Hurricane Sandy Bake Sale! Over $1,220 was raised! This bake sale was a huge success! Thank you so very much to every parent who stayed up late baking yummy goodies for our bake sale. Thank you to every student that generously purchased and ate the yummy goodies! The Second Grade should be very proud of their amazing success! Thank you so very much to Tammy Peng, Sydney L.'s mom for spear-heading this effort. Preschool Marionette Show Our preschoolers loved watching the funny and entertaining Halloween puppet show recently. It was a wonderful, funny show with Mr. Funny Bones and flying pumpkins! Junior High Instrumental Program Fourth Grade Walk Through California Our Fourth Grade participated in a wonderful program recently. This curriculum based program aligns itself with what the Fourth Grade studies about the history of California. They love seeing everything they have learned come to life!
Towel Drive for the OC Animal Shelter
Kalista L. in fifth grade is collecting gently used towels for the animals of the Orange County Animal Shelter. She will have collection boxes in the front hallway of the school and in drive-up. The towel drive will be from November 26 to November 30! |
Feature Article 
Upcoming Fairmont Parent Activities
Holiday Scrip Program
FPA See's Candy Fundraiser
FPA Register Newspaper Offer
FPA Santa Train Mark your calendars! The Santa train is back. This evening truly is a wonderful holiday memory for children and parents! Come join us as we ride the train, drink delicious hot chocolate, eat cookies, and enjoy the holiday season for a moment!
Congratulations to the Tri-Way Basketball Team!
Austin K.
Julian M.
Brendan T.
Tommy L.
Aarnav S.
Sameet I.
Max L.
Michael U.
Jack R.
Nicholas G.
Andy C.
Kaden M.
Coach: Keegan Lewis
Congratulations to the DSL Boys Basketball Team!
Aaron S.
Rohun P.
Aidan A.
Khalil E.
Nishaan A.
Christopher M.
Mariano C.
Gregory M.
Ryan C.
Kyle P.
Pranav K.
Ameer T.
Brandon F.
Angel G.
Thomas L.
Coach: Keegan Lewis
2012 DSL Basketball Schedule
2012 Tri-Way Basketball Schedule
This Week On Our Blog... 
Dates to Know 
Tuesday, November 20
Thanksgiving Feasts!
Wednesday, November 21
Teacher In-Service NO SCHOOL
Thursday, November 22
Thanksgiving Break NO SCHOOL
Friday, November 23
Thanksgiving Break NO SCHOOL
Click here to view our calendar