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Keystone would be way worse than we thought!
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We already know that the Keystone XL pipeline is a disaster waiting to happen. But, it turns out that the impact of that tar sands pipeline could be even worse than we thought. According to a new study by the Stockholm Environmental Institute, Keystone could add four times more carbon pollution to our atmosphere than the State Department originally estimated. explained that the State Department's Environmental Impact Statement only considered Keystone's effects on the US, as if oil consumption and carbon pollution somehow magically stops at our borders. The new report from Stockholm considered how the tar sands pipeline would reduce oil prices in the global market, and how those lower prices would effect oil consumption and pollution.
The authors wrote, "for every barrel of increased production, global oil consumption would increase 0.6 barrels [because of] the incremental decrease in global oil prices." Although the final approval of the Keystone XL has been delayed, building this toxic tar sands project shouldn't even be a possibility.
We should be investing in clean energy and green infrastructure, not enabling further destruction of our environment. From job creation to so-called "American Energy Independence," - every supposed benefit of the Keystone pipeline has been debunked. The only things we'll get from the tar sands pipeline are more pollution, more oil spills, more global warming, and more environmental disasters.
President Obama has all the evidence he could possibly need to reject this toxic pipeline, so there's no reason to delay. It's time for our nation to invest in a cleaner, greener future, and say "No" to Keystone XL once and for all.
(What do you think? Tell us here.)
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Lone Liberal Rumble:
- Sean Noble, American Encore  Twitter  Twitter
- Genevieve Wood, The Daily Signal, Heritage Foundation  Twitter  Twitter
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The Best of the Rest...
Militarization vs. community policing
- Ron Hampton, Institute of the Black World / National Black Police Association  Twitter
World Premiere..
- CARBON, narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio.
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 "Pot saps brainpower?"
  Posted by Dexterous.
 "Bernie busts some billionaires' balls"
  Posted by telliottmbamsc.
 "What Did You Learn In School Today?"
  Posted by The Poor Poet.
 "Why Do Christians Vote Republican?"
  Posted by The Poor Poet.
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Wednesday's Daily Stack Daily Stack
Hour One: Bin Laden calling out from his grave...
Article: "Bin Laden: Goal is to bankrupt U.S." by CNN, November 2, 2004.
Article: "How Ferguson exposes the racial bias in local elections" by Brian Schaffner, Wouter Van Erve and Ray LaRaja.
The good: Brandon Merriweather and the rest of the team: "NFL Players Just Took a Powerful Stand in Support of Ferguson" by Abdullah Saeed.
Article: "FBI Raids of Charter School Operators Jump" by Ruth Conniff.
Article: "14th Amendment, July 9, 1868

Hour Two: Militarization vs. community policing
- Neil McCabe, Guns and Patriots Newsletter Twitter
Video: Carbon.
Article: "Ferguson poll: Race gap on issues" by Kendall Breitman.
Law: Posse Comitatus Act (1878).
Article: "Sherman Antitrust Act", 1890.
Talk Radio News Segment:
- Luke Vargas Twitter
Article: "Liberia fights Ebola in capital, W. Africa toll tops 1,200" by Clair MacDougall and Stephanie Nebehay.
Site: Governor Free Don Siegelman.
Article: "TRNS News Notes- 8/20" by Victoria Jones.
Article: "TRNS News Notes- 8/19" by Victoria Jones.

Hour Three: Conservatives push out myth on immigration
- Bishop Council Nedd II, Project 21 Twitter Twitter
Article: "McConnell's plan to shut down Obama" by Manu Raju.
Econ News
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Bigger Picture Panel P1: MO...Police State?
Bigger Picture Panel P1: MO...Police State?

Bigger Picture Panel P2: MO...Police State?
Bigger Picture Panel P2: MO...Police State?

War Always Comes Home...
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Media ok in Iraq...but not Ferguson, MO?
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Or watch the Full "Big Picture" Show...

Full Show 8/19/14: How to Get Out of Iraq For Good
Full Show 8/19/14: How to Get Out of Iraq For Good

Tonight's "Politics Panel" talks the latest from Ferguson, MO, how people are smearing Michael Brown and whether Rick Perry's mug shot will end his presidential ambitions. Thom discusses how to get out of Iraq with Author & Activist Tom Hayden and how Honduras children have been killed after being deported from the U.S. with Mary Small of the Jesuit Refugee Service USA. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses how we need to stop the culture of poverty and violence in America to protect future generations

How Should we Respond to ISIS?
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Bin Laden calling out from his grave...
Bin Laden calling out from his grave...

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Caller: Why Don't Voters Change the Government in Ferguson?
Caller: Why Don't Voters Change the Government in Ferguson?
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