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How much did "fast track" cost the corporate elite?
Thom plus logo  It cost corporations less than $18,000 bucks per vote to get "fast track" passed in the United States Senate.

According to a recent analysis by The Guardian Newspaper, corporate members of the US Business Coalition for TPP donated more than $1.1 million dollars to Senate campaigns in the first quarter of 2015. The average Democrat received about $9,700 dollars and the average Republican raked in almost $20,000.

Although last-minute donations may have increased the price of approval, it looks like corporations got a pretty good deal on fast track and the American people got a raw deal from our lawmakers.

For a measly ten or twenty thousand bucks, U.S. Senators were willing to give up their constitutionally mandated power to modify legislation and hand control of our nation over to their corporate masters.

According to what we know about this massive, secret trade deal, our laws and regulations could be on the chopping block for their impact on corporate profits, and our jobs and sovereignty will be gone as well.

And, don't forget that when those who've lost their jobs apply for help from the so-called Trade Adjustment Assistance program, they'll be receiving those funds our of money that should have gone to pay for Medicare. That's because of a last-minute change to the fast track legislation that took $700 million dollars from seniors' healthcare to pay for the inevitable effects of corporate greed and the TPP.

It seems like every time we turn around we learn about another reason that this trade deal is bad news for our nation. But, that hasn't stopped 65 U.S. Senators from doing the bidding of their corporate masters.

We can't stop pushing Congress to say "No" to the Trans Pacific Partnership, and we must hold accountable those who answer to corporations instead of We, The People.

We may not be able to stop corporations from donating to Congress, but we can stop their money from having any real effect. Let's keep up the fight against SHAFTA, and let's make sure that those who support it find themselves out of work in their next election.


(What do you think? Tell us here.)
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Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 10pm... The Coming Economic Crash...And What We Can Do About It - Dr. Richard Wolff (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT or Free Speech TV, and catch past shows on Youtube)
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The Coming Economic Crash...And What We Can Do About It
- Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work  Twitter

Thursday's Daily Stack Daily Stack
Hour One: How Do You Talk To FOX Addicts?
Article: "Assembly passes bill to create single-payer health plan" (New York) by Matthew Hamilton.
Article: "Ted Patrick" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Cruz to sign up for government health care" by Jennifer Jacobs.
Article: "Community Reinvestment Act" (Anti-redlining Act) (1977).
Speech: "Campaign dinner address of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (the Fala speech)", 9/23/1944 "According to that technique, you should never use a small falsehood; always a big one, for its very fantastic nature would make it more credible - if only you keep repeating it over and over and over again.".
Article: "TED talks".

Hour Two: Care For a Little Poison In your Food?
- Neil McCabe, Townhall/The Washington Mercury Twitter Twitter
Article: "Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement" (TPP) by EFF.
Article: "WTO Rejects U.S. Meat 'Origin' Labels" by Tennille Tracy.
Article: "Fort Bragg homes where infants died are declared safe" by Drew Brooks and Mike Hixenbaugh.
Article: "Report on the Subject of Manufactures" by Alexander Hamilton.
Article: "Ownership society" by Wikipedia.
Site: Snopes.
Site: Zero Hedge.
Book: "Rebooting the American Dream: 11 Ways to Rebuild Our Country" by Thom Hartmann (read online).
Talk Radio News Segment:
- Bob Ney Twitter
Article: "Rick Santorum runs for White House again" by Jeremy Diamond.
Article: "Ditch the Myth" by EPA.
Site: Governor Free Don Siegelman.
Article: "TRNS News Notes- 5/28" by Victoria Jones.
Article: "TRNS News Notes- 5/27" by Victoria Jones.

Hour Three: Who Stole the American Dream...and Can We Get It Back?
- Hedrick Smith, Who Stole the American Dream/Reclaiming The American Dream Twitter
Article: "What's Bugging Wall Street This Spring?" by Hedrick Smith.
Article: "Thatcherism" by Wikipedia.
Article: "UK miners' strike (1984-85)" by Wikipedia.
Book: "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson.
Book: "Unsafe at Any Speed" by Ralph Nader.
Case: "Buckley v. Valeo", 1976.
Article: "Los Angeles Lifts Its Minimum Wage to $15 Per Hour" by Jennifer Medina and Noam Scheibermay.
Article: "Republican Party Platform of 1956", August 20, 1956.
Law: "Glass-Steagall Act", 1933.
Article: "Fairness Doctrine" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Residents seek opposition to Citizens United" by Caitlin Andrews.
Article: "Raising the minimum wage without raising havoc" (SeaTac) by Dana Milbank.
Article: "Publicly funded elections" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Billionaire Lifts Marco Rubio, Politically and Personally" by Michael Barbaro and Steve Eder.
Article: "Profits Without Prosperity" by Harvard Business Review.
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