NOR'WESTER NEWSLETTER ISSUE #496                             Visit us on Facebook! Facebook


January 17, 2014

In This Issue:
FY2014 omnibus signed into law
New FCRPS BiOp released by federal agencies
Port of Garibaldi seeking a General Manager

FY2014 omnibus signed into law


Today, President Obama signed the FY2014 omnibus spending bill into law.  As previously reported, the Corps was funded robustly in the bill and in addition to direct project funding, received "additional funding" for the operations & maintenance (O&M), construction (CG) and general investigations (GI) accounts.  The Corps now has 45 days to develop a workplan outlining how these monies should be spent.  PNWA has already begun working with the Corps and our Congressional delegation to advocate for funding out of those additional pots.  We are hopeful that the MCR jetty rehab and Seattle Harbor deepening study "new starts", as well as our region's small, deep draft and inland projects, fare well in the final work plan.  For an overview of how PNWA supported projects were funded in the omnibus, click here, and for additional information please contact Heather Stebbings.   

New FCRPS BiOp released by federal agencies


In the midst of record returns for many of the Northwest's salmon runs, NOAA Fisheries has released the finalized 2014 Supplemental FCRPS BiOp


The dramatic increase in returns for several endangered fish species over the last ten years demonstrates the success of regional investments in fish passage, habitat, and other river improvements.  They contribute to "All-H" recovery steps already completed, underway and planned.  Northwest ports and navigation interests have always strongly supported robust salmon recovery efforts that preserve the multiple uses of the river system.  The updated FCRPS BiOp released today meets the requirements of the 2011 court remand, while continuing to deliver the authorized purposes of the dams.  The supplemental BiOp answers Judge Redden's specifics in his Order concluding his August 2011 Opinion.


Nor'wester readers will remember that in August 2011, the 2008/2010 Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) Biological Opinion (BiOp) was remanded.  NOAA Fisheries was directed to produce a new or supplemental BiOp for the period from 2014 to 2018, while simultaneously implementing the existing BiOp through 2013, including the Fish Accords with Northwest sovereign tribes. 


The remand period of 2011 to 2013 provided an opportunity for NOAA Fisheries and the various Accord parties to further develop and implement their proposed habitat mitigation measures, and time to study whether these habitat improvement measures are likely to produce the predicted benefits.  The new BiOp released today is the product of the best available science, as well as significant collaboration between the federal agencies, four states and sovereign Northwest tribes.  Highlights include the conclusion that the agencies' salmon recovery activities will be more beneficial than anticipated for 22 of the populations. The higher survival estimates for these populations provide additional assurance that the required survival benefits will be achieved.


PNWA manages the Inland Ports and Navigation Group (IPNG), a subset of PNWA members. IPNG is an intervenor in the BiOp lawsuit, supporting the work of the federal agencies.  PNWA and IPNG have commented extensively on the draft of the BiOp released last September, as well as the recent comprehensive evaluation and the draft implementation plan.  To view our comment letters, visit the Energy and Salmon page of our website.


PNWA and its membership look forward to supporting this significant federal effort to protect the iconic fish of the Northwest, while providing renewable hydropower, economical and efficient navigation, and valuable water supply for irrigated crops.  For more information about PNWA's engagement on the FCRPS BiOp, contact Kristin Meira.

Port of Garibaldi seeking a General Manager


The Port of Garibaldi is seeking a General Manager and applications will be accepted until March 7th, 2014. Please click here to view the job posting and contact Jennie Messmer with any questions.