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Fast-Track Flouts the Constitution
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Elizabeth Warren isn't backing down one inch in her fight with President Obama over the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

On Saturday, just a few days after the President accused her of spreading "misinformation," about the TPP trade deal I like to call SHAFTA, the Massachusetts senator hit back hard in a letter to the White House.

While the Obama administration has, she pointed out, given 500 or so corporate lobbyists inside access to TPP negotiations, it has left the public completely in the dark.

In fact, as Warren went on to write, "It is currently illegal for the press, experts, advocates, or the general public to review the text of this agreement. And while... Members of Congress may 'walk over ... and read the text of the agreement' -- as we have done - [we] are prohibited by law from discussing the specifics of that text in public."

That's right - members of Congress, the elected representatives of "We the People" can't talk to the public about the biggest trade treaty in American history. And Warren isn't making this up, as the Obama administration would have you believe, just to score political points.

A few years ago, before the TPP even became the hot-button issue it is now, Oregon Congressman Peter DeFazio came on this show and talked about the kind of crazy hoops he had to jump through just to look at one of the more than 20 chapters in a draft version of the deal.

If you thought that was bad, though, here's the real kicker: if the Obama administration gets it way, Congress won't even get a chance to really debate the TPP before it becomes the law of the land.

That's because right now, with the full backing of the White House, the House and Senate are considering bills that would give President Obama "fast track" powers in regards to the TPP and all other trade deals from now until the end of his time in office - and for the first four years of the next president.

If Congress does give President Obama fast track power, our elected representatives wouldn't be allowed to make any amendments whatsoever to trade deals like the TPP. Instead, the treaty would be sent right to the floor where it would only have to pass a simple up-or-down vote after debate limited to 8 minutes per member.

This, to paraphrase Joe Biden, is a big f**ing deal
Read more here.

The Big Picture (small)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 10pm... Don't Underestimate Sen. Bernie Sanders! / Trade Treachery / Tom Hayden (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT or Free Speech TV, and catch past shows on Youtube)
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Need to Know: Don't Underestimate Sen. Bernie Sanders!
- America's Lawyer Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio Twitter Twitter
Free Speech TV
Thursday's Daily Stack Daily Stack
Hour One: It's official...Bernie Sanders for President!
Article: "Senator Bernie Sanders News Conference" (decision to seek the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016).
Article: "Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement" (TPP) by EFF.
Article: "Poll Of Likely 2016 Voters" by GBA Strategies on behalf of the Progressive Change Institute.
Site: Bernie 2016 Bernie Sanders Facebook Bernie Sanders Twitter
Article: "12/4/07: December Democratic Tracking Poll" by Public Policy Polling.
Article: "1/05/07: 2008 Democratic Primary" by Public Policy Polling.
Article: "The Jewel in the Crown (TV series)" by Wikipedia.
Quote: "In a Time of Universal Deceit - Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act" - attributed to George Orwell".

Hour Two: The Power of Protest Then and Now
- Margery Tabankin, Lessons of Vietnam Twitter
Event: May 1-2, Washington DC "Lessons of Vietnam".
Article: "Gulf of Tonkin Resolution" by Wikipedia.
Law: "Glass-Steagall Act", 1933.
Speech: "The Four Freedoms" by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 6 January, 1941.
Article: "Constitution of the United States" Article 1 section 8: ...To establish Post Offices and post Roads;...
Article: "Supreme Court Upholds Fundraising Restriction on Judicial Elections" by Brent Kendall and Jess Bravin.
Article: "Freddie Gray Surgery" by Snopes.
Article: "The Danger of American Fascism" by Henry A. Wallace.
Talk Radio News Segment:
- Victoria Jones Twitter
Article: "Six Senate Dems back new data breach bill" by Cory Bennett.
Article: "TRNS News Notes 4/30" by Victoria Jones.
Article: "TRNS News Notes- 4/29" by Victoria Jones.

Hour Three: TPP...Trade Treachery
- Congressman Alan Grayson, Trade Treachery Twitter
Video: No to 'Fast Track,' No to Trade Treachery (Rep. Alan Grayson).
Site: Free Trade? More Like Fake Trade (Trade Treachery).
Article: "The Buffett Plan for Reducing the Trade Deficit" by Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, Greg Hannsgen, Gennaro Zezza.
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