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The Weaponization of Hate
Thom plus logo  This is a particularly interesting week to be traveling across the French countryside, as news fills the papers and the airwaves of another assault weapon-of-war used in another mass shooting done by another frightened - and thus hate-filled - American.

The Europeans know well the wages of hate and fear. And it goes way back into the dim mists of history, well before the era of the names we all know so well from the 20th century.

"The Other" is the key.

Once a demagogue successfully turns a person, a group, a gender (or gender preference), a region, a nation, or a race into The Other, the consequences are terribly but consistently predictable.

The Other are, virtually by definition, less than fully human. They're not "us." They may be alive, they may be able to feel emotion, they may be able to communicate, but they're not Us.

Therefore, what we do to Them isn't as important or consequential as what we may do to Us. (See "slavery"; US history 101.)

And when this de-humanization is used by those with economic, religious, or political power (the lines between the three are often indistinguishable), it becomes weaponized.

It seems one of the most fatal flaws of the human race is that we keep forgetting this lesson - or that those elites lusting for wealth and power keep remembering and enthusiastically using it to rally their less-powerful, less-fortunate peers.

Yesterday, Louise and I visited a castle here in Brittany where Joan of Arc helped plan a history-changing battle against an Other of that day. Slaughter and looting ensued, and one group of elites ended up ceding power and land to another.

And while all the details of the elites and they're fantastic lives are on display, both in the castle and in any history book, what is almost entirely missing from the narrative is how the use of wealth, religion, and ancestry to "other-ize" the defeated people impacted the lives of what the Bernie Sanders' of that era would have called the "ordinary working people."

While the elites marched into the history books, the "little people" were subject to rape, pillage, torture, murder, and a shift from the service of one elite group to another.

It's a story you can find in the Bible over and over again (read the Book of Joshua for some particularly startling accounts of this phenomenon). The Epic of Gilgamesh tells the same story from millennia before Joshua. Every war in every part of the world in the 65 years of my lifetime tells the same story.

And so you'd think that people like Mitch McConnell would realize how powerful and dangerous it is to, as one of my elderly German friends once said, "Gently look the other way."

Instead, so far, like so many of his mostly-Republican colleagues and much of the right-wing media, McConnell has so far refused to even acknowledge the role the systematic and even organized (both by Party and by religion) other-ization of LGBT people played in the Orlando gay nightclub massacre.

Read more here.

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Big Picture Rumble:
- Gianno Caldwell, Caldwell Strategic Consulting  Twitter
- Bridget Todd, Political Strategist  Twitter
- Brian Darling, Conservative Review  Twitter

Best of the Rest: How Do We Fix Our Broken Primary System?
- Karen Hobert Flynn, Common Cause  Twitter  Twitter

Daily Take: Baseball With No Umpires? The GOP Thinks So....
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Wednesday's Daily Stack Daily Stack
Quote: "No two leaves are alike, and yet there is no antagonism between them or between the branches on which they grow." -- Mahatma Gandhi.
Hour One: How Community Can Heal Orlando... and Make America Better
- Sebastian Junger, Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging  Twitter
Book: Fire by Sebastian Junger.
Book: War by Sebastian Junger.
Article: "The Blitz" by Wikipedia.
Article: "1915 Avezzano earthquake" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Siege of Sarajevo" by Wikipedia.
Twitter: "#NotMeUs".
Article: "#FeelTheBern".

Hour Two: It's Dangerous To Be Gay, Transgender In America
- Tim Marcin, International Business Times  Twitter
Article: "2016 Orlando nightclub shooting" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Shooting of Trayvon Martin" by Wikipedia.
Video: Planet of the Apes (1968 Movie End Edit). "You Maniacs! You blew it up!"
Talk Media News Segment:
- Ellen Ratner, Bureau Chief Twitter
Article: "Democrats mount gun control filibuster" by Burgess Everett And Seung Min Kim.
Article: "Trump to meet with NRA on watch-list gun ban" by Justin Duckham.
Article: "White House Daily Briefing", June 15, 2016.
Article: "Obama to travel to Orlando" by Justin Duckham.
Site: Governor Free Don Siegelman  Twitter

Hour Three: Time for the FDA to End Ban on Gay Blood Donors
- Jessica Firger, Newsweek  Twitter  Twitter
Article: "Dylann Roof" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Al-Dhahabi" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Al-Kabair (The Major Sins)" by Al-Dhahabi.
Article: "The True Cost of Gun Violence in America" by Mark Follman, Julia Lurie, Jaeah Lee, James West.
Article: "2nd Amendment". A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Article: "It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis.
Book: "They Thought They Were Free" by Milton Mayer.
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