FY2013 Continuing Resolution signed by President Obama
This week, President Obama signed a Continuing Resolution (CR) which will fund the government through September 30th. Approval of the CR ensures that the federal agencies receive funding for the next 6 months, although at reduced levels to what we saw in the FY2013 budget and the House and Senate bills.
In the CR, the Army Corps of Engineers will be funded at FY2012 levels and is subject to a 5% cut for the year (approximately $250 million). There will be reductions across all of the agency's accounts, including operations & maintenance (O&M). The Corps will now develop a work plan, and project-specific funding for navigation infrastructure will not be known until this work plan is approved by ASA Darcy's office and OMB. It has been reported that this process could take up to 45 days to complete.
Additional items of interest in the CR include a 2% cut to the Port Security Grant Program's current funding level of $97.5M, a 5% cut from the TIGER Grant program's current level of $500M, and cuts to EPA's Superfund program. It should also be noted that most transportation programs were funded at levels supported in the most recent surface transportation bill, MAP-21.
PNWA staff will continue to monitor the work plan process and to advocate for the highest level of funding for our navigation projects. For a full list of our supported projects, click here. If you have questions, please contact Heather Stebbings.