
Thoughts on the Parasha and Recovery 
R' Twerski's special weekly message for the GYE Community
Email #8- Parshas Netzavim
Sept. 19, 2014 ~ 24th of Elul 5774


 Just for Today...   


"You are standing here  today, before Hashem...the covenant which Hashem seal with you today...but with whoever is here today,  and with whoever is not here with us today" (Deuteronomy 29:1-14)


The repetition of "today" is unnecessary for the context of Moses' message. It adds nothing to the meaning of the message. It can only be that Moses is stressing that fulfillment of the covenant with Hashem can be only if one focuses on just today, one day at a time.


True commitment to a Torah life is a formidable challenge. It is best approached by taking it one day at a time.


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