EPA to provide informational webinars on DERA national competition May 13th and 14th
EPA will be holding an informational webinar to provide a detailed overview of the RFP process for the 2013 DERA grants. This is a competitive grant program that provides funding for projects to reduce emissions from existing diesel engines. For more information on the DERA National Competition, click here.
Details on the webinar are as follows:
Dates & Time: Monday, May 13, repeated Tuesday, May 14; 2-4 p.m. EDT
Webinar Link: https://epa.connectsolutions.com/dera2013rfp
Dial up number: 866-299-3188 Call in code: 343-9147
Contact: E-mail: Faye Swift (swift.faye@epa.gov) at 202-343-9147