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For-Profit Insanity is Killing Americans
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Despite what you might hear on Fox So-Called News, Obamacare really is working. Uninsured rates are dropping, premiums are a lot lower than expected, and in the states that have expanded Medicaid, hundreds of thousands of working Americans now have access to free, I repeat, free healthcare.
Everywhere you look, there's good news to be found about healthcare reform. Even so, for-profit insurance companies and for-profit hospitals are still finding new ways to screw people over.
For example, since insurance companies are now banned from discriminating against people with pre-existing conditions, they're now trying to make money off sick people by charging them higher co-pays for drugs that they used to get for close to nothing. This practice has very real consequences for public health. As one expert told Talking Points Memo, "There's very strong evidence...that even a $1 difference in out-of-pocket expenditures changes Americans' behavior [regarding their use of medical services]." In other words, when drugs cost more, people don't buy them and therefore don't get healthy.
But making sick people pay more for their drugs isn't the only way the for-profit health industry is trying make a quick buck these days.
One other scam it's come up with is a practice called "drive-by doctoring," where patients are charged for services they didn't ask for and for doctors they didn't know they needed to see. Hospitals have gotten so good at "drive-by doctoring" that most patients don't even know it's happening to them.
Read more here.
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The Big Picture (small)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 10pm... The black ice threat to the arctic... (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT or Free Speech TV, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Green World Rising Be sure to check out our new videos: CARBON & LAST HOURS - both narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio
Get your tickets now - now for a special evening with Sami Yusuf (9/26 at 8pm) featuring music from Sami's new CD, The Centre - to benefit the Foundation for Traditional Studies - at The Strathmore in N. Bethesda, MD
Need to Know: How neoliberalism has destroyed the Middle East & America
Lone Liberal Rumble:
- Horace Cooper - National Center for Public Policy Research  Twitter
- Andrew Kloster, The Heritage Foundation  Twitter  Twitter
The Best of the Rest...
The black ice threat to the arctic...
- John Deans, Greenpeace USA Twitter Twitter Twitter
- Mary Sweeters, Greenpeace USA Twitter Twitter
PLUS, Finally...big business says ALEC lying about climate change
- Jane Carter, AFSCME Twitter Twitter
Daily Take: How the profit motive is killing Americans
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Wednesday's Daily Stack Daily Stack
Hour One: Why "homeland"?
Clip: "Dank Ihrer F�hrung wird Deutschland sein Ziel erreichen, Heimat zu sein. Heimat zu sein f�r alle Deutschen der Welt." Rudolph Hess, 1934 Nuremburg rally.
Book: "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler.
Article: "Chris Matthews Can't Go 'Homeland' Again" by Leslie Savan.
Article: "TPM Editor's Blog" by Josh Marshall, June 15, 2002.
Article: "Godwin's law" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Denver Area Students Walk Out Of School In Protest" by Colleen Slevin and P. Solomon Banda.
Article: "Cesar Chavez" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Slave Rebellions".
Article: "Ludlow Massacre", 1914 by Wikipedia.
Article: "Rosa Parks" by Wikipedia.
Article: "In Syria, Follow the Money to Find the Roots of the Revolt" by Majid Rafizadeh, 04.08.13.
Iranian singer
- Sami Yusuf on humanitarian work and music Twitter

Hour Two: GMOs are safe...REALLY?!
- Justin Danhof Esq., National Center for Public Policy Research Twitter
Article: "National Center 3, Food Police, 0" by National Center for Public Policy Research.
Book: "None Dare Call It Treason" by John A. Stormer.
PLUS, another war for America
- Congressman Jim McDermott (D-WA, 7th District)  Twitter
Book: "Nineteen Eighty-Four" by George Orwell.
Talk Radio News Segment:
- Bob Ney Twitter
Article: "French Hostage Beheaded By Algerian Militants" by Justin Duckham.
Site: Governor Free Don Siegelman.
Article: "TRNS News Notes- 9/24/14" by Victoria Jones.

Hour Three: Is it over for ALEC?
- Jane Carter, AFSCME Twitter Twitter
Article: "What's on ALEC's Agenda for its 40th Anniversary Meeting in Chicago?" by Brendan Fischer, August 07, 2013.
Article: "American Legislative Exchange Council" by SourceWatch.
The Clinton Global Initiative for climate week
- Secretary Rodney Slater, Former U.S. Secretary of Transportation under President Bill Clinton Twitter
Article: "Brown signs bill to urge more drivers into eco-friendly vehicles" by Melanie Mason, Patrick McGreevy.
Documentary: LAST HOURS - narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio.
Documentary: CARBON - narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio.
Article: "Pentagon May Request Troops On Ground In Iraq" by William McDonald.

Thursday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET 
I'll have a conversation on the top issues of the day with attorney Mike Papantonio, host of Ring of Fire Radio...
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Time for America to Dump 'Homeland'
Time for America to Dump "Homeland"

Iranian Singer Sami Yusuf - How to End World Hunger
Iranian Singer Sami Yusuf - How to End World Hunger

Politics Panel - Sunday Shows Goes Silent on 400,000 Marchers
Politics Panel - Sunday Shows Goes Silent on 400,000 Marchers

Politics Panel - We're at War & Congress is Silent....
Politics Panel - We're at War & Congress is Silent....

Eco-Hip Hop Artist Xiuhtezcatl Raps 'Be the Change'
Eco-Hip Hop Artist Xiuhtezcatl Raps "Be the Change"

Or watch the Full "Big Picture" Show...

Full Show 9/23/14: U.S. Begins Bombing Another Middle Eastern Country
Full Show 9/23/14: U.S. Begins Bombing Another Middle Eastern Country

Thom discusses today's UN Climate Change Summit with environmental activist and hip-hop artist Xiuhtezcatl Martinez and how to end world hunger with Singer/Songwriter Sami Yusuf. Tonight's "Politics Panel" discusses the bombing of Syria, how google is ditching ALEC over their stance on climate change and how the Sunday talk shows ignored New York's massive climate change march. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses why we need to stop using the term "homeland."

Another War for America...
Another War for America...

GMOs are Safe...Really?!
GMOs are Safe...Really?!

Caller: How do we Stop People from Using the Term 'Homeland'?
Caller: How do we Stop People from Using the Term "Homeland"?

Why 'Homeland'?
Why "Homeland"?

Are we better off with Obamacare?
Are we better off with Obamacare?
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