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Taking Care of Our Nation is Not "Free Stuff."
Thom plus logo  Using our tax dollars to pay for the things our country needs is not giving away "free stuff." But, that's the line we keep hearing in response to our push to expand social programs.

When we talk about things like free college, expanding Social Security, or expanding Medicare to cover all Americans, the typical Republican reply is that we simply can't afford such big ideas. But, those same people never bat an eyelash when we spend astronomical amounts on war, tax cuts, or corporate welfare.

According to recent article over at, expanding health care, investing in new public works programs, offering free college at public universities, and enacting paid family leave would cost our nation an estimated one and a half trillion dollars.

But, we could easily pay for such programs by eliminating the big government handouts to Wall Street, Big Oil, defense contractors, and other corporate welfare recipients. And, that doesn't even consider how much the progressive proposals mentioned earlier will stimulate our economy by putting more money in the pockets of Americans who will go out and spend.

Ever since the Reagan presidency, we've been told that government is the problem and that slashing taxes is the solution. Then, the rich and the powerful rigged the system to make sure that government is still large enough to hand out corporate welfare and that taxes only cut for those at the top.

The fact of the matter is that We, The People are the government, and we get to decide how to spend our tax dollars. We can either have a government that supports the billionaires, or we can have a government that works for average Americans.

The only "free stuff" we can't afford is the pile of conservative talking points designed to make us believe that we shouldn't want a government that works for us.


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The Big Picture (small)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 10pm... Is There a Link Between Talc and Ovarian Cancer? (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT or Free Speech TV, and catch past shows on Youtube)

Green World Rising Be sure to check out our newest video: RESTORATION - narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio & Thom Hartmann, directed by Leila Conners / Visit to check out all the videos: CARBON, LAST HOURS & GREEN WORLD RISING - narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio & Thom Hartmann, directed by Leila Conners

In for Thom tonight, please welcome America's Lawyer Mike Papantonio, Host-Ring of Fire

Need to Know: DNC vs. Bernie over the "E" Word
- Ed Schultz, The News With Ed Schultz/RT America  Twitter

Screwed: Is There a Link Between Talc and Ovarian Cancer?
- Wesley Bowden, Consumer Attorney.

Best of the Rest: Will Students Get Relief From Predatory For Profit Colleges?
- Sam Sacks, The District Sentinel  Twitter  Twitter

PLUS, The "Meaning" of Liberalism...
- Ruth Conniff, The Progressive Magazine  Twitter  Twitter

Daily Take: Bernie Sanders isn't George McGovern - Here's Proof
Order the new"Unequal Protection" now!
Thursday's Daily Stack Daily Stack
In for Thom today... Progressive Talkers Danielle & Shane-O.
Hour One: Could A Republican Be the Next Supreme?
Event: Minnesota Friday, Feb 26th, 2016 "Blue State Ball 2016!".
Article: "Hagel confirmed as U.S. defense secretary, bruised after political fight" by Halimah Abdullah, February 27, 2013.
Video: "New Covenant speech", October 23, 1991 by Bill Clinton.

Hour Two: How Much Does Justice Cost in America?
- Jackie Zubrzycki, Yes Magazine  Twitter
Article: "As Arrest Records Rise, Americans Find Consequences Can Last a Lifetime" by Gary Fields and John R. Emshwiller.
Article: "Black Lives Matter Activists Disrupt Bernie Sanders Speech" by Tanya Basu, Aug. 9, 2015.
John Kerry answers questions about Iran, plus superdelegates - how should he vote?
- Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL, 9th District)  Twitter
Article: "Representative Alan Grayson" by Congress.
Talk Media News Segment:
- Bob Ney Twitter
Article: "Ben Jealous argues for Bernie Sanders" by The Rachel Maddow Show.
Article: "Mitt Romney dog incident" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Donald Trump rejects 'Dope' Mitt Romney's ironic tax attack" by Stephen Collinson, Jeremy Diamond and Hasan Khan.
Article: "Sandoval withdraws from SCOTUS consideration" by Justin Duckham.
Article: "McConnell throws down the gauntlet: No Scalia replacement under Obama" by Burgess Everett And Glenn Thrush.
Article: "Iran arrests Baquer Namazi, father of imprisoned American businessman" by Ben Brumfield and Jennifer Rizzo.
Article: "The Shady Family Behind America's Iran Lobby" by "Alex Shirazi".
Site: Governor Free Don Siegelman  Twitter

Hour Three: Would THIS Be Happening In A White Community?
- Dan Mika, WhoWhatWhy  Twitter
Site: "Publix".
Site: FYI Nation.
Do you have all the info you need to vote for @BernieSanders? Find it here.
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Death in the Pines
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