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It's Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich
Thom plus logo  You need to know this... Donald Trump is setting up a cabinet of plutocrats.

As Quartz reports - the 17 people he's chosen for cabinet level positions so far have "...well over $9.5 billion in combined wealth... greater than that of the 43 million least wealthy American households combined - over one third of the 126 million households total in the US." This shouldn't surprise anyone - no matter how populist Trump sounded on the campaign trail.

Billionaires and millionaires are flocking to the Trump administration for one very simple reason: his policies are going to make them a whole lot richer.

For example - according to a report from the Center for Tax Justice that came out just before the election - the top 1 percent of Americans would take a full 44 percent of the tax cuts proposed in Trump's tax plan.

The bottom 20 percent - on the other hand - would see just 2 percent of the cuts.

This is socialism for the rich, or, as it's more popularly known as, Reaganomics -- and it's been the major driver of income inequality in America for the past 30 plus years.

If you compare historical top income tax rate over the course of twentieth century with a chart of income inequality in the United States over roughly the same time period, you'll see that the period with the highest taxes on the rich - the period between the Roosevelt and Reagan administrations - was also the period with the lowest levels of economic inequality.

You'll also notice that since marginal tax rates started to plummet during the Reagan years, income inequality has skyrocketed.

Even more striking, in the 35 years since Reagan took office and started cutting taxes on the rich, income levels for the top 1 percent have ballooned while income levels for everyone else have stayed pretty much flat.

This situation is only going to get worse under Donald Trump and his cabinet of plutocrats.

The new Gilded Age is upon us.

Unless we repudiate Reaganomics and put back in place the progressive tax system that worked so well between Roosevelt and Reagan, the rich will only get richer.


(What do you think? Tell us here.)
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The Big Picture (small)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 10:30pm... Lookout! Net Neutrality Is In Danger (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT or Free Speech TV, and catch past shows on Youtube)

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Big Picture Interview: Lookout! Net Neutrality Is In Danger
- Christopher J. Lewis, Public Knowledge  Twitter  Twitter

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- Eleanor Goldfield, Act Out!/  Twitter  Twitter - Sam Daley-Harris, Center for Citizen Empowerment and Transformation/RESULTS/Reclaiming Our Democracy  Twitter  Twitter

Big Picture Fact: The US Charging 200x the UK Price For Common Pill
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Monday's Daily Stack Daily Stack
Hour One: Will Trump Protect Social Security Or Give In to the Privatization Pushed By Paul Ryan?
Article: "Polar vortex" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Sophie Scholl" by Wikipedia (quotes).
Article: "13th Amendment", December 6, 1865. "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
Article: "14th Amendment, July 9, 1868 (citizenship, representatives, public debt)
Article: "15th Amendment" (right to vote), February 3, 1870
Article: "Death of Salvador Allende" by Wikipedia.
Article: "2004 Haitian coup d'�tat" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Murder of Seth Rich" (DNC).
Article: "Protests across Poland over media restrictions" by Neil Buckley, Evon Huber.
Article: "Poland's media protests mark bitter political stand-off" by Neil Buckley, Evon Huber.
Article: "Russia's ambassador to Turkey shot dead in Ankara" by Mehul Srivastava and Max Seddon.
Article: "Ineligibility Clause" (Emoluments Clause).
Article: "Waiting for the Barbarians" by Chris Hedges.
Case: "Buckley v. Valeo", 1976
Article: "New Deal" by Wikipedia.

Hour Two: Electoral College: Will the Slave States Continue to Control America?
Article: "Economic growth in the United States: A tale of two countries" by Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, Gabriel Zucman.
Article: "US social mobility gap continues to widen" by Lauren Leatherby.
Article: "Martin Shkreli" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Explaining 'Risk Corridors,' The Next Obamacare Issue" by Louise Radnofsky and Jennifer Corbett Dooren, Jan 22, 2014.
Article: "French court finds Christine Lagarde guilty of negligence" by Michael Stothard and Shawn Donnan.
Article: "Mylan CEO Faces Tough Questioning in Congressional EpiPen Hearing" by Jonathan D. Rockoff, Louise Radnofsky and Daniela Hernandez.
Article: "Giuseppe Zangara" (attempted assassination of FDR).
Article: "Roy Cohn" (Trump mentor).
Book: "None Dare Call It Treason" by John A. Stormer.
Letter: "to Edgar Newton Eisenhower, November 8, 1954" by Dwight Eisenhower. "Their number is negligible and they are stupid."
Talk Media News Segment:
- Victoria Jones Twitter
Site: Governor Free Don Siegelman  Twitter

Hour Three: Anything Goes Holiday
Article: "Congressional Apportionment Amendment" (Article the First).
Article: "Fairness Doctrine" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Polis" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Idiot" by Wikipedia.
Law: "Clean Air Act", 1963.
TV: "The Crown".
Article: "Great Smog of London" (1952).
Article: "Cuyahoga River Fire" by Michael Rotman.
Article: "Lake Erie" by Michael Rotman.
Audio Book: Death in the Pines: An Oakley Tyler Novel by Thom Hartmann.
Article: "Campaign Finance: United Kingdom" by Clare Feikert.
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