News & Announcements
CHOC Toy Drive
Friday, December 14
This wonderful event is sponsored by Fairmont Private School and the OC Harley Davidson Owners Club. On Friday, December 14 the Harleys will roar onto campus to the joy and delight of all our students. We love listening and watching all the motorcycles roll on in to pick up all of the generous toys all our students and parents have donated to the children who will be staying at CHOC over the holidays and the upcoming year. The patients of CHOC are so gratefully for our donations as they are confined to the hospital.
Donations are now being collected! All the toy donations must be new and unwrapped, a letter and "Wish List" from CHOC is attached. Thank you so very much for helping these children.
Our Thanksgiving Feast were a huge success, and it was so wonderful to see how happy our students were with their big plates of turkey and all the fixins!
Check out the Thanksgiving Pics on FLICKRPre-School Sing AlongThursday, December 6
Friday, December 7
The preschool will be performing the annual Holiday Sing Along on Thursday and Friday. The P3 (5 days) parents and P3 (2 days) parents are invited to watch the show on Thursday, December 6. The P3 (3 days) parents, P4 (5 days) parents and P4 (3 days) parents are invited to watch the show on Friday, December 7. The doors to the MPR will open at 8:30am.
Permanent Impressions Finger-Printing
Permanent Impressions will be here on Wednesday, December 5. They offer the most comprehensive Child Safety Packet available. All of the information for the expeditious and accurate identification of your child is organized, compiled, and formatted specifically for the Department of Justice and local authorities.
Tri-Way and DSL Sports
Here are the FLICKR links to the entire season of: