Did you know? In 1934, the Inland Empire Waterways Association was established in Walla Walla, led by Herbert G. West. West, a former salesman, worked tirelessly to ensure that navigation locks would be included in the construction of Bonneville Dam, creating an "open river" all the way to Lewiston, Idaho.
Elliot Mainzer named BPA Administrator
The Department of Energy has appointed Elliot Mainzer as the Administrator of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). Mainzer has worked in the energy industry for more than 16 years, and has been BPA's acting administrator for the last 10 months. In his career, Mainzer has led BPA's strategic planning and asset management programs, and provided policy direction for BPA's work on renewable resource integration and technology innovation. He has also provided leadership and coordination of significant regional initiatives, including the Northwest Wind Integration Action Plan in 2007, the Northwest Power Pool Members' Market Assessment and Coordination Initiative and, as Acting Administrator, served as Chair of the U.S. Entity for the Columbia River Treaty.
For more information, click here.
Sheryl Carrubba appointed new NWD Navigation Program Manager
Sheryl Carrubba has been named the new Navigation Program Manager for the Northwestern Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Sheryl, who has been with the Corps for 28 years, is the former Operations Project Manager for Channels and Harbors at the Portland District of Corps. She has a great reputation among the navigation community and has been a valuable partner to PNWA over the years. We congratulate Sheryl on her position and look forward to working with her in this new role!
New report highlights views on salmon recovery
NOAA Fisheries has sponsored a survey to gauge regional attitudes regarding salmon recovery. The results have been released in a report that summarizes more than 200 interviews which were conducted with local tribes, conservation groups, scientists, politicians, fishing groups, and utilities. PNWA staff and members were among those interviewed as part of the effort. The project was a collaboration between the Oregon Consensus Program at Portland State University, the William D. Ruckelshaus Center at the University of Washington, and a team of assessment experts from Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.
Society of American Military Engineers Symposium November 3-6
The American Society of Military Engineers (SAME) will be holding their 2014 NW/SW Joint Engineer Training Symposium in Portland, OR on November 3-6. The program will include a field trip and tour of Bonneville Dam, and cover several topics of interest to PNWA members, including Environmental Impact Statements and Infrastructure Resilience for Earthquakes, Energy, Technology, Water Resources, and Project Delivery.
SAME is also seeking speakers on the subjects of EIS/Fish Passage, Wave Technology, Water Resources, Project Delivery, Trends in Procurement, Project Implementation Best Practices Program, Homeland Security-Emergency Preparedness, and Infrastructure Resilience for Earthquakes. If you are interested in participating as a speaker, please contact Matt Cutts.
For more information on the event and to register, please click here.
PNWA staffing transitions
PNWA staff member Natalie Whitlock will be transitioning into a new role in 2014, adding government relations support to her existing responsibilities of event planning and communications. Natalie will assist Kristin Meira and Heather Stebbings in their work advocating for our members' priority issues.
In addition, PNWA will be adding an additional part time administrative assistant. We will recruit for this position following our 2014 Mission to Washington.
Upcoming lock and dam tours
PNWA will be partnering with the Corps of Engineers again this year to offer tours of two Columbia Snake River projects during the Corps' annual March lock outage. These tours present a unique opportunity to view the lock gates and other important structures during a period when the locks are undergoing their annual inspection, maintenance, and repairs. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers staff will guide the tours and answer questions. The tour dates are as follows:
Tour of John Day Lock & Dam
Thursday, March 6th, 2014 10:00 am
Tour of Little Goose Lock & Dam
Tuesday, March 18th, 2014 1:00 pm
If you are interested in attending the tours, please contact Natalie Whitlock for more information. RSVP is required no later than February 20th, 2014.
Register today for PNWA's Regional Meetings and Mission to Washington!
PNWA's 2014 Mission to Washington is just around the corner! Please note the following important dates:
Taste the Northwest Reception - we need your support!
A highlight of our Mission to Washington, the Taste the Northwest reception is a chance for our members to interact with key leaders and showcase food and beverages from our region. We need your help to make this the best event yet! If you are able to donate local food items, please contact Natalie Whitlock as soon as possible.
Visit PNWA's website to register for these events, and contact Natalie Whitlock with any questions.