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NY Judge says liberty should depend on money...
Thom plus logo  New York Chief Judge Jonathan Lippmann is refusing to wait on Congress to reform our broken bail system.

Last week, Judge Lippmann said, "Defendants who are unable to post bail serve a sentence before their cases are ever resolved." And, he added, "They do so regardless of innocence or guilt, and the harm that this injustice causes is intolerable."

That's why Judge Lippmann announced that he will use his legal authority to set up automatic bail reviews for everyone brought in for misdemeanor charges.

Although he can't change national policy, Judge Lippman's new guidelines will require all New York state judges reconsider bail amounts within 10 days, and he will urge them to consider affordable alternatives to high bail costs as well.

He said, "It is fundamentally unfair for a person's liberty to be all about how much money you have." And he is exactly right.

Our entire Justice System is biased against those who can't afford a strong defense, and Judge Lippman's policy is one strong step towards re-balancing the scales of justice.

Read more here.


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The Big Picture (small)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 10pm... McConnell & GOP...Coming For Your Social Security Again (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT or Free Speech TV, and catch past shows on Youtube)

Green World Rising Be sure to check out our newest video: RESTORATION - narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio & Thom Hartmann, directed by Leila Conners / Visit to check out all the videos: CARBON, LAST HOURS & GREEN WORLD RISING - narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio & Thom Hartmann, directed by Leila Conners

In for Thom tonight, please welcome Ari Rabin-Havt, The Agenda/SiriusXM Progress 127/The Benghazi Hoax  Twitter  Twitter

Big Picture Progressive Roundtable:
- Andrew Slack, The Harry Potter Alliance  Twitter  Twitter
- Medea Benjamin, Global Exchange/CODEPINK!  Twitter  Twitter  Twitter

Green report: Climate Change...Biggest Threat to our National Security
- Dr. Ben Strauss, Climate Central  Twitter  Twitter

Screwed: McConnell & GOP...Coming For Your Social Security Again
- Richard Eskow, Campaign for America's Future/The Zero Hour (radio)  Twitter  Twitter  Twitter
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 "Why Build the Green Party?"  
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Wednesday's Daily Stack Daily Stack
In for Thom today, Progressive Commentator Sam Sacks, Co-Founder - The District Sentinel News Co-op  Twitter  Twitter
Hour One: What Did You Take Away From the Democratic Debate?
- Thom Hartmann, The Thom Hartmann Program Twitter
Article: "Hillary Clinton Leans In, Embraces Role Of First Female President" by Laura Barron-Lopez, Ryan Grim.
Article: "Clinton crushes it" by Shane Goldmacher.
Article: "Hillary's Big, Big Night" by Josh Marshall.
Article: "Full Transcript: Democratic Presidential Debate" by The New York Times.
Article: "Debate Brings In Record Viewers For Democrats" by Nicholas Salazar.
Article: "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs" by Saul McLeod.
Speech: "A Rendezvous With Destiny", 27 June 1936 acceptance speech by Franklin D. Roosevelt. "An old English judge once said: "Necessitous men are not free men.""
Article: "Howard Dean on Hardball" by Felix Schein.
Article: "Howard Dean Scream" by Brad.

Hour Two: Why Is O.S.H.A. Leaving Whistleblowers In the Lurch?
- Shanna Devine, Government Accountability Project Twitter
Article: "OSHA Dismisses Majority of Whistleblower Cases Agency Investigates" by Vicky Nguyen, Liz Wagner and Felipe Escamilla.
Law: "Glass-Steagall Act", 1933.
Talk Radio News Segment:
- Victoria Jones Twitter
Article: "U.S. Armed Forces to be Deployed in Cameroon" by Brittany Gervais.
Article: "Iran ramps up troop deployment in Syria in run-up to 'anti-rebel offensive'" by Ian Black and Saeed Kamali Dehghan.
Site: Governor Free Don Siegelman.
Article: "TRNS News Notes- 10/13" by Victoria Jones.

Hour Three: Why Are Corporate Criminals Getting A Pass from the DOJ?
- David Sirota, International Business Times Twitter Twitter
Article: "Remarks at Techport Australia" by Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Article: "The POLITICO Wrongometer" by Michael Grunwald.
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Watch the Full "Big Picture" Show...

Full Show 10/13/15: Vegas is Berning
Full Show 10/13/15: Vegas is Berning

Tonight's Politics Panel discusses tonight's first Democratic debate, who will become the next Speaker of the House, and how Carson's craziness is working. And in tonight's Green Report Thom airs "Restoration," the last in a series of four climate change documentaries narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio.

What did you Take away from Last Night's Democratic Debate?
What did you Take away from Last Night's Democratic Debate?

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