes
Halloween Parade Schedule on Thursday, October 31:
Preschool 8:30am
JK-5th Grade 9:15am
As you begin planning your child's Halloween costume please keep the following reminders in mind:
- No scary masks
- No gory or bloody costumes/masks
- No weapons (swords, guns, knives, etc)
- No revealing costumes
- Please be aware of your child's comfort and ability to move around in their costume
Boxes of Love
Monday, October 14 to Friday, November 3
Fairmont Private School supports the Canning Hunger
efforts by asking you to fill a "Box of Love." This box will provide
a needy family with all makings of a holiday meal. This is also a great opportunity to have your child shop with you to help another less-fortunate family. can be a $25.00 Sponsor
Because of thousands of volunteers, donations of food, and bulk purchasing throughout the year, every $25.00 enables Canning Hunger to serve the equivalent of 3 families for the same amount you spend on one family. 100% of all financial donations are dedicated to the cost associated with the acquisition of food, packaging, transportation and delivery.