NOR'WESTER NEWSLETTER ISSUE #481                                                                             

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October 15, 2013

In This Issue:
Corps Regulatory Offices close due to government shutdown

Corps Regulatory Offices close due to government shutdown


Beginning today, all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory offices will close due to the federal government shutdown and resulting lack of FY2014 funds. At this time, the Corps will not be able to evaluate individual permit applications, regional general permit authorizations, or requests for jurisdictional determinations. Once the government shutdown ends, and the Corps receives FY2014 funds, they will reopen regulatory offices and resume permit reviews.    

NWS is not performing any condition surveys, but only pre and post dredge surveys on an as needed basis to support dredging activities. 


As the shutdown continues, PNWA continues to talk with our Corps colleagues to better understand the impacts of the shutdown. At this time, lock operations on the Columbia Snake River System remain functional, and dredging contracts awarded prior to the shutdown continue to move forward. We will alert the membership to any additional impacts as we receive them.


If you are experiencing impacts at your port or organization, please be sure to let us know so that we can track impacts to our broader membership. Contact Heather Stebbings with additional questions or for more information.